Lady Lorelei Part 2 [FF] [BDSM] [Hypnosis]

**Lady Lorelei Part 2**

“First things first,” said Lorelei as she stepped past Stephanie. Stephanie had shown up wearing the proper attire: cotton white bra and panties. She was permitted a long coat to cover herself, but nothing else. “We need to go over the rules.”

“The rules?” asked Stephanie.

Lorelei swung her crop against the back of Stephanie’s thigh. Stephanie cried out in pain, but she didn’t talk.

“First rule, don’t interrupt me. No more asking ‘what.’ No more clarifying questions. If you don’t understand, you will get the crop.” Lorelei smacked Stephanie’s other thigh with the crop. She appreciated the symmetry. Stephanie cried out again but was quieter this time. “You will say, ‘yes, Lady Lorelei,’ if you feel you need to say something but can’t find the words. You will soon find that to be your favorite and most useful phrase. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei,” said Stephanie.

Lorelei nodded and clicked her tongue behind the girl. Lorelei was ‘dressed for battle,’ as she called it. She was in her white corset, white stockings and garter, and bright red heels. She wore her hair in a bun, but nothing tight. Taking her hair down was a reward most pets cherished. Brushing her hair was a privilege few pets ever earned.

“Second rule,” said Lorelei, “is not to waste time. You paid for several one-hour sessions. But one-hour is barely enough time to make a good slut out of you. You’ll have homework each night unless you want to discuss financing again and pay me another five thousand?”

Stephanie shook her head. She found a deposit, somehow. Lorelei never asked where the money came from, but she would be paying Lorelei back for several years for the rare privilege of being controlled by a goddess.

“That means, don’t waste my time. If I ask you to do something, do it quickly. The quicker you do it, the less of your time you waste. The less time you waste, the less of your money you waste. In fifty-seven minutes, I’m done. I don’t care if you’re a minute away from making me cum. I don’t need to cum. I don’t need you. My next slave will make me cum, and if my guess is right, she’ll do it with more flare and success than you. Understood?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei,” said Stephanie.

“For now, that’s all I’ll focus on,” said Lorelei. “One phrase and speed. That’s all you need to concern yourself with. I’m sure Stupid Stephy will take an entire hour to master that lesson.”

“But -”

The crop slapped the front of Stephanie’s right thigh. Lorelei didn’t hesitate and brought it down again on the front of the right thigh. Stephanie squeaked, but she didn’t need to be reminded of her mistake.

“Yes, Lady Lorelei,” said Stephanie through clenched teeth.

It was a long hour. Stephanie never earned anything sexual or remotely intimate. Lorelei spent most of the time asking her to follow, to squat, to stand, to crawl, to lick the floor, stop, start, follow, kneel, bend over, start again, stop again, etc.

Lorelei had to ensure that Stephanie obeyed swiftly and immediately. If Stephanie even hesitated, she wasn’t ready for anything else. If she hesitated to get on her knees, how would she react when Lorelei told her to eat out Nikki in the diner? She had to prove herself trustworthy in the small things to earn the big ones.

When Stephanie was good, she was rewarded. Lorelei had a large bowl of ice cream. If Stephanie were good, she could put her face in and lick as much of the ice cream as she could, though her lips certainly could not reach the treat. Lorelei was training her tongue and attaching the satisfaction of obedience with oral pleasure.

She received a treat for obedience, and the crop for sluggishness. Stephanie ended the session with several lines across her thighs. Simple conditioning. Today was all about simple conditioning.

“For homework,” said Lorelei fifty-nine minutes and thirty-seven seconds into their session, “I want you to go shopping. You should find the sluttiest outfit you can bear to wear in public. Wear it to see me tomorrow. You may not cover it with anything.”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei,” said Stephanie.

Lorelei walked out of the chamber through her private door. Stephanie had five minutes to leave until her next client entered. If Stephanie dawdled, she’d receive the crop.


Stephanie arrived in a crop tube top, booty shorts, and heels. She looked like a stripper. An ugly stripper. She had too much makeup on, especially rouge. Her hair was wet for some reason and slicked back.

“Did you get caught in the rain?” asked Lorelei.

“What? It didn’t -”

The crop slapped Stephanie’s thigh. Stephanie yelped.

“Strip,” ordered Lorelei.

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

Lorelei stepped out of the room while Stephanie stripped. She returned with a large bowl of ice water. Stephanie looked in confusion, but realization hit her too slowly as Lorelei took the water and dumped it over Stephanie’s head. Stephanie screamed, but she didn’t protest. Good.

