Nursing School [MF]

This is completely fictional.

Nursing school

David couldn’t believe at 38 years old he was going back to college. Why would he do this to himself? He just knew he was gonna be the oldest in the class full of fresh out of high school girls who don’t want an old man as a friend or a classmate. He drove up the hill to the campus thinking to himself, he must be a masochist because only people who are into torture and pain would do something so ludicrous as going back to school this late in life. But, here he was, doing just that.

He pulled into the parking lot nearly 35 minutes early to class. He took a few moments to check his schedule and confirm his class time and the content they would cover today per the syllabus. He watched as a few of his soon to be peers made their way into the small parking lot. He was stressed about the upcoming trials that come with school in general. He had to do well. This had to be worth the trouble in the end. He knew it was going to be hard. But it had to be worth it. He wanted it badly. He should have done it years ago but he had been tied up with a family and kids that he couldn’t make the time before now. His kids were nearly grown now and they were more self reliant. They would be going to college in a few years.

He and his ex-wife had a pretty good relationship, when they saw one another. They had found a few years ago that though they enjoyed their time together, they also enjoyed some time apart. They would see other people occasionally. And it worked for them. They wouldn’t talk about their other partners, but they had an unspoken understanding that they could sleep with other people if they wanted. Sometimes it was just easier that way then to try to get their schedules to allow for time together. They had split ways the year before and didn’t have the hostile sort of relationship most divorced parents did. They worked well together and were still friends. Just not lovers.

He glanced at the clock for what seemed like the hundredth time. He might as well go ahead and get in there. Class would start soon enough and he wanted to get a seat up front. He turned off the motor in his jeep. It was a few years old now, but he worked hard to keep it in good condition. He swung his backpack over his shoulders and brought his phone out of his pocket to turn it on mute.

He was so focused on his hands that he wasn’t watching where he was going and bumped right into someone. She mumbled under her breath as she bent down to pick up the armful of books that had landed on the sidewalk. He bent down to help her gather them up.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get right in your way“ She said as she pushed her big black framed glasses back up the bridge of her nose. She was blushing bright red and wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Are you the teacher?”

David had to stop himself from frowning. He wanted to turn around and go back home. He sighed quietly. “I wouldn’t be a very good one, I don’t know what I’m doing yet. I’m David. This is my first term here.” he said as he straightened back up. He watched as she straightened the books in her arms. She was very pale except for the flush on her cheeks. And her hair was a rich chocolate brown, thick and curly. She finally peaked up at him, he couldn’t tell if her eyes were blue or green.

“This is my first term as well. I’m Summer. Do you have Anatomy and Physiology 261?” she didn’t look at him when she spoke, she was looking down at the syllabus in her hand.

“Yes, I do. Do you know what room we’re going to?” He asked. He couldn’t tell if she was annoyed with him or just timid. Her eyes caught his again from behind the glass. She was naturally pretty, he thought to himself.

She nodded and gestured to the sidewalk, walking ahead without looking back.

He let Summer take him into the science building. It was a very small campus, with only a handful of buildings across a pretty little valley between the mountains. He hadn’t had time to explore more than the administration building. But he knew that they had multiple outdoor and indoor study areas, he had seen a few during the tour on campus. They had a student lounge in each building and kitchenettes in most.

Summer led him down the halls and through the doorway of the science lab. There was a skeleton hung beside the door and a wall of microscopes along the left hand side. It was a long and narrow room with an area in the far back for dummies, some with and without skin. There were diagrams and models of various body parts and organs. Clearly a place of learning.

David and Summer sat side by side near the front of the room. Summer sat quietly next to him. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable. She was skimming through the hardback book. The books were available as an ebook, but he had also preferred a paper copy and found his online for a decent price. When the other students started filling the room, Summer began laying out her notebooks and pens. David did the same and was watching her from the corner of his eyes.

He tried to get a good look at her without being obvious. She wasn’t a tiny girl, more curvy and full, but proportioned well. She had a small waist, and she was on the shorter side. Even though she was sitting, he could see how her thick thighs stretched the thin material of her leggings. And her top was just low enough to see the swell of her breasts. After a moment of thought, he realized she had a gorgeous body. He didn’t know how he had missed it before now.

David finished getting his books and notebooks out as the professor came inside. The class felt like it went by fairly quickly even though it was a four hour long class. They were starting on cells and basic structures of the body. Not too bad really. He and Summer had gotten paired up during the lab activity. She quietly took lead on the project, making quick work of identifying the tissue cells. And explaining the one he had gotten wrong.

“The tall fingerlike structures are the cilia. This is a ciliated epithelial cell. But it’s easy to confuse them with other epithelial if you don’t see the cilia.” She said while he looked into the microscope.

“Okay, yeah. I see them now. Thank you” he said and smiled at her. She smiled back and adjusted her glasses.

“These will probably be on the quiz next week. Would you want to get together before next class and go over them?” She asked behind the microscope, not meeting his eyes.

“I would actually like that. I could use all the help I can get.” he smiled when she glanced up at him.

