[M/F] [Exhibitionism] Sweat and Company [Part 1]

I hadn’t been to a party in years. Not from lack of invites, but from lack of ambition. The days of big house parties seemed to disappear after college, and dwindled even more as my friends gained honest employment and settled down. I thought I’d feel out of place, or at the very least, the guy everyone would assume is an undercover cop. Not from my age, but from awkwardly standing around waiting to get invited into conversations. That image of Steve Buscemi holding a skateboard with the caption ‘How do you do, fellow kids?’ always jumped to mind. I also realized I had next to nothing to lose, since I wouldn’t really know anyone else there. *Either I make some new contacts, or just steer into the awkward skid and get turned into some good stories. So win/win,* I convinced myself.

The advantage of living downtown is there’s never a lack of chances to run into outgoing 20-something year olds. In this case, helping a group move a couch I’m convinced should have been burned with whatever witch first wrinkled its upholstery. Moving a couch turned into moving a desk, which turned into setting up an entertainment center, and finally using my Networking degree to optimize their wireless network traffic. Setting their Wi-Fi ID to “FBI Surveillance Van #3” was just the icing on the cake. After buying lunch, I passed the final bar of approval and got the invite. I was easily 10 years older than most of them, so the excitement I felt at hearing that was only slightly embarrassing, and something I would take with me to the grave.

All outward appearances of the party were pretty typical of what you’d expect a typical party to be. Not as rowdy as anything from Animal House, but enough to know what was happening. The biggest surprise was that I didn’t stick out as much as I thought I would. I was even greeted pretty warmly at the door, which put my mind at ease fairly quickly.

“Hey, you made it. How’s it going?” Mark greeted me from across the room.

“I’m good, yeah…thanks,” I chuckled back. “Thanks for the invite.”

“Don’t sweat it. You were clutch for getting that couch in and getting the router setup.”

“Happy to help. Let me know when you want to give that couch a Viking funeral. I’ll bring the kerosene.” That got a laugh.

“Hey, that couch isn’t that bad. It was free, too. So…bonus.”

“I think it was free because it was made before currency was invented.” Another laugh. “But I can’t say I haven’t curb shopped before. That was a good find.”

“Now you’re getting it. Beers in the kitchen, liquor’s out back, if y-”

“Liquor? I hardly know her.” I interrupted. That got less of a laugh and more eye rolls and chuckles. “Alright, I promise…no more dad jokes.”

“I’ll let that one slide this time…”

“Truly you are a wise and gracious leader.” I said with an informal, yet sarcastic, bow. Not wanting to overdo the first 15 seconds of my introduction, I glanced around some of the faces that had clued into the conversation. “Hi, I’m Matt.”

“Oh right. Everyone, this is Matt. He helped us move a bunch of shit in earlier today. That’s Joe, Evan, Cassie, William, and Kathryn.”


I tried to play it cool, but there was just no helping myself: she was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. Long, dark, raven hair pulled into a somewhat sloppy ponytail, a short sleeve shirt displaying a myriad of intricate tattoos, black leggings and flip flops. She had the presence of someone who didn’t need or look for approval, and surrounded herself with people who echoed that energy. She gave me a soft smile and a gentle hand-wave before turning back to the conversation my entrance interrupted. Somehow, I felt humbled that she even noticed me. Was I that old? Was she that good?

As the night continued on like that, I got a few drinks in to me and loosened up. The original fear I had started to melt away and I let most of the real me out. After a few hours, I found myself on the back porch, digging through a cooler when I felt someone standing near me. Glancing up, I’m met with her gaze and those piercing eyes.

“Can I grab you something out of here?” I manage.

“Uhh, yeah…how about…” you start.

“White Claw?” I say, pulling out a can and offering it with a smirk. I’m met with silence, and a look that just screams ‘I’ve killed someone for less.’ “Just kidding,” I followed up with before vigorously shaking the can up and putting it back. You chuckle.

“Here’s a test: I’ll have whatever you’re grabbing. Your move.” The smirk remains, but it’s slightly more insidious.

I cock an eyebrow before returning to the icy water and pulling up 2 of the beers I brought with me. Taking one from my hand, you smile, open it, take a moment to silently ‘cheers’ me, and take a sip.

I take a deep breath, and follow suit. Looking out over the balcony across the park and across the lake, the sun was beginning to disappear behind the trees. The heat and humidity, however, didn’t get that memo and were lingering around. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and caught a bead of sweat running down your neck to your collarbone, and immediately my mind was racing.

“Fucking hot in there,” you eventually say, breaking the silence. “That place is going to be hell in the summer.”

