How the Spontaneous Friend-cation Turned into the Fuck I Never Expected: Pt. 2 [FFM]


Again, this is a repost from before the almost sexless apocalypse. Part one is on my profile.

First off, thank you all for the kind words following part 1. I enjoy writing a lot and the positive feedback means the world :) plus a few hot DM’s did not discourage at all lol I’m still on a lonely trip.

Once again, skip to *** if you are in a rush. And please forgive the typos, this has all been on mobile.

So let’s back up a little bit and rejoin the three who stayed behind at the club after I chased after Kate. Joe filled me in on some details later and they really help make sense of what ended up a truly convoluted weekend.

As soon as I was out the door, Emy took some of her frustration out on Joe.

“Wtf is his problem?” She demanded. “I thought I made it clear how upset Kate has been about this shit?”

Joe was and is a stand-up friend. So despite the bombshell that was Jenn sharing lap space with him, he tried to talk his sister on my behalf.

“I know, I know, that was a fucked up thing to say.”

“Uhhh YEAH. And I—“

“Look, it’s just… he and Kate are actually kind of similar. I think that’s why they butt heads so much.”

Joe relayed that this kind of stopped Em in her tracks while she thought about it. Joe then gave Jenn one of these ? and she kindly took the hint. She gave him a peck on the cheek and hit the dance floor solo. Well not so solo as there was an army of douche bags she was willing to entertain for a bit.

Joe scootched closer to his sister and tried to talk softly over the music.

“And it’s just… ok, I’m not blind.”

His sister looked back at him, half confused, half accusingly.

“Stop. You have been giving him some serious attention every since you asked us to come on the trip. And he’s stoked! We both thought it was just a little bribery when you asked us to come. But now his hopes are high as hell.”

She looked down, past her defensive denial.

“He’s always had a friends-sister crush on you. Kate’s been inadvertently cock blocking all night.

“You’re right,” she replied calmly. “I’m not acting fairly. I’m not trying to tease, I’m really enjoying it tbh…”

“Huh, weird.” He chuckled.

“But still, that was a dick move and he needs to make it right with Kate.”

“I’m sure he will. Now please help me distract some of these tool bags so I can dance with Jenn again.”

“You two are disgusting,” she laughed as they both stood and made their way to the dance floor.

Now skipping all the glorious sexual expressions that Joe later found it necessary to describe in grave detail, you’re back to me and Kate in bed.

Our clothes are god knows where. There’s lipstick all over the pillows and all over my body. There’s cum…. everywhere. Kate is hot and sweaty. I guess we both are. Her little tits are pushed against me in the nicest way. I’m mindless playing with her ass. Tapping it, squeezing it, tickling and then smacking it.

She’s starts to really enjoy this. She kind of giggle-moans a couple of time. Responding to my touches. I feel her hips shifting. Back and forth. Slowly. But there’s a rhythm forming. She pressing her pussy against me, right where my leg meets my groin. I feel how sticky it is. Fuck, I’m getting hard again. I give her ass a hard squeeze and then SMACK! a stiff slap across it.

“AHH!” She cries out.

She drives her nails into the side of my neck as she grabs it. She breaths into my ear. Then she flicks her tongue my ear lobe and jabs it into it. WTF? Why did it feel so good to have me ear tongue fucked? Please do that some more.


Flailing would be putting it mildly. We both fly off the bed and scramble for our clothes. Kate finds all hers and rushes into the bathroom. While I’m trying to get dressed, flip the pillows, and fix the sheets all at once, I hear the shower flick on. Clever girl.

I’m just pulling my shirt back over my head and reaching for the deadbolt. I have no idea how ridiculous I must look at this point, but I’m clothed and catching my breath. So I whip the door open.

“Sorry, I was about to pass out…”

Joe is standing there confused with one hand in Jenn’s back pocket. Emy is standing back a bit in front of their door but peering past her brother with concern.

“Where’s Kate?” Emy demands.

“She’s taking a shower…”

“Oh uhh, we—“ starts Joe in his innocent manner.

“It’s cool!” Jenn jumps in. “We can uh hangout in our room. Is that cool, Ems?”

“Sure.” She says with a quick smile.

They trade places and Jenn opens their door. Her and the lucky bastard quickly disappear behind it. The dead bolt clicks. Em steps right past me and into our room.

