[FFFFFM & MMMMFF] Group Masturbation for World Peace

[Welcome to the Meditation Centers of Roscoe Forthright](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome)

**Roscoe agreed to give Oneness2 a three-month trial**, before making any final decisions, before making any further business agreements with Anon.donor. ~~ The results were joyful and truly beyond Roscoe’s expectations. Sitting in his living room, in Port Angeles, Washington, Roscoe may now *lecture to* and *hold conversation with* many devotees at the same time. In smaller groups, the devotees can see and talk with each other. **For one event in mid-July 2020, 1043 people signed-in to hear Roscoe recite the complete** ***Forest Songs***, and make commentary about those seminal sacred texts. 897 people listened to the entire two-hour lecture. 238 people asked if they could send donations. Roscoe replied to those requests with a short video, saying “I truly appreciate your generosity, but we are in need of no money. Spend your money making yourself and your loved ones safe and happy. I accept no donations from anyone accept our benefactor, Anon.donor~ who continues to make Oneness2 possible, and provides that service to all of you.”

Hundreds of vibrant and enthusiastic sexual rituals now take place in many large and small towns in the U.S., Canada, and many countries of Europe, and remain the direct result of Roscoe’s evangelism on the platform of Oneness2. In some cases, an outsider might consider the online groups as online sex orgies, **with a girl in Toronto masturbating, while four boys in Kansas City masturbate, while other females and males in Chicago, Denver, San Luis Obispo, Flagstaff, San Antonio, Green Bay, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Boston, and Portland, Oregon also masturbate**, some of the girls using vibrators and dildos. An outsider might watch ten to fourteen people have orgasms simultaneously.

As there was never any money exchanged, and all persons involved were legally allowed to have sex with each other~ **government snoops could do little about these events, even when some very loud and politically powerful Christian fundamentalists complained.** The people who complained, of course, had never seen any of these events. They had only heard about them. Perhaps a son or daughter was caught participating in an event, and the parents were shocked, even when the son or daughter were old enough to make their own sexual choices.

The first problems occurred when Anon.donor’s internet software circumvented the restrictions of the governments of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Japan, South Korea and China, allowing young, cheerful Mideastern and Asian men and women to participate in Roscoe’s online multicultural, international masturbation sessions for world peace. **The fact remains, when a man in the U.S. masturbates with a woman in Iran, political tensions mean nothing at all. When a man in the U.S. comes with a girl in Afghanistan, he is not likely to want to blow up that girl or her family, or shoot bullets at her brothers and cousins.** After a man in Israel has had blissful, astonishing orgasms online, with a woman in Palestine, he really has no little motivation to blow up that girl or her family, or shoot bullets at her brothers and cousins.

**Nevertheless, government officials spent thousands of dollars attempting to shutdown Oneness2,** and arrest anyone using the device or participating in what the governments called, “socially disruptive online pornography.” No one, in any public office in democratic and socialist countries considered Roscoe’s sermons and rituals on Oneness2 to be a religious expression, and therefore protected by laws of religious freedom and religious equality. Group masturbation was simply too far from what any government leader could accept as a religious rite. **A few leaders in Sweden and Denmark commented, “This Oneness2 does seem to promote world peace.”**

As the popularity of Oneness2 continued to explode exponentially, governments became desperate, still unable to hack or block the complex codes and processes invented by Anon.donor. Unfortunately for the leaders of governments, the *stay-at-home* restrictions forced on entire populations **during Covid, resulted in millions of people now being comfortable at home, and comfortable having sex with people in distant places from the comfort of their own couches, chairs and beds.**

Many people *preferred* to have online sex, rather than dealing with the complications of messy, emotionally complicated *in-person* sex.

Oneness2 provides a spiritual option and a sexual option at the same time, for tens of thousands of men and women. The participants were not at all limited to young people. Many older men and women also enjoyed masturbating with the younger people, sometimes cloaking their screens, being shy to be seen by the other participants. A few people expressed concern about online sex predators, and **Roscoe said, “I am sorry you feel nervousness on that subject. But, truthfully, because of our protocols no-one knows where other people live or work or play, unless that information is shared privately. I expect grown-ups to be cautious about who they allow into their lives.** I assume no responsibility for that. If hundreds, or even thousands, of horny men or women join our sessions simply to masturbate anonymously, I welcome them! They have as much right to have satisfying orgasms as the rest of us, and I am glad to help them do so. They can watch us get off, as much as they wish to. Please remain calm. And be cautious about what personal details you present on your own view-screens.”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n5uh49/fffffm_mmmmff_group_masturbation_for_world_peace