That time my hippie friend cuddle-fucked me! [MF]

****Hey Reddit! It’s time for another story of my past. Thanks for all the love you’ve been giving me so far, it makes me want to keep writing.***

***Warning: this story contains a FEW references to a woman who is hairy. If that’s not your thing, don’t read it. It’s really not a big part of the story but it IS there***

*As usual, this is 100% true. I may have told it in a dramatic way, but it’s exactly as it happened*


“You need to get things off your mind for a while, and I want you to check out this new show I’ve been watching. We should hang out tonight.”

Sarah did have a point. It had been a rough week for me with my now-ex girlfriend breaking up with me on Wednesday. Now it was Saturday, and I was still feeling really down.

“Okay, come on over when you’re ready and we’ll drink beers and watch your show.”, I half-heartedly agreed. I liked Sarah, but I really wasn’t in the mood to watch some TV show she found. I guessed having some company would be better than being alone though.

Some background on Sarah. She is one of my longest time friends. I have known her since high school (she is a year younger than me), and at the time of this story we were both in our late 20s.

She’s also a hippie. Not a fashion hippie, a fully-committed, war-protestin’, psychedelic music-listenin’, hairy-armpitted hippie.

Her face is round and pretty, with full lips and dark eyes. She seldom wears any kind of makeup, so the beauty mark just above her upper lip stands out. She’s medium-height and average weight. She has very long, straight brown hair that falls almost to her waist.

Sarah also has big tits. Very big.. and she almost never wears a bra. Now, I’m not going to say I didn’t notice said tits (I wouldn’t be talking about them now if I didn’t), but her and I had pretty firmly friend-zoned each other very early on, so I didn’t give them a ton of thought… but still:

I CAN say that I definitely didn’t mind when she wore tank tops or dresses, and I confess that I had more than once tried to peek through an armhole and get a glimpse of more than a little bit of side-boob.

Anyway, on to the fun.

Sarah arrived at my apartment sometime after dark on this summer evening. She opened my front door without knocking, and swept in wearing a colorful ankle-length skirt, and a loose v-neck tank top. She had her long hair tied up in a loose bun. She was carrying a 6 pack of beer in one hand, a DVD case in the other, and had a joint tucked behind her ear.

She saw me sitting there on the sofa looking glum, and smiled at me radiantly.

“Aww man! You’re so sad! C’mere!”, she said. She put her stuff down and hopped on my lap facing me, wrapping her arms around me tightly.

Sarah’s arms engulfed me, and my brain instantly dumped oxytocin into my blood. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in tightly for a long hug. I put my head on her shoulder. I could feel her heartbeat and I could hear her breathing. I was instantly comforted.

After several seconds of hugging, the initial burst of dopamine began to wear off and I began to notice some other things. Like, I could feel her breasts against my chest. I also became aware that I could feel her bare legs on mine. I noticed that I was essentially positioned underneath Sarah’s skirt as she sat on my lap.

I was far from feeling super sexy at this time, but nonetheless my cock responded to all of these things and began to stiffen in my shorts.

Embarrassed, I shifted my weight away from her and Sarah hopped up off my lap. If she had noticed me getting turned on, she didn’t let on at all.

“So like, sorry about your girl and everything but right now we’re gonna forget about that shit and get fucked up, man!”, she said with a huge smile.

Sarah pulled the joint out from behind her ear and produced a lighter from somewhere on her person. She sparked it up and took a long draw off it while I cracked a beer for each of us….

Let’s move forward a bit. The next few hours are a haze of weed, beer, and bad TV.

At some point during the evening, Sarah had sidled up next to me on the sofa and laid her head on my shoulder while we watched the TV across the room. Nothing super unusual for us, as we’d been kind of cuddly with each other for years now. She was comforting me, and I appreciated it.

This went on for a few hours, and several episodes of some show I don’t even remember.

Just as one episode we were watching ended, I heard Sarah let out a little snore. She had fallen asleep all cuddled up to me. I looked at the clock: 2am.

It was sweet and cute that she was sleeping on me, but I wasn’t looking to get stuck here all night propping up my friend’s head.

I lightly tapped her shoulder and said “Sarah, wake up, it’s late!”

She let out a murmur and twisted against me, moving even closer. When she turned her body, her tank top didn’t move. To my pervy delight, the combination of a loose shirt and lack of bra had the effect of causing her left breast to come almost completely out of her shirt as she turned toward me. I could see the full length of a boob, and just barely the edge of a pink nipple sticking out.

I took a moment to appreciate what I was seeing, but I just filed it in the spank bank for later. Then I started trying to wake Sarah up again.

Eventually I was successful in getting her to come around. She straightened out her shirt and looked up at me with bloodshot, sleepy eyes.

“Hey, it’s getting petty late, I need to head to bed.”, I said.

“Okay, do you mind if I crash? I don’t think I could drive yet even if I wanted to, and I’m so sleepy!”, she replied.