“Here,” said Lorelei as she handed her a towel. “Clean that hideous makeup off. You look like a cheap whore who is bad at being a cheap whore.”

Stephanie started to speak but looked at the crop and stopped herself. Good. She was learning. Stephanie wiped the makeup off with the towel and sank to her knees in front of Lorelei.

“It’s clear you have no idea what you’re doing,” she said as she sat on a cushioned throne she kept in her chamber.

“Yes, Lady Lorelei,” said Stephanie, following on her knees. She didn’t go to all four, maybe she was learning.

“I don’t have the time to teach you to dress yourself. I pity you, and that’s about all I’m capable of. But you should know, you’ll have no chance with your red-headed wet dream acting or dressing like you currently do.”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Apparently, your idea of slutty and sexy is a trashy eighty’s prostitute. When was the last item you looked at a sex bomb? Don’t you look at porn?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei,” whispered Stephanie.

“What? Speak clearly, Stupid Stephy.”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Then where did this come from?”

Stephanie said nothing but looked at the ground.

“You may speak freely.”

“I-I don’t know how. I see how women look, but I don’t know how to look like them. I want to. I really do, but I don’t know how.”

“Would you like to learn?” asked Lorelei.

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Good. Let’s begin. Remember the first two rules?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Show me.” Lady Lorelei took a small cloth off of the table next to her throne. There, she kept her supplies of makeup, nail polish, and hair products. She didn’t have time to teach Stephanie everything, but she could reinforce the previous day’s training.

Lorelei set up a huge mirror in front of them. Over the next forty-eight minutes, she instructed Stephanie on how to do her Lady’s nails, hair, and makeup. She told her what women find attractive and how to accentuate Lorelei’s strengths and features.

Stephanie was an eager learner. The crop certainly helped. If Stephanie made a mistake, she received two lashes and had to fix it. If she hesitated or acted slowly, she received two lashes. Lorelei was swift and merciless. Pain must be predictable. Punishment must be understood before it comes. The rules must be followed for the dynamic to hold.

Stephanie’s reward changed this time as well. For obeying her Lady quickly and performing well, she received a “good girl.” Simultaneously, Lorelei would run her finger along Stephanie’s pussy and linger at the girl’s clit. She had to keep up the positive reinforcement. Obedience meant pleasure. Excellence meant pleasure.

“We’re almost out of time,” said Lorelei before time was up. “But before you go, I want to give you your homework.”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Go shopping at Meraggio’s downtown tonight. Try again tomorrow to dress like the slut you are inside, the slut you want to be.”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“It won’t be cheap. If you are kind to the shop attendants, they will help you. Tell them Lady Lorelei helped you. They can also advise you on makeup and styling. Okay?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“We have two minutes left. Do you have any questions, Stupid Stephy? You may talk freely.”

“This will help me get Nikki? Dressing this way?”

“No, darling. Being a sub who loves being a sub will help you get Nikki. This is all to help you actualize what you have always wanted to be. Do you trust me?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Stephanie looked down and blushed.

“When you do,” added Lorelei, “you will be able to lick me, and then, you will be desperate for it. We have another minute left, but I’m taking it.”

With that, Lorelei got up and left. She didn’t give Stephanie her clothes back.


Lorelei took an additional five minutes from the beginning of Stephanie’s next session. She waited in her office, reading a book on female psychology in response to stress and how it differs from stress under the levels of testosterone found in males, while Stephanie should have been kneeling in the dungeon.

As she finished her chapter, she was pleasantly surprised to find Stephanie looking adorable, vulnerable, and slutty. She wore a simple black dress that barely covered her cleavage or pussy. She had heels on with two-inch platforms and straps that wrapped up her calf. A black velvet choker adorned her neck. She had several cheap gold bangles on her wrists, bright pink lipstick, and a dramatic cat’s eye. She looked like she belonged in a club. She looked moments away from giving a blowjob.

She looked like a dumb slut.

“This is what you feel inside?” asked Lorelei as she clicked up to her client.

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.” Her breath was airy and short. She was certainly wet.

“You want me to make you this all the time?”

“Please,” she whimpered.

“How do you feel when you dress like this?”

“Perfect,” sighed Stephanie. It was almost a purr and approached a moan.

“How much did this cost you?” Lorelei knew money was a sore subject with Stephanie. She pressed that button as often as she could.

“A lot.”

The crop snapped on the back of Stephanie’s thigh. She yelped.

“I think it was -”

“Don’t bother,” snapped Lorelei. “Would you pay it again?”

“Yes,” said Stephanie without hesitation.

