Naughty Nicola

I sat next to Nicola during my business studies lectures and I’ve always had a huge crush on her. The long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and long sun-kissed legs complemented her beautiful fun personality. She was highly popular, way out of my league, and it was only when we both started business studies that she started talking to me.

During one seminar towards the end of term, most of the class went off with the professor to the computer rooms leaving Nicola, her best friend Sophie and myself behind to catch up and join later. We all sat at the same table, Nicola next to me and Sophie at right-angles in front of Nicola. It didn’t take long before Nicola and Sophie stopped doing their work and start chatting amongst themselves. Nicola decided to hop up and sit on the desk but her back turned to Sophie with her feet on her chair, giving me a close view of her luscious legs.

Initially they were just talking about latest music, movies, clothes, and rumours of who was secretly dating who etc. then they moved on talking about the other girls. This immediately got my attention and leant back as I listened intently as they described who they thought were pretty, had a nice ass, great boobs, stunning hair and bodies. Sophie mentioned she wished her boobs were as good as Nicola’s.

“You really think I have nice boobs Soph? I’m not sure,” Nicola said as she started cupping them in her hands. It was very hard not to stare but then Nicola caught me and I went bright red to which she just giggled.

“I’d kill for those boobs and your long legs,” came Sophie’s reply.

Nicola started examining her legs opening and closing them as she did. Each time she parted her legs, I could see up her skirt and the tight pink cotton panties she had on. I don’t know whether she knew I could see but it was quite mesmerising to watch. Each glimpse allowing me to see a little bit more of the outline of her pussy and it was starting to turn me on until…

“What do you think?” she suddenly said turning to me.

“Uh…” I was struggling to speak being caught off-guard.

“Ah-hem, yes there great,” I said quickly.

For some reason and without thinking I placed my hand on her thigh as if to assure her. We both suddenly looked at each other in shock, I just froze and couldn’t move my arm. After a few moments she turned her head and carried on talking to Sophie.

I was very confused, was she happy for me to touch her or did she expect me to remove it? Being slightly turned on I just left it there, slowly stroking her thigh with my fingers whilst leaning forward pretending to do work so Sophie didn’t suspect anything.

Nicola showed no sign of objecting and it was so hot that I was discreetly stroking my crush’s thigh. I’m usually quite shy but this was quite a turn on and suddenly it seemed a good idea to slowly start moving my hand further up her thigh.

Looking down at my desk still, I slowly inched my hand forward to the edge of her skirt then paused briefly to gauge her reaction. My heart was racing and I was too excited to wait more than a second for Nicola to respond. I moved my reached further up her thigh and watched it disappear under her skirt. Just before my hand reached her panties her legs clamped shut, trapping my hand.

“Ummm,” Nicola grunted as she turned towards me.

“Shit I blew it,” I thought and expected to suddenly be slapped for my over eagerness or be severely reprimanded. I looked sheepishly at Nicola and she seemed to be a mix of emotions. Part of her was angry at me but also seemed aroused, blushing and biting her lower lip. I think she wanted to shout at me but couldn’t realising Sophie would find out.

“Someone wrong hun?” Sophie asked, breaking from her previous conversation.

“No…Ahem…Nothing, carry on what were you saying?” Came her reply.

Nicola still had my hand clamped between her thighs and again I didn’t know what she wanted me to do. Was she prolonging my mistake, making me feel bad or curious for me to continue? I was still able to move my fingers so I started gently moving the finger tips against the inside of her thigh. This helped and she eventually relaxed her grip on my hand so I could slide my hand back and forth between her thighs.

As my confidence grew, I slid my hand further forward to her panties then stopped, and looked up. She simply nodded, confirming I could continue. As slowly as I could control myself, I slid my fingertips over her panties, rubbing the base of her pussy.

I looked back up at Nicola, her eyes were closed and was discreetly squeezing her breast through her top with one hand. All the while Sophie sat behind still chatting and totally unware of what we were doing. I continued tracing the outline of Nicola’s pussy up her panties, trying to envisage what it looked like. It felt so smooth and tight, a cute little pussy I thought then I reached a nub at the top. Nicola let out a stifled moan, and guessed I had hit her clit.

