The Starjumper Chronicle – Ch 10 (SciFi, OC, Firefly, River, Teen, Rough Sex)

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**Alright, onto the chapter :)**

[(Previous Chapter)]( Chapter 9 is another story-heavy chapter.

**Chapter Start**

Kiiran was hard at work training aboard his ship the Qonavis. After arriving back to his home time and galaxy he knew that the end of the road was approaching, and he had to prepare for it. The Hunters had not attacked them yet, but he could feel it coming as clearly as his new neural connection with his ship allowed him to feel the thrum of its reactors keeping the engines and weapons ready. So now every day he spent a large portion of his time training. He sparred, ran a course that stretched the length of the ship, did pushups, sit-ups, lifts and then more running and sparring. His blaster prowess had always been above average but now he felt that he was quicker than ever before.

Within two weeks of the hard-hitting regime the normally lean Starjumper was brimming with muscles and was a bit meatier as well. The change was generally well received amongst his female companions, even the newest additions like Gamora and River. At the start of the third week back home he found himself training with the somewhat wide-eyed black-haired girl. River may have occasionally looked like she was strung out but with a bowstaff in hand and tight-fitting workout clothes covering her body she looked every bit an experienced warrior, especially when she dropped into a combat stance.

Kiiran had quickly found out that she was skilled and quite fast by the point where they were about an hour in, she had knocked Kiiran on his ass four times. Each time she helped him up and they began again. Kiiran to his own credit felt that each time he lasted a bit longer but each time he lost his footing or was tripped up by one of her surprisingly swift and powerful strokes it seemed to feel like the same amount of pain each time he hit the mats.

“You fall harder than rain on a monsoon planet. Starjumper doesn’t seem to fit you so much as Starfaller.” River said with a cheerful chuckle as she danced around him after sending him crashing down again. the young woman always spoke with a whimsical tune when she beat him and it was almost cute enough not to irritate him constantly, almost. As he rose up the Starjumper lunged forward again with his weapon. He brought the tip of the staff down from shoulder to legs but River quickly back-stepped and managed to block the shaft aside. She suddenly moved into a swift spin blocking Kiiran’s follow up attack before she snapped out her leg to hit him again.

This time her strike just barely grazed his chest but still managed to push Kiiran off balance as he was extending to hit her. As he started to fall back, he diverted his own weapon down to the ground and yanked out River’s leg from under her. The two landed on their backs nearly in tandem. Kiiran struggled to gather up his strength and calm his breathing after getting the wind knocked out of his lungs once again. Slowly he turned his head towards River.

“Where did you learn to fight like that? The swiftness and brutality of your strikes is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Who taught you?” Kiiran asked in between labored breathing as he gazed at the long-haired girl. Her smiling face turned a bit sour as she looked back at him before looking up at the ceiling of the well-furnished training room. The expression on her face now seemed completely opposite of the wide-eyed awestruck look she had exhibited when Kiiran took her and Gamora on a complete tour of the ship and its many rooms. By the sight of her face Kiiran figured he had scratched the surface of something that troubled the normally carefree girl.

“It is a long story. And a sad one at that. I prefer warm songs and things that make me happy. I’ve noticed that you seem to really enjoy our training sessions. That makes me happy.” River said as she turned her body onto her side and gazed across the mat. Kiiran cocked a brow at the young space warrior and couldn’t help but look down at her perky breasts, barely kept in check by the tight work clothes she wore.

“I enjoy our training sessions as well. Not sure that I have time for much else these days.” Kiiran said as he himself looked up at the ceiling as he thought about the battle to come. River’s spunky smirk returned before she suddenly rolled across the gap between them and then swiftly clambered on top of Kiiran in the span of a few seconds. Kiiran looked up at her and had to smile up at the lithe girl suddenly settle on top of his lap. River proceeded to place both of her hands to the side of his head before she looked down at him. “I’ve been thinking Starjumper that it has been a long time since anyone trusted me as you do. You’ve placed a tremendous amount of faith in me. I think I should repay that trust.” she said as she gently rubbed her lower body up and down over Kiiran’s pelvis as her dark eyes looked down at him.

The Starjumper smiled despite the small amount of hesitation flowing through him. River was still new and seemed so different from any of the other girls. But as she continued moving up and down, he found his hands reaching up and caressing her shoulder and her waist as she continued her gentle motions on top of his body. “Well in a way you did help save my life. Beyond that you agreed to help us, hell you practically swore yourself to helping me. It would have been foolish to turn away as fierce a warrior as you.”

“Good answer, Starjumper.” River said as her eyes watched him for a moment before she leaned down and kissed his lips as one of her hands reached up from the ground and gently scratched across the chest of his work clothes. As her hands moved quickly across his chest a small purr emanates from her throat before her fingers start tugging up Kiiran’s shirt. The Starjumper’s hardened muscles are revealed below before River completely removes the shirt before she starts moving her hips with a bit more speed and vigor when she starts feeling his hard cock start poking up against her body as she continued. The young woman moaned out again and shook her head slightly as her eyes closed before they open up again. She smiles gently when she finds Kiiran’s hands tugging up her own shirt right before he presses his hungry lips against her breasts. She wasn’t as busty as some of the rest of his companions, but her breasts were perfectly positioned to be groped and bit by the Starjumper as she continued grinding on his body. With her nipple in his mouth Kiiran let out a bit of a growl before he felt River pulling off of his body.