“Yeah of course. You can have my bed if you want, I’ll just sleep here on the sofa,” I said.

Sarah stood up and stretched. “Don’t be silly, we can share a bed. We just cuddled for hours. No need to stay out here if you don’t want to.”

With that, she turned and headed to my bedroom. I followed her after turning off lights in the living room, and by the time I made it to the bedroom, Sarah was sitting on the edge of my bed with her skirt off, in just her tank top and a pair of colorful cotton panties.

I tried to play it cool, but my horny brain was taking over again. I felt my mouth fall open.

“What?”, Sarah said. “I never sleep in my clothes. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Maybe we should sleep separately after all..”

I snapped out of it quickly and responded: “No you’re right, it’s fine. I don’t suppose I’ll be sleeping in my clothes either.”

“Okay, it’s just our bodies anyway. No big deal. Damn man, that girl had you wound tight!”, she said as she leaned forward and removed her sandals, giving me a great cleavage view.

Feeling a bit hurt by the implication, I decided she was probably right. I needed to loosen up, and she was definitely right about it being just some skin. I grabbed my shirt and whipped it off, undid my belt, and let my shorts drop to the floor.

I was now standing in my boxers in front of one of my oldest friends. I expected to feel awkward but it was just… comfortable. I know I’m the one who’ll sound like a hippie now but I felt that Sarah just radiated an aura of calm and nurturing kindness.

As I stepped out of my pants and looked back up, Sarah did something I didn’t expect: She overwrote all my fantasies about what her breasts might look like! She grabbed her tank top and pulled it over her head, revealing her entire upper body. It was spectacular, and I was speechless.

Sarah whipped the shirt up and over her head. As her arms went up they revealed the small, soft tufts of light brown hair under them. I haven’t ever been too big on hairy girls, but in this moment it was so sexy to see. The hair wasn’t a forest, it was light and short but it was clearly there.

As the shirt went further up, and off her nipples, her heavy tits fell out. They were beautiful. Each was probably a handful and a half, each adorned with a half-dollar sized pink areola. They didn’t sag much, and they looked amazingly firm but soft.

Sarah stood with her shirt in hand for a split second, looking at me looking at her (I’m sure I was slack-jawed). Then, she launched the shirt at my head.

“Hah! See something you like or should I put it back on??”, she joked.

“Nope! It’s all good, just make yourself at home!”, I said. I’m pretty sure my voice cracked because she laughed again.

“Fine, I’m getting in your bed now. Come cuddle up to me. But no funny business!”, Sarah said.

With that, she turned and crawled into the bed and under the covers wearing just her panties and necklace.

As I hit the light switch, I had a devious idea come to me. It was summer. It was kind of hot to be cuddling up skin-on-skin.. and oh how I wanted the chance to do that with her! So, I switched on the ceiling fan and followed her into the bed.

As I slid in next to Sarah, she said “ohhh that’s chilly! Why did you turn that on?”

“I’m a hot sleeper.”, I said.

“Uh huh,” Sarah said skeptically, but she faced away from me, and backed her butt right up against me. Mission accomplished!

Now she was in a great position for me to spoon her, I took a deep breath and went for broke. I snaked my arm around her side, and directly up between her big tits. I didn’t grab, I just rested it there, feeling their weight around my hand.

Sarah sighed contentedly and pressed her body against me. She seemed to be happy where she was.

Meanwhile my heart was pounding, and my dick was starting to wake up. Not good, since I was pressed against her butt. I tried to think of anything other than the feel of her ass pressing against my rapidly stiffening dick.

I tried. Nothing came to me. I wanted to roll away so she didn’t think I was being a creep, but Sarah had brought her left arm up to her side and was trapping my left hand between her breasts.

I had been hoping she’d fall asleep soon, so I wouldn’t have to explain myself, and I thought I might be getting my wish. I could hear her breathing pattern changing. She drew deeper breaths and started loosening her grip on my left hand, but then suddenly she gently, almost imperceptibly pushed my hand downward, directly on to her breast. She wrapped her hand around mine, and together we cupped her right breast.

Sarah let out a deep sigh of pleasure. There was no longer any doubt she was not only awake, but very much aware of what was happening. I immediately became rock hard against her.

We laid like that for a minute or so, with her hand holding mine against her right tit. Now I could feel her nipple stiffening in my palm, and I could feel her hips start to slowly move against me.

I decided to make a move. I was already very close to her neck, so I leaned in and kissed it lightly. At the same time I moved my hand down to her nipple and gave it a light tweak.

Sarah’s breaths immediately went ragged and shallow. She moaned and pushed her ass against my cock. There was no doubt she could feel how hard I was now.

I was so distracted by what I was feeling, I lost track of her left hand as it let go of mine.

Suddenly, a jolt pleasurable electricity shot through me. Sarah, still facing away from me, had reached back and grabbed ahold of my bare cock. Apparently, I had failed to realize had slipped out of the front hole of my boxers.

I moaned with pleasure. She pumped my cock a few times up and down. It was now completely rock solid.

