Birthday Double Blowjob for my Friend’s Boyfriend. (28f) [FFM]

“Alice, you find Luke attractive, don’t you?”

An innocuous enough question on the face of it, but for a few crucial factors;

Firstly, Luke was an incredibly handsome guy. Irritatingly so. If you were to draw ‘chiseled’, you’d draw Luke. This rendered it something of a rhetorical question. Of course I found Luke attractive. There couldn’t be many who wouldn’t. Which meant it was obviously a question leading somewhere.

Secondly, Luke was not a single man. Indeed, he was in a relationship of several years. Not that there’s any harm in finding a partnered up man attractive – but it did frame the question in a slightly loaded fashion.

Thirdly and perhaps most significantly; the question was being asked to me *by* his girlfriend. The very same girlfriend whom I’d been close friends with myself for longer than the pair of them had been an item. A dear friend who I knew didn’t pose highly loaded and leading questions purely for the sake of being hypothetical.

Little did I know at the time – though I do feel I immediately did suspect on some innate level – that it would ultimately lead to one of the most arse-clenchingly awkward encounters in my short but colourful life thus far.

I’ll not repeat the conversation in its totality as this was a number of years ago and, ever wise, Charlie, the friend in question, had spent the evening plying me with alcohol to lubricate my mind in preparation for the upcoming crucial question.

Which is to say; she got me sufficiently hammered that, while I can’t necessarily remember the specifics of the conversation itself, the broad strokes are forever lodged in my mind.

The brief version is thus: Luke’s birthday was coming up and, as is often the case more than a couple of years into a relationship, ideas for gifts were already running low. In the absence of a newly released Xbox game he fancied, Charlie had settled instead on the other age old birthday cliche; a sexual exploit of sufficient significance that it could be offered in place of a gift.

The issue she was having was that as something of a sexual adventuress herself, there wasn’t a great many options that hadn’t already been enjoyed in earlier sessions. So, she was having to cast a wider net.

You’ll have already guessed where this is going, so I’ll save the unnecessary build up of suspense:

Charlie was asking me if I’d consider joining her and her boyfriend for some fun as a birthday treat for him.

Why had I been selected you may wonder? Well, one sentence in the conversation has remained very clearly burned into my mind:

“I’m pretty sure he thinks you’re hot, and I figured you’d be most likely to say yes…”

High praise indeed.

There would be rules of course; I’d not actually be fucking Luke as it was felt that would be going a little too far. Instead Charlie suggested we’d just kiss a little to turn him on, deliver a double blowjob as his ‘present’, she’d take the cum to save any awkwardness, and then I could leave them to the rest of their night.

I commended her for having planned it all so thoroughly.

Nevertheless, I had some reservations. I knew there’d be no awkwardness on mine or Charlie’s part; we’d dabbled on a few occasions by this point, several of which I’ve already chronicled elsewhere, but I had concerns for poor Luke. For all he was infuriatingly attractive, I wasn’t especially convinced that his confidence was robust enough to be able to deal with suddenly being allowed and indeed encouraged to get intimate with one of his girlfriend’s best friends.

Charlie told me not to worry. He’d be too turned on to care.

Realising I’d now be able to blame her if anything did go wrong; I agreed, telling her she now owed me a sizeable ‘one’. She tactfully reminded me quite how many times I already owed her, and the subject of who owed who what was swiftly dropped.

She intended not to tell him of his upcoming surprise, and instead formulated a plan wherein they’d go out for drinks on his birthday night and i’d ‘accidentally’ gatecrash. We’d all share a few drinks and, with the alcohol going right to our heads, Charlie and I might get a little flirty. After some teasing, we’d take him home for the night of his life. A perfect plan. What could go wrong?

As it turned out; everything.

In the interceding few days before the event I’d received word from Charlie that I should dress ‘in my slightly gothy look’ from a recent night out as she ‘knows he’s into that’. I knew immediately what she meant; a combo of a low cut and fluffy black HIAATAMT jumper paired with tight trousers and a leather jacket. The ‘gothy’ part came from uncharacteristically dark lipstick and eyeshadow which I tend to only trot out when I’m looking to scare certain types away.

I thought it best not to enquire how exactly Charlie had discovered Luke was especially into this particular look of mine, and agreed without comment.