The crop snapped against Stephanie’s other thigh. “And again after that?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“And why is that?” Lorelei squatted in front of her client. She held the crop to the side, ready to crack it against Stephanie in a moment.

“Because it’s who I am.”

Lorelei smiled. There was no hesitation on Stephanie’s face. She reached her hand under the tiny dress and found Stephanie’s shaved and bare pussy. It was soaked. She stroked it a few times until Stephanie shuddered.

“That’s the right answer.” Stephanie smiled. Lorelei stood up and went to put her crop away. She grabbed a whip she kept for girls who were ready to delight in pain. Stephanie wasn’t there yet, but soon. Very soon.

“Do you think one week of sessions is enough for all the work we have to do?” she asked as she got out a Hitachi wand and handcuffs.

“No, Lady Lorelei.” Stephanie’s eyes went wide when she saw the toys Lorelei was preparing.

“How much would you say it’s worth. How many credit cards should you open and max out so you could afford to be this slut all the time?”

“I don’t know. I guess -”

The whip cracked next to Stephanie. She jumped and yelped.

“The next one won’t miss,” warned Lorelei. “A number.”

“Ten,” said Stephanie with confidence. If she was faking it, she was convincing.

“How many have you maxed out so far?”


“I shouldn’t see you in the same outfit twice.” Lorelei strode towards Stephanie and slapped her in the face, hard. The girl flinched but returned to proper posture. “And I’ll use the whip next time you forget to show me respect.”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

Lorelei moved to her seat and sat. She spread her legs, letting Stephanie take in her pussy. “Today we are going to do something different.” Stephanie didn’t let any eagerness show on her face. Good. “You want to be this way all the time, yes?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“You want to feel out of control, vulnerable, sexy, and desirable, yes?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“You want Nikki to see this side of you?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Good. Rise.” Stephanie obeyed. “On the wall to your right is a panel. It will lower a bed. Set up the bed. Handcuff yourself to the headboard.”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.” Stephanie obeyed. Lorelei smiled at the enthusiasm with which her slut set up the bed and bound her arms to it.

Lorelei stood and stepped towards the bed. She brought with her the Hitachi wand and two leather straps to restrain Stephanie’s feet. While she spoke, she bound the girl. “Your problem, Stupid Stephy, is your inhibitions. You think too much. That’s what makes you clumsy. That’s what makes you stupid. In order to be a good girl, a useful slut, you need to be dumber. You need to think less and let someone else, someone like myself or Nikki, do all that hard thinking for you. You understand?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.” Stephanie’s chest was heaving as Lorelei plugged in the wand.

“We need to help you turn off your mind. We need to help you lower your inhibitions. Understand?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

Lorelei turned on the wand and smiled at the familiar hum. “Good. Now, tell me. What do you know about hypnosis?”


Lorelei snapped the palm of her hand against the fleshiest part of Stephanie’s thigh. The small woman yelped.

“I don’t know anything about it, Lady Lorelei,” she said quickly.

“You’ll enter a meditative state. There, you will be relaxed and open to suggestion. That, coupled with some positive reinforcement, should help me get your mind where it needs to be. Do you understand?”

“No, Lady Lorelei.”

“That’s fine.” Lorelei looked behind her at her closet of toys. “I forgot the blindfold.” Lorelei climbed off the bed and crossed back across the room. She grabbed a blindfold and flipped a switch. The lights in the dungeon turned off, and the whole chamber was lit only by candlelight. Lorelei pressed another button and a gentle hum with a slight bass beat thrummed throughout the room.

“You don’t need to understand. Women like Nikki and me will understand for you. You just need to obey.”

“Y-yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Are you scared?” asked Lorelei.

“Yes, Lady Lorelei,” said the young woman.

“Good. You’re paying a dominatrix to invade your mind and reprogram you. You should be terrified. You’ve been careless at this point. What would stop me from having you give me more money? All your money?”

Stephanie was silent, but Lorelei watched her body. Stephanie’s body went tight, but her breathing was deeper, not shallow.

“I could make you quit your job,” continued Lorelei as she crossed back to the bed, watching how turned on this made Stephanie. “Maybe you should wait on me all the time. For free. Maybe you should wait on my customers. Maybe you could be whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. Did you think of that when you signed up for this, slut?”

Stephanie muttered something. Lorelei smacked the inside of the woman’s thigh.

“Speak up,” demanded Lorelei.

“No, Lady Lorelei. I didn’t consider it.”

“And why not?”

“Because I’m a stupid slut.”

Lorelei smiled. She was ready. “That’s right. What’s your name?”

“Stupid Stephy.”

