M4F Assassin looking for redemption

I want a little fun with this story and I would like it to be interactive and a bit of a slow burn but will get erotic….. I would like it to be interactive from a POV and am looking for people to contribute.

I hope this works….

I’m not a natural story teller

After a day travelling and having booked after leaving my luggage into the hotel room, I headed into blackness of the night and settled on the beach. After ten minute of walking along the coast I sat down and tried to relax… I always found that was hard. It had been a tiring journey and I began to think of the things that brought me this point The need to leave and what was now an extreme situation had played with me internally despite my well practiced cool exterior.

The sea lapped gently against the shore. It was a peace that was somewhat intoxicating and one given the nature of things I felt ill at ease with. I stood up with a restlessness that overwhelmed me. I brushed the fine sand off my suit which I still wore.

As I lifted myself up, my hand touched on the reassuring outline of my 9mm. It gave me a sense of comfort. The mission was simple find, extract the information and leave, if necessary… eliminate. It had been a while since my services were called on… I had hoped following the events in Riga not to have to do this again. My guilt of my actions and what I had to do still tore at my soul. Queen and country and the play towards my sense of patriotism how naive was I when I joined.. They trained you well but never told you about the isolation and loneliness that followed. Never would I have what I fought for a sense of freedom, life joy, carefree ignorance about shadow organisations and enemies that were there.

I was invisible to many in plain sight, I had no plans of my own just the pretension that what I did mattered and I would be remembered. Well that was a bit hard given the my job. Well I had colleagues, that was something I knew a few and had worked with them on a series of missions, I did not have friends or family.

I headed back into the hotel and headed to the bar. I asked the barman, to leave me bring me a bottle of malt whiskey and leave with me.

On my what must have been my fifteenth dram, I caught myself in the mirror and looked around at my reflection.. I smiled to myself I still had my looks despite a few grey hairs around the sides of my squared head and sat on my muscular body. Most people didn’t notice it but it was a sign I was steadily getting older.
Still…. She then walked in I kept my gaze on the reflection.. my eye-line remained on the mirror. She was of medium height, attractive to many of the men in the bar whose level of subtlety ranged from staring at her exposed cleavage in the tight dress. She appeared to be shy and hid a little behind her hair despite. I sensed she was aware of her affect on men…

As I rose to leave… she parked herself at my table. She stammered, ‘Cann you stay here?’ in an American a Mid West accent. I looked into her eyes and she looked frightened… there was a slight bruise to the side of her cheek. ‘I was about to leave’, her eyes pleaded but said nothing…
I shouldn’t get distracted or bring attention onto myself. I nodded.

I gave the barman to order her a vodka. ‘Is this ok?’ I said in a soft voice, she nodded her assent. I looked around and there was a couple of guys who were staring at me intently. I averted my gaze not to draw attention to them. I assessed them not be a particular threat; they were both overweight and a heavy gait but they looked. Also they were overconfident and used to bullying. The larger of the two approaches out table.

‘Bitch get you ass over here and who the fuck is this guy’, his double chin wobbled as he spoke.

She stammered, ‘Please leave me alone.’

‘Get your ass over here’.

She began to stand up, I grabbed her hand as she rose. I turned to him, ‘I don’t think she wants to go with you’

‘What the fuck did you say, you douche bag’ I stood up and repeated what I had said.

So much for being invisible… I thought.. I angled my body between her and myself.

‘Simple you have a choice you and your chunky friend either walk away in a gentlemanly way and I buy you a drink to show no harm no foul and respect the ladies wishes or you can leave in the back of an ambulance.’ It came out very menacingly more than I intended.

The mans friend had now come across his hand was inside his jacket and pulled out a switchblade.

There was nothing to be said… I slammed my fist upward onto the bridge of his nose, I was careful not to shatter it upward. As he fell towards me I lifted my knee into his face. His friend swung wildly with his knife.I caught him mid flight on the knife hand and pushed in his thumb. He screamed and fell to his knees and his finger and thumb snapped.

I held him down, ‘get up and take you friend with you, she asked you to leave now please leave. He nodded like a chastised schoolboy.

She looked at me shocked as the two thugs left and finally smiled. For the first time in years so did I.

‘Are you ok I asked, have you got a place to stay’, I asked..

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n3zat4/m4f_assassin_looking_for_redemption