[MF] She said she’d never had an orgasm before, so what else could I [M] do? How a book led to me cheating on my then gf, and giving someone else what she needed.

*First time poster. Never written anything like this down before… love some feedback!*

Everyone knows dance is hot, Latin dance in particular. Bodies gyrating, sweat glistening off of your partner’s skin. So, I wanted to get involved. I’d never considered myself a good dancer, and I wanted to learn, so I started connecting with my university’s Latin dance club, who was in desperate need of more male dancers (using the word ‘dancer’ very loosely).

So, I joined! Upon getting up to speed, I found myself in lots of hot water… not just because I didn’t actually know how to dance. I found myself getting way too romantically involved with my partners. Of course, in hindsight, I should have known that there’s little to no chance I don’t end up getting viciously attracted to a beautiful woman who knows how to move… who has to move her fit and toned body all over me… just for the art, of course.

So Lara and I (we’ll call her Lara for the sake of this story) start dating. It moved fast, and we liked each other! Things were about as ‘good’ as they could be, and it was certainly convenient to enjoy practice with each other… and then enjoy each other even more right afterwards.

Now, you might be able to tell that I wasn’t exactly enamored with Lara. She was… fine. The relationship was easy. There were certainly no problems! However… I could never take my eyes off of the president of the club, a fiery, aggressive woman we’ll call Chanel. She was about 5’1”, 105 pounds soaking wet, and at least 30 lbs of that was in her ass. She had, no joke, the greatest ass I’ve still ever seen to this day. And fuckin’ hell, did she know how to use it. Also, considering she led the group, she would choreograph songs that I’m pretty sure were simply designed as an opportunity for her to let the audience know that she knew she had the best ass in the room, whichever room she was in. When I was dancing with Lara, I would get caught staring right at Chanel, and when we would switch partners, I would relish the opportunity to dance with Chanel. To further the intrigue, Chanel would always flirt with me, which would get me way too excited! I’m not sure if this will offend any readers, but she would always refer to me as ‘her white boy’, which wasn’t a false statement. To note, she was Black, which I will not lie added a bit to my intrigue with her. I had never been with a Black woman before, and mostly on account of her ridiculously sexy body, partially her fiery attitude, and to a small extent the novelty of her background… I couldn’t get her out of my head.

Seeing a lot of this flirting, Lara would frequently get quite jealous (which was warranted), and I would always assure her it was just in good fun, which it always seemed to be!

Now, we wouldn’t often see each other, Chanel and I, outside of the dance studio. Our schedules never really lined up, and our social circles outside of the club were pretty separate. But one day, my schedule was shifted a bit as I attended a traveling speaker series you might have heard of called “I <3 the female orgasm”. I attended, thinking I might learn how to give women more of them (I was relatively novice at the time. Aside from a few flings with terrible girlfriends in high school, I’d really only been with Lara and a couple of other women from college). Most of the lecture-like speech was more about celebrating the female orgasm, which was awesome. It was actually really cool, and I recommend it (basically, it’s pretty fucked up that youth sex ed actively avoids recognizing that women can have pleasure, avoiding talking about things like the clitoris or a G-spot, only focusing on reproduction, the uterus, and the fucking fallopian tubes lol). We should celebrate women having orgasms, the way men end up learning that cumming is like the best part of life.

So, after the hour long session, I bought the book. It’s a statement piece now in my bookshelf, as it’s just a white cover, with the big bold letters and a big heart that screams ‘orgasm’. I was walking back to my dorm (again, a different time than I normally would), and I bumped into Chanel. We chatted for a minute, and she saw the book (statement piece, right?), and asked what the hell that was? I explained how I went to the lecture, how I learned a bit about the female orgasm (fully recognizing that I was pumped about talking about orgasms with Chanel *drool*). She then casually let it drop that she’s never had an orgasm, unless she gave it to herself. I wanted to say, “okay, please, please, PLEASE, let me give you one.” But instead of sounding like a horn dog, and to not mess up our fun flirty relationship, I offered to let her borrow the book, adding that “sounds like you need this more than I do”. She accepted, and I made some other joking remark, and took off.

Fast forward a few months, and we’re nearing the end of the year. To add, this is my senior year (as well as Chanel’s. Lara is technically a year younger), and the various year-end celebrations are going on. Also, Lara and I are slowly drifting apart, as I’m graduating and leaving, while she’s going to stay there. I hadn’t even thought much about the prior note in the story, but I’m thinking about various loose ends I want to tie up before leaving, and I remember the “I Heart the Female Orgasm” book that I had loaned to Chanel. I shoot her a text:

Me: Hey! Do you still have that book I loaned you? You know, the one about the female orgasm lol?

