Step Sister Corruption Part 115 – Day 75 Two Lust Crazed Bitches (fiction, M/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Sitting there on the sofa was a wide open Sabrina moaning.

Her breasts were out on full display.

Her bottoms missing and legs open.

Her arm was vigorously moving as she was rubbing herself without abandon.

The bitch was masturbating!!!

I stood there completely shocked not accustomed to this frigid bitch willingly masturbating in the open.

Hell even all the Lilith’s I slipped her the other day didn’t get one minuscule effect from the tightly wound frigid bitch. The most I got out of her was a warming effect with minimal stripping.

But here she was submitting to her more baser instinct.

A complete 180.

I walked around to get a better look at the masturbating girl.

When I walked around I instantly realized that this bitch was hiding more than just being a stuck up cunt. She was hiding all sorts of facets of her.

Like that her nipples were pierced.

Or that her clit was also pierced. Though with her huge bush hiding her pussy I nearly missed it but with her masturbating it was easy to see.

And the fact she had tattoos.

She had a tattoo on her side that started mid rib cage and went down to her thigh on her right side. The tattoo was an intricate flow of lines and floral mixture. It widely expanded out along her right hip and nearly wrapped around her leg before thinning back down to her thigh on one side.

The tattoo was completely odd as I lightly wondered how I missed it.

And completely unlike the persona she exuded.

I looked at the girl and she didn’t stop masturbating upon seeing me. Instead she smiled at me through glazed eyes and slipped a finger inside her before going harder.

She just moaned, “Hey Summer. Hope you don’t mind me relieving myself of some ten….”

She started the quiver as I could tell she just experienced an orgasm and her glazed eyes rolled back to enjoy the orgasm.

I blinked and stood completely confused.

I looked down at the table and saw the glass of water half drank.

I left Sabrina to enjoy her orgasm and walked into Kelly’s room. I closed the door and stood against it. Still reeling from what had just transpired.

Gabe saw my look and laughed, “It’s freaky huh?”

I looked at Gabe still in shock. The only thing I could do was nod.

Morgan spoke up, “What’s freaky?”

Gabe looked at my pet, “A girl who’s supposed to be all high and mighty with the feminist cause masturbating on our couch.”

Morgan, “Oh.”

I looked at Kelly and Gabe, “What happened exactly?”

Gabe spoke, “Nothing that I can tell. Kelly offered her water like you requested and we spoke lightly. Then out of no where Sabrina was mentioning how warm she felt. Then without warning she started flirting with me saying stuff like ‘Want to see my breasts’ before I could say anything she whipped them out. Then she started lightly moaning ‘You like that you’ll love my pussy’ and before any of us could do anything she removed her pants and panties and started playing with herself and started moaning.”

I looked at Kelly, “How much Lilith’s did you give her?”

Kelly just smiled at me, “Just four droppers full.”

I immediately screamed, “WHAT!?!?!?!”

I continued to scream, “YOU FUCKING DID WHAT????”

Kelly looked at me obviously confused, “I did as you asked.”

I was near hysteria, “I meant four or five *drops* in her drink not four droppers fucking full.  Are you fucking insane?”

Kelly spoke, “Drops droppers what’s the problem?”

I looked at her, “The problem *Kelly* is that **I** normally have **US** ingest three or four **DROPS** of Lilith’s FUCKING elixir to have **OUR** normal fun fueled fest.  *YOU* just gave that bitch a multitude larger fucking dose.”

Kelly scoffed, “You wanted her to be more of a whore well there you go you got your whore.  Besides it’s not like the bitch didn’t have it coming.”

I walked up to Kelly, “Yes but she was opening up to *ME* Kelly.  Meaning she wasn’t being a big fucking cunt to us anymore.  You may have just reversed all that fucking work.”

Kelly lightly smiled at me, “Well we just sped up your process.”

I scowled at Kelly before a wicked smile came on my face, “Ok Kelly seeing how you wanted to be so *helpful* in turning Sabrina to her baser instincts.”  I looked at Gabe, “Fill this bitch up with ***SIX*** droppers full of Lilith’s **AND** lace her plug with a liberal coating of Lilith’s **AND** liberally apply your mom’s oil to her fucking tits.”

Kelly’s eyes widened before she sputtered, “But…”

Gabe nodded and pulled out Kelly’s egg that he had already slid into her.

Kelly sputtered, “You can’t”

I looked at her, “Oh can’t I?”

