[FFFF] White girl turned into Chicanas’ pet

Riley’s dad had gotten a giant promotion that came with the catch of relocating to a new city. Riley wasn’t too happy about moving and leaving all her friends behind but the opportunity was too good and her parents insisted on it. On top of which Riley’s mom had way too much time on her hands and came up with the idea of putting Riley in a public school. She had been in private schools all her life and her mother thought it was a good idea for her to get some experience with public schooling, even if it was just for her last year of high school.

Riley stepped through the threshold of the front door and was immediately disappointed. No longer were there the clean white tiles and spotless rows of lockers with neatly dressed students. The tiles were white but they seemed to have a thin layer of permanent dirt on top of them. There were rows of lockers but a lot of them were chipping paint or mangled in some way. The students were all dressed haphazardously in all different colors and shapes, which would normally be a good thing if half of them didn’t look like hooligans. The slight scent of mildew hung in the air and tickled her nostrils. She knew she would not be having a fun time here and cursed her mother for this stupid idea. It was too late to make a change so she’d just have to stomach it and keep her head down for the year.

Classes went on like any other school and Riley paid strict attention. She was gunning for an Ivy league university and couldn’t afford to slack off in her final year. Nothing memorable happened and lunch finally rolled around. She didn’t like interrupting her classes to go to the restroom and held it in all this time so went to the closest bathroom there was. Unfortunately as it was her first day she wasn’t aware of the unwritten rules of the school. This particular bathroom was claimed as the territory of a local group of female gangbangers that called themselves “The Chicanas”.

She stepped inside and her nostrils immediately scrunched up at the odor of smoke wafting out. She saw the three girls, the chicanas, hanging out in the restroom and decided to pay no mind as she rushed to a stall. That’s when the tallest one of the bunch stretched a hand out and stopped her. This girl had her hair done in a pompadour on top with the rest hanging down to her lower back. Her arms were covered in various tattoos and she had a nose piercing. The expression on her face was cold and her eyes spoke violence. Riley didn’t know what she had done and could only respond with her limited knowledge. “U-um. Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just wanted to use the restroom.”

There were two other girls sitting on the ledge of the sink area and one of them laughed at her response. This girl had the sides of her head shaved and had on heavy makeup with ripped up jeans. She didn’t seem as violent as the other girl and gave off a casual feeling. “Hey white girl. Didn’t anyone tell you? This is a reserved bathroom. If you wanna come in here you gotta pay the toll.” She said with a slight Spanish accent.

Riley was starting to understand the situation she was in. These girls had taken ownership of the area and were bullying people for money. She was a little mad about being caught but didn’t want to start any trouble. “Toll? Well, how much is it?”

“A buck.” The girl responded.

Riley’s face softened somewhat. If it was just a dollar that wasn’t too bad. “Oh I think I have a dollar in here somewhere….” She said as she started to rifle through her purse. The girls all burst out laughing at her response and the girl on the sink spoke up again. “No gringa, not a dollar. A hundred.”

Riley’s jaw almost hit the floor after hearing that. “I’m not paying a hundred dollars to use the bathroom! I don’t even have that much money! I’m just going to use another bathroom.” She said with a huff and made to move toward the door, but the girl that stopped her from entering the stall once more blocked her way. “Umm, excuse me. I was just leaving…” She looked up and saw the other girl’s eyes smoldering. Her eyes flitted toward the other girls on the sink. They looked like the leaders here.

This time the third girl spoke up. Her voice was quieter than the other girl’s but there was a certain weight to it. “It’s too late for that gringa. You had to pay the minute you stepped in here. If you’re saying you don’t have the toll then we’re gonna have a problem.” Riley froze up and her throat went dry. These girls were all covered in tattoos and looked like badasses. The one in front of her in particular looked like she hurt people regularly. She was trying to think up a way to get out when she heard the second girl speak up. “Hey, ella tiene una bonita boca eh?” What did that mean? The third girl smiled and pulled the cigarette out of her mouth to let out a long puff of smoke. “Si, es muy bonita. Catalina!” She barked and brought both her fingers out in a come hither motion.

The first girl, Catalina, grabbed her by the arm, dragged her over to the third girl, and shoved her to her knees. The third girl unceremoniously began to undo her jeans. There was a certain manly posture to the way she did so, all swagger and large movements. It was like when guys were trying to show off before they whopped out their dick. The realization hit Riley like a truck. She knew *exactly* what the girls were going to have her do. “Oh no. Nononononono. I am not doing that.” By this point the third girl had already peeled off her jeans and was down to her panties. She tried to back away but Catalina stopped her in her tracks. The second girl laughed and jeered from the side. “Hey Sophia, the white girl says she doesn’t want to lick your dirty pussy. Hahahahahaaha.”

