My roommate confronted me about their foot fetish [M]

I had two roommates, Kurt and Bob. Kurt was a good guy but incredibly socially awkward and a little standoffish. Bob was the exact opposite of Kurt and was incredibly outgoing and people gravitated toward him easily due to his affable nature and jovial personality. Kurt and I had been friends for years and years and I had met Bob through him and we became fast friends — so much so that we ended up living in this apartment for a year. Kurt had a regular 9 – 5 job, so did I, but Bob was an actor and took crazy shifts at crazy times whenever he could. He was always broke but he was always happy about it and as long as he paid the rent and utilities on time I didn’t care what he did.

One afternoon I came home from work early for whatever reason and Bob was home — as always — in the living room, watching cartoons. I kicked off my shoes and jumped on the couch to join him and catch up a bit. We talked a little while and laughed at the nonsense on TV until the program ended. Bob put the TV on mute and asked me if we could talk.

“Sure, Bob, what’s up?”

“Well,” he hesitated, “I have something I wanted to ask you, but you can’t tell Kurt.”

I thought about that for a minute. I have never been good at keeping secrets, especially from good friends, but I decided I could at least try. “Yeah I think I can do that for you, Bob.”

“Ok. So. Here’s the thing.” He paused again. “I have a foot fetish.”

The eye contact we were making was suddenly making me and my size 14 feet a little uncomfortable. I slowly pulled my feet away from Bob and tucked them under my bum.

“Not your feet, asshole.” Bob said indignantly.

“What do you mean then?”

“I like… I love feet.”

“To look at?”

“To look at, to touch, everything.”

“Like… you like to have sex with feet? Or like… ummm. I dunno.”

“Yeah,” he nodded, “I like everything to do with them. I like to smell them. Taste them. Touch them. Be touched by them. Everything.”

“Huh. Cool. That’s not my thing, but that’s cool.” I was trying to soak in the nuance of this random admission.

“So that isn’t all of what I wanted to talk to you about.”


“No. I, uh, I make foot fetish porn.”

“NO FUCKING WAY!” my eyes had to have been as big as tennis balls.


“THAT IS FUCKING AWESOME!” I knew that people had foot fetish kinks, but I had never explored it myself. As far as I was concerned feet are gross.

“Yeah, so that is how I pay the rent.”


“Yeah. I don’t make enough with the acting gigs so I make foot fetish porn on the side and sell it.”


“Yeah, cool. Awesome.”

“So… how do you do it? Like… what do you do?”

“I usually put up ads on CraigsList for models and then I pay them $50 and I shoot a video. I sell the clips online for $5 – $10 each and it helps me pay the rent.”

“NO. FUCKING. WAY! Where do you make these videos?”

“Umm… here. I make them here when you are at work.”

“NO… what? No fucking way…”

“Yeahhhhh. When you and Kurt are gone I have girls come by and we make porn.”


“I knew you’d be cool to tell.”

“Fuck yeah. That is awesome. I mean… it is kinda repugnant and I am concerned about what is going on when I am not home, but… that’s still fucking awesome.”


“Good for you, Bob.”

I thought that was the end of the conversation. I had some sense that Bob just wanted to get that bit of trivia off his chest because he felt bad about having people over to the house when we weren’t there. I was wrong.

“That’s not all.”

“Oh? What else?”

“I was wondering… I was wondering if you could help me recruit more girls to make videos?”

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“Yeah. I would love to get more girls and I figured you would be good at recruiting them for me.”

“Oh my fucking god, Bob, yes, I will absolutely do that for you.”


“Nothing on earth would amuse me more than that.”



“I was wondering if you could maybe direct some of the videos?”

“Are you playing with me right now, Bob? Are you really asking me if I will film your foot fetish pornos for you? Because I absolutely will do that.”

“For real? You will?”

“OhmyfuckingodBobyesIwillfilmyournastyfootfetishpornosforyou!” I paused momentarily, “Do I have to see your penis a lot?”

“No, no, no. No penis.”

“Wait, what? No penis? What the fuck are you doing?”

Bob went on to explain the kind of films he made. They were humiliation pornos. Girls would come in, kick him around, sit on his big belly and say mean things to him. They would kick his face and squish him. Rub their feet all over him and make him smell or lick their toes or socks or whatever. They would say mean things to him and humiliate him. They did that for $50. Bob would turn that into $150 in a month. They never had sex with him. No one ever got naked — unless they really wanted to — and it was super strange. I was aghast at the complexity of the lengths this man would go to to pay the rent instead of getting a real job.

Needless to say, I took to my new task right away. Every new woman that I would meet — in a non-professional setting — I would ask if they wanted to be in a foot fetish porn. They almost always said no, then I clarified that there was no sex and no nudity and they reconsidered. The pay out price was a little low for most of them, but a few girls said yes.

The girl I was seeing at the time, my FWB, Penny, agreed to do it. Bob gave her $50, she signed a release, then I got to direct my first porno.

I came up with an absurd plot and gave them both directions. I set the scene and was giddy like a child who had too much sugar and caffeine. It was super awkward and extremely funny, but fun nonetheless. It was a high-selling video too. His unique clientele were very excited to have new girls, new camera angles, and they enjoyed that someone else was there in the room watching the humiliation along with being behind the camera. He got a lot of feedback saying they wanted more of that stuff. I didn’t direct any more of his foot fetish films, but it isn’t that I didn’t want to.

Bob met a girl shortly after that and they started dating seriously and Bob was afraid to tell her about the foot fetish stuff. She was really attractive, really smart, and really fun; he didn’t want to scare her off. Interestingly, they ended up getting really serious and he told her about his fetish after a few months. She wasn’t into it personally, but was down to do whatever he wanted. Eventually they got married and they started doing more risqué stuff. As far as I am aware they still make videos with one another and they hire other girls to come in as well. They started making “real” porn (with foot fetish themes) and she started making girl on girl wrestling videos too. Which was Bob’s other fetish.



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