I le[f]t my hotel room naked and it went wrong entirely

This story happened to me last year.

I have a kink. Whenever I’m in a hotel I love leaving my room naked for a little daring walk through the hallway. Just a couple of metres. I take the keys to my room with me of course.

Dont ask why, it’s just a huge turn on. I‘ve done it plenty of times without ever being caught.

So on that very night I was drunk and left my room around midnight. It was on the fifth and last story of the hotel. When I left my room I had to choose between going left ( 40m to the next corner) or right (10m to the corner). So I turned right where I only had to pass three doors.

I passed them and suddenly realized that one of those doors went open and two guys came out so I rushed around the corner and started to run since I heard them heading in my direction. They didn’t notice me though.

After a couple of meters I had to turn left where I saw a door (glass) on the righthanded sight that lead to stairs and the elevator on the left.

I had no time to think and decided to hide down the stairs. Best idea would have been to keep running in a circle until I reach my room again but as I said I was drunk and had no time to think. Since it was the last story of the building I needed to go downstairs and waited there for a second. PANIC! They also took the stairs. So i needed to run down the next stairs as well in order to get to the next door.

I finally reached it and it was locked. A couple of seconds later I knew why. It was some kind of exit that lead directly to the streets.

So I had two options. Either face them or keep running down the stairs until I reach the streets.

I choose to keep running. Drunk and in panic… please dont ask.

A bit later a left the building and went straight behind a bush. The 2guys passed without noticing me. But here I was bare naked on the streets in the middle of the night.

I tried to open the door again but it was locked.

I remained there thinking for a minute until I went to face my only option. I ran around the corner through the main entrance. The guy behind the corner was shocked and just said something like ‚excuse me…‘ but i ran straight to the stairs ( the main stairs) as fast as I could. On the way up to my room I luckily didn’t meet anyone else but it felt like hours.I made it in my room where I was waiting in shock waiting for the counter guy to knock. But he didn’t.

It was exciting but stupid af I know. I didn’t leave the room the next morning because I tried to keep out of the way of the guy behind the counter.

It’s my first time telling the story. Please don’t be too harsh with me.

TL;DR by leaving my hotel room naked and ended up on the streets in front if the hotel.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n0ogqn/i_left_my_hotel_room_naked_and_it_went_wrong


  1. That is honestly pretty funny. Next time have a planned escape route? ?

  2. Lol I’ve had dreams like this many times. But I can see the rush it would give

  3. So did this kill your kink… or fuel it? I’m guessing after you ended up back in your room safe and sound, with no long-term repercussions… things must have gotten a little crazy between you and your fingers that night.

  4. Why would anyone be harsh? It was really just some harmless exhibition gone wrong. You didn’t hurt anyone.

    I hope you kept doing it.

  5. Oh wow. Glad that nothing worse happened!

    But will you keep on going nude on hotel floors? ?

  6. Thanks for sharing! Must be an experience indeed. Glad nothing bad happend, going to be a fun story after a while ?

  7. Glad you are safe and nothing more than some embarrassment. If i had seen you I would have offered a coat to cover up

  8. Was there a thrill of those guys potentially catching you or were you just panicked at the thought?

  9. Just about every hotel has surveillance cameras on every hallway. You have been seen a lot more than you think.

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