Being spoken about in that manner made Riley’s stomach turn but she had more important things to think about now. “Listen. I am NOT doing that and I am NOT giving you a hundred dollars. If you let me go right now I won’t tell the principal but if you force me to do *that* I’m gonna go to the police.” She delivered in her most authoritative tone. But reality was a cruel mistress. The girls didn’t seem scared at all. She looked up at Sophia defiantly and in the next moment all she heard was *PA!* and started seeing stars. “You…you hit me. Even my mother has never hit me!” *PA!* Riley got another slap on the other cheek before she learned to shut her mouth. Tears began to form at the edges of her eyes and trailed down her cheeks in large warm droplets.

“The police? Puta, you wanna talk to the police? You can go ahead, just know that we’re gonna fuck you up. You got a pretty little face but you won’t look so pretty when you’re missing a few teeth.” Riley’s legs started shaking and her pee almost leaked out when she heard that. Sophia’s hand wrapped around her neck and lightly choked her before getting close and asking in a solemn voice. “You understand now white girl?” These girls meant business. She understood that now. She had no choice but to obey and hope they’d let her go without any permanent injuries. With tears in her eyes Riley reluctantly nodded her head, defeated. “Yea that’s what I thought.” She said before hocking up her throat and spitting on Riley’s face.

Sophia then sat back up on the sink ledge and pulled her panties aside to show off her pretty pink pussy. The shape was a nice little slit, her labia wasn’t too long and the skin wasn’t very dark, above that her hair was cute into a neat landing strip. It really was pretty, even Riley could tell, but no matter how pretty it was she couldn’t find it in herself to enjoy licking it. She wasn’t into girls. She liked guys. The idea of going down on another girl was…stomach churning, but she had to do it if she didn’t want to get hurt. So she stuck out her tongue and and used the tip to lightly flick at Sophia’s lips. “Sabes que what is this puta doing?” That earned her another slap. She could feel her cheeks pulsating with pain. It would surely leave a mark. “I told you to *EAT MY PUSSY*, BITCH.” Sophia shouted before grabbing Riley’s head and roughly shoving it between her legs. The rough movement cause Sophia to involuntarily squirm her lips and tongue against Sophia’s pussy. “Yea that’s right, just like that gringa. Use that pretty little mouth.” Riley continued to move her lips and tongue to pleasure Sophia but eventually her movements started to slow again from her reluctance.

The second girl had been watching with amusement the entire time and when Riley slowed down she became irritated. Sophia was the leader of their clique, and disrespect to her was disrespect to all of them. She took Riley’s reluctance as a form of disrespect and decided she needed a little “motivation”. So she “casually” pulled out her pocket knife and began to clean the dirt from under her nails out with it, smiling mischievously while making eye contact with Riley.


That was the only thing on Riley’s mind and she got the message. If she didn’t do a good job that knife would potentially be used on her instead. She dug deep and found all the motivation in the world and began to eat Sophia’s pussy like it was a 5 star meal. “Ah shit, fuck *ohhh*, slow down gringa.” Sophia noticed Bianca’s little trick and smiled at her to show her approval. “*Oahh* Yea, just like that. Just like that white girl. *Ohhh*” Sophia tossed her head back and let out soft gasps of pleasure as Riley finally began to earnestly lick her pussy. The white girl had some talent for eating pussy. Sophia’s hips began to writhe along with Riley’s tongue as her clit and entrance were being stimulated by Riley’s tongue. Her hand went through Riley’s hair and combed her scalp in pleasure, pressing Riley deeper and deeper against her mound.

The other girls watched on in amusement. It was always fun seeing a white girl brought low, and with the way their boss was moaning and writhing this white girl had a good tongue. It would be their turn when she was done and they licked their lips in anticipation. Riley on the other hand wasn’t having so much fun. The sensation of licking out a girl was strange and unnatural to her. The continuous juices that came out were coating the inside of her mouth with a strange flavor and had even begun to drink down her chin. She hoped it wasn’t landing on her clothing. She had no idea what she was doing down there and just moved her tongue with whatever felt right. That seemed to do it and Sophia was moaning in pleasure, just like she had when guys did it for her. *So this is what it’s like on the other side huh…*

Riley continued to pleasure Sophia’s sex with her lips and tongue for another 10 minute before Sophia froze and began to pant heavily. A new wave of juices came splashing out and went right into her mouth. She wanted to pull off but Sophia held her head firmly in place. Soon enough her mouth was full and she had one of two options, let it all just fall out of her mouth and drip down to her clothes or…drink it. The choice was taken away from her when Sophia roughly pulled her even closer and her throat reflexively spasmed to drink down the liquid.


