Femdom: Chance to Serve Goddess Sa Part 1

I got a call from Goddess Sa. She said she is travelling to my city the coming month. She will be staying for a month and this could be my chance to serve her. This was exciting and the next month was the slowest month in the history of time. The day finally arrived and Goddess Sa was put up in a friends apartment. As instructed I reached the apartment at 4:00 AM to avoid being noticed by the neighbors.

I was filled with joy when I saw my goddess open the door for me. She had clearly been woken from from sleep and looked rather irritated on having to open the door for me. I wanted to apologize but she cut me out and asked me to follow her to the store room. She asked me to remove all my clothes and sit in  the corner of the storeroom. Here was a chain that was bolted on one end to the wall. Goddess promptly took the other end and without a word put it around my neck, locked it there with a padlock and walked out of the store room. All this happened so quick I hardly had any time to react. As she was walking out i asked her how long was I supposed to stay here. She did not respond. It was almost like she never heard anything. She turned the lights off on her way out, locked the door of the storeroom behind her and I was left in total darkness and total silence. 

All I could do now was to wait for her to come back and reflect on what just happened. I had thought my wait of many years and a super long month had come to an end today I will at my goddess’s feet kissing them and thanking her for the opportunity for serving her, but now i find myself chained to a corner of a room in complete solitary darkness. The time passed slowly with nothing to do. I was lying on the clod hard floor and it was quite cold in there. I had not a shred of clothing to protect me for either the hard floor or the chills. I sat looking towards the direction where the door used to be hoping goddess might come anytime and take me with her. It must have been a couple of hours of waiting before I fell asleep. When i woke up I had no way of telling how long I had slept. The room was as dark as it was but it now felt a little warmer. Hours passed by and there was no sign of the door opening. I was now hungry, thirsty and desperate to get out of this solitary confinement. The only thing that kept me going was knowing goddess was there in the same house as i was in and she will eventually get me out. 

Finally the door opened after what seemed like eternity and in walked Goddess Sa looking as pretty as ever and with me lying in the corner chained to the corner, she now looked imposing. I jumped up on my feet and started to complain how long it had been, the darkness in the room and the hunger in my stomach. I was desperate go get out of this room and start serving my goddess. This was very different form my imagination of this day. According to plans i should have been going down on my Goddess for the 100th time by now. The reality was after god knows how many hours I was not even allowed to kiss her feet or even have a good look at her face. The look on her face made it clear she did not like my behavior. She threw an angry stare the gestures told me I had to shut up and sit back in the corner. She continues her cold stare and my lowered my head like a guilty puppy and waited for her to speak. She grabbed a chair nearby and sat on it. There was a long silence, I could see her feet but did not dare to look up to see what she was doing. She broke the silence and the instructions of my life for the next month were briefed to me. I had to take her permission for every action of mine. Starting from talking, eating, drinking, sleeping, moving around or even using the toilet. The only thing i was free to do anytime was to kiss her feet. Kissing her feet was the only way i allowed to indicate that i have a request to make. 

She made it clear that she had no interest in having me around as a friend. She was here on work and I was here to serve her as the servant of the house. If I was not ok with it I was free to leave that moment but if i stayed there will be not a chance for me to get out before the next 30 days given her assignment is not extended beyond. It is my duty to make sure every task is completed in time and without mistakes. Any form of failure will mean severe punishments. And on days where she was expecting visitors, i would be chained up in this corner. This was my last chance to walk away if i did not have the stomach.

Needless to say i stayed back kissed her feet and and told her i accepts all her conditions. This turned out to be my first mistake. I spoke too soon. I should have kissed her feet and waited for her permission to speak. The punishment was administered immediately. She went out of the room and returned with a cane. I was made to bend over a table and got the first ten whacks of what would be my month long journey. The pain was unbearable. Each whack felt like i could not take it anymore. By the time i reached 10 I was literally crying. Only the desire to serve my goddess kept me going.

Soon after i was released from the the chains locked around my neck and Goddess ordered me to follow her to the living room. She sat on a sofa and I was made to sit on the floor at her feet. I could see the clock hanging on the wall just behind the chair. It was already 8:00. I had been locked up for 14 hrs on my first day of service and suddenly my hunger and thirst seemed become unbearable. Having learnt my first lesson well, I started kissing her feet hoping for the permission to speak. Soon I learnt that kissing her feet does not mean i get the desired permission. It took me about 20 mins of kissing her feet and my permission to speak was granted. I told her I was very hungry and my last meal was almost 20 hrs ago. My reasoning did not seem to bother her. She only said i could eat once i was done giving her a foot massage and if she is not happy instead of food i could be going back into the storage. For now tough she was ok with me having some water and picked up a bottle of water form her bag. She asked me to open my mouth but Instead of giving me a drink she took a sip herself and and spat into my mouth. I was fed 3 more sips and each sip was marvelous. It was not only the first sip of water in the last 20 hrs but also it was coming straight from my goddess’s mouth. Water never tasted better. 

