Step Sister Corruption Part 113 – Day 75 S Day Prep (fiction, M/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I have so many plans and not a whole lot of time to do it in.

I just realized that tomorrow is Halloween….or as I like to call it Slut Acceptance Day.  I call it Slut Acceptance Day because on this hallowed eve is the one day of the year where females ALL over the world can dress promiscuous and not really be frowned upon or called any lewd names……or at least not too many names.

And frankly I love this day.

But because of the whirlwind I hadn’t paid too much attention to the actual day.

Sue me I’ve been busy juggling school, girls, and a rather impressive slab otherwise known as Gabe.

And he has been busy as well with Kelly, myself, and every single female that we’ve allowed to grace his dick.

The entire day in all my classes I couldn’t focus on shit because of my bone head move of forgetting the actual day was tomorrow. Normally I plan for a good week if not more….. when I was single.

And I needed to put some plans into place if I’m going to continue my current fun trend.

So instead of paying attention in class the entire day like I should have….I made plans.

And with my new toys at home it was hard to focus on shit let alone actually leave for school.

I had stayed up until the wee hours of the night putting together my latest fun toy….i.e. a variation of the same box ALL of us girls who partaken in the calibration testing that Dr. Braxter wanted us to do as an extra credit.  The box much like the calibration test put US girls in a semi closely resembling box.  We had to strip.  Little funnels were attached to our girls.  We entered the box and some things started touching our bits.  And the calibration test was filled with a gas that semi knocked you out.

I say semi because you were fully aware of what was happening but you couldn’t do shit as to what happened next.

Which was weird.

When I did the test I felt like I was detached from my body and attached at the same time.

I felt my body was being penetrated and liquid licking my body….but I was too numb to register anything.

I remember doing it. I was able to look around….sort of.  I felt something inside me.  I felt something wet against certain parts of my body.  But I wasn’t registering anything beyond that.

The one thing I remember clearly was that the calibration test so long I accidentally fell asleep because I didn’t feel what was happening to my body. Then as I released I pretty much fell out of the testing box to eat shit….which was really embarrassing.

It wasn’t until hours later long after the test is when I felt everything……and all the possible contractions my body underwent.

Which frankly sucked because I desperately wanted to know WHAT exactly my body did during that *test*.

If you asked me today what I did.  The most I could tell you something happened but what I have no idea other than having a crink in my neck thanks to the way I slept.

When Gabe’s mother made her yearnings known to Kelly and myself known that she wanted to know what it felt like to have her son’s cock penetrate her.

At first I was pissed much like Kelly but after some weird silence we finally talked about it.

Eventually we agreed when she brought up our orgy fest we had so she knew we *shared* Gabe with other girl’s so we’re not share Gabe with her. It was honestly a good play but still unbelievable.

Then she brought up that she helped Kelly fuck Gabe upon his return which I didn’t know.

This bitch was good.

So I reluctantly agreed under one condition after she shared her idea of introducing her to Gabe remembering there was a public calibration test though it wasn’t cheap. Then I made her agree to getting the device. Once she did that is when Kelly and me helped her fuck her son on his birthday.

That’s how I got this nice goody though I don’t remember it being some assembly required when I convinced Mrs Michael’s into purchasing it.

Still I was able to get the box fully put together….or at least I assumed the box was fully put together.

The instructions were shit and unreadable.

Thank god there were photos in the instructions or I would have been sitting there trying to decipher what I imagine is some dead language.

Even my phone’s translate app had a hard time deciphering the text in the instructions though the app told me the language was actually Swedish but because either the app wasn’t functioning properly or the syntax as to how the instructions were written when I translated it through the app the sentence structure made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

It was like they took someone who didn’t know shit about the product and in reverse took the box apart and tried to reassemble the box with his/her haphazard notes and used that to write the instructions.

I shit you not one of the instructions was “Hook Line C to Container B and attached Line C to Housing 3L.’  

Yeah that was a head scratcher even for me.

If it weren’t for the pictures I wouldn’t have understood that line of instructions.

But somehow I got it together….I think.