Chanel: Yeah, actually. Do you need it back?

Me: Well, I’d like it back lol. Did you get to read it hah?

Chanel: Some, definitely not all. Why don’t you swing by to pick it up? I’m free.

So, I decide to go swing by her dorm, and I know it sounds dumb in hindsight, especially with you reading this story, but I actually just thought I was going to swing by her dorm, grab the book, and head out. I actually had plans later with Lara, and didn’t have a wayward thought in my mind.

When I arrive at Chanel’s dorm, I knock, and a few seconds later, she cracks the door open. The lights are mostly off, and her hair is wet, but all I see is her head. She says sorry, she just finished a shower, and she’s just in a towel. I make some sort of joke about how that’s more than she wears at dance practice, and she gives a ‘haha, very funny’ sarcastic sort of laugh, and asks if I want to come inside. Now, how in the hell could I say no?

So I come inside, and she turns on a lamp by her bed, so I can now see the beautiful skin of her shoulders, still slightly wet from the recent shower. Her hair is sexy, raw, natural, and while towels aren’t exactly form fitting… her ass cannot be denied.

She picks up the book, turning around, breaking my momentary trance, and says,

Chanel: “thanks for letting me borrow the book. I mean, I don’t know if I learned much, but it was nice to have around”

Me: “So… bit of an awkward question… but someone’s given you an orgasm by now, right?”

Chanel: “HA! Definitely not. I don’t know if people think I have an attitude or what, but it’s not like guys are lining up for me”

Me: “what? You’re fucking gorgeous. I’m positive there are literally hundreds of dude at this school alone that would kill to be in my position right now, just being near you in a towel”

Chanel: “oh stop. It’s not like you haven’t seen more of me in dance anyway”

Me: “I mean, we can both agree this is a little different…”

Chanel: “oh yeah, how so?”

Me: “there’s just one tiny piece of cloth separating your entire body from being completely free right now, and one little tug brings it all down to the floor!”

Chanel: “I don’t see you tugging though”

At this point, I think I finally realize that this is my chance. I’ve been thinking about Chanel for years, and I might never see her again after graduation in a couple weeks. I’m turned the hell on (definitely a raging hard on at this point), and my mind can only think of one thing: Chanel.

Me: “Trust me, I want to. But there’s something I want to do even more.”

Chanel: “oh yeah? What’s that?”

Me: “I want to give you your first orgasm.”

At that statement, I reach for her, I think probably to kiss her, or embrace her maybe? But instead, she immediately throws the towel down to the floor. I have no idea which fell further, the towel from her body, or my jaw from my face. I am absolutely dumbfounded, at a loss for words, just breathing her in. While I’m sure it was only a second or so pause, I am taking mental pictures of her perky tits (likely C-cup, but SO ALIVE, it’s amazing), her toned stomach, the way her freshly moistened skin is mocha-like and how it looks… sweet? I don’t know how else to describe it, but I just wanted to lick her, every inch of her, tasting her sweet skin, all over her body.

I then lunge for her, grabbing her head in my hands and kissing her, releasing all of the tension I had been holding onto for years watching her on the dance floor. Our embrace lasts longer than any salsa, bachata (which she was best at, as one would be with an ass like that) or merengue, and our tongues move together just as our bodies did in dance practice. Rolling over one another, in rhythm, performing different acts, but in an effort to create one piece of art. Reader, it was magical.

As the makeout session intensifies, my hands begin to wander from cradling her head and running my fingers through her still damp hair, down her backside. The only thought in my head is about how I just want to head straight for that dumptruck of an ass, but I take my time. I slowly circle my fingers down her shoulders, around her back, getting to the small of her back. Again, I’m so enamored with the situation, time stands still, so the likely minute or so I spend getting to the bottom of her back lasts for what seems like an hour to me.

Then finally, I grab that holy grail of an ass. It’s firm, it’s smooth, it’s bigger than my hands can even come close to cupping and I am in utter ecstasy, despite still being fully clothed!

At this point, Chanel sees that as a problem (with no objection from yours truly) and starts to take my shirt off over my head. Reader, please be aware that I’m a bit of a narcissist, and certainly a gym rat (7 days a week in the gym, I now compete in bodybuilding shows), so bear with me as I indulge myself. As my shirt is removed, Chanel breaks away from me to take in my meticulously sculpted upper body (I was in college, and didn’t yet realize the joy of leg day… don’t judge), and licks her lips in a way that seems too cliché, but gets me going. As much as I love to appreciate the beauty of the woman I’m with, I also really love flattery. A passing compliment from a pretty girl (or hell, some other jacked dude at the gym) is enough to stroke my ego for hours. So, Chanel, in all of her naked beauty drinking my six pack in, in the same way that I’m drinking in her shape and figure, has me over the moon. She then runs her fingers down my chest, across each of my abs, down to my waistline, and then tugs me back in closer to her.