Sophia’s orgasm lasted close to a minute before Riley was let go, tongue still hanging out with long transparent strands connecting her face and Sophia’s pussy. She had never felt so degraded, forced to drink down someone’s cum. She had never even swallowed for her boyfriends! Riley brought her hands up to wipe away the tears, her sniffling nose, and the mess Sophia had left on her face. “C-can I…go now…?” She said anxiously while looking down at the floor, afraid to make eye contact with any of the girls.

That’s when she heard a melodious laugh and the rustling of clothes. “What are you talking about white girl? You ain’t done yet.” Bianca had similarly removed her ripped up jeans. She didn’t wear panties and was already wet and ready. Her pussy wasn’t as aesthetically pleasing as Sophia’s, her lips were a little longer and her clit a bit bigger than Sophia’s. Bianca however was totally bare and her pussy had spread it’s lips to look like a beautiful pink rose. Beautiful as it was that didn’t mean Riley would be excited to go down on her. But from the corner of her eye she saw Bianca’s knife resting on the ledge and decided to keep her mouth shut and be a good girl. Sophia might have been demanding but Bianca seemed straight up crazy. She was not going to take the chance and obediently buried her face in Bianca’s mound before energetically licking every inch up and down.

“*Ah!* *Hija de puta*. This white girl really likes eating pussy huh?” Bianca’s hand went to the back of Riley’s head and pulled her hair back to force Riley to look up into her eyes. “You like that pussy white girl? Tastes good doesn’t it?” Riley wanted to groan in anger but was too afraid to piss off Bianca. The only thing she could do was moan out “Uh huh *slhrp shlrp*”

“*ooah* muy bien gringa…*ooh* muy bien. *Ay dios mio.*” Just like that Riley continued to faithfully use her tongue for Bianca’s pleasure but her tongue and jaw had gotten incredibly sore from the constant use but she tried to power through it, knowing that if she slowed down she would get hurt. She had to find a way to finish it quickly. After racking her brains for a while she figured out that she could use her nose to bump against Bianca’s clit while her tongue slid deeper inside to stimulate her walls. She immediately put her new technique into action with immediate results.

“*AY DIOOOOOOO!!!!!!!*” After only a few seconds Bianca was already screaming at the top of her lungs and convulsing. Riley continued to lick to let her orgasm continue longer. After all, if Bianca was left fully satisfied there was less chances of her doing something with that knife.

Finally Bianca was also finished but Riley knew she wasn’t done. She had only pleasured two girls, and there were three in the room. Catalina was left. She spun on her knees faithfully, already knowing she would be expecting a turn as well but hoped she could ask for a break as her jaw was incredibly sore. “I know I have to do it for you too…but can I have a break? My jaw is sore and I still need to…um…use the bathroom.”

Catalina looked to Sophia for further instruction. “Fine, just make it quick.”

“Thank you.” Riley felt like a child again, having to ask for permission just to use the toilet. But her bladder felt like it was about to explode and she was thankful they didn’t humiliate her further. She quickly did her business and cleaned herself up as much as possible before getting ready for her final task. Catalina was the biggest of the three girls and was almost as muscular as a man. Despite that she still had a pretty feminine face. It was a bit odd that she hadn’t spoken the whole time though. Riley knew if there was one person she couldn’t complain about it would be Catalina. This girl was clearly the muscle in their gang and would be the first one to hurt her if she gave any trouble.

So Riley went back down to her knees and Catalina took off her bottoms to get ready for her. Her pussy was a pretty little slit, much like Sophia’s but the skin around her mound was darker and her bush was clearly untrimmed. It tickled Riley’s nose as she gave Catalina’s pussy a long wide wet lick.

“*^AH*” She squealed in a tone much higher than Riley was expecting. She thought Catalina’s voice would be manly but it was far higher pitched and feminine than any of the other girls here, including her own. It seemed Catalina was even more sensitive than the other girls as every lick would elicit high pitched feminine shrieks of pleasure. Riley found it a little fun. The big buff girl she had been scared of so much was now squealing like a little girl every time she moved. It made her feel just a little powerful, even if she was being used as a sex toy for these girls. *You’re not so big and bad now are you?*

She didn’t need to be too rough or use too much technique on Catalina. The girl was just too sensitive. She easily came within five minutes of just some casual stimulation. With Catalina done Riley’s toll was paid.

“We’re done now right…? I did it for all of you….”

While Catalina was putting her clothes back on the other two girls were taking a drag of their after sex cigarettes. Sophia was the one to speak up. “Nah. I like you white girl. You give good head. Come back here after school.” Bianca smiled gleefully from the side. She also liked this gringa and wanted another turn.

Riley’s face twisted into a frown. What had she gotten herself into? She let out a non-commital grunt and made for the door. Sophia called out from behind her. “If you don’t we’ll have to come looking for you. And you don’t want that white girl.” Another deluge of tears almost came bubbling up as she left.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n1blvc/ffff_white_girl_turned_into_chicanas_pet

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