New coffee buddy!!![FM]

Long time lurker first time poster. So here is the sorry, not sorry bit, this is about cheating and kinda homewrecking. I know I should feel bad and I do, but it�s just so hot and I can�t help myself. In my defence, I�m not actually looking to steal them away. Just have some fun.

So I was getting coffee from my local place, early in the morning. I had just finished my morning yoga class, and still had my outfit on. Tight yoga pants and a crop top that I know guys like.

As I leave the coffee shop, there is a small crowd of people standing around waiting for their order. It is a small but popular shop. Amongst the crowd, I see a guy waiting for his order and he�s holding on to an adorable 12month old little boy. My hormones are going wild lately and I�m feeling very clucky.

A minute later, I remember I have to pick something up from the store so have to double back. The guy is still waiting for his order and the baby is looking my way still. I smile more and make those goofy baby faces as the kid starts smiling and laughing like kids do.

Feeling bored and more than a little bit mischievous, I stop by them and make baby noises. I notice how muscular and handsome the guy is. Just my type, and I�m not worried about the wedding band on his finger, or the kid he�s holding. In fact, experience suggests guys with young kids are the most sexually frustrated out of anyone.

I tell him how adorable his kid is. I ask him if I can hold him. The dad is a bit thrown and doesn�t really know how to respond but gives the adorable little one to me as I hold out my arms. I bounce the boy in my arms as I make faces, making him cry out in delight like kids do.

Then I tell the dad how adorable he is and it must be the good genes. Then I look the dad in the eye as I say that I wish I had a baby that looked this cute. My eyes carrying all the innuendo I needed. His reaction was priceless. While he looked aghast and his face blushed, he still managed to look me up and down again.

I told him with a laugh that I was only joking. I don�t trick guys into getting me pregnant, and I�m definitely on the pill. But, I tell him, it�s a lot of fun trying.

While I had him on the back foot, I asked him if this was his regular coffee shop. When he said yes, I said that I looked forward to seeing these two handsome guys again, unless we didn�t want to rely on coincidence of course, in which case we could exchange dets. His face was painted with the conflicting thoughts in his head. But I guess he realised there was nothing unfaithful in giving me his phone number. So he nervously and quietly says it it as I deftly enter it in while still holding his kid. As I press add I give him a devilish grin and then hand his kid back. I smile to myself as I walk off, knowing the dad is taking a good long look at my ass.

And sure enough, two weeks later, after a campaign of escalating sext warfare, I�m meeting up with the dad, minus the kid of course. We are in my apartment. It took about 10 seconds for us to get each other�s clothes off. His muscular body and large cock treating me to one of the longest and hardest fucks I�ve had. Finally we manage to cum together as I wrap my legs around his, making sure he stays inside me. I feel his unprotected cock swell uo as he drives as deep as he can into me. He growls loudly as he slowly rams his cock into me as deep as he can go, each time shooting another jet of cum deep inside me.


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