the naked mile ch1 – students and staff

All characters are 18+
Alice’s heart thudded when she read the letter in front of her, her hands shaking holding the paper.


Dear miss harper, we are glad to inform you that our school will be a part of the new body positive campaign.

This campaign is designed to improve both confidence and relations between students and staff.

Starting from monday, Please leave all uniforms/clothing and accessories at home apart from footwear and schoolbags.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Kind regards
Miss porter


Its was with this information that alice walked down the road towards college, naked as the day she was born.

She had nearly given her elderly neighbor a heart attack when she left her house, her tits bouncing as she walked.

“Alice! Wait up!” Shouted a familiar voice fron down the road.

“Please no, please no” alice moaned silently to herself before her friend Tyrone ran to meet her.

Before she could stop herself, her eyes glanced down to his freely swinging black dick, already semi hard in the warm summer sun.

” how you doing girl?” He asked casually, not noticing alice staring between his legs.

“Get me a noose and il show you” she answered coldly, turning to continue walking, her hands subconsciously covering her tits.

“damn, its not that bad” he said matching her pace, a big grin lighting up his face.

“its a fucking nightmare” she moaned looking at the ground.
“i bet Emily’s gonna have a field day
With this” she said gesturing to her bare body with her hand.

“if you worried about how you look” he said leaning towards her,

“iv heard Emily’s got a bush like a cave man.” he whispered, getting a snort of laughter out of her.

“you look way better than her boney ass anyway” he said off-handedly, a blush creeping slowly up Alice’s neck as she glanced down at her trimmed bush.


Before she knew it she was walking through the old college doors, the sight of dozens of naked students stunning her into silence as she took in all the bodies.

“Il see you at lunch!” Arthur said giving her a one armed hug, his semi pressing against her leg, making Alice’s face turn even redder.

She’d barely taken 3 steps before a slap on the arse made her snap around, her eyes wide as dinner plates.

“ten points” shouted her purple haired but equally weird friend Megan, her tits bouncing as she celebrated scaring the shit outta her friend.

“Who’s class you got first?” she chirped

“Shit, i haven’t checked” alice shouted worriedly, her eyes scanning her timetable.

“Fucking hell!” she moaned after reading her first class, 9:00 am gym class.

“lucky ” megan said giving her a mock punch on the arm

“How in any way is that lucky?” Alice asked rhetorically.

“You dont know yet do you?” megan said half smiling.

Without another word She grabbed alice by the arm and walked with her towards the gym.

“Im definitely not missing this” she said to herself grinning from ear to ear, alice looking at her nervously.


After some tugging they arrived outside the gym, megan leaning against the wall smiling, her smooth pussy peaking between her thighs.

Before she could figure out what was so funny, Alice’s thoughts were answered by the gym teacher, mr wilkins walking out to meet them.

She’d only just got away with staring at tyrone, but she couldn’t help staring at the alpha male in front of her.

His chiseled abs laughing at her as she blushed bright red. Her eyes automatically working downwards till they met what she didnt know she wanted, his long swinging dick.

Her pussy burned as the class stood around her, she fought the pull to leap on him in front of everyone.

“Good morning class” he said warmly, his smooth voice only increasing Alice’s buzz.

“please follow me” he gestured into the gym.

“Todays gonna be a loooooong day” alice thought as she walked into her interesting new class…


This is my first attempt at writing erotic fan fiction.

Please let me know what you think



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