“That’s right. Are you ready to learn your lesson, Stupid Stephy?” asked Lorelei as she sat between Stephanie’s bound and spread legs.

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Good.” Lorelei put the blindfold on her client. “Keep your eyes closed. Take deep breaths.”

Lorelei sat back between Stephanie’s legs and lowered her voice. “Breathe in and count to ten, drawing that breath in the whole time.”

Stephanie obeyed.

“Now breathe out and count to eight. Imagine yourself pushing down on the diaphragm, pushing the air out.”

Stephanie obeyed.

“Again. Breathe in for ten seconds.”

Stephanie obeyed.

“Good, now this time, as you breathe out, imagine yourself pushing down on your mind as your diaphragm pushes the air out. Each second the breath is pushed out, so are your thoughts.”

Stephanie obeyed.

“Breathe in again. As you breathe in, imagine yourself breathing in Lady Lorelei’s power, breathing in her commands. Good. Good girl. Now exhale again, pushing out all of Stupid Stephy’s thoughts. Good. Keep repeating this. Breathe in Lady Lorelei. Breathe out Stephanie. Good.”

Lorelei placed her hands on Stephanie’s thighs. She waited for three minutes before allowing one of her fingers to inch itself closer to Stephanie’s pussy. Stephanie kept breathing: ten seconds in and eight seconds out. Her breathing became deeper as she went, and it became thicker as Lorelei continued to tease Stephanie’s pussy.

“Keep breathing. Don’t stop breathing. Breathe in Lady Lorelei. Breathe out Stephanie. Breathe in Stupid Stephy. Breathe out Stephanie. Breathe in your true slut. You can taste it in the air, your wet pussy. Breathe it in. It is your true slut. Breathe out Stephanie. Breathe out the klutz. She doesn’t know what you want. Stupid Stephy knows what she wants. She wants to be a slut. She wants to be used. She wants to be controlled. She knows exactly what she wants. All she needs to do to get what she wants is become stupid. Become Stupid Stephy and get exactly what you want.”

Stephanie’s weak whimper turned into a soft moan. Lorelei smiled and turned on the Hitachi wand. She turned it onto the lowest setting and placed it against Stephanie’s clit. Stephanie jumped, trying to move away from the sudden sensation, but she was strapped tight to the bed, immobile.

“Don’t fight it,” said Lorelei. “It’s your reward. Push out Stephanie and get rewarded. Push out Stephanie and receive pleasure. More pleasure for being a good girl. More pleasure for obeying. More pleasure for getting rid of Stephanie. Stupid Stephany gets more pleasure. Stephanie has no fun.”

Slowly, Stephanie began to release the tension in her hips and press her clit back against the wand.

“Good girl,” cooed Lorelei. “Now, repeat after me: ‘I’m Stupid Stephy.’”

“I’m Stupid Stephy,” sighed Stephanie. Her hips inched closer to the wand.

“I have so much to learn.”

“I have so much to learn.”

“Lady Lorelei will teach me everything.”

“Lady Lorelei will teach me everything.” Stephanie tried to press further against the wand, practically humping it, but Lorelei pulled it away. Stephanie whimpered.

“Patience, Stupid Stephy. Only good sluts get pleasure. Do you want to be a good slut?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei,” said Stephanie with desperation.

“You will learn everything Lady Lorelei has to teach.”

“I will learn everything Lady Lorelei has to teach.”

“You will become who she wants you to be.”

“I will become who she wants me to be.”

“You will become Stupid Stephy.”

“I will become Stupid Stephy.”

Lorelei pressed the wand against Stephanie’s clit and turned up the intensity. As Stephanie clenched against her restraints and moaned, Lorelei couldn’t help but laugh.

“You’re so eager,” giggled Lorelei.

“I’m so eager.”

“Breathe for me, Stupid Stephy. Breathe in my control. Breathe in your arousal and desperation. Breathe in neediness and sluttiness. Breathe it in. Then breathe out worry. Breathe out concern. Breathe out inhibitions. Breathe out fear. Breathe out restraint. Breathe out Stephanie.”

The girl obeyed. Lorelei kept the wand pressed against her clit and turned up the intensity. Stephanie squeaked in delight but fell back into her breathing rhythm.

“You want this so badly,” said Lorelei while watching Stephanie’s breathing. “For so long, you’ve been wound up, desperate, and horny. You stared at my chest while you served me in the restaurant. You long for Nikki’s attention and touch. You’ve been this girl the whole time. I’m not taking advantage of you, am I?”

“No, Lady Lorelei,” panted Stephanie.