I used my thumb to encircle it a few times but this caused too much sensation for Nicola, she was moving her hips, struggling to keep quiet and looking flushed. Without wanting to get caught by Sophie I moved my hand down her panties and stroked the base of her pussy again.

“Ok I’m done and off to join the rest, see you in a bit.” Sophie suddenly said.

Nicola and I jumped in shock, worried she may suddenly discover our naughty game. To our relief she picked up her books, stood up turning away, grabbed her bag from the next seat then walked out the room.

Nicola grabbed my hand from under her skirt, stood up and quickly led me round the corner of the L-shaped round room where we couldn’t be seen from the door or side windows. She motioned for me to hop up onto the worktop and I dutifully obeyed. Nicola then parted my legs, briefly revealing my hard cock before turning round and nestling herself between my legs.

I was unsure what to do as she stood between my legs but she grabbed my hand and guided it under her top. I started stroking her stomach then moved up to her bra and squeezed her breast a few times. I managed to slip my hand underneath and felt her nipples harden as I gently pinched them, Nicola gasping as I did.

After a short time Nicola took control again, guiding my hand down slowly down her body under her skirt to her panties. Her body arched and she squeezed my thighs as I slowly rubbed her clit over the top of her panties. I moved my hand further down revealing how wet she was, her panties getting more soaked as I continued rubbing her pussy.

It felt like a dream, having my crush getting off right between my legs who was now caressing her breast with one hand and moaning louder as she watched her reflection in a full length mirror near-by. My fingers were a little coated from her wetness but growing curious I slipped two fingers under the side of her panties to get them really covered. Thinking I’d never again get the chance I took my hand out of her skirt, and raised it to my head. This disturbed Nicola, upset I had stopped suddenly looked at me, then was open mouthed as I examined my glistening fingers before placing one finger in my mouth.

Wow she tasted so good, I couldn’t help but give out a loud “mmmm” of appreciation, without a word Nicola grabbed my hand and placed the other finger in her mouth. At first she was tentative then she sucked so hard after realising how good she tasted and how turned on it made her feel. I thought if she sucked for too long I’d blow my load in my pants but eventually she let my finger go, giving a naughty giggle as she did.

Before I put my hands down her skirt again, Nicola pulled her wet panties down her thighs, ensuring I had easier access to her pussy which was craving for more attention. I placed one hand down her skirt, feeling her now naked pussy in full for the first time as my other hand was under her top caressing one of her breasts while she worked the other one.

I stroked her pussy up and down feeling her wetness starting to run down her thighs then rubbed my thumb on clit. She seemed to be melting into me, breathing deeper, and deeper and moaning with each stroke and squeeze. I started to press my middle finger between her lips as I slid my hand down then suddenly it slid in her pussy causing a long moan from Nicola.

Suddenly we heard voices getting closer, some of the class were coming back. I quickly removed my hand and top then hopped down off the worktop. As Nicola started to tidy her outfit, her wet panties had dropped to her ankles but the voices were only seconds away. I quickly bent down, instinctively she stepped out of them and I put them in to pocket as we ran back to our seats. We sat down just in time as the others walked in to see us sitting at our desks pretending we were still working, and totally unware of what we were doing just moments ago.

After a few moments to calm down, Nicola grabbed my arm and whispered silently.


“Pl…please…I need those…” she mumbled in coy/shy tone, a side of her I’ve never seen.

I’m not sure if it was because I was horny, the thought of her wet panties in my pocket or suddenly being in a position of power but I didn’t give them back.

“No…You’ll have to go home on the bus like the little naughty slut you are,” I replied.

We were both shocked again at my sudden confidence and dominance. To my surprise Nicola just seemed to accept it and maybe she liked a little dominance.

I couldn’t help but feel pleased with myself, not only had I just had a wild experience with a hot girl but because of me, she was now in public with no panties on, and only I knew. This feeling lasted all evening until I got a text just as I was going to bed.

Nicola: You tell ANYONE and I mean ANYONE what happened today and I’ll make your life HELL!!!!