In actuality she was only shifting back slightly so that she could reach his cock. Expertly she tugged down his pants line and then shifted forward once again so that her bare breasts were within his reach again. She pressed her body snuggly against his and mewled like a horny young teenager as she started rubbing her pussy up against his thick firm shaft. It didn’t take long till she started feeling his warm precum leaking out of his cock and against her tight pussy lips. With a slight shift River grabbed a hold of Kiiran’s cock while she kissed his lips. As the two met each other at the top of their bodies their lower ends began connecting as well and soon enough Kiiran could feel his hard tip pushing inside of River’s wet outer petals. The young woman instantly moaned out as Kiiran penetrated her sex, but she didn’t let that slow her down. Instantly she was bobbing her cute little ass forward and back and spearing herself on the Starjumper’s cock as her arms rested to the sides of his form. Kiiran’s arms reached up and caressed her shoulders and massaged her breasts but he didn’t let River do all the work. Soon enough he started thrusting his body hard against her own so that every time she moved back, he moved forward so that the two were constantly colliding in the most orgasmic way.

As the two rutted together on the mats their bodies became even more sweaty as they moaned in growled in rapturous pleasure. The two fucked like rabbits for half an hour until River started to cum once again with her legs locked back towards her head as Kiiran kept most of his body set above her. The only parts that moved on the Starjumper were his hips as he constantly pounded away at the girl’s tight pussy and when she started to cum it felt as if a door had been opened out into space. He felt immediately locked in and of course he had no problem pushing on further as he leaned his body down and pushed his cock in as deep as he could go. As River moaned out Kiiran kept her hands from searching out the mats or anything to grab on as he claimed her body with his cock and his cum. The dark-haired girl quivered and then thrashed as her entire body was rocked by the brilliant orgasm and the feeling of being filled out so perfectly by the Starjumper. As the two hung their River’s face turned from one of sexual satisfaction to a confident grin.

“Mmmrmm… I’ve never had such a good feeling from a training session. If we survive the next few days, I’d very much like to have another. But for now, you need to get off me. Mara and Nova are coming around to practice their blade work and they’re definitely the jealous types.” River said with a grin and although she was still relatively new to his crew the Starjumper took her advice and quickly untangled himself. It turned out that River was right and after the two went their separate ways Kiiran almost ran into the blonde and redhead before he snuck off and made it back to his quarters for a nice warm shower.

Soon enough Kiiran left his chambers and stared walking down the steely walls of the main corridor on the ship. He wasn’t sure if it was what River had said or not, but he had made an important decision while soaking it up in the shower. He had decided that there had been enough running and it was time to activate the final countdown. After leaving the shower he had sent a message to IP informing him of his plan so that the droid could start preparing things. Soon enough however the floating globe body of his personal droid came floating up to his shoulder before it started flying as he walked the corridor.

“Are you sure this is the wisest course, Master?” IP asked at it bobbed close by to him as Kiiran passed River and Mara who were in conversation about various ways to strike at an opponent’s most crucial spots.

“It’s the only way I can think that gives us the best chance at getting through the storm alive and eliminating the threat. You’ve said it yourself that this ship is what the Hunters have coveted for millennia.” Kiiran said as he pressed the open panel of the bridge section of the Qonavis.

“Which is exactly why we shouldn’t be risking the ship as well. The Hunters are one of the deadliest organization in the galaxy. Their technology is only different than what we have aboard the Qonavis by how well the reactors withstand the train of interdimensional travel.

“So they’ll be a bit faster if we lose. So what?” Kiiran said as he settled into the plush comfortable captain’s chair and started powering up the communication systems.

“No Kiiran! So, what means the potential end of thousands of innocent lives! Why do you think that the Hunters don’t attack other large governmental bodies or civilizations?” LOCI suddenly chimed in. The other droid intelligence’s tone surprised Kiiran. The droid was more than loud he was agitated… enraged even.

“I always thought their strength was being sneaky and clandestine.” Kiiran said as he set the communications suite to broadcast a large enough signal so that everyone for thousands of lightyears would be able to hear the message.

“It is one of their attributes the reason to fear them isn’t their tactics or their weapons or their ships. It’s the fact that they have been locked into a process of seeking out this ship.” LOCI declared to the Starjumper.

“What? What do you mean IP?”