“Yeah..” was all I could muster. My mind was reeling from where your sweat took it, and from the fact you were still standing next to me. “Reminds me of being younger and my dad not turning on the AC until July, and we’d have a minimum of 50 box fans set up throughout the house.” I catch a smile, yet still I’m following that bead of sweat, now heading down towards your chest. You must have caught on because in a single, smooth, deliberate motion you dab it from your skin to your finger and lick it off, never breaking eye contact with me.

I stare, slightly dumbfounded. I’ve missed enough opportunities and signals to know when one was staring me in the face. I wasn’t going to let this one go.

“I’ll get the next one.” *God’s speed that she doesn’t empty that beer on you in the next few seconds*.

“Is that right?” you ask with a grin. “And why would I allow that?”

“Well,” I begin, “you may not know this, so I’m happy to tell you,” I lean in, gesturing to you to join me. “But should that happen, it would make this the literal greatest day of my life.” And with a nod and a pursed smile I stand back upright.

“Your whole life?”

“My whole life.” I echo.

You take a moment, pondering this revelation. After a few moments, you reach down to the cooler and fish out an ice cube. Holding it tightly in your hand, you let it melt on the side of your neck and look at me expectedly.

Suddenly aware of my surroundings, I glance around. *We’re alone?* We’re alone, most of the party has moved down to the park, taking with them enough supplies to stay busy for the remaining hours of the day.

“Well?” your voice snaps me back to reality and the situation at hand.

“Sorry,” I stammer, “I’m just waiting to wake up since clearly you know what, I’m going to shut up now.” Reaching out I take the drop of water on my thumb and forefinger, slowly bring my hand to my mouth and drop it on my tongue.

“How’s it taste?” you say shyly.

*Don’t blow this, don’t blow this, don’t blow this….*

“Wanna find out?”

You tilt your head and lean in, I follow suit. Our lips and tongues meet, hurriedly tangling and dancing with each other. I place my hands on your hips, pulling out into me. You placed your free hand on the back of my neck, gently stroking my hair. You playfully bite my lip as I pull away. We pause momentarily, before separating. I take a deep breath before slowly releasing it, unable to hide the smile on my face.

“Well, how did it taste?”

You chuckle. “Well, that was mostly ice water, so…like water?”

“So what you’re saying is…we’ll have to try again?”

You smile, nodding slightly. “I suppose so.”

Gently taking the can from your hands and setting them aside, I lean in. Instinctively, you tilt your head to the side, giving me clear direction. I let the tip of my tongue grace your neck, intoxicated by your scent, before moving up to your earlobe. Nibbling on that, you let go a long sigh, wrapping one of your legs around me and pulling me close into your body. I can feel your chest heaving with each breath, pressing further and further into me. Moving my head back, you return your lips to mine, this time deeper and more passionately. My hands run over your body, stopping on your ass and pulling it towards me, and eventually picking you up and pressing against the railing. You brace yourself with both hands, sending our drinks down to the tree line below. We both stop, looking down.

“Well, shit…” you say with a hint of sarcasm. “We really should go get those cans.”

“I actually prefer these cans,” I respond, giving your ass a couple gentle squeezes. “But I take your meaning.” You laugh gently. “Let’s go.” I set you back down, straightening our clothes out. I motion for you to lead the way,

“Being chivalrous? Or…”

“Not going to lie, just enjoying the view.”

You smirk back at me, slowly walking ahead of me with a very generous swagger. I’m so focused on your hips and their hypnotizing sway I nearly trip over the top step of the stairs down. You do nothing to hide your laughter.

“That good, huh?”

“No, it’s just, I tripped over…it’s dark and that stair is…ok, yeah, it’s that good. Happy?”

“So far…yes, very.”

The shadows have now overtaken anything resembling a path as the sun disappears over the horizon. We round the corner, and I bump into you. Grabbing my hands, you place them on your hips, guiding me with you as you walk forward. My hands find your waist band and tug on it playfully. You slow down, wrapping your hands around mine. Pulling you into me, I rub your body, squeezing and massaging your tits. Leaning back, you licking my ear, guiding my hands down your body and under your pants. I slow down, purposefully taking my time and feeling every inch of your smooth, dripping wet pussy. You gasp in my ear, before sighing in pleasure.

“Not here…let’s keep walking,” you whisper.

I smile, only managing “Ok” in a barely contained whisper. Removing my hands from your pants, I gently lick my fingers.

“How’d that taste?” you ask.

“How’d you know?”

“It’s what I would have done…”

My knees nearly buckle. “Jesus…how’d I get this lucky.”

You turn, pressing yourself into me. “I could tell, the moment you walked through that door, what type of person you were. Everything I heard about you fell into place, backed by how you acted tonight. You didn’t make anything about you. You are unselfish, and it shows. I decided I wanted this, because you showed me who you are.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mzyqgw/mf_exhibitionism_sweat_and_company_part_1

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