[Where Is A Good Cult Leader To Go?](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlycreepy/comments/jfmnnm/where_is_a_good_cult_leader_to_go/)
The big problem with being the leader of an international sex cult is – finding a place to sit on the internet, with high traffic, a busy place to gain followers. Google filters always censor my commentaries, or delete my descriptive stories of girls *having their way* with me, and me *having my way* with them. As if we were time-warped back to 1952, when public sex references needed to be coded in allegorical language. Fuck them.
Fuck them all. I do not rely on Google algorithms to have a good time. I rely on conveniently located, cheerful and available human females. No algorithms are required to enjoy a willing human female.
for example:
[Three Females at a Beach House](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/449dddb11b19e7cacd/4-15-ambers-arabic-dance-mp4)
I know not everyone has a beach house or can rent a beach house, but you get the idea. Friendly females can be found in most places, and the beach house is not required. A cabin in Winnipeg, Manitoba is as good as a 5 million dollar cabin of the same size on the beach in Malibu, California. It is the willing, cheerful females that make the occasion worthwhile. Not the real estate.
for example:
[Amber Behind the Cottage in Washington State](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/799dddbf121ce6c0f0/forest-songs-mp4)
This was a pleasant sunny day in the Pacific Northwest, and the pretty girl with the large breasts, and eager moist vagina was happy to have my tongue inside her. And I was happy to have her come and come on my face. Truly, I am not bragging, I am just saying, much of the time, all a boy needs to do is ask politely. And some conveniently located human female will say, “Sure, Roscoe. That sounds fun to me. When should I show up? Can I bring my dog?”
In fact, Rosalee also enjoyed being licked behind my house. And Gina jacked me silly, in the pleasant sunshine. A local deer wandered by, and stood staring. As if it had never seen humans doing this sort of thing, and it was entirely confused. It wandered off to eat fresh clover, and lay down under the pine trees about the same time I was gushing cream onto Gina’s hard, ruddy-brown nipples.
Perhaps I can attract girls to my Art Camp. Give them some lessons in painting, drawing, music, dance and pottery. And I will teach each young woman the spiritual value of their own orgasms. And the spiritual value of my orgasms. Those are the lessons I enjoy most!
for example:
[ART CAMP with Roscoe Forthright](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/709ddcb11511e4c2f9/art-camp-part-one-mp4)
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n4pffi/mffff_sometimes_fffmmm_how_should_i_attract_sex
I find Google and Bing searches useless to attract followers, because NOBODY types in Search words **”international sex cult”**, or **”available sex cults”**, or **”fun sex cults for young women.”**
So SEO (the all-knowing Search Engine Optimization) is problematic. Perhaps, the larger problem is: **Many people do not use their imaginations.** Many people who might enjoy our videos, and our commentaries, and the in-person activities at our Lodges— **many people have no idea we exist**, and therefore enter no words into any search engine attempting to find people who do what we do. **It is entirely possible, very, very few people or organizations do what we do**, that is, combining spiritual growth, and social/sexual maturity with some nice, sweet friendly porn. And nice, sweet friendly in-person sexual fun.
It is all a matter of imagination. If a person does not imagine such things exist, if they have never heard of such things, if they cannot imagine such things being both fun and easily available– such people may never find [RoscoeForthright.com](https://RoscoeForthright.com). Oh well.