[FM] Farewell party of my job part 1

So i told you about my job that i had and i stayed there for about a month ( if you havent read it please read that first ) . Apart from my boss with whom i worked daily i did work with some other employees too and those employees referred some other employees to me too.

3 days before my departure i got an email about how good i am at my job and i should stay and there were a list of people mentioned who would be willing to vouch for me and even recommend me for a promotion. btw my boss didn’t know that i fooled around with other employees too.
I thanked all the people and turned that offer down. a day later i got another email saying they wanted to throw a party for me, i was eventually turned that down too without asking my master ( rookie mistake ) . My master later made me sent another email which was as follows, ill paraphrase it

” Dear All,
I really appreciate that you guys want to throw a farewell for me. I was with the boss so accidentally declined that ( i know that sounded lame but my master wrote the email not me ). but since you are so many (there were 9 in email but 11 came to party , P.s i have served at bigger parties but like i said my master wrote this ) i was thinking of splitting it into two parties. and it must be in the office itself.

Please can you all take care of the arrangements and divide yourself into two groups one on friday night and one on saturday ( only 10% staff used to come on saturday ). also please arrange for appetizers ,booze, desert and some party games aswell , lets make it a memorable one. ;D .


and i got a lot of replies in that email, most of them were cheering.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n6fre1/fm_farewell_party_of_my_job_part_1