[FFM] Discovering her fetish

Ava was a housewife like any other. She would wake up early in the morning to do her make up and make a lovely breakfast for her husband. He only deserved the best after all. After he left she would spend her time keeping the house tidy and doing little things like yoga and meditation to keep herself fit and happy. Lately she had picked up a bird watching hobby, which was far more interesting than people gave it credit for.

They had their ups and downs but it was a happy marriage. That is until one day she found what looked to be the leftover traces of purple lipstick on his collar. She brought the shirt to her nose and inhaled deeply. There was clearly a woman’s perfume lingering on it. So strongly that it couldn’t just be a quick hug. She knew it right then that her husband was probably cheating on her.

She had a short sob to herself but quickly wiped up her tears and called a private investigator to follow him. What he found was…interesting. The private investigator slid a folder to her over the table of a cafe. She opened it and the pictures she saw inside made her eyes go wide. That couldn’t be right. There was no way. She continued flipping through the photos, each more incriminating than the last, until she reached one she couldn’t deny. It was the picture of a hotel room taken through the window. Her husband was standing buck naked and in front of him was a similarly naked woman on her knees, cock in mouth. That woman? Her sister, Melody.

She closed the folder and had to take a minute to compose herself, lest she make a scene in public. The private investigator gave her some time before handing her a flashdrive. “I followed him for the past three days and they met up just the one time. This will have everything you need.” For the divorce of course. If the photos were this bad Ava shuddered to think of what was on the flashdrive. “Thank you Mr. Agopolis. *Sniffle* This should be enough for the past three days.” She said matter of factly and slid an envelope containing five thousand dollars to him. He had been working round the clock and she had promised an added bonus of any material proof of infidelity.

The PI opened the envelope, checked the money, and nodded in satisfaction. “Thanks Miss. Let me know if you need anything else.” He didn’t offer any other words. She was just in shock and any condolences were likely to just set her off further.

Ava drove back home with dark thoughts swirling in her head. Maybe she would murder him, or concoct some sinister plot to destroy his professional relationships, or out them both on some revenge porn website. Either way she knew the first thing she’d be doing is calling a divorce lawyer. As she arrived home she went to the kitchen and started to rifle through her purse for the divorce lawyer’s card but saw the flashdrive first. Well, if she was going to divorce him anyways she might as well strike the final nail in the coffin and watch it. It would probably give her even more conviction to divorce him.

She pulled out her old laptop and plugged in the device. On it was just a single video titled “March-27-2021 Raddison Hotel”. The video started where the last picture left off. Melody on her knees sucking her husband’s cock. The sight made her want to vomit in frustration but she pushed on. The video was in a remarkably high quality, so much that she could see every detail in their expressions. She could see the absolute euphoria on Melody’s face as she sucked, as though the action of giving a blowjob was in itself pleasurable to her. And her husband’s face. His twisted even more in ecstasy as he made a face he’d never made with Ava before.

How could they look so happy while she was so miserable? She continued watching as her husband lifted Melody and threw her onto the bed like a rag doll. He was such a man, and she was so delicate. There was no sound but Ava swore she could hear Melody’s shuddering moans as her husband’s cock slipped inside her. If she hadn’t known them she would have thought them newlyweds having the best sex of their lives. The love and pleasure they were surely feeling was conveyed through the video in excruciating detail. He did things to her he had never done to Ava, and Melody’s smile only grew wider the filthier he got. They fucked in every inch of the hotel room in every possible position until finally he thrusted into her and froze. He pulled out and the camera zoomed in on Melody’s pussy, clearly leaking with his cum.

Ava thought it was finally over but saw that she was only a third of the way through the video. She had to continue. Just as she tried to adjust her posture on the couch she felt something *squish* between her legs. As she rubbed her thighs together that squishing feeling increased and she knew immediately what it was. She was wet. No. There was no way. How could she be wet? She wasn’t doing anything that should excite her. She reached a hand down between her legs to confirm but the moment she touched her sex she felt a wave of pleasure bulldoze its way throughout her body. She couldn’t believe how incredibly good that felt.

She knew what it must have been but dreaded confirming it. But she had to. Her eyes flitted back up to the screen and instantly the walls of her pussy clenched as she watched her sister Melody riding her husband like her life depended on it. Before Ava knew it her fingers had started moving and she was vigorously fingering herself while watching their illicit affair. She had orgasm after orgasm as she watched. Their love, their pleasure, his infidelity it turned her on like nothing had ever before.

Ava herself was barren, unable to have children. Melody however was still young, fertile. As her husband fucked her raw and shot load after load into her sweet young womb Ava couldn’t help but imagine Melody swelling and becoming pregnant with her husband’s child. Which turned her on even more and more. She got to the point she began to beg that Melody would get pregnant, *praying* for it even. Her pussy gushed and she had orgasm after orgasm, fingers not stopping until the video finally cut off.

She looked down at the mess she had made. Her knee high tights had been soaked through and her juices had leaked all the way down to her ankles. The couch cushion had a giant wet spot on it and she knew the smell would linger. She looked at the screen and noted the video length, 1:31:25, an hour and a half. She had sat there masturbating for an hour and a half straight having only god knows how many orgasms while watching her husband cheat on her. Her mind was a mess as she wondered what type of sick individual got off to something like that.

She took a few minutes to compose herself before cleaning up all the evidence of her shame. There was no way she could handle all this sober, so she went to the kitchen and poured herself a tall glass of wine while thinking everything over. She had to call the divorce lawyer right? And of course she couldn’t do *that* again. But then thoughts of how gut wrenchingly amazing it felt clouded her mind. It was the first time she had felt such Euphoria. With shaking hands she dialed the number in her contacts.

“Hello? Mr. Agopolis? I spoke to my attorney and he…*advised* me that we would need more evidence to show uhhh a pattern. He said it would be best if you were able to get audio as well as video.” Her sex had begun to moisten at the implications of what she was saying. She hadn’t spoken to any attorney and was asking him to film more porn of her husband cheating on her, ensuring she got audio for her jilling needs. She would be paying thousands per video but she didn’t care. She wanted it. **NEEDED** it. She was like an addict that needed to get her fix. “I can certainly help if you need more information or financial support to get any devices.” The PI agreed to help and set a date to discuss further details.

She set down her phone and noticed the laptop from the corner of her eye, beckoning to her. She picked it up and went upstairs to the guest bedroom, where any strange smells or stains wouldn’t be noticed.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/n0jm6o/ffm_discovering_her_fetish