I was studying for the bar exam and had a lot of built up tension [FM]

Alright, it’s finally time for me to share this story. It’s a little long, but I promise I’m not going to make you wait as long as he made me wait for the good stuff.

I met a man at a bar when I was in my early 20s through a mutual friend. I was in law school at the time so I didn’t have a ton of space for dating, but I got his number and we hung out a few times in group settings. We had some palpable sexual tension and periodically flirted, but nothing ever came to fruition because I was in my final semester and couldn’t really handle the distraction. A couple of times he tried to make a move, but I always had to get up early to study or was just too exhausted to even consider the proposal. I caught glimpses of his disappointment but didn’t think much of it.

After my final exam, the two of us met up for a drink. I intentionally didn’t invite anyone else to join and was pleased to see him show up solo. He bought me a round of shots to celebrate and asked what it felt like to finally be done with school. I told him it didn’t seem real and that I really needed a way to relieve this built up tension I had been carrying for months. I watched his eyes flicker a little and noticed his leg push against my leg under the bar. We carried on like neither one of us noticed as we continued to get a little drunk. At some point I brought up how much of my time law school had taken up. Very slowly I turned my eyes to meet his and explained that I hadn’t had sex for months and really missed it. I watched him shutter a little and mumble “fuck” under his breath as he bit his finger and shook his head in frustration. I just smiled and suggested he come back to my place for a “final drink.”

When we got to my apartment, for the first time that evening I took off my cardigan and threw it on my couch. I wasn’t wearing a bra and had on skintight jeans with heels. I walked over to my bar and intentionally bent over a little too sharply and started listing off the cocktails I could make him. I could feel him watching me and heard him move in my direction while I remained bent at the waist. At this point my composure was slipping a little as my heartbeat sped up and I could hear my voice getting a higher as he approached me. Finally, I felt his hand run down my back as he moved behind me. He leaned into me and I could feel him getting hard through his jeans.

I stood up straight without turning around, and wrapped my arm around his neck as he kissed my neck and ear slowly. That’s when I felt myself get tight and a small moan escaped from my lips as he moved his hand to trace the outline of my curves. He turned me gently towards the wall. I stretched out my arms to touch it and bent slightly as he wove his hands into mind and started rubbing himself back and forth on my ass. We were both gasping at that point and something about his breath in my ear was so fucking hot. He moved his hands to my breasts and started playing with me over my shirt. I moaned and begged him to keep going, but he stopped immediately and reached up to pull my hair. Maybe that was even better. When he finally moved his other hand in between my legs, I lost it and led him into my bedroom.

I pulled him on top of me quickly and for a while we just found each others’ rhythms as he rubbed against me. We kept growing in intensity as he leaned down to kiss my mouth, moving down to my neck and collarbone. He ground himself into me so hard I literally called out his name before he put his hand over my mouth and pulled himself back to smile at me from above. All of our clothes were still on and as I reached to take his shirt off he smiled wider and shook his head.

Instead, he turned me over, grabbed my hair, and started rubbing against me even harder from behind. I moved his hand to my breasts again and this time he played with them until harder until I was shaking beneath him. Finally, I reached for his hand and put his finger into my mouth. I sucked on it slowly and I felt him shutter behind me and loose control a little. I turned my head to look at his face and asked him to fuck me.

“No,” he said with a playful smile. “What, why?” I complained, sincerely taken aback. I thought we were both very much on the same page as to where this was heading. “You’ve been flirting with me for months, and I’m going to make you wait for it the way you made me wait for it.” He looked a little too pleased with himself, and I turned my body to face him now and gaped at him in disbelief.

“Come, on,” I laughed, “You can’t be serious.” Like everyone, I’ve withstood my fair share of rejections in life, but getting turned down after making it this far was a first for me. I decided maybe he just needed a little more convincing so I tried to lean over to kiss him again. He just shook his head and gave me a little wink. “It will be worth it,” he said, “but you’re going to have to work for it.” I’m pretty sure my mouth actually hung open as he stood up and gave a little shrug.

I started to protest, “But-” Before I could continue, he put his thumb to my lips and gently traced their outline before putting it in my mouth for me to suck. I did so hungrily and watched him close his eyes and throw his head back a little in pleasure as his body convulsed slightly. I was sure at this point I could convince him to stay.

Then, suddenly he pulled his hand away and smiled when I gasped in disappointment. “Yeah, that’s all you get tonight.” I swear I still thought he was playing some kind of game and almost laughed before he checked for his wallet and phone and turned to walk out the door, leaving me dumbstruck and unsatisfied.

For the record, it was worth the wait. I promise I will write a part 2 soon!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mzxj63/i_was_studying_for_the_bar_exam_and_had_a_lot_of


  1. I’ve pulled the power move, never quite so audaciously though, and the way you’ve described the scene I’m not sure I would have had the strength there

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