Special Delivery (3 of3)

The Count Down
It’s been almost an hour and I’m going back day by day viewing the recordings. I wish he didn’t have this as it showed everything from our operation to who had access and who didn’t. Not only that, but apparently Chyna started sleeping with Ace and made a pass at Digg. Digg pulled a gun on her and told her if she offered him anything he would kill her. It went as far as Chyna drugging Pops just so she and Ace could fuck around for hours and Pops wouldn’t know. I randomly landed on that first day I slept with Chyna and watching that video was hard. The camera also showed Pops was awake the whole time watching us. They positioned the camera to show the bathroom if the door was open. Sure enough, he caught me with my hand in the cookie jar or should I say Chyna’s fortune cookie.
It’s Digg texting me wondering what was going on but I couldn’t answer. I was so caught up in what I found that time flew by. Going back to today, I wanted to know what happened. The video shows that at 9 am Chyna leaves the apartment and Pops is alone. She walks out, three men with ski masks enter. Two of them grabbed Pops by the ankles, pulling him out of bed. Pops was fighting to get to his gun. One of them yells.
“Fuck this, we don’t have time for this.”
They pistol whip Pops as they drag him to the back room. The video showed the front door propped open and two people were standing there. I can’t make out any faces or voices, but something tells me they knew about the cameras due to how they were trying to hide. They reach the backroom and Pops is bloody and fighting back.
“If you keep trying to fight us old man ima fucking put a bullet in you, am I clear.”
Pops replied with a nod.
Pops lays sill with the gun pointed at him. The other two men removed the safe from the closet and placed it in front of Pops.
“We won’t kill you just open the safe and you and your girl will be ok.”
“Chyna, she has nothing to do with this, don’t hurt her.”
“She will be safe as long as you open the safe.”
“I can’t open the safe, I’ll die if I do.”
“You will die if you don’t.”
As they try to convince Pops to open the safe, one of them walks into a different bedroom and starts texting. He sent a text to the person at the door as I can see the phone light up and they move around. This is when I would find out who was behind all of this. With a quick glance it looked like someone I knew in the bedroom, then it hit me. The sneakers were a pair of orange and white Nike’s. The same pair that one of Ace’s boys was wearing at the door. Then Ace shows his face briefly and puts on a mask. You can clearly hear him say go with the flow. He grabs Chyna and bust through the door, closing it behind him. Dragging Chyna by her hair to the room to lay next to Pops. After five mins past you can hear Pops say his name.
“Ace, I know that’s you.”
With one hit, Ace knocks Pops out. Chyna pretends to wake him up then stands.
“WTF Ace, you already beat the shit out of him, why did you have to knock him out.”
“Chyna shut the fuck up you knew we was going to kill him anyway if he found out.”
“I understand, but how are we going to sell this to Digg and Quan.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of them. I’m going to kill Digg and ima send my boys after Quan. He won’t be expecting it. “
They pick Pops up off the ground, then Digg calls.
“Aye, What’s good Digg.” as he places him on speaker phone for everyone to hear. “
“You tell me I’m at the stash house and you’re not here. Theres this big dumbo looking nigga here alone. WHY?”
“Pops made a drop that was short, so I came over to see what the issue was.”
“That’s not your responsibility, Ace.”
“I know Digg I was just trying to show you and Quan I could do other things than just holding down the stash house.”
“Damn all that, my nigga just get your ass back here and bring Pops. Where is Chyna?”
“I don’t know when I got here it was just him.”
“Just bring your ass, I will call Quan.”
Standing confused, they wake Pops up and you can see them make him walk out of the apartment. 10 minutes after, Chyna leaves with a bag, but the safe remains untouched. This was a setup that failed, and the only thing I could think of was this is my fault. Ignoring Chyna for two weeks and not acknowledging her when I saw her, I think I fucked up. Digg met up with Chyna as she was leaving the building and escorted her to the stash house.
As I make my way through the apartment, I hear someone at the door as if they had a key. Only four people had a key, Pops, Chyna, Digg, and myself. So I made my way back to Pop’s room and turned the cameras back on. Who do I see, Ace’s boys. Walking in with those bright ass Nike’s. Guns drawn, calling out to see if anyone was home.
“Quan are you here.”
Not knowing if I could trust them, I stayed hidden and quiet.
“Quan, Digg sent us to check on you.”
Those words were red flags as I didn’t tell Digg where I was going. So I switched my phone to silent and checked my texts. It was Digg telling me that two of the dudes left and he didn’t know where they were heading. He was still at the stash house with a big goofy nigga and didn’t know why. I knew how and why. They watched me lock Chyna in the room, I’m almost certain they got the key from her, as we had Ace tied up. My heart pounding, trying to put all the pieces together, it flooded my mind with thoughts of death.