A sudden feeling of dread came over me, have I really upset her and fucked up the little friendship we had or is she just worried I’d tell someone else. I frantically texted back.

Me: Please, I’m so sorry :( I’d never tell anyone and wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you.

Nicola: Promise…

Me: I swear I will not tell a soul. Not that anyone would believe that could happen to me anyway and certainly not with anyone as hot as you.

Nicola: Hmmm…I guess I’ll have to take your word for it and trust you.

Me: TY, I won’t let you down. :)

Phew crisis over, I thought to myself getting into bed thinking that was the end of it then my phone pinged again with a new message.

Nicola: Just WTF did you do to me??????

Nicola: Do you know what it’s like to be in public with no panties on and horny???

Me: Urm…

Nicola: SERIOUSLY! Every slight breeze blowing up my skirt gave me tingles and the freaking bus. Do you realise have much they shake and vibrate?

Me: That’s my little cute slut :3 lol.

Nicola: Hey it’s not funny. I’ve not had 5 minutes to myself since I got home, I’ve been wet and turned on all this time.

Me: You have no idea how hot that sounds.

Nicola: Oh sure, you would say, you’re not having to deal with this hot mess between my legs.

To my astonishment Nicola then sent a [picture]( to illustrate her last point. She was lying on her bed with the phone pointed down her body at a very low angle, from the waist down she was totally naked and her left hand was covered in her juices with lines connected to her pussy. It instantly turned me on and made me hard.

Me: 0.0 WOW just WOW, that pic would make any guy hard and or girl.

Nicola: Hah, u trying to say you have a massive boner now LOL

Me: I…

Nicola: Oh a little flustered r u, little slut :3

Nicola: If you don’t wish to upset me then you best send me a pic, I mean it’s only fair after all.

Dam I was starting to enjoy this but now I felt anxious and shy knowing I would have to reply. This of course had an effect on my cock which had started to retreat making the situation worse. I closed my eyes thinking back to our encounter earlier, blocking out other thoughts then reviewed the photo of her glistening fingers. This helped and my cock was once again hard but now I couldn’t think of what type of photo to send. Do I take my boxers off or leave them on, do I hold it in my hand? I was trying a few things then suddenly my phone pinged again.

Nicola: Well come on I’m waiting, don’t leave my here playing by myself :3.

Quickly I decided to leave my boxers on, my hard cock stretching them with the head poking out above the waistband. I took the photo and sent it over, my heart was racing.

Me: Sorry. Be kind (*^.^*)

Nicola: Aww it wants to come out and play :3.

Me: Thanks, I think.

Nicola: But seriously it’s a hot pic, even hotter knowing u were thinking of me :D.

Nicola: Teasing me but not revealing everything and with a glistening head. It’s seems I’m not the only one who’s wet.

Totally unware of it but some pre-cum had started to leak out over the head of my cock, and drip. I felt quite proud and eager to found out where this was going. Suddenly my phone went off again, as I looked at the screen it was similar to the picture Nicola sent earlier. After a few seconds I realised this was a video call and it was a live image. Nicola must have set her phone on a tripod or something so she could be hands free with the camera looking down her body.

I quickly grabbed my headphones, then swiped to accept the call.

“Fuck I didn’t think you were going to pick up,” Nicola whispered down the phone.

“Sorry I… I was trying to find my head phones,” I mumbled back.

“Well then,” she replied.

“Ummm,” god I was struggling to think and speak, so uncool.

“Don’t tell me you gone all shy big boy,” Nicola said with a giggle. After a slight pause she continued.

“Hmm, looks like it’s up to me then. Listen carefully now.”

“First, let’s see that cock of yours again.”

I turned the camera and pointed down my body towards my boxers.

“Aww but it but its hiding again. Take your hand and stroke your shaft through your boxers.”

I followed Nicola’s orders running my hand up and down the outline of my cock in my boxers. At the same time I could see Nicola was stroking her pussy gently.

“That’s a good boy, just like that,” she said with a giggle.

The head of my cock once again popped out top, with a bit more pre-cum coming out.