On the day in question it had been planned that I was to ‘accidentally’ bump into them at a pre-arranged bar at around 10pm. It was clear things had gone off kilter when by just 7pm I’d already received a message from Charlie saying ‘Possible change of plan. I’ll be in touch.’

‘Change of plan as in I might meet you in a different bar, or change of plan as in I can not bother getting dressed up and go and have a lovely long bath instead?’ was my reply.

OVER AN HOUR LATER, Charlie texted again;

‘Plans are fucked. He didn’t want to go out. We had a little row and now he’s sulking. Can you just come round here?’

I tried to explain there was no earthly reason why I would be turning up at *his* flat all dressed up randomly, but Charlie’s answer was that she’d tell him she’d called me since she was upset, but then the plan could go on as originally intended.

Reader, please believe me when I tell you that at this point I tried every possible avenue to get out of this. It was abundantly clear for so many reasons already that things would not proceed as intended, and that perhaps the whole endeavour should be at the very least postponed, or perhaps even written off altogether. But Charlie was having none of it. She reminded me just how many times I owed her, and with great reluctancy I agreed to get dressed up and head round.

Upon arrival, it was clear that the atmosphere in the flat was catastrophically frosty. Luke greeted me at the door with an understandably confused expression, utterly unable to computer why a slightly gothed up, leather jacketed and heavily cleavaged friend of his infuriated girlfriend had arrived at *his* flat. He shouted to let Charlie know it was me, and the reply came back;

‘Yeah, I know. She’s here to keep me company since you’re being a cunt.’

He looked me in the eyes and mouthed with genuine sympathy; ‘Good luck’, before leading me through into his living room.

No sooner had I crossed the threshold into the room, Charlie, herself wearing a sequinned dress so unfathomably short as to look like an optical illusion, leapt out of the sofa and ran to greet me; immediately grabbing me by the sides of my face and aggressively kissing me. How I wish I could have seen the look of bewilderment on Luke’s face at that specific moment. I can only assume, given the tension heavy in the air, he’d have jumped to the conclusion that their argument had turned Charlie gay before considering the prospect that this all formed part of his birthday treat.

When she finally disengaged from the kiss – far from her finest work as she was holding considerable tension in her jaw after what must have been several hours of rigidly grinding her teeth in frustration – Charlie told Luke that I was supposed to have met them out for drinks but he’d ruined that surprise by being a stubborn prick.

He arguably looked *more* confused than if Charlie had just told him the argument had turned her. Though, in his defence, it was also clear in that moment the blood was being diverted to an organ that certainly wasn’t used for critical thinking, so perhaps he deserved the benefit of the doubt.

As he regained his faculties, Luke reached forward and grabbed Charlie for an aggressive and eager kiss of his own, while I stood awkwardly as little more than an onlooker. As he pulled away from her, there was an awful moment of hesitation. Does he move in to kiss me? Is that allowed? Are the rules to whatever bizarre setup this is?

I realise I too have no idea, so break the deadlock by instead kissing Charlie again. On the bright side, by now at least her jaw had unclenched. After a few moments of saliva swapping, she gently pushed me off her and told Luke;

‘Time for your Birthday present. Get on the bed and get your cock out.’

Charlie had spoken at length in the past as to how Luke’s cock was an exemplary example of the breed. Upon actually seeing it for the first time I discovered to my surprise, delight and indeed ultimate frustration, that if anything she’d undersold it. Sizeable in both length and girth, it seems Luke had been blessed. Now at least i knew why he often walked with a slouch. I also noted with interest his perfectly smooth balls. I’d not had him pegged as a waxer. I’d never look at him quite the same way ever again.

“So. Did I pick the right friend?” asked Charlie, seemingly eager to return to the awkward atmosphere.

“He’s hardly going to say ‘Nah, I’d have preferred Lisa’ at this stage, is he?” I said, gesturing to the fact he was already sat near naked on his bed, his enormous cock already stood to attention.

“Exactly. I’m not an idiot!” Luke chimed in. “Anyway, Lisa would have been fourth place. *Danielle* on the other hand…”

An excellent joke. And to be clear I obviously did know he was joking. But even so, I felt my competitive urge kick in. Charlie looked poised to explain to him the same ground rules he’d run through with me, but I didn’t wait.

I slipped off my leather jacket, took a firm hold of his cock and started kissing his smooth balls.