I pulled my left hand back from her tits and slid it down to her hips. I found the waistband of her panties, and slid my hand inside. I could feel her soft, curly bush under my fingers as I moved toward her pussy. I found her warm, wet hole and ran a finger across it before dipping inside.

She was still pumping my cock, but when I found my target, she stopped and bucked hard against my hand. She thrust her hips forward, forcing my finger deeper inside her.

“Ohhh, that’s nice,” Sarah purred. “I want to make you feel good, now.”

Sarah let my throbbing dick go, and reached up and grabbed her panties and pulled them down to her thighs, removing my obstruction from behind.

I started to slide back away from her to get into a different position but Sarah stopped me.

“Just keep cuddling me.”, she whispered.

Sarah’s reached back and grabbed ahold of my rock hard member again, but this time she didn’t jerk it. She pointed it slightly up off the bed and held it there. Then, she scooted herself back into a little spoon position. While she did this, she used her hand to guide my cock inside her.

Her warm, wet pussy wrapped around my cock as Sarah pushed herself all the way against me. Then, she started rocking her hips forward and backwards. Slowly at first, and then more quickly as my cock worked deeper inside her.

I wrapped both arms around her and grabbed her delicious tits with both hands as I began meeting her rocking hips with my own thrusts.

I began to nibble on her ear, neck and shoulder while we fucked each other. We got in a good rhythm, and started to go hard enough that the bed started knocking on the wall as the room was filled with the sounds of our skin slapping together.

Sarah reached her hands up and guided my fingers to her nipples. They were rock hard and had now come down to half-inch points under my fingers. I twisted and tweaked them lightly while I nibbled her lower ear lobe.

“Ohhhhhh ohhh shhiittt!” My hippie friend moaned. “Keep going!”, “Ohh my goddd!!,” she swore and pressed herself back against me hard.

Sarah’s legs clamped together and her pussy contracted down on my cock so hard it pushed me out. Sarah rolled away, hips bucking and shuddering. “Shiitt!!”

As her orgasm receded, she rolled toward me and jumped in close to me. “This was supposed to be for YOU!”, she said.

“You planned this?”, I said with a grin.

“Planned the sex, not my orgasm. I want to make YOU feel good. But thank you for that.”

Sarah’s face came close to mine and I kissed her. Our tongues swirled with each other, and we didn’t break our kiss as Sarah straddled my hard cock.

Sarah reached down and grabbed it, and lowered her dripping pussy onto it.

“Lay still,” she said gently as she broke off our kiss.

She started working her hips up and down on my cock, raising herself up with each stroke. Taking me the full-length of my dick over and over again. She bounced on me, slapping her thighs against mine. It was athletic and impressive. I found myself thinking through a haze of pleasure that she must practice this.

Sarah put her hands on the bed on either side of my chest and raised herself up as she pumped my dick in and out of her dripping gash. I could feel that she was absolutely drenched and my cock was now, as well. She arched her back so her tits fell directly above my chest, finally giving me room to explore and play with them.

I began to pull her nipples into my mouth and suck and kiss them as she rode me.

“I want you to cum for me. Tell me when you’re close and I’ll make you feel good.”, Sarah said.

Her sloppy pussy and my hard dick were coming together over and over, and I was getting close. I wasn’t sure what she hand in mind, but I didn’t care. I buried my face in her tits and pumped away.

Another 30 seconds and I could feel the cum rising up from my balls as my orgasm neared.

“I’m going to cum soon,” I told her, and she moaned with pleasure.

“Mmm good! Cum for me!”

I could now feel my muscles tightening for a huge orgasm. It was coming soon!

Sarah slid herself down and off me, all the way down, and wrapped her tits around my cock. She held them tight around me and looked up at me. She started pumping her tits up and down on my well-lubricated cock over and over again.

I could see her working on my dick with those fantastic tits from where I lay. It felt so amazing, and she was going to make me blow a huge load all over them.

At that moment, Sarah stopped working her tits on me, reached up with her hand and grabbed my cock, pointed it at her tits and started stroking.

“Ohhh shiiiitttt here it comes!!” I grunted.

“Cum on my tits! Right now!”, she ordered.

“Fuckkk!,” I grunted, and absolutely unloaded on Sarah’s tits.

“Aahhh ahh ahhh” I grunted with each shot as cum splattered on her tits, nipples, chest and chin.


I’ve probably never had an orgasm as satisfying as that one. Got to fuck a friend I really loved, made her cum, and then got to paint the tits I’d been fantasizing about for years with a ton of jizz. It was truly amazing.

Sarah and I are still friends to this day, but we’re firmly back in the friend zone and nothing has happened since that night years ago. That’s fine with me, because this one experience was enough for years of jerk-off fantasies without the worry of things getting awkward.

I should really ask her if she ever thinks about that night…



  1. Don’t ask her it’ll ruin your friendship, just keep your memories

  2. You could simply thank her for the years of amazing memories from that one night. :)

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