“Yes here he is, all wet and ready for work Hehe. Now… hold it up for me, show me how much I turn you on.”

I held my cock up and a line of pre-cum started to drip down till it reached my body. Nicola lifted her hand comparing a drip of her juices to mine. Wow this felt so hot and intimate, I continued to play with my cock dipping it in my pool of pre-cum and lifting it up for her to enjoy whilst she did the same with her pussy.

“Mmmm, now do you still have my panties?” she purred.

Fortunately I had sealed them in a bag and hidden them under my bed. Quickly I put leant over and retrieved them, at the same time I spotted my phone mount so grabbed that as well. I set the phone up so I didn’t have to hold it then held them in front of the camera for her.

“Yes got them here,” I replied.

“You like my pretty little panties don’t you?”

“Now, rub your fingers on my panties.”

I held her panties with one hand then started running two fingers up and down the front with the other.

“Yes up and down,” she moaned, mimicking what I was doing with her hand through her bedsheet which she had pulled across her pussy. I started to understand the little fantasy she was playing out, replicating how I touched her earlier. After rubbing the outside I slid my fingers in her panties.

“That’s it slide them inside, let me feel your touch and cover your fingers in my wetness,” she said as her own hand disappeared under her bedsheet.

“Mmmm, such a good boy. Ok I’ll allow you to take a little taste but show me and do it slowly.”

I switched to face camera and slowly stuck a finger in my mouth. Even though the taste wasn’t as strong, it was still amazing and could imagine being with her in her room.

“Here it’s your turn,” I said with a smile, gaining a little self-confidence. Nicola seemed happy with my suggestion, switching her camera round and I watched as Nicola slowly sucked her fingers one by one before switching it back.

“I taste great, I bet you want more,” she purred.

“ye…yes please, ” I mumbled.

“Well, you best get on your knees then.”

I was little confused at this command but then realised it was part of the fantasy and she quickly continued.

“Now first kiss my pretty little panties gently as I run my hand through your hair.”

With my index and middle finger on the inside her panties, I started kissing the outside gently, imagining being on my knees and kissing her crouch. Out the corner of my eye I could see her mimicking my kisses by lightly pressing her fingers on her pussy through the bedsheet which had a little wet spot.

“Yes, continue like that as I start to play with my nipples. God they are so sensitive and need attention too.”

“Mmmmmm. Your making me so wet,” she moaned which sent tingles down my back.

“Pull them aside, and clean up the hot little mess your making,” she purred.

I pulled her moved her panties slightly to one side, revealing my fingers underneath as if it was her pussy. At the same time Nicola pulled the bedsheet slowly to one side, partially revealing her wet pussy.

It felt a bit weird at first as I started to kiss my fingers which tasted of her but Nicola seemed to be enjoying it. She kept dabbing a finger on her pussy, getting it wet as I pretended to kiss it then sucking it clean.

“God yes. Now put that tongue you use, let me feel it run up and down my hot, wet pussy.”

I dutifully obeyed licking up and down between my fingers, pretending to lick her pussy as she ran her fingers up and down her own pussy, pretending it was my tongue.

“Ahh,” she squealed “, your warm tongue feels so great.”

“I can’t help but grab your head, burying it in my pussy,” she said pressing the palm of her hand against her pussy mimicking my face and pushing against it with her hips up before releasing ‘her grip’.

“Mmmm. You want this little slut’s pussy so bad.”

“Don’t think I’ve not noticed you trying to rub your crotch like a little naughty boy.”

“You just can’t help it, I bet you’d blow your load in your pants watching me.”

“Hmmm… I should force you to do it for not following my orders buuut I think you deserve a little reward.”

“Let me see you take out that cock, while you kneel before me.”

I switch the camera on my phone so it’s pointing down my body then pull my boxers down and reveal my hard cock.

“Yes, Yes.” Nicola said with glee.

“Now look up at me as you start to GENTLY stroke it. Let me see the passion and feeling of relief in your eyes as kneel before my hot body you desire so much.”

I started stroking my cock as commanded, pretending I was looking up at her. After a few strokes I switched the camera round so Nicola could see my face and tried to show how gratifying this was. I could see Nicola was rubbing her pussy as she watched me.