By the time I finished putting it together I was too tired to actually try out the thing before I pretty much had to pick myself off the floor and crawl to the couch to sleep.  I didn’t have the energy to climb up the blasted stairs and curl next to Gabe.

Next thing I knew was Gabe waving a pre-made cup of coffee under my nose and after I took a couple of sips he told me I needed to get ready so we could go to school.

So somehow in my focused mind I didn’t test the contraption nor did I get good night fun time.

Damn it!

Then as soon as we were driving to school on the radio that Gabe was listening to while my head was in his lap did the announcer talk about Halloween coming tomorrow and to pay attention to kids walking on the streets along with planned DUI checkpoints throughout the city.

I popped my mouth off my second favorite breakfast and looked at Gabe, “Tomorrow’s Halloween?”

Gabe looked at me funny, “Yeah I thought you knew?”

I grumbled, “Fuck I forgot.”  Was all I could muster before I had to return to this daily scheduled driving ritual or Kelly would have taken over for me.

Kelly spoke, “If you’re going to talk I can take over for you.”

I retorted, “Fuck you bitch you got yours last night.” Kelly just huffed and relaxed in the back as we drove to school.

After the drive and my shot of protein in my belly and feeling somewhat relieved is when I frantically tried to assemble some type of fun night.

I needed to get a new outfit….unless every adult store was out of the good outfits I could resort to the ones we used for Gabe’s birthday.

I text Kelly, having her refresh my memory on all the outfits we purchased for Gabe’s birthday.

*Me:  Hey Kelly.*

*Kelly: What’s up?*

*Me:  Can you help refresh my memory on something*

*Kelly:  Sure*

*Me:  How many outfits did we purchase for Gabe’s birthday?*

*Kelly: 11 I believe.  We only wore 5 of them.  We didn’t get a chance to go to fandom for Gabe before we went out to dinner*

The fandom that Kelly was referring to was the extra outfits we bought for Gabe’s birthday where we would dress up as different superheroines for Gabe’s delight.

My little geek baby.

*Me:  Oh yeah.  The fandom.  I completely forgot.  Thanks*

*Kelly:  Whats up?*

*Me:  just need outfit backups for tomorrow in case the stores don’t have outfits that are sexy….or fun*

*Kelly:  gotcha*

*Me:  Well im in class I’ll text you later*

*Kelly: ok*

Looks like I have backups.  Which is good.

The rest of the day was a blur.

I was able to convince Sabrina to come over for some alone time.  And Morgan will be over as well.

Karinna and Mia sadly already were working Halloween night saying that’s when they make a lot of tips and I couldn’t fault them for that.  But they said after their shift if they still had energy that they’ll be over.

So I got the majority of the participants for a portion of my plans for tomorrow night….I just need to think of a fun way to enjoy the night.

Though now that I think about it with Sabrina over means Kelly would be *S.O.L*.  Which is fine.  For my plans I already had an alternative for that night for her.

She’s not going to like it but it’ll make her money for her site.

Though at the moment with the lovely contribution from Dr. Braxter and Muschi the whole ‘Starving College Student’ kind of is a moot point at this moment.  Still making more money could never hurt.

Besides Kelly will get over it.  I’ll just tell her this will be her opportunity to practice her *dialogue* training as she thanked her contributors for donating money as they teased the shit out of her.

Made sense in my mind.

So I had a portion covered….sort of.

Now I need to think of convincing Sabrina to let her hair down and actually enjoy herself.  I just couldn’t think of it.

The whole day I thought and thought but couldn’t think of a good way for the girl to enjoy herself without some time of freak out happening and her going back to her old ways.

Maybe if I incorporate Morgan’s training and show Sabrina the bonuses of being trained might awaken her freak and get her back on the fun path instead of returning to the stuck up path.

God all this thinking was hard.

I couldn’t believe I was able to accomplish so much with so little experience beyond using my dirty mind to accomplish so much with Kelly….or Morgan…..or Gabe.

When we finally got back home from all the schooling I ignored I had a decent plan ready to put in place.

My only hopes nothing blows up in my face.

All of us sat down and were about to start getting dinner ready when my first caller knocked on our door.

I looked at Gabe who had no idea what was going to happen and said, “Time for the box to be tested.”