Charlie saved herself a speech, and started kissing him instead. During this, I decided to focus my attention solely on his balls. As bizarre as it sounds, it seemed somehow less intimate than if I’d gone straight for his cock. I felt obligated to allow Charlie the first tongue/lip contact with the beast, but then it would be open season.

I didn’t need to wait long. Within minutes, Charlie joined me beneath his waist and began to tongue tease and kiss the head of his cock. In turn, I switched the balls to kissing up the length of his shaft, ultimately joining lips with Charlie at the tip. As one we started to kiss, tongue tickle and tease his cock, our lips making as frequent contact with each other’s as with the head.

By this point no more than five minutes had passed since we’d kicked things off in the bedroom, and all seemed to be going well with any earlier awkwardness long since forgotten.

Still very much at the teasing stage, I decided to show off my tongue tickle – rapidly flicking the tip of my tongue from side to side on the underside of the head, skirting lightly across the frenulum. As I did this, Charlie was running her tongue along the length of his cock from tip to base.

Which was when it happened.


A cry not of pleasure or delighted ecstasy, but of utter annoyance and frustration.

Luke bolted upright and firmly grabbed the base of his cock, slightly pushing Charlie out of the way. But it was too late. Several sizeable jets of cum had already been shot. I’d been angled to one side so they’d missed me entirely, though I was able to taste the first dribble before I was able to retract my tongue.

Surprisingly tarte.

Charlie somehow looked even more annoyed than Luke, slapping him hard on the leg in frustration.

“What the fuck did you do that for?!” she asked, her voice raised.

“It just… I wasn’t expecting it! I didn’t know!”

“He normally does so much better than that,” said Charlie, apologising to *me*. I’d have found it laughable if everyone in the room hadn’t looked so damn cross.

I made a snap judgement. I could just leave apologetically now and effectively never be able to look Luke in the eye ever again, or I could make a bold action – the likes of which had earlier erased all the tension in a moment.

“Not to worry,” i said, as casually as I could. “Best to get that awkward first one out of the way so you can really savour the second.” And I started to stroke his cock again, still wet with his fresh cum. He started to relax again and, to aid him on his way, I grabbed Charlie and kissed her as aggressively as she’d kissed me when I first arrived.

She took the hint and, for want of a better expression, started sucking my face off. Meanwhile we each had a hand on his cock, and were merrily stroking him back into action.

In no time at all it seemed as though we were good to begin anew. Charlie disengaged from me in order to kiss him, and I finally took my opportunity to properly get my mouth around his cock.

Here’s a thought which should be obvious but which I suspect few have actually considered. As a guy unless you’ve ever been lucky enough to enjoy a threesome, you’ll not have experienced the sensation of kissing *while* having your cock sucked. A relatively minor point, but one I feel you ought to consider before you judge poor Luke too harshly. Because new sensations often provide surprising results.

For as he tongued his girlfriend, and his girlfriend’s friend tongued his cock, I heard a muffled grunt through their kissing. And then I felt a familiar twitch in my mouth. And as I tasted a familiar tarte taste wash over my tongue I saw Luke for the second time grab the base of his cock far, far too late.

Figuring pausing now wouldn’t help, I held his cock in my mouth until the twitching ceased. Then I stood and kissed Charlie with her boyfriend’s cum still coating my tongue.

And then, being the diplomatic peacemaker that I am, I wished him a happy birthday and left them to their inevitable argument.



  1. Amazing. Very hot story, not sure how you pulled it directly out of my deepest fantasies but great job. Very funny at points and I will definitely be coming back to re-read. Great as always.

  2. This woman owes you for the rest of your life for tangling you up in her drama!!!

  3. You are clearly a very good friend. I do hope Charlie at some later date let you have the reward of enjoying Luke’s fine specimen fucking you.

  4. Oh man, I feel like people are glossing over the amazing humour of all this. What a scenario… I can’t imagine they were still together by his next birthday.

  5. As hot as this is (incredibly), I love the way you write. Fr. Amazing experience.

  6. You’re such a fun writer! Your personality really shines through in your writing, allowing us, the readers, to feel closer to you, our narrator, which makes the story even better, too. Keep up the good work!

  7. I am you but with a penis and no boobs.
    Peace maker. Ready to help out friends on the sexual adventures and journey. Sexual liberal and open minded.

    I don’t have a Luke or Charlie or Lisa or Chuck as friends in life around me at the moment.
    They, especially Charlie, should be delighted to have you in their life.

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