The next half hour was spent giving her a foot massage to the best of my abilities. But this was not good enough and she decided I should be sent back to the storage. I should have done a better job. She also promised that from tomorrow i would be spending most of my in her bedroom. With this I was allowed to use the bath room one last time and then taken back to be chained to where i had spent the entire day in darkness. She left the room saying I will be getting my dinner once she is done eating. After what seemed like and hour she came back with a bowl of food and put it in front of me. I was not allowed to use my hands and ate from the bowl like any self respecting animal would. The food was delicious. It had to be afterall it was my goddess who fed me. I kissed her feet once again and this time iwas granted permission to speak immediately. I thanked her and told her how delicious the food was and thanked her for spending her precious time on me. I was truly grateful for this opportunity. Even before i could finish thanking she had already left the room and i was once again left in solitary darkness. In this world of darkness time moves very slowly. Every second seems to go on for hours. I curse myself for not trying harder or perhaps learning better techniques of giving a good foot massage. I would not have go wait here away from my goddess who was hundreds of miles away from me for decades but today is less than 40 feet away. All this because of my stupidity. I deserve every minute of this punishment.


 Hardly able to get any sleep i toss around until i hear the sweet sound of footsteps. Goddess is surely coming to get me. She must have missed my company too and finally it’s time to spend my time with my goddess. Just a day into this alone treatment and i was already terrified of having to spend another hour here. Never again will i ever screw up on any tasks from now. The door opens, goddess walks in unbolts the chain from the wall and tells me to follw her in all four. I dare not utter a word and just follow. Instead of the bedroom i am taken to garden behind the house. She tells me not to worry as this part of house is not visible to anyone outside of this house. That was hardly a relief because my main concern was in fact about how cold it was outside. Its still dark so i am not sure how long i will have to spend here. Things are not looking good for me because she just licked the end of the chain to a lampost in the middle of the garden. She then hands me a soap and next thing i know is she is spraying freezing water from the garden water pump. It’s so cold i can hardly breathe. She stops the water and i catch my breath. Her gesture told me it was time to use the soap and soon enough came the next blast of water. This time it did not stop for me to catch a breath and went on. It was the most helpless i had ever felt and suddenly the water stopped again. This cycle repeated for the next several minutes that surely felt like hours and finally it was over. I was taken inside and thankfully allowed to dry myself. 

Goddess patted me on the head said she was happy with my handling of the freezing water bath at 4 in the morning. As a reward i was not going to be sent back into storage. This was my first victory and i was proud of the fact that i could make my goddess happy especially after how i has disappointed her with the foot massage. I said thank you and kissed her feet as any good slave should be doing. 

She had a busy day tomorrow and with multiple visitors. She did not want anyone to know of my presence. So i was now given the task of washing utensils in the kitchen, cleaning the house and washing her laundry. I had three hours to finish these or i was going back into storage and she warned it was going to be double the time i spent yesterday. 

I got to work and did my dishes as fast as possible. Then i put her clothes in the washing machine and got back to cleaning the house. The house was large with two floors abs effectively i was cleaning 2 houses. This was not easy by any means and took me almost 2.5 hrs. What felt like a marathon high intensity workout was finally over and i put out the clothes for drying with 10mins left on my clock. 

Half an hour later goddess walked out of her bedroom and fell at her feet and kissed them as she sat down. Granted permission to speak after she was done checking her phone i told her i finished my work and asked her how i could serve her next. I was told to make her some coffee eggs for breakfast. I prepared as per order served her. 


She likes to rest her legs on a chair while sitting and told me to be her footstool. I was really happy when she said i has done a good job and finally earned the right to eat her. But there were a couple of things i had to do first. Firstly i had to worship her feet and beg her to let me eat her. She wanted to see how badly do i really want to eat her. The intensity of my begging will determine if i will be allowed to eat het or not. Secondly, she said she got really wet yesterday when she spanked me. So before i eat her I will be spanked. And if she is not convinced with my begging, I will loose the chance to eat her and spanking will be increased to 4 times the original. I would have begged away with every ounce of energy just to be able to go down on my Goddess and now the cane was extra motivation to try harder than ever.