So, I’m halfway undressed, and start kicking off my shoes, grabbing her and rolling her onto the bed. I kiss down her neck, down to her bare, bouncy as shit tits, and kiss all around her nipples. I then move to one of them, slowly circle my tongue around it, and then flick it with my tongue, hoping to get her a bit excited, which luckily works. She shudders a bit, and my hands begin to race all over her body. At this point, though, I’ve still not once touched her pussy, which I’m hoping at this point is beckoning for pleasure.

But before I can move to her nether regions, she begins to pull down my pants, again, without any objections from yours truly. She kicks me off of the bed, so I’m standing for her to pull my pants down around my ankles, when she gets on her knees. As I write this, this moment, with Chanel on her knees, inches from my rock hard manhood, I’m as hard as I was then. I will never forget this image, which I cherish greatly. She then takes me in her mouth, and begins to move up and down my shaft (pretty average size, likely due to my stature as a pretty short dude, about 5’6”, short kings wya?!?).

The ecstasy I feel intensifies, as one would imagine, and I quickly realize that considering how great this feels, and the thoughts in my head swirl, I need to be careful. This is years of pent up sexual frustration on the dance floor, countless times where I’ve thought of Chanel while balls deep in a different girl, the fact that I’m currently cheating on Lara, and the fact that I’m graduating and leaving in due time. If I’m not careful, I’m going to blow my load way too early here, and become yet another one of those dudes that was unable to give Chanel the orgasm she DEFINITELY deserves.

But, rather than admit that I’m about to look like a three pump chump, I smoothly push Chanel back as I step out of my pants (technically now finally as naked as she is), and explain:

Me: “Hold on there. Remember, this is about you”

Chanel: “Is it? I thought it might have been about us?”

Me: “I mean, I’m on board just as much as you are, but I think it’s about you *first*”, after which I wink.

So I then push her back on the bed, and begin to dance my fingers all around her waist, her upper thighs, slowly circling in towards the promised land of her completely bald (perhaps waxed?) pussy. I then take my fingers to my lips and lick them seductively, then very quickly go straight to fingering her vagina. I’m learning how the folds work, finding her tiny little clitoris which I tease, and tease, and tease. I move all around it, occasionally brushing my fingers up against it, all while continuing the lip-to-lip action that started off so hot. She breathes heavier each time her clit is grazed, and I feel like I’m probably doing okay. She’s also continuing to rub her hands all up and down my body, walking her fingers along my abs and chest, which she can tell turns me on.

I then begin to separate from her to go back to my pants and grab a condom, to which she clamors:

Chanel: “Whhhhhat are you doing?”

Me: “Grabbing a condom…”

Chanel: “Yeah, we’re not going to need that, get the fuck over here”

If I was already sporting the most massive erection I’d ever experienced, at this point my dick is shooting in front of me like Pinocchio’s nose after back to back lies. I jump on top of her, she licks her hand and grabs my girth, running her lathered hand up and down the shaft, and then I place the tip right at the edge of her practically flowing vagina. And then I dive right in. It’s moist, it squeezes back, and before too long, her pussy has engulfed all that I have to offer. As it reaches as far back as it can, she exclaims, “FUCK” which I echo resoundingly. I make gyrating motions with my hips, attempting to rock my hips as I do on the dance floor, and she pushes back in perfect unison (she’s a much better follower as a dancer than I am a leader).

After a few minutes of this missionary position, I pull her up, and we’re both sitting upright on the bed. I encourage her to get up, and I want to fuck her standing up. She leaps in approval, and jumps up into my arms. I catch her easily, and enter her from below, fucking her upward with each thrust (thanking myself for never skipping arm day, kicking myself for too frequently skipping leg day). I’m sweating, she’s sweating, we’re both panting, and then I lower her into a horizontal position, still with my dick deep inside her warmth, with my hands supporting her back. This position isn’t actually unlike a dance move we had recently performed, where she wraps her legs around the male’s waist, and then the man swings her ‘around the world’ style, with her head coming nearest the ground in the middle of the swing. So I swing her around a few times, realizing that it’s definitely harder to do with your dick inside of your partner than if you’re just moving to the beat of whatever Marc Anthony song we performed to. I then release her, dripping wet, standing there in all her nudity and I just breathe her in (taking more mental pictures).