“I love seeing you play with yourself as I run my fingers through your hair and touch myself.”

“It’s very tempting just to leave you in such a vulnerable position and go get myself off. After all you left me alone earlier.”

“No…Please…Don’t go,” I begged, panicking not wanting this to be over and being a simple case of revenge.

Fortunately it was just part of her fantasy, being in control and teasing me. She had no intention of leaving, she was so horny and needed this too.

“Ahhhh aren’t you sweet, don’t worry this little slut isn’t done with you yet.”

“Here, help me step out of these panties…Wow they are so wet,” she said totally discarding the bed sheet that was laying partially across her lap.

“DON’T let them drop on the floor, hmmm your cock seems a good place to hang them.”

“Let me see you wrap my wet panties around your cock.”

I switched camera again and hung them over my cock.

“Yes! Now stoke them up and down, cover your cock in my wetness,” she giggled.

“As I allow you to continue stroking yourself, I pull your head back to my pussy which is crying out for attention.”

This time I kept the camera focusing on me stroking my cock while Nicola began rubbing her pussy again imitating my tongue. It took allot of restrain to control myself, the sight of Nicola touching herself, the sound of her breathing and soft moans was so alluring and arousing. I was trying everything to not cum quickly.

“Mmmmm…Ohhh…Yes, stroke that hard cock as you lick me.”

“Try…Try a finger as well as your tongue,” she whispered then watched as she slowly inserted her middle finger in her pussy.

“Yes like that, feel how it grips tightly around your finger. Now try another,” she said sliding her index finger inside. Even though we were pretending it was me supposed to be exploring her for the first time, it felt like she was the one exploring herself for the first time the way she was enjoying it. Or maybe she was just rediscovering the joy of the first time she explored herself via our little fantasy, either way it was pretty hot.

“Dam your fingers feel so good in me, you can slide them back and forth as you lick me,” she purred.

Nicola started to slowly slide her fingers in and out while using her free hand to rub her pussy at the same time. I was mesmerised matching the strokes of my cock with her hand movements in and out her pussy.

“Mmmm…Feel my pussy twitch around your fingers as your tongue hits my clit.”

The moans and her dirty talk was getting too much and I losing my self-control, rubbing my cock quicker. It was starting to throb and knew I was close to cumming.

“I…I…Ahem…I’m close,” I mumbled ashamedly hoping not to upset Nicola but again she took me by surprised.

“Oh you baaad boy, I guess you just can’t resist this hot little slut,” She murmured.

“Take…Take my panties, put them over the head of your cock,” she commanded.

“That’s it, stretch my little wet panties with your cock.”

“Mmmmm, stroke it harder for me.”

“Faster, cum…cum for me and fill my panties.”

My legs were trembling at this point, Nicola last few words triggered tingles down my spine which pushed me over the edge. I started cumming hard, my cock throbbing as huge amounts of cum filled Nicola panties, which made me stop stroking my cock.

“Don’t fucking stop, kept stroking slut. I want you drained and my panties full,” Nicola commanded.

I obeyed and continued stroking my cock through my orgasm. I’ve never felt it so strong before, or last so long. As my cock twitched for the last few times, the final drops of cum slowly dripped of my cock onto Nicola’s now full panties which had fallen on my stomach. Nicola had slowed down fingering herself as she became distracted watching me cum. I could hear her giggle with glee when I came and she seemed fascinated.

“Good boy, but don’t forget about me,” she said in a soft tone beginning to slide her fingers in her pussy which made me hard again.

“Oh you’re still hard I see. Good, keep stroking it while you finger my tight little pussy.”

“I need your help to make me cum. Please…” Nicola seemed to be begging now but was this part of the fantasy or did she want me to interact more.

“Will…Ahem…I mean you like my fingers in your pussy, don’t you?” I said hesitantly, not really having much experience of dirty talk.

“YES…Yes I do. Please make me cum, I’ve been so good,” Nicola moaned, giving me a little confidence to continue.

“My cock is throbbing for you, little slut. You make me so hard just kneeling in front of you looking up at your hot body.”