“You don’t mind giving me all your money?” Lorelei used a cute, babyish voice to taunt Lorelei. It made her pussy buzz to do some light teasing. She smiled at it. She rarely got turned on at work these days.

“No, Lady Lorelei.”

“You don’t mind getting into debt?”

“No, Lady Lorelei.”

“And why is that Stupid Stephy?”

“Because … because …” Stephanie struggled to finish the thought. Good, she was thinking less. Thinking for her would be like wading through molasses. She could do it, but the resistance to thinking would be overwhelming.

“Because I need it,” moaned Stephanie.

“That’s right,” said Lorelei. She turned up the intensity of the Hitachi wand. “You need me to be in control, don’t you?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“You’ve never been happier. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Is this the best you’ve felt in your whole life?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“You are a slut, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“You’ve always been a slut, right?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“This is your true self, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

Lorelei increased the intensity again. Stephanie moaned, almost shrieked, with need. She tried to lower her hips against the wand, desperate to hump it or drive it deeper against her clit. She pulled on her restraints, her whole body tight and desperate for relief. The straps dug into her skin, her muscles strained, but Stephanie could not get the relief.

“You want to cum, Stupid Stephy?”

“Yesssss,” moaned the girl.

Lorelei took the wand away from Stephanie’s pussy.

“Please,” whimpered Stephanie. “Please please please please please.”

Lorelei would smack her thigh, but the pleading turned her on. She loved to see someone truly helpless to their lust. The point of primal desperation was her favorite state for a sub to be in. They would do anything for you then. You have absolute power over their soul the moment they will do anything to cum.

Instead of giving her relief, Lorelei climbed the girl’s body, straddling her, and removed her blindfold. Stephanie’s eyes were wide and wild. She needed to cum. The point can’t be overemphasized. A person needs love, but the word need suggests it can wait. This wasn’t that kind of need. This was the same need in which a drowning person needs air. Stephanie needed to cum. She could very well believe that she would die without cumming. Her mind was completely off. She was a wild thing. Lorelei needed to channel that energy. She didn’t want Stephanie simply to be desperate. She wanted to bend desperation to her will, to make it become a tool of control, an instrument of obedience.

“Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease,” whined the girl.

“Shhhh,” cooed Lorelei. “You want to cum?”

“Yes, oh goddess, yes, please, anything, I’ll do anything, please let me cum I’ll do anything to cum please make me cum I need to cum I need to cum Ineedtocum Ineedtocum IneedtocumIneedtocumIneedtocumIneedtocum.”

“Shhh. Listen to me, pet. Listen closely, and you can cum. Your whole life will be one long orgasm, one long eruption of relief for your wild lust. Are you listening?”

Stephanie nodded wildly.

“When I call you Stupid Stephy, you will enter this state again. Your pussy will get soaked. You will be desperate to be touched, desperate for relief. You will do whatever I say. You will be completely obedient, hoping that if you are a very good girl, you will get to cum. You will only get to cum if you are good, and you will only be good if you obey. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Lady Lorelei.”

“Good,” said Lorelei.

Lorelei climbed off of Stephanie’s body and off the bed. She adjusted her clothes, smoothed them out, and walked back to the speaker.

“Lady Lorelei?” asked Stephanie from across the room.

“Yes, Stupid Stephy?”

She moaned at the sound of her new name. Good girl.

“May I cum?” she begged.

“No, Stupid Stephy. You have twenty minutes left.”

Stephy nodded. Her hope drove her now. She hoped that obedience would bring relief. She hoped Lady Lorelei was kind. She hoped that in twenty minutes she could cum.

She hoped in vain.

Lorelei flipped a switch on the speaker, and it added a track of her speaking over the music. It talked about obedience and pleasure. It talked about how good it felt to be a good girl, to obey Lady Lorelei. It described Lady Lorelei as a goddess, and Lorelei felt the tattoo on her ribs tingle. It went on and on while Lorelei sat on her throne and watched her new pet thrash with pleasure.

Meanwhile, she scrolled through her phone and pulled up Nikki’s number. They had been in brief contact since meeting in the diner. Tonight, they were going to go out and get drinks. Lorelei rarely let her work life bleed into her personal life, but she had a feeling that tonight it would be a pleasure to do some work after hours.

When Stephanie’s twenty minutes were up, Lorelei didn’t let her cum. She unstrapped her and sent her home. She didn’t worry about homework for tonight. She was preoccupied thinking of what she wanted to wear for her date.

You can find this entire series on Amazon right now. If you want access to more stories, access, and influence, find me on Patreon or Twitter. You can also find and all my other works on Amazon.