I then ask her to do a little turn for me, with my goal being to see that ass a bit more, to which she obliges, and remarks that she knows I’ve always lusted after her perfectly huge bubble butt. I then smack her ass and lunge for it, kissing it repeatedly, and then I wrap my hand around her front and continue fingering her. I then lead her back to the bed, lay her down on the edge, and move to lick her sopping pussy. She asks if I’m sure, to which I say “abso-fucking-lutely”! Why the hell would I not be? She mentions that no one had ever gone down on her before, and I realize the reason she’s never had an orgasm is that she’s never been with a *lover*! She’d just been fucked before, by some dude trying to get his, and get out. I might actually be her first *partner*!

I let her know that I’m not just *going* to go down on her, but that I’m excited to! So I dive headfirst, cupping her ass cheeks in my hands as I lick her up and down her slit, finding her clit and making circle after circle after circle all around it. I then think to an article I’d read before (I don’t believe from the I <3 the Female Orgasm book lol) about how you should spell your name with your tongue while you’re eating a girl out, so I do that, and Chanel seems to LOVE that. So I stay at it, writing messages, essentially, about how long I’ve wanted to fuck her, and how much I’ve thought about fucking her while actually fucking someone else, about why I think she’s the physical embodiment of sexiness. I don’t know what all I wrote, but she begins to melt. Her body shudders and writhes, and I stay at it, making sure to savor every drop of her wetness on my face, and after she pushes me up out of her, I go right back to the lips on her face and our tongues resume the tango they had been dancing earlier.

Chanel: “holy fuck. That was amazing”

Me: “no no no. You’re amazing. I’m having so much fucking fun haha!”

Chanel: “I didn’t realize finishing with someone would be so… hot. I’m so, like, hot!”

Me: “Uhm, yeah, I see” *and I wink or make some other sly expression*

Chanel: “So are you going to fuck me more, or what?”

Me: “I thought you’d never ask.” Then I flip her over and pull her ass into the air, with her pussy gaping right at me. I smack her ass, first a little tap, then much harder, finishing by grabbing it, and say “I’ve always wanted to do that”

Chanel: “trust me, I know. Now why don’t you stick your dick in there and fuck it like you’ve always wanted to too”

So I start fucking like mad. I lean over her and grab her tits, I lean back and smack her ass, whatever it is, I’m fucking and fucking and fucking. This is perhaps the happiest moment of my life, or at least the most ecstatic, and it doesn’t last much longer. I let her know I’m about to cum, and she pulls forward, just as I pull out and bust some onto her perfect ass (now decorated for my personal viewing pleasure) and she flips over, where I unload the rest of my pent up cum all over her tits (which, I have to say were the surprise. I had known her ass would be to-die-for, but her tits… I wasn’t ready for how nice those were going to be).

I collapse next to her on the bed, and she runs her fingers across my abs again, slightly tickling me and asking, jokingly, if I’ve been working out. I’m still out of it, still mentally fucking the shit out of her, and then I come to, beginning to realize what all’s happened. She grabs the now relatively dry towel from the floor and cleans herself up, rolls on top of me and kisses me a bit more, then gets up:

Chanel: “well, that was fun” smiling radiantly

Me: “it was… necessary I believe. I mean, it’s a downright tragedy that was your first orgasm”

Chanel: “better late than never. Take your book, white boy.”

Me: “You sure you don’t need it anymore?”

Chanel: “No, I think I got what I really needed.”

So I throw my clothes back on, with her still completely naked. Because of the general ecstasy and her clothes still being off, I’ve still got a raging boner, so I do the classic uptuck, and go to leave. She gives me one more kiss, and says she’ll see me soon. I then exit her dorm, and about halfway back to mine, I stop and bask in the glory of what’s just occurred. Then my phone buzzes:

Lara: We still on for dinner?

Me: Yeah, just a little late from class. Heading back, gonna shower and then see you soon?

Lara: Shower? You didn’t work out earlier?

Me: I mean yeah, but I got busy and couldn’t shower earlier, so I wanted to now. I’ll swing by your place in an hour?

Lara: okay, see you soon *kissy face*

I sprint off back to my room to clean up, not knowing how to handle what could all come next. Lara and Chanel know each other (both dancers in the same club), but I don’t plan on being with Lara much longer. Why even go on the date? Do Lara and I fuck afterwards? Will I have the stamina to fuck again? I have no idea how to answer any of those questions, but all I really know is that this book, “I <3 the Female Orgasm” is now, by far and away, my favorite book of all time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n4bh24/mf_she_said_shed_never_had_an_orgasm_before_so