“Your tight little pussy feels so good, gripping my fingers.”

“You want it deeper don’t you?”

“Please go deeper, faster,” she moaned, fingering herself faster and sliding her fingers deeper in her pussy.

I couldn’t help but stroke my cock quicker, I had just had and orgasm but this was so hot and arousing. I could see Nicola’s free hand on her stomach, and could tell she wanted to touch her clit.

“You’re so wet,” I continued, “your juices run down my chin as I run my tongue up your pussy.”

“Your clit is so puffed up, I can’t help but suck on it then work it with my slowly tongue.”

“Mmmm…Thank you,” Nicola moaned as she could began rubbing her thumb on her pussy.

“You grab the back of my head more vigorously, making me work your pussy and clit faster.”

Nicola responded by lifting her ass fully into the air as fingered and rubbed herself faster and faster. She was very close to cumming, her breathing heavier and moaning louder, her hips pushing up into her hands. This all helped me close to cumming again as I worked my cock faster matching her pace.

“Yes, my tight pussy is beginning to pulse around your fingers, you feel it don’t you?” Nicola gasped.

“Yes I do, your pussy feels so good. Making my grip my cock tighter each time and stroke it faster, I’m close to cumming again for you.” I replied.

“Yes, stroke it harder for me, cum again for me,” she said breathlessly.

This pushed me over again, my cock throbbing as it shot out long ropes of cum. Once Nicola spotted this, it also push her over the edge and making her cum.

“MMMMM…FUCK….YES…YES” she moaned as her body collapsed to the bed, her legs quivering and twitching as wave after wave pulsed through her body. Her clit was too sensitive to touch but she continued fingering herself, riding this orgasm to the fullest.

I also continued stroking me cock, watching Nicola’s orgasm was so hot it caused me to cum a third time. Nicola slowly came down from her euphoric high letting out a long soft moan before I spoke.

“Just gonna rest my head against your thigh, looking up at you as I stroke my cock slower while I recover. Maybe a soft kiss here and there.”

“Mmmm, that would be nice, looking down into your eyes as I run my hand through you’re hair and slowly stroke my pussy.” Nicola suggested.

I don’t know exactly but we most have laid there for 5-10 minutes, totally silent just watching each other on screen, never wanting this post-orgasm euphoria to end.

Eventually Nicola stopped stroking her pussy, sucking her fingers clean.

“Wow, never done anything like that before. But don’t get any ideas now.” She said trying to convince herself more than me.

“Hah, looks like a fine mess you made their. Let me screen shot that to prove you’re a little slut too.” She said with a giggle, noticing the large amount of cum on my stomach.

“Now, I want me panties back. Tomorrow return them to me but don’t let get caught.” Nicola said sternly then disconnected call.

I quickly cleaned myself up and went to bed. The next day I felt like a secret agent, after locating Nicola I could see her bag was downside her while she stood talking to her friends. I edged closer then without making any form of contact quickly stooped down placing her panties in her bag then carried on past. It was thrilling and would have been quite embarrassing should I have been spotted.

Later in the day I was recalling the events of yesterday in my head when I got a message on my phone. I picked it up and it read ‘Nicola: This little slut couldn’t help herself xxx’ and was followed by a picture. She stood with skirt pulled up to show she was wearing the panties I gave back to her, stained with both our cum.

I just couldn’t believe how kinky Nicola was or what I had awoken in her, she continued with little games teasing me. Sometimes I’ll get a text right before our business studies lecture, showing she was wearing no panties, or late one Friday evening I get another. She is lying in bed, a hand down her panties while her friend Sophie is sleeping in her underwear next to her with the caption, “Wish you here?? Think you could handle us both ~.^”. Another followed where she had managed pulled down Sophie’s panties, “A cute pussy too, don’t you think. You best be stroking it hard for us tonight, I know I will XXX”.

She even stole my phone during one lecture and disappeared. Later I realised she had changed the notification sound for her messages, a strange but familiar sound. After questioning it, she sent me a video of her fingering herself next to my phone so now I hear her wet pussy every time she messages me and no one else knew.


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