She smiled just a tiny grin and looked back into the microscope, “I should probably get your number just in case” she didn’t look up at him.

“Yeah sure, that sounds good” he said as she pulled her phone from her bag.

“I’ll text you so you have my number too” she said quietly.

David could feel his phone vibrate from his pocket, “I think I just got it”, he said with a smile. He was happy to make a friend.

The next few weeks passed without incident. He was learning as much as he could about the human body and the basics that he needed for his other classes. David was pretty pleased with how well it was going so far. They were close to midterms and he was stressed, but it was an acceptable level. He was however, becoming more and more frustrated with his body’s reaction to Summer. He needed to get a hold of himself. He had found himself staring at her more than a couple times by this point. Especially when she was walking in front of him. He just couldn’t help it. It was like her ass had been sculpted by Michelangelo himself. She didn’t seem to notice his attention, and if she did, she hid it well. He just couldn’t see any reason she would look at him the way he looked at her. But boy did he look.


He was waiting for Summer in one of their usual study group spots. They liked to meet in the library. It was mostly private. They usually had a few people show up from class, they had all turned out to be pretty good friends now. But he was still the only man in the group. Summer barely made a noise as she snuck up behind him. She laid her stuff on the table and straightened her skirt out. As it turned out she works while going to school. During the day she was a librarian for the county. So she was always dressed pretty nice. And he loved the days he got to see her legs.

“I’m gonna put a bell around your neck one of these days, Summer. You’re quiet as a mouse.” he chuckled as she blushed bright red.

“I’m not that quiet, David. Especially when it counts.” she looked up and met his eyes from behind her glasses. She almost always had a devilish smirk on her face now. “Barb and Jaylen are gonna be late and Jessica is gonna make it just before class. So it looks like it’ll just be us for a little while” she said as she sat down next to him on the bench style seat.

“Does that mouth ever get you in trouble?” he smiled back at her. He was shocked sometimes, with what she said. She was so quiet, but over the past few weeks he had gotten a glimpse of the feisty girl that hides behind her glasses.

“I’m not sure I know what you mean.” She didn’t look up at him and was staring at a book in her hands. She always had a book in her hands. He thought sometimes it was to have something to hide behind, like now.

“Ohh I’m positive you know what I mean, you can’t fool me anymore, Summer. I know you better than you think.” he said with a low chuckle.

“You don’t know me at all, David” her tone sounded cold, but he saw the curve of her lips.

“Maybe not, but I’d like to” he said it to gage her reaction, but as he spoke, he knew it was true. He did want to know her more.

She whipped her head around to look at him before she could stop herself. “Why?” she asked, incredulously.

He didn’t know where to go from here. He didn’t want to scare her off. But he thought he would explode if he didn’t give it a go. “Do I have to have a reason to want to know a pretty girl?” he said quietly.

She turned her head to face her book again, but he could see the blush rise on her neck and cheeks. She pursed her lips in a defiant pout. “I believe you need glasses more than I do” she said, crossing her leg over the other and sticking her nose back into her book.

“Even someone without 20/20 could see how beautiful you are, Summer.” he said as he pulled the book out of her hand. “What are you reading today anyway?” He looked at the navy hardcover book. She jerked it away from his reach before he could snatch it from her hands.

“Nothing that would interest you, it’s quite boring and definitely not your style.” she grabbed her fabric bookmark and gently put it between the pages. She put the book on the far side of her, and pulled out her notebooks, ready to begin studying.

“I don’t think you know my style. It’s something naughty like those red room books right?” he wagged his eyebrows at her. “Summer you shouldn’t be reading something like that. You’re far too innocent for those things.” he chuckled and watched for her reaction.

“Innocent? I don’t think so. And those books are a very poor representation of a lifestyle too many folks now think is all about men with control issues and women who are too inexperienced to know better.” she didn’t make eye contact at all while saying this, she was pretending to be focused on her notes.

“So you’re experienced enough to know better?” he asked, trying not to grin.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Summer said, throwing her head back and laughing. He couldn’t help but think how sexy she was.

“I would,” He said, unashamed. “We could teach each other a thing or two, if you were interested.” He looked down and made his hands busy with his books, not wanting to make her shy away from his eyes. But she waited until he looked up at her to speak.

“Why wouldn’t I be interested?” She said, looking straight at him. Making him intensely aware of how secluded they were in the library. Her eyes were a mix of green and blue. Sparkling in the dusk sunlight leaking through the far windows. Somehow she had inched closer without him realizing it. She had leaned forward in her chair, and one of her bare legs were now within inches of his. She had beautiful pouty lips, void of artificial color. Naked and rosy.

He couldn’t answer immediately, all of his blood was rushing to his groin and that was making it difficult for him to think clearly. He cleared his throat and adjusted in his seat slightly, the growing hard on becoming a visible outline on his jeans. And of course she chose that moment to look down. He was less embarrassed and more so wishing they were somewhere not so public.

“What are you planning on doing about that?” she said with a wicked grin, raising her chin in the direction of his erection.