I was given permission to speak while begging and I started with kissing every inch of her feet. I made sure I covered every corner and curve on her feet. All the while saying things like I would do any thing in the world just to get a chance to taste her holy juices and i really meant it. I got so involved that the cane did not matter. And when permission was not granted after first 10 mins of begging i started to get worried if my request will be rejected and I started kissing her with even more desperation. I asked her to please give me a chance to eat her once and if she was not happy with my performance she can cane me with not 40 but 400 strokes. Someone seeing would have actually thought Goddess was holding a gun to my head and i was begging her for a chance to live. After 30 mins she finally obliged with a warning that the 400 strokes will be real if she was not happy with the outcome. I told her I would continue to eat her all day if she allowed me. There was nothing more in the world I desire more than being able to give pleasure to my Goddess. If given a chance i will surely live at her feet all my life.

She asked me to get on all four and start counting her strokes. I was blind folded because I had not yet earned the right to see my Goddess without her clothes. For me it did not matter really because my only goal was to give her the pleasure. I did not expect any form of reciprocation from my goddess. Nothing can beat the thrill and joy of seeing her enjoy her lady joys and i want to be the blessed soul to be providing her that.

The first stroke came down hard. This was much harder than the first time. A missed count would mean she will start over again so i made sure to count right. This time she did not hold back anything and here strokes came down with all her strength. The pain was unbearable but i was also turned on knowing my goddess was getting turned on from my pain. I was crying but still counting and thanking my goddess for every stroke. Her pleasure was my pleasure no matter how painful. She took her own sweet time been every stroke. She was really enjoying this. Every scream of mine was making her wetter. She would swing the cane just missing me and seeing me clench up would make her giggle. After 5 strokes she walked towards my face. She told me my actions are making her horns and she was extremely wet. I heard her pull her pants down and put her fingers in my mouth. Her fingers covered with holy juices tasted like magic. For a moment i forgot all the pain and greedily licked up every drop of her juices.   She then made me lick the juices of her panties and put them over my face. I was so lost in her aromas and the sensations of the moment that i did not realise she had walked back and landed her next stroke. Probably the hardest stroke till now took me by surprise and i ended up with the wrong count. She started to laugh, said “wrong darling, it’s 6″. She now had to start all over again. And for the wasted effort of hers i now had to count till 15. She went about walking around me in circles each time swinging in the air and missing. Hearing the cane swing was terrifying not knowing if it will strike or not was even worse. Only one of those many swings would strike me and she would wait for me to recover from the pain and just about when i compose myself there would be a swing again. I am always guessing if its a strike or a miss. Every couple of minutes she would stop and make me clean up the juices flowing down her thighs. The amount of nectar I drank up was clear indication of how much she was enjoying this ordeal of mine and in a way gave me the strength to withstand further strokes. the first 10 took an eternity to be executed. By then she was so horny that the next 5 came down with great urgency and no mercy. On the count of 15 she instantly grabbed me by the hair, pulled me towards the recliner and pushed my head between her legs on to my goddess’s love lips. This was for me a pain killer of all pains. I went for it like a hungry dog fed after a week. She was unbelievably wet and dripping all over. I took pride in her pleasure. It was my submission to her that had made her this wild. I lapped up every drop of the nectar and my tongue danced with her clit like a ballet couple in perfect harmony. The more I ate her the more i lost myself in her lady haven. I could hear her moan and so hard that i almost shot my load without even her touching me. I never wanted this moment to end. I did not want her to come just yet. I wanted her to spiral into the galaxy of pleasure. I slowed my tempo when i felt she might just explode but the ballet continued. I would slowly suck on her clit and lick her all the way down making not  single drop of her just was taken away by gravity. I had waited for years for this moment and wasting any of her juices was criminal. I varied my pace, i changed my angles switched between licking and gently sucking her clit. I put one finger inside her and started massaging her from the inside. I was trying every possible variation that i had dreamed of all these years and almost after 40 mins she exploded in my mouth and not a drop was wasted. My goddess had just come in my mouth and this was my proudest moment yet. She laid on the recliner almost exhausted and while she recovered, covered herself and removed my blindfold. I was instructed to lick her feet clean starting from her soles. I brought a large bowl of water, put both her feet into it got my tongue to work. My face hurt and tongue hurt from eating her for almost close to and hour but then what the hell this was my Goddess. She was in bliss and i took her there. I can ignore my pain for her pleasure any given moment. Moreover screwing this up could mean another round of spanking or being parked into the storage for another day.

Soon it was time for to start cooking for lunch and i was dismissed from tongue cleaning her feet. As i was cooking there was a knock on the door. From the conversation i heard it was a delivery of something she has ordered. I heard her instruct them to leave it in bedroom on the first floor. I had no idea what it was but it was heavy there were at least two men who were carrying it to the top. I got busy with my cooking when it was done I went up to her room and knocked. As she opened the door i got in my knees and kissed her feet. I informed her the food was ready once I got the permission to speak. 

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n10h5l/femdom_chance_to_serve_goddess_sa_part_1