Triple Penetration & The Beach.

The smell of salt water, seagull poop, & body oil invades your nose. Your eyes recover from the sun’s engulfing rays – not one sunburn scars your person. You stand up, stretching your legs, but cannot see your desire. Gazing around the fourways & the cardinals you begin walking towards the only gathering insight – a Volley Ball net. 

The sun glares in your eyes but even it’s rays are incapable of keeping you from beholding what is before you. Legs upon legs & oiled bodies lusting & thrusting; grunts & moans breaking through the chatter the waves & seagulls share amongst themselves. Scores of men laying down in the towels – nude with their pricks at half mast, each of them bedecked in red lipstick smooches, all of them catching their breathe. Your stomach sinks as your pricks stands & bulks itself. Semen, vuvla, & sweat invade your senses. Your face grows hot as your muscles lose feeling.

 In the middle of the rows of men you notice your desire – lengthy pitch hair & eyelashes, dark olive flesh contrasted against the waves of white & black, turquoise nails & rose lips – amongst the three men engulfing her. One man’s hands graps her head as she holds tightly to his waist; one man lays thrusting below her holding onto her breasts as life support; one man thrust behind her digging his fingers into her belly. Each of the four of the fold into each other, lusting & thrusting, moaning & groaning, each four folding their sex towards each other as a simple onefold of lust. You shoot out ropes of seed at the sight of this. Muscles quivering & breathe sharp you march over to her possessed by the world about you.

The rhythmic thumping of your pulse matches the rhythmic thumping of men’s groins into your Desire. Foot step for foot step, pulse for pulse, thrust for thrust, the five of you all ejaculate onwards to the desire. Standing close your behold their presencing. The other volley ball players, having having emitted their rays of light upon your desired patch of earth, have each spread out their separate ways. Some have walked home, some out to a bar, some have returned to their loved ones, others are off to their office hours – all twelve of them will remember their afternoon under the sun sodomizing your Desire praying she blossoms their seeds into blessings.

Her hand grasps your prick. Your return back to your very self feeling that familiar hand palm your sex. The heat of the sun & the salt wind wave by your sweating brow, the grains of the sand find their place in the wrinkles of your dry feet, & your very being is hallowed by your Desire’s grasp.  Having grasped her groping you follow the dance she has begun. The man whose place you have filled kneels & tongues her seed filled mouth – a thankful farewell. She swallows his whole & mounts you to her jaw. Lusting & thrusting, moaning & groaning, the three of you each shovel your worthiness into your Desire. Her head teeters & bobs on your length – her hips smother the other men’s sex into their place. You feel your Desire’s tongue, teeth, cheeks leading you in your own role. You see the other men are grasping her grope all the same; this dance is all for her pleasure & no other’s desires. You three step around her as the planets two step around the sun. Her solar anus flares with each partner it curtsies to. Her entire sex is coated in the lust of other worshipers – you can only admire she has such devout worshipers nearby. Now is no time for guilts & worries. She is your Desire. 

The three of you spasm your seed into one – you all enter a dizziness on the beach sand, under the calm summer breeze, before her desireable face. The moans of her orgasm buzz around your prick sending you into a Third Heaven. Having engulfed all of you over the course of an afternoon she stands up. The other two men remove themselves from her pelvis. Her bushful cunt & anus drip with seed as bright as rays of light. Her smile brightens. Her crows feet bare their claws as her dimples unveil themselves. She throws her arms around you, grasping your astounded person, smothering your face in smooches. You both blush with laughter at the sight of this all. There is no time for guilt anymore. You stomach returns to your belly as she grasps your cock again leading to wash off in the ocean waves. 

Back at her home you to recline into each other. The sand, sweat, & semen of the day has been washed off. You two traded smooches as you bring each other to bed. She opens thw window, tosses the blankets to the side, inviting you to lay side by side. You rest your right flank atop the sheets. She pinches your nose between her big toe & ring toe. You grasp her heels & crown her feet with kisses & hickies. The sight of her feet covered in stranger’s semen just hours earlier flooded your eyes. Your prick & face both swelled red remembering so many others planted themselves orally, vulvically, anally at once into your Desire. The twists their faces made as they came into her roared back to you.

“You are always doing the cutest things for me. You certainly know your place with me. You are the only one allowed to dwell in the chambers of my hearts – forever.”

You munch on her cunt while she chocks down your prick. The scent of her sun bronzed bushful cunt & solar anus find their place in your nostrils. She smooches your shaft with a mother’s softness. Your toes curl in weakness to her touch. The light salt breeze of the wind & the fellating gulps of your Desire are all you left ear hears. A thousand thoughts race between your ears. 

“What was that all about? Why did you do that? What is my love worth to you?” 

She gifts one more smooch to your shaft before slowly jerking her hand along your shaft. You stomach again dropped as it flooded with guilt & arousal. She answered in a low gravel, her voice still hoarse from the afternoons orgy. You rested you head on her thigh, fingering her anus, awaiting her words.

“You were resting by my side. Unable to rest I wandered around until I came to the volley ball net. The twelve of them had enough for two teams but no referee, so, I filled in their needs. Their first need was making sure the game was played fairly. Their second need was adding a life to their after party – first some drinks, then some small talk, then I let them both relax into me. The winning six earned my favor with their sportmans victoryship & deserved a release; the losing six lost with such dignity I had to congratulate their sportmanship. The solar rays gifted you a couple hours of rest. The solar rays gifted us sportsmanship & sodomy. Oh! I pray the sun blesses me again with such a chance gathering. Those men worshipped me – they knew I was their for my pleasure. The strength a woman wield when she guides one man inside her is a sight to behold by itself; the strength a woman wield when she guides three men inside her & she shines brighter than the sun. Oh! My ass gifted as much life as the solar rays gifts to us. None of them escaped the gave of my eye. You give me Love & you always will. But you will never give me Power like the dozen of them gave me. Man is at his weakest when he shoots his shot into his Desire. The scent of sweat, semen, & sea breeze intoxicated us together. I have never felt so full before – a glutton’s buffet.

But you are forever my Love & my Possession. No amount of flesh can ever replace you. Waking up to your prick stabbing my thigh is the peak of my morning; dancing my fingers around it after we screw is the peak of night – you are the cutest spoon alive! We will remember this as the day your Lady had the entire solar system at her control yet still chose you.”

Answering the depth of your question she returned to sucking, spitting, smooching, swallowing your prick. 