“I can’t think that far ahead yet to tell you the truth” he said with a chuckle. The tension broke and he breathed in deeply to clear his head. He felt like a teenager. Laughing at himself, he pulled his jeans forward from the knees, trying to let his body relax and let the swelling go down. “I’ll live. Just give me a minute,” he smiled.

“There’s a small server room, that has a lock if you’d like to take care of it now.” she said, daring him with her tone. She had looked back down at her books, nonchalantly. Pretending she didn’t care one way or another.

“Are you offering to help me? I don’t usually make a habit of masturbating in public closets.” he whispered, smiling when he saw her grin at her book. His heart was racing. His cock was going to have permanent zipper indentations if he didn’t take care of it soon.

“Are you asking me to help you?” she countered, with another devilish grin.

“Do you want me to beg? Because I’m pretty close to it” he said in a hushed tone. This girl was going to drive him wild.

She didn’t say a word. She got up and walked towards the end of the section of books, and tucked behind the last row was a door he hadn’t realized was there. She opened the door quietly and peaked inside. She nodded her head and he quickly ducked in behind her. It was warm and small, a wall of wires on one side and a small desk with a chair just beside the door. He heard Summer click the lock behind them. When she turned to face him he stood there, not knowing what to do.

“Are you gonna sit down?” she asked. Gesturing to the chair with her hand.

He sat down, his mouth had gone dry as cotton. But his cock was hard as stone. He sat back and almost groaned when she knelt down and spread his legs. She didn’t take her eyes off his while she ran her hands up the inside of his thighs. She smiled when she reached the outline of his erection. She stroked him through the material and he couldn’t hold in the groan this time as she bent to kiss the head through the jeans. She leaned back and motioned for him to undo the zipper.

He didn’t waste a moment, undoing his button and pulling his pants down so fast his cock sprang up to attention. She smiled like she had just won a prize. She giggled softly.

“It has grey hair! I guess I didn’t realize the bits of grey would be everywhere” she said in an amazed tone. She giggled again when she saw his face. He knew he was blushing. “That’s not a bad thing, I actually think it’s attractive. More than I realized.” She took his cock with her left hand and drug her tongue from the base all the way to the tip. “I’ve always thought your grey beard was adorable. I’ve just never said so.” She licked him again, using her tongue to put some pressure below the head and sweep her tongue across the sensitive spot over and over.

He was blown away by how comfortable she was between his knees. She seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself. And he wasn’t gonna last long if she kept doing that thing with her tongue. She repeated the long licks and tongue movements a few more times. She dropped her hands to her shirt to unbutton it and pull it apart to reveal a lacy black bra. Her rose colored nipples were peaking through the see through material. Her heavy breasts were against his thighs as she went back to licking his cock.

She finally took his head in her mouth, slowly letting the entire head pass through her lips. Summer looked him in the eyes while she pushed down further, taking almost his entire length into her mouth and throat. He thought he would explode right there, but she raised up. Leaving his dick slick from her mouth. She started licking again, long licks that were driving him crazy. She dove down and touched the flat part of her tongue to the base of his cock, down to the seam of his balls and gently lapped at them for a moment before returning to the head.

He let her continue for a couple more rounds, hoping she would take him into her mouth longer than a few moments, but she continued to tease him. She let her lips open and pushed his cock into her mouth and throat, deeper than the times before. She did it again, slow and deliberate. And then pulled her mouth completely off of his cock. He groaned and sighed.

“You’re driving me crazy, Summer,” he said gruffly and was barely able to speak.

“Would you like to cum, David? You have to ask for it. And say please.” she said, licking up his cock again. She smiled and her eyes twinkled behind her glasses. She was enjoying herself.

“Please, Summer. You feel so good.” he whispered.

“No. Ask me permission to cum, David” she said as she slipped his cock in between her lips. Sucking on the head.

“Please, may I cum, Summer?” He said, the need obvious in his voice.

She slowly took his cock all the way into her mouth. She slowly took him in and out, using her tongue on the underside, but this time she didn’t stop. She continued her slow rhythm, taking him in and out of her mouth. He could feel his breathing hitch and his legs tensed up. He was so close it was almost painful. She slipped a hand between his thighs and gently touched and caressed his balls. Her tongue and mouth felt like warm silk and she continued her slow pace until he suddenly felt his body tense.

“I’m gonna cum,” he warned just before he exploded into her throat. She held still and let him empty himself into her. He couldn’t help the moan that escaped his lips. He was still throbbing when she raised her head and met his eyes. She was smiling and was running her hands up and down his thighs.

“That was incredible. You’re incredible” he said as he caught his breath.

She chuckled and straightened her shirt as she rose from her knees. “Thank you, I enjoyed that too” she said with a smile as he continued to sit there. He was trying to process everything and the blood wasn’t quite back to his thinking head. He laughed as he fumbled around with his zipper, his hands still shaky.

“Next time it’s your turn though, okay?” he said, reaching to button her shirt and let his fingertips graze her soft pale skin. He regretted not seeing more of her, but was glad to see her smiling.

“Maybe.” she said with a wink before she opened the door.



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