Hooking up at the eye doctors clinic [FM]

You know when you’re asking 21 questions, or something similar, and someone asks “where’s the craziest place you’ve had sex?”, well I have a few answers to that question.

– in an eye doctors chair
– in a church on Christmas
– while driving (empty roads, don’t worry)

This is the story of how I hooked up at the eye doctors clinic.

Part two has all the sex if you don’t want the back story.

Years back, I worked at an optometrists clinic. At that time, I was going through a breakup because I found messages in his phone of him sending dirty texts to other girls and so I was newly single.

I had a couple managers at this clinic, they were both older than me and they were buddies. They knew I had a bf but they made it clear they thought I was extremely attractive, even going so far as to encourage the other women that worked in the clinic to “be more like her, she’s an alpha”, whatever the hell that meant.

One Friday I came in to work, my managers were both not there, and instead there was a very flamboyant, older man there from head office. Like I said, I was going through that breakup stage so I was dressing a lot more provocative those days. I had on a very short dress, and when I put on my lab coat, I looked naked under except for my heels, slightly pornstar-ish.

Well the guy from head office took me aside, I was the assistant manager at this point, and explained to me that both my managers were let go, and that the company was going to send a manager from another store to help me out. After working together for the day, my head office guy and myself became buddies and towards the end of the day he was calling me “bestie”. We closed up shop and stayed back to chat.

I told him I was going through a bad breakup, he told me how his boyfriend wasn’t being attentive, and anyways, long story short, we became friends.
He told me that he was going to do me a favor and instead of sending me the older female manager, he was going to “send me a gift”. I had no idea what this meant but I honestly assumed it meant a promotion or a gift basket.

Monday morning rolled around, after a weekend of dealing with my ex trying to convince me to take him back, I got dressed (all sexy again), and went to work.

My new friend from head office was already there, talking to someone that had his back turned to me. The lights were still off in the clinic so I couldn’t really see them that well from a distance.

I walked by while saying good morning, put my stuff in the staff room and put on my lab coat. The moment I was walking by, the other guy was talking, stopped mid sentence, and I heard head office guy tell him “see? I told you.”

I came back out to the front, buttoning up my lab coat and went to greet the boys properly. The second I made eye contact with the other guy, I froze. He was extremely handsome… green eyes, blonde hair in a man bun, kept beard, tall, tanned, nice teeth, dressed super nice… I quickly recovered from the initial stun and extended my arm to shake hands.

Back office guy was clearly taking in the sight, observing our behavior, and then smiled and told me Tommy was my new manager, a gift from head office to help me recover (the store, but from his smile I knew he really meant the breakup).

Tommy and I worked together for the rest of the week, and I can’t explain to you how happy I was to go in to work every day. Not only was he actually really good at his job, but the way his eyes followed me, the way he hung on to my every word, his attentiveness and the way he made excuses to make sure we were working together on every project… it was a nice feeling.

Friday, we were closing up shop, we hung back for a bit to talk, and he told me he had heard about me before being transferred to the store. He said I had somewhat of a reputation for being attractive but he was surprised I was a lot “less bitchy” than what my previous managers had made me out to be. I told him I’m not surprised they said that but I had to be that way with them because I wanted it to be clear that I was not interested in hooking up with them.

He asked if I had an issue with them specifically or if I was just against dating in the workplace…

Before I could answer, there was a loud banging on the glass door -my ex had shown up to surprise me with flowers and dinner plans.

Just. Perfect.

I said good night to Tommy and left.
I got in to my ex’s car to talk, to hear him out. He began by telling me how he fucked up, how he misses me, misses us, etc etc etc. I let him hug me, he held on tight, and then he pulled away and checked me out.

“You always dress like such a slut to work or is this for that new kid?” He said. He was half joking.

Excuse me?

“I’m just saying, you never dress like this for me. Did you fuck him yet? Is that why you guys were sitting in the dark?”

I sat there completely dumbfounded. He was the one caught cheating, not me.

I started to laugh, got out of the car, walked to my car, with him screaming “I’m fucking joking!!!” behind me. Then he called me a stupid bitch, and sped away. I was done. That was the last straw.

The weekend was a good one, I spent it with my girlfriends, just having a good time. Monday rolled around again, and I was super happy to get back to work.

Tommy was still such a sweetheart but there was something a bit off. It wasn’t the same. I figured I owed him a bit of an explanation about my ex showing up to work, but it was after hours. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I tried to stay late to have some time alone with him to talk, but he kept leaving right at closing.
By Thursday, I had given up.

Friday when I went in to work, he asked to have a lunch meeting with me. I felt uneasy.

At lunch, he explained to me the meeting would be about my performance and told me he had zero complaints about me but the only issue he had seen was my boyfriend showing up and banging on the door. The fact that the clinic was closed was the only reason he wasn’t writing me up but that if that were to happen during business hours, it would be a problem. I politely apologized, and I explained it wouldn’t happen again and that he’s not my boyfriend anymore anyways.

Tommy’s demeanor slightly changed, he readjusted himself in his seat, and he asked if I’m okay. I could tell he was asking as a friend, not a boss, so I told him what happened, including how my ex asked if we were fucking.

“What did you say?” He asked.

“I didn’t say anything. I just laughed him off, got out of his car and went home”.

Our lunch break was over, we had to get back to work. The rest of the day Tommy was back to being attentive, even more sweet than before. Tommy was training me on things in the office that my other managers never thought to teach me. I don’t know what it is about a man teaching me something, but it’s a big turn on.

End of the day rolled around, and like before, we closed up shop and just hung back to chat. It was harmless flirting, but the lights off made it that much more intimate. I had major butterflies.

At one point, we were sitting in office chairs across from each other, he sat back and just looked at me and told me he thought I was very beautiful. I blushed hard. He leaned forward, grabbed my chair and wheeled it in close to him.

“I’m serious.” He said. “I can’t believe you have no idea how beautiful you are.” He leaned forward, paused as if he was asking permission, and then he kissed me gently. Pure fireworks.

I pulled away, laughing, and pushed my chair away from him, telling him it’s getting late and we have to go. He agreed. We got our things, and left for the weekend. He walked me to my car, opened my door for me, kissed me again a little more passionately and said good night.

I was buzzing all weekend.

Part two coming soon :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n2ofkd/hooking_up_at_the_eye_doctors_clinic_fm