“So uhhh…” I just try and capture her attention while closing the door. I’m desperate to keep her from focusing on the bed. It’s still too messy to be explained by simple rest. I’m too slow. She stares at the bed, and back to me. Arms folded. The coldest look I’ve ever seen. Fuck me.

The room is dead silent, but for the sound of the shower. I can’t tell if the steam is pushing under the door and filling the air, but it’s heavy and thick in there. It’s down right hot and I’m afraid it smells like sex.

“Jesus Christ,” Em mumbles. She steps to the thermostat and rapidly clicks the down arrow. Then she reaches down to take off her stilettos. She removes her earrings and lets out her hair, messing it with one hand. She pulls her phone from her purse and lays down on one side of the bed. The clearly undisturbed side of the queen.

In my head I know she knows. I know she’s pissed and hurt and confused. In my heart I’m telling myself it’s all because of what I said to Kate at the club. That she has no idea Kate and I just fucked like cave people. That there’s not Kate’s annoying red lipstick on the other side of the pillow she’s reclining on. But my head is right, and I know it.

Even with all this emotion and confusion and bourbon swirling through my nervous system, I can’t help my stare at Emy. Her shining legs were crossed elegantly. Her hair was messily falling around her shoulders, a long strand in front of her face. Her round lips were tightly pressed together. Her thumbs worked her phone’s keyboard ferociously. She’s intoxicating.

But I realize I’m staring and snap to. I turned my back and stepped up the dresser, pouring another glass of Joe’s whisky. I can hear faint, but passionate voices through the wall. I break the silence

“Damn, so Joe and Jenn, huh?”

“Yep.” She replies with forced calmness.

I take a big sip and turn around.

“That’s gonna make things awkward,” and I force a chuckle.

But we both stop and turn our heads to the sound of the bathroom door opening. Kate steps out in a cloud of steam. She brushes her wet black hair back behind one ear. Idk how in the year of our lord, 2017 hotels were still getting away with it, but their bath towels are 6 inches too short, at a minimum. The result is that Kate’s other thumb and finger have a vice grip on a small amount of the towel to keep it wrapped around her. I can see from the front, it’s struggling to contain her backside. She looks amazing.

Kate nervously prances over to the messy side of the bed and hops under the covers. She pulls the sheets up to her armpits before bunching up her wet towel and tossing it in the general direction of the bathroom. I look back and forth between Em and Kate. Em looks between me and Kate. Kate, between Em and I. Fuck.

*** mildly sexy fun time ***

Em sits up setting her phone down. She pulls off her dress, taking no precautions to cover herself. I’m staring at her body in what seems like slow motion. He shining dark blue dress slowly raises over her head. He small breasts are completely free. Her thin frame led down her perfect stomach and into the tight skin at her waist. The tiniest string of black silk stretches over her hip. It connects to a Dorito-sized triangle of lace. My jaw is on the fucking floor. She ignores me and climbs under the covers, laying flat with her phone raised above her face.

I look at Kate and she’s watching me, watch Emy. She has the faintest look of sadness in her eyes, but it quickly disappears when she give me a nervous smile and mouths, “OMG.”

Emy drops her phone down next to her with a loud THUNK on the soft bedding. But she does her best to hide her frustrations. She looks up at the both of us,

“Jenn says it’s gonna be a while…”

“Psssssssssh” I let out a long sigh.

“It’s fine.” Em tried to smile. “Just come lay down, were all tired.”

Yes, there was only one bed. Remember, this was supposed to be Kate’s solo room. Joe and I have zero problems sharing a queen. In fact gentlemen, if you never have shared a bed with your best bud, I recommend it. Just makes sharing anything else that much easier.

That being said, I’m not sure if you are processing how small a queen is for three grown adults. One of whom could very appropriately rock a “wide load” tramp stamp (I mean this in the most loving of ways). We’d be lucky if we didn’t end up playing twister all night.

I down my glass and pour another.

“Bring me one.” Demand Em.

I pour a second and hand her both. I awkwardly and as quickly get undressed. I’m just in my boxers. Em starts to take a drink.

“Shit, I gotta pee.” I mumble and walk to the bathroom. I passive aggressively assumed the girls would read my mind. I hoped they’d fill the middle space to leave the aisle or window seat to me. The did not.