Kelly pouted, “But that’ll make me unbelievably horny.  I won’t be able to think clearly.”

I wolfishly smiled at Kelly, “I guess you should have thought of that before you gave Sabrina in there so much fucking Lilith’s.  Let’s see how you like it.”

I looked at Morgan, “Turn off Kelly’s web counter from a simple hour for her private show.  We’ll let it go until she faints from lust.”

Kelly looked around wildly at Gabe and Morgan following my orders, “Stop!”

They didn’t.

Gabe came behind Kelly with Lilith’s elixir in hand and filled the dropper.  He bent down and squeezed the apparatus into Kelly.

Kelly lightly moaned as she felt the liquid go into her.

Gabe spoke out, “One.”

Gabe pulled the dropper from Kelly and put it back into the bottle to fill the dropper back up.

I smiled watching Kelly squirm from her bindings as she begged.

Gabe, “Two.”

Morgan spoke, “The show has been set Mistress.”

I looked at Morgan, “Good.”

I looked down at Kelly and she pouted up at me, “Please Summer.”

I watched her eye’s slowly start to glaze as Lilith’s started flooding her system.  I slowly shook my head as Gabe spoke, “Three.”

I looked at Morgan, “Go get her plug out from her stash.  Should be in the panel near your feet.”

Morgan looked down and stared blankly at the solid bed frame.  I sighed and walked over to the frame and lightly kicked on the frame to reveal a hidden storage compartment.

Morgan looked at me impressed but bent down and grabbed at the drawer that came out.  Sitting in a towel for wash was mine and Kelly’s plugs.

I told Morgan, “Go wash the plug off with soap and water then gingerly pat down the plug with a towel.”

Morgan nodded and ran into the bathroom.

Gabe spoke out, “Four.”

I looked at Kelly as her eyes were completely glazed as she now had her head on the bed just laying there letting whatever was happening happen.  I looked to see her eyes were completely unfocused as her hips naturally started to hump the air trying to find something to help alleviate her rising urges.

Her body was on full auto pilot.

Gabe, “Five.”

Kelly lightly moaned as the dropper filled her with yet more Lilith’s.

I bent over to make sure none of the elixir was escaping her and watched Gabe push the dropper for the last time all the way into Kelly’s opening to where only the dropper rubber was showing before he pressed on it.

Gabe, “And Six.”

He pulled the seven inch long glass tube out of Kelly’s orifice and I watched carefully and was happy that nothing *leaked* out.

Though her lips were completely glossed from her rising *need*.

Morgan walked back in the plug as Gabe accepted the plug.

I watched him take the plug from Morgan and liberally coated the plug with the elixir and lube before gingerly pushing the apparatus into Kelly.

Kelly moaned as she felt the plug slowly go in.

I smiled as Gabe was his usual ass self as he pushed the plug lightly then released and added lube and the elixir directly onto the orifice before pushing the plug in just a little bit further before repeating the process two more times until the plug disappeared into Kelly’s rear iris.  The only thing there was a fake jewel covering her rear entrance.

Kelly for her part just moaning and purred as she felt the metal object sink into her as she relaxed.

I watched as Gabe then liberally coated the egg with even more elixir before pushing it into the lust filled comatose patient as she mildly quivered as she felt another object go inside her.

I helped Gabe roll Kelly to her side so we could apply the oil onto her mounds and made sure the oil was absorbed into her body.  Then we rolled her onto her stomach.  Set up the laptop in front of her.  Made sure the cameras were on and in the right places.  Put her mask on and had her head turned to face the camera.  Put a sign on her screen that read ‘MAKE ME CUM OVER AND OVER PLEASE!’.

Then we started her webcam show before stepping away.

Within seconds Kelly started quivering as she moaned.

I leaned down not caring I was in the camera’s frame and whispered, “Remember to thank your audience as they donate.”

I got out of frame as another transaction took place and Kelly quivered more.  She mimed me and moaned, “Thank you.”   Not really focused on the computer.  Just her body sending the signals that she was focused on.

I smiled and ushered my two *helpers* out of one frying pan and into the other.

We were greeted to Sabrina moaning, not noticing we were back in the room.

Gabe spoke, “What now?”




  1. Man Kelly’s really getting it now and I wonder if Sabrina gonna get dicked down by gabe and if she asks him for it

  2. Can you post on your profile so i can follow to see your stories in my feed?

  3. Maybe after the show Kelly and Sabrina should get together for another show.

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