Blackmail 21 – Boss Date Pt 5 (F, blackmail, fiction)


I felt the all familiar electric current go through my sensitive nipples causing me to writhe in pain….and pleasure.

I bit my lip trying to suppress my groan and keep any expletives from exiting my mouth. My nails dug into the table and my legs slapped together which caused the devices vibrating on and in me to be stronger eliciting me to experience a small orgasm.

‘GOD YES!!!!’ I thought to myself as I experienced the growing delicious mix of pain and pleasure.

I opened my eyes trying to look mad at my *admirer* going by the name Miles Beisos as I don’t want him to know I had enjoyed my obvious *teaching*.


No I don’t **enjoy** getting shocked on my most sensitive places ok!!!

It’s not my fault my *tormentor* was mixing pain and pleasure confusing my brain which was what.

It’s not!!!

And it’s not **my** fault **my** body was enjoying it.

It’s only responding to how it was programmed. OK!

Ok I’ll admit that I wanted it to happen again…..and again…..ok yes I enjoy it.

There I admitted it. Happy?

Miles smiled at me as he looked down at my breasts and cleared his throat, “You might want to adjust yourself.”

I looked down and during my torment I may have put on a display as my left boob has popped out on full display.

I looked around and noticed a few men had their phones pointed directly at me.

I felt myself turn beat red and I wanted to die.

The only thing that kept me from putting my face down and wanting to hide surprisingly to me was my porn experience and stripper experience.

I sighed as I reached down and readjusted my loose dress to put away my male attraction lure….aka my boob.

I looked at him using my porn/stripper mask trying to show no emotion, “I thought you were going to protect me?”

He smiled, “What makes you think I’m not?”

I pointed my chin to the three men who had snapped my photo while my breast was out on full display, “Them.”

Miles looked back and saw the men with the phones as they smiled. He returned his attention and smiled, “Don’t worry they’ll notice soon that the photo will be unfinished. So you’re fine.”

I looked at him incredulously, “Already hacked them?”

He smiled and shrugged, “Sort of.”

I growled under my breath as I thought this man was so nonchalant and vague it didn’t install much confidence.

Then why did he say it like that?

I looked him slightly confused, “What do you mean by that?”

He sighed and looked at me, “It’s easier if I show you.”

He picked up his phone from the table and held it up to where the camera was facing me, “Do me a favor and show your breasts again?”

I blinked at him and shook my head.

I looked at me with a smile, “That’s a command my dear.” He turned the phone to face me showing that my piercing app was open, “Or shall I shock your clit?”

I growled but reached at the loose fabric of the dress barely tugging at it releasing my breasts to the world again as my face was redder than ever….from embarrassment…..and anger…..ok it turned me on.

But I arched my back showing my breasts off more just to add a hint of defiance if only to make me feel better oddly.

Miles smiled and turned the phone’s camera on me and snapped the photo as the phone did it’s audible clicking sound that all phone’s used signaling they’ve taken a photo.

I looked at him knowing full well that the sounds of clicking suddenly increased as soon as I brought out my boobs, “Can I put them away now?”

Miles pulled down his phone, “Sure.”

I huffed a little irritated that I was *commanded* to flash but a weird thing happened…….I was actually getting wetter.

I looked down at my lower appendage and thought ‘WHAT THE FUCKING IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!’

I ignored my pussy’s weirdness as Miles showed me his phone as I decided that my pussy’s weirdness was due to the continued vibrations inside me. I was focused on the phone.

The photo was me but….not.

I looked at the phone confused as to what I was looking at.

In the photo was the table and the background was clear as day.

But when it came to **me** I was completely blurred out to where I wasn’t recognizable beyond the figure being a female form….barely.

I mean the colors were there. You could tell the the dress was blue and the female form was white.

Miles started laughing at my confused face.

I looked up at him, “How?”

Miles smiled and pointed to my neck.

I looked down at my cleavage and found the jewelry.


I was still confused.

Miles laughed at me, “Hiding behind the sparkles is a revolutionary chip that will be on the market soon. When it senses photography it immediately blurs out the wearer this being you.”

I looked at him in astonishment, “That’s amazing!”

Miles shrugged, “It’s nothing. You should be hearing about it on the news in about another month or so. Pretty soon all the celebs, politicians, and big wigs will be wearing them so their photo can no longer be taken without their consent. Your necklace is just the prototype.”

I blinked astonished at what he was telling me.


You’re definitely no one I’ve ever met.

How can a guy drop this much money on me then drop a fucking prototype hide my ass chip?

I looked at him, “Who are you really?”

Miles blinked at me before he smiled at, “You mean beyond,” he used his fingers as he quoted, “your *admirer*?”

I looked at him and nodded.

Just then Serenity came up with plates of food.

Miles smiled, “Let’s enjoy our dinner shall we.”

I grumbled before Serenity came up, “Turn off my devices please.”

Miles looked at me and slowly reached his phone. I watched him unlock his phone and open the app.

He looked at me once before he smiled a wolfish smile and hit ‘High’.

I gasped as the vibration sound echoed out of my body and my hands gripped the table cloth.

[Part 20](

[Master List](


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