“Yo, I don’t think anyone is here.”
“Shut up, Chyna said he was here, so he’s here. You act like you was fucking him and know his whereabouts.”
My suspicion was on point, Chyna was the one who told them where I was, but did she tell them why. It was time to get active. I reached for my 40, remembering I already had one in the head. I was ready. Listening to them bicker with each other, I hear them moving closer and closer to the room. I posted up behind Pop’s chair, aimed at the door, ready and waiting for them to walk in.
“Man, do you ever shut the fuck up.”
The door opened, and I unloaded five shots. Two shots hit the first guy with those ugly ass shoes on. The next two hit the wall behind them and the third grazed the second guy’s arm. He makes his way to the living room and lets off a couple of shots, shooting blindly.
“Aye, I know who sent you here to kill me. How much is Ace paying you?”
“Humor me, I’m curious to know how much my life is worth.”
“Ten G’s “
“You know I pay Ace close to 10 G’s a week, right?”
He sat quietly and pondered on the statement. I can hear him talking to himself.
“He played you bro, There’s over ten G’s in this safe.”
“So what are you offering?”
“I have no beef with you so I’ll open the safe and you can have all the money inside. You can have it and leave town.”
I punched in the six-digit code and pushed it to the door.
“Look it’s open bro there’s over three hundred grand in here it’s yours, I just want to make it out of here alive.”
I packed the money in a backpack and slid it halfway down the hall. With the cameras still on, I could see him make a move for the bag. As he bent over for the bag, I shot him in the head. There was no way I would let him get away with my money. Plus, I had every intention of making it out alive. I wanted to kill Chyna and Ace, but not until I had one last ride with Chyna.

One Last Ride

I raced out of the building to avoid the cops; I saw a familiar face, but I couldn’t place where I’ve seen him before. He looked at me, hit me with a head nod, and I kept it pushing. Already on guard, I had my gun in hand, ready for anything that came at me. I hop in the whip and shoot past the police as they make their way to the apartment. I knew all good things would end, but I didn’t think it would be so soon. Sitting outside of the stash house, I reached under my seat to grab a fresh mag just in case something popped off inside. I also grabbed my garrote wire that was given to me by a OG that always told me some things should be in silence. I intended to make him proud.
Walking into the stash house, the padlock to Chyna’s room was untouched. I made my way down to the basement; I saw Ace with his eye almost closed and his goon was chilling on the wall. He looked as if he was waiting for the right moment to make a move.
“Stand back Digg, I owe this piece of shit something.”
After taking a punch from me, I told his goon to come over and take one as well. Testing to see where his loyalty lied, he stood in front of Ace in fear. I reach into my back pocket and grab my garrote wire. Wrapping it around his neck quickly and making the back of his knees buckle. I had the life of a grown man in my hands. Listening to him gasp for air, I stared into Ace’s eyes. I was becoming a whole new monster and taking a life felt normal.
“Quan wtf are you doing.”
Quiet and choking Ace’s goon to death, I knew Digg could see I was changing as he grabbed me to bring me back to reality.
“It was all a setup by Ace Digg. Chyna and him tried to rob Pops. Nothing came up short, everything was there.”
“How do you know that, Quan?”
“Pops had cameras in his house and recorded our every move, even Ace fucking Chyna. The plan was to frame him for taking the money, and then they were going to kill us. This goon should have killed you, but I took his gun. The other two are dead at Pop’s place.”
“Wtf, why didn’t you tell me.”
“I had to be sure that no one else .”
“So you didn’t trust me is what you’re saying.”
“I’m saying all of this is because of me.”
“How so.”
“I was fucking Chyna on the low as well.”
With disappointment in his eyes, he turned away.
“Times up, Ace.”
He spits by my feet. “Fuck You Quan your time is coming.”
“Digg, I know you’re pissed at me right now, but I need your help.”
“We are going to talk about this later, Quan. There’s something you’re not telling me and I can’t trust you if you can’t keep it 100 with me.”
“I got you, but now isn’t the time to have that conversation. Call some of the corner boys to help you. Don’t let them know who, or how they died, just that they need to get it done.”
Knowing the wheels were spinning and Digg was thinking about everything, I made my way upstairs before he could ask me another question. I had about ten minutes alone with Chyna; I got to it. I was going to play it one or two ways. If she acted tough like she was going to do anything other than what I told her to do, I was going to choke her to death. If she showed remorse and seemed like she was sincere, dick was her prize along with a bullet.