When I walked back out, I crawled between them and wriggled beneath the covers with all the grace of a rhinoceros in heat. I heard Kate snicker. Em polished off her glass and handed both to me. I shot mine and began to reach over Kate to place them on the night stand. As I did, Em climbed out of bed and walked topless to the bathroom. I strained to look back, instinctively. But I was interrupted with a sharp playful bite on my neck. Kate giggled again. He hand shot under the sheets to grab a handful of semi-hard penis. I pulled back and moaned. Half pleasure, half fear. She licked her annoyingly red lips. Fuck, she’s gonna enjoy the shit out of this.

We both straitened up when the bathroom door open opened again. Emy strutted back to bed, tits out, legs on fire. She was attempting to look like she could not be bothered, but it was clear she was uncomfortable. She climbed back in bed, pulled up the covers, and flicked the light attached to the night stand.

“Good night.” She said with as much kindness as she could muster. God, she really is the sweetest.

Kate took the hint. She reached over and flicked out her light. The darkness was only disrupted by the sounds of the AC. It was finally cooling down in there. Or Em’s coldness was winning. Either way I laid my head back and closed my eyes. Swirling black shapes. I was on a merry go round inside a submarine. Fuck. I didn’t need that last glass.

You’ll understand my delayed reaction to the sensation of fingers crawling up my thigh. They danced over my stomach and waist line. They flattened, palm down on my happy trail. God it felt so good. The hand slid down. The long nails slipped between my waistband and skin. The fingers curled and the nails pushed along the length of my shaft. God she was good at this.

She was straightening my dick, helping along the growing erection. She gently squeezed my balls and drug her hand back up. Her palm pressed my mast up against my stomach. Now fully hard and struggling against her hand, she wrapped her fingers around me. She squeezed hard and rotated her hand around. Now she slowing pumped my cock up and down. I could feel the pre-cum building, leaking over the head. It dripped between her skin and mine. Things got slippery. It felt sinfully perfect.

But the whisky was winning. I was flitting in and out of conscious. Euphoria, fear, ecstasy, back to fear, it all swirled around. And sleep was taking over. On my way into the dark, there was one more thing. A new sensation. The firm press of round flesh a against the side of my leg. It moved in small circles. I felt another hand, struggling to reach backwards quietly. Sharp nails fount the hem of my boxers. It drove them up. Now the round flesh pushed directly against my skin. The hand gave my thigh a squeeze. But the nails dug in painfully.

Em had her hand and ass all over the leg closest to her. Kate’s hand was gaining some speed around my dick, still careful to not swish against the sheets. I thought maybe her other hand was moving too, between her own legs. I felt her let out a long, silent sigh in my direction.

“Fuck.” I whispered as gently as I could. The sound barely escaped my lips.

Em took this as a hint. She pressed against my leg harder, wiggling it back and forth. It was so warm and smooth on my slightly hairy thigh. Her own hand give her ass a squeeze. I could feel her nails on both of us. God it was so fucking hot. I could hardly take it. The sensory overload of it all was too much. I think my brain freaked and made a self preservation demand. The sleep won. I was out of it.

What felt like an eternity later, but was only about 45min, I woke back up. I was parched. Felt like I had a desert in my mouth. I climbed out of bed as quietly as I could. As I sat up on my knees, I felt a hand grab the waist of my boxers. I looked back in the dark at Kate, but she was fast asleep. Em was looking at me out the side of her eyes, arm stretched, her ass still pointed toward me.

“I just need water,” I nervously whispered.

I found the bottle next to my bag and took a long chug. Then I carefully crawled back into the bed. Em pulled the blankets all the way back for me to get under. I pressed my luck and rested one on her waist while I settled in right behind her. I looped a finger in her tiny thong and gently tugged. She reached back and started to pull my boxers down as far as she could. I took the hint and pulled them down, kicking them off one foot under the sheets. Emy did the same.

As I grabbed her hips with both hands and pulled back, she pushed. Her small firm ass wrapped around my cock. I was losing it. Emy was gonna fuck me.

And at the very same time, I could feel Kate’s dump truck pushing against my own ass. Skin to skin. It was surprising, and provocative, and confusing.



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