I [F] masturbated on the bus whilst surrounded by people

I often masturbate in public. Because dammit I’m horny and nothings going to hold me back. Also doing it in public is hot..

In this instance, I was horny on the bus and desperate to touch but had a while before I’d be out. People were standing a bit further away and facing my way. There was a lady across the aisle who could see all of me if she looked over. I was wary about these people but so so desperate. The bus was bumpy so I crossed my legs and grinded, letting the bumps work their magic. It was good but I wanted more, so I put my phone in between my legs and grinded against that, glancing over at people to make sure tbey weren’t looking and slowing down if I thought they might. If anyone looked over I would have looked ridiculous, humping my phone with my legs crossed. I thought audio porn would make it more fun so decided to pull out r/gonewildaudio and listened to some erotic audio about being a filthy good girl. It was so exciting looking at people as I listened to filthy things in my ears. I kept checking the volume as it was so loud in my ears and I worried others may hear.

I have long hair so I used that to conceal my boobs, then pretended to be playing with my hair as I subtly caressed my boobs over my clothes. I pretended to push my hair out of the way and used that fake motion to press down firmly on my boob. Im not sure if it looked strange as i kept doing it, and a man looked over at me…we made eye contact. He looked at me for too long so I suddenly worried that he noticed, and I changed to actually obviously playing with my hair and did that for a while. I dialled it down when I started touching my boobs and grinding again. It was super exciting and made my bus ride more fun.

Another instance. I’m not sure I’ll ever do this again, but I fingered myself in class whilst someone sat right next to me. Twice.The first time I did it without a covering..just used the table to hide me, but if anyone glanced down they would have seen where my hands were. And if anyone across the room looked down they would have too. Gosh I can be stupid when horny. Then i wanted to do it again to see if i can get away with it, but was too scared to without putting a hoodie in my lap, so i did that and fingered myself with someone sitting to my side and five others around me. I spoke to them about the work as I did this. I’m right handed but masturbate with my left hand, so I wrote notes as I did this. I was slow and gentle with it. havent done that since but I do sometimes put my backpack on my lap and use it to press my boobs against and rub my nipples against.

I lack privacy at home, its hard to get a room to myself. So I’ll often fondle my boobs in the lounge. My mom was watching TV on the coach, and I was behind her so played with my boobs as I watched TV too. Ill do that as i walk between rooms too, as I keep track of where everyone is in the house.

I haven’t orgasmed around people before – it takes very precise noticeable movements to make me cum, and I’m not sure i could do that discreetly. I can keep a straight face when masturbating but when orgasming? Not so much.. I’d convulse and moan. Maybe attempting that and not getting caught is the next step..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mxkkk8/i_f_masturbated_on_the_bus_whilst_surrounded_by


  1. If I got on the bus and noticed your long hair and then saw you doing things and realized oh it’s flowingmonsoon and came over and whispered in your ear that do you need a helping hand, would you let me? I could almost feel your tight wet virgin hole against my fingers, making you squirm as I would gently but firmly stimulate your clit. And yes, the bumps would help out a lot then too.

    P.S, if you are taking the bus, chances of you being in the US are slim, but if you are, DM me. I’d like to rub off a few things off you bucket list, no pun intended.

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