As I entered the room, Chyna smiled and tried to hug me.
“Backup. Why did you feel the need to plot against me and everything I built?”
“You needed to be brought down from that high horse of yours and realize that I have feelings.”
“Obviously those feeling were for everyone as I seen you was also fucking Ace.”
“Ace just filled a hole that you failed to come back to.”
“Well, a woman like you will always find someone to fill that hole. From your baby father to Pops and from Pops to me. Ace was the last one, so what made me so special that you felt the need to have me killed.”
“I love you, Quan. You’re the man I need to make me whole.’
This was her trying to manipulate me. I figured I would play along. I couldn’t believe she was actually believing this bullshit. So I turned it into a game that would be her last.
“Prove it.”
“What do you mean?”
“You Say I’m the man to fill the hole so prove it.”
Confusion on her face wearing nothing but a crop top and leggings she takes off her shirt. I removed my belt and placed my gun on the floor. Before I could remove my shirt, Chyna was already on her knees crawling to me. Using her hands, she opens my boxes and takes me in with her mouth. As she sucks, she smiles and keeps eye contact. Spitting on my dick and using both hands, I can tell she was trying to make me nut fast. Sucking on my balls and jerking me off, she was slowly reaching for my gun. I immediately flipped her around, placing her back to the wall while still kneeling. I rammed my dick down her throat, making her gagging her and using the wall force it further and further down her throat.
Watching the tears fall from her eyes, she gasps for air. Pushing on my thighs, trying to get me to pull out, I reached down and pinched her nose. Pinning her head to the wall, she’s fighting for air and using her strength to push me away.
“Quan wtf are you doing.”
I shove my dick right back in and pinch her nose again. I wanted to degrade her for the bullshit I’ve been through today. Starting from the first day we fucked, to telling Nunu about what happened. I knew this was my fault, but I didn’t care, it was easier to put the blame on someone else. In and out of my thoughts, I hear her gasping for air. I didn’t see when she had reached for the gun and had it pointed right at me.
“So now you’re going to kill me? I thought I was the one you loved and could fill that void.”
“I lied, You guys were bringing in money so fast I started counting and thought, what if I just played one of you and made you turn on each other? “
“Well, how did that work out for you?”
“I’m holding the gun, I have the power now. So before I shoot you, I’ll allow you to feel my lips on your dick one last time.”
She reaches down and puts me back into her mouth, slowly pulling out.
“So you thought I was going to put a loaded gun down in front of someone that plotted to kill me? I had a feeling you were out for self and would try some last desperate move.”
“Fuck You Quan, your going to get yours when you least expect it.”
Taking the gun from her hand was easy, as if she had already given up. I stepped back, loaded the new magazine and released the slide. It was all over.
Weeks have gone by and the police had no evidence on what happened at the apartment. It was ruled as a drug deal gone bad. Since the apartment was in Chyna’s mother’s name, the cops were watching her closely. They found the cameras and tried to see what happened, but the entire thing was gone as if it was never used. I knew it wasn’t me, so there must have been a fail-safe or someone else was there. Whoever it was, had to be watching and knew what was up.


Well, I’ve kept you waiting long enough. I know everyone wants to know who shot me. Hell, I did too, but it was right in front of me. Q did it. I know everyone is like who the fuck is Q. Well, I kinda left some things out. So Q was originally dating Nunu. I Would see him on the block, but I didn’t know if it was true or not, but multiple people said they were dating. See Nunu was a master manipulator she would say one thing and make you do the opposite and that’s what she wanted the whole time. Well, she told Q she loved him and had him paying all of her bills and splurging on her. Yeah, I threw her a bone and dick here and there, but he was breaking the bank.
Now that I look back, I remember seeing him on the corner talking to Ace before, hell, I even walked past him in the hallway of Nunu’s building. I Guess this is where being aware of your surroundings comes into play. Then it all hit me. Ace said I will get mine as if someone else was out to get me. I put two and two together, and they fucked me. Chyna told Nunu about us and then she told Ace. Knowing Ace and Q were homeboys the three of them plotted together to take over. The only thing is, I’m laid up here in the hospital and can’t reach anyone.
“Sir, he’s resting you can’t go in there.”
“Digg what’s the problem. Nurse, it’s ok I know him.”
“The problem, You want to know what the problem is, Huh.”
“Whats going on? Use your words”
“Do you remember what I said? That if I ever caught you fucking my moms. It would be over for you”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n3prcs/special_delivery_3_of3