“The Hunters…. well let’s just say that they’re not just some random group of spacefarers looking to expand their technological prowess. They are actually the descendants of those that built the Qonavis and the Hunter ships. More specifically they are the descendants of slaves that the First Masters used for their labor. Some of them know how to manage and pilot the Hunter vessels true but none of them know how to replicate the technology that’s used in the engines. Any Hunter ships destroyed can never be replaced. “ LOCI enlightened Kiiran while a diagram of a hunter ship appeared aboard the console. The droid showed Kiiran the inner workings of the reactor that apparently each of the ships had in their hulls.

“That still doesn’t explain what you meant by saying that they are locked into the process of seeking out this ship IP. Why are they locked onto us?” Kiiran asked the two droids as he folded his arms across his chest.

“The technology of the First Masters extended far beyond ship building and the manipulation of time and space Master. They manipulated other things that one could argue should never be tampered with. One group of the best scholars managed to break the genetic code of the slaves. In effect they could rewrite the behavior of the slaves to make them more subservient and loyal.” LOCI told Kiiran, his tone sobering slightly from where it been before. Kiiran was surprised to feel that he could almost hear a bit of sadness in the droid’s tone.

“That’s… that’s horrible.” Kiiran said before he realized with horror that in his own ways, he had done the same thing to Mara and Nova. The thought made his stomach turn. Even though they had tried to kill him did that really give him the right to rework their minds and make them into his slaves? “What happened to the First Masters?”

“They were killed in the Great War. Some amongst the slaves, either by a genetic defect or by sheer will were able to not only withstand the genetic coding but to eventually convince others to join them in rebellion. The first target of the rebellion was to attack the facility that housed the genetic coding processes and their support systems. The Rebel leader used the same systems responsible for keeping the slaves loyal and subservient and turned them into fighters, focused entirely on destroying the Masters. The Masters were butchered to the last, women and children all. The Rebels never stopped till they were all dead. The few the rebels captured were some of the scientist responsible for the genetic experiments were kept alive only long enough to continue torturing for what had happened to them. But the Rebels didn’t stop with the Masters.” LOCI said and Kiiran noticed IP’s entire body turning downward slightly.

“Their rage and lust for vengeance could not be sated. They hungered for conquest and other targets for their rage. A great culling began. Any new children born inherited the same traits of their parents. The Qonavis became the flagship of a massive fleet of Hunter ships that set the galaxy on fire. Entire civilizations were burned root and stem, snuffed out because of the mistakes of sentiments they had never known or met. No one could stop them because with the technology of the Masters at their disposal-“

“No one ever truly had a chance…” Kiiran’s head lowered at the thought of so many people snuffed out because of a people who were genetically hellbent on revenge that was programmed into their bodies. “But the Hunters are after the Qonavis now. What happened?”

“The leader of the rebels, a brilliant man who didn’t want his legacy to be that of the man who killed all other life in the galaxy came up with a plan to stop the bloodshed. He was a great man, the ship’s first Master. True enough, he hated the Masters for what they had done to him but in his elder years he realized what ‘Justice’ had cost the galaxy. He took the Qonavis back to the facility that housed the genetic manipulation machines,”

The droid suddenly paused. Through his connection to the ship, Kiiran was surprised to feel something, a tremor in the programming. It almost felt like… sadness.

“The genetic machines were housed on the Old Master’s home planet. It was irradiated by the rebels during the first days of the purge. My Master was exposed to a fatal amount of radiation despite all the technology at his disposal. He broadcast to the Hunters that he was going use the machines to kill all of them by releasing a virus specifically tuned to hunt down their genetic code. As expected, their fleet arrived to stop him but at this point the Master revealed his deception. The machines had long ago been broken beyond repair; the defenses of the planet however were not beyond repair. Before escaping, the Master triggered a cataclysmic event, destroying the world and most of the Hunter fleet. But the Master was not done. To ensure that the cycle would be completely shattered, he used the Qonavis’ own machines to seed a new modification into the survivors.”

“He locked the survivors into hunting the Qonavis…” Kiiran guessed correctly.

“And killing any Hunters who were outside the range of the obliteration of our world. The process stopped the Hunters from killing off other civilizations but… at a terrible cost. Parents turned on children, brother turned against brother. Our Master carried the guilt of what he had done. He wanted to figure out some way to change the genetic tampering but with the Hunters following him left him routinely was occupied,”

The machine let out another long… silent pause. “His plan was not without its failings, but I believe that he set it this way so as some sort of penance. In the end he died and passed on his knowledge to a new Master, but he did not force his own duty upon him. He taught the new Master a secret command. A command which when entered into the ship’s system would turn off the emitter aboard the Qonavis that constantly sends out a signal to the surviving Hunters,”

‘If that beacon remains on, we’ll never be rid of the Hunters…’

LOCI continued. ”Almost all of the Masters since the first have used this command when the point comes for them to decide whether to finish the cycle once and for all or escape out into the stars. The time has come, Kiiran… You can use the code and live for the rest of your days as a completely free man with the power of the Qonavis at your disposal. It is time for you to make your choice, Kiiran.”


Thanks for reading. That’s the end of this story for now. If enough people like it, I might do more.

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