Heartwood Academy – A Connubial Celebration [FFutaF] [threesome] [romance] [throuple][story heavy] [part 7] [series]

Hi Heartwood fans! I’m really really really really sorry I’ve been gone for so long. Life happens. But this morning I woke up with our lovely main character on our mind, and decided that she needed a little love from her two new favorite women. As always, leave an upvote, come by and say hi ❤️


“Good morning sleepyhead,” a whimsical voice called out in singsong. I felt a weighted figure plop onto the bed next to me and snuggle up close, the voice in question now giggling in my ear. “It’s a *very* special day.”

I groaned groggily, rolling over to face my new morning bedmate. The first thing I saw was the big, stupid grin on Amy’s face, her brown hair pulled up into a ponytail that fell over her shoulder. The second thing I noticed was the fuzzy hat she was wearing that said ‘Happy Birthday’, attached to her head with an elastic band that snaked under her chin. My eyes lingered on the multicolored candles that wiggled on top of Amy’s new headdress.

“Oh my god you’re so annoying,” I chuckled, rolling over to bury my face in her chest and pin her to the bed, turning her on her back to lay on top of her, my eyes closing as I wrapped my arms around her torso tightly. “It’s so fucking early..”

“Couldn’t sleep!” Amy squeaked, running her fingers through my mess of blonde hair and kissing my head. “Fiona and I have literally spent the last two weeks in bed every night talking about today. You only turn twenty four once you know.”

I smiled and nuzzled into her pajama top covered breast.

“My birthday’s never really been a big deal before. I mean it’s just a day.”

Amy gasped before swatting my bottom.

“Khloe! It is your *birthday*. The day you were born! And in this house birthdays are important!”

She huffed before wiggling out from under me to the sound of groaning protest. She stood at the side of the bed and ripped the covers away from me, my panties and silk tank top providing me little warmth and protection against the cold world outside the covers. I looked up to see a gorgeous brunette standing with her hands on her hips, a scowl on her face and a wiggling, comical birthday cake hat on her head.

“Now get up! Your birthday breakfast is waiting,” she growled, a stern look on her face. After a moment she broke into a fit of giggles, leaning down and kissing my lips with a smile. “See you in a minute! Love you!”

I smiled and watched her prance out of the room.

“Love you,” I called out after her.


Three months in the Fox household had given me some measure of comfort and freedom in the space. My room now felt like mine, the things that had been given to me felt like they’d belonged to me for years. I’d even developed a certain affinity for a pair of fuzzy slippers that Fiona had bought me my first week here, and was often teased that I’d worn them out so quickly I was due for a new pair. It had begun to feel like I belonged, at least on some level.

Most of my days were spent cleaning the house, doing laundry, and other home making tasks. With summer school in session Fiona was gone a few days a week, and Amy worked part time at a coffee shop downtown that they co-owned together, so I’d frequently find myself alone in the big house, exploring the nooks and crannies, familiarizing myself with the property. The days that I wasn’t alone I was usually glued to whoever was with me, be it Fiona or Amy, learning more about them, bonding with them, making love to them.

Today they were both home, which made my heart sing for a reason not completely known to me.

I hadn’t even made it down the stairs before the smells hit my nose. There was sweet vanilla, savory salt, and warm buttered bread. I nearly missed the last two steps in my excitement to see the beginning of my day. I swung round the corner into the kitchen and nearly floated on air when my eyes took in the scene. Fiona stood near the stove, pulling the last strips of bacon from a sizzling pan and tossing them onto a plate next to the pot of coffee. Amy’s hands were holding another plate stacked six inches high with buttered waffles, little rivers of syrup running down each side. I watched the two women kiss and giggle before turning to me.

“Good morning Khloe,” Fiona’s voice cut through the sizzle of the pan as she cut the heat to the stovetop and wiped her hands on a towel tucked into her yoga pants. She gathered the bacon and the coffee and brought them both to the big island. “Happy birthday baby. Care for a little breakfast?”

I crossed my arms tightly across my chest and nodded, unable to move from where I stood. My eyes glassed over and my throat swelled up, my mind struggling to take in everything my eyes were seeing. Never in my life did I feel like I mattered as much as I did in this moment, in this kitchen with two women who I loved and adored. The places were nearly set before Amy rushed over to me.

“Oh Khloe honey,” she smiled, pulling me in tight. “Oh don’t cry sweetie, it’s just breakfast.”

I leaned into her before I felt Fiona join in, wrapping her arms around us both, sandwiching me between the two of them.

“I’m so sorry baby. We didn’t mean to make you cry. We just thought a little birthday breakfast was in order.”

I sniffled and took a deep breath before coaxing myself out of their collective grasp and taking both of their hands. It took a moment before I could look at them.

“No it’s beautiful, it’s perfect. I’ve just.. I’ve never had someone, anyone, make this big of a deal about my birthday,” I mumbled with a smile. “I.. thank you. Thank you both so much.”

They smiled at each other before smiling at me, kissing me on either cheek and leading me to sit at the island in front of the breakfast spread. Fiona reached to help herself to the tower of waffles but her hand was swatted away by her wife.

“Birthday girl gets first dibs,” she scolded.


Once we’d had our fill the island was cleared and replaced with the normal vase of flowers. The three of us sat at the barstools with our coffee, Fiona gently rubbing my back as I sat between she and Amy. It was a while before anyone spoke, but the head of the house broke the silence.

“Khloe we have some special gifts for you today,” she said softly to me, turning and smiling. “They’re going to be spread out over the course of the day, some of them traditional gifts and some of them.. not so traditional.”

She grinned at me before looking over and meeting Amy’s eyes.

“What kind of ‘nontraditional gifts’ are we talking about Fiona?” I asked, puzzled.

Both she and Amy stood at the same time on either side of me, both of them leaning down to whisper in my ear in unison.

“We’ll show you.”

My stool was scooted away from the island, and Amy moved in front of me, hopping onto the marble and perching herself there. Fiona moved behind me, gently pulling my yoga pants down to my ankles before seating me on the stool again. I gasped as the cold wood met my warm ass, giggling as my rear was pulled to the back of the seat, exposing my sex. Fiona kneeled behind the stool and kissed each of my cheeks before diving headfirst into my warm sex.

I moaned as her tongue parted my folds, coating my labia in her slick spit and eagerly searching for my clit. She coaxed it out of its warmth, pursing her lips and sucking at it lovingly, making long, smooth passes at it with her warm tongue. It was heavenly, and I felt my body turn into a tingling tuning fork.

“Hi sweetie.”

Amy’s voice brought me back, my eyes flitting open to see her perched atop the marble counter in front of me, shirtless. She took my face in her hands, leaning down to kiss me passionately, moaning into my mouth as I whimpered into hers. She drew me to her breast, pulling me close and bidding me to latch on. I took a nipple into my mouth and suckled hungrily, my first orgasm taking me by surprise as I moaned my appreciation into her areola. Fiona growled behind me, sending a tingle up my spine and into my scalp. I must’ve nibbled at Amy’s breast because she chuckled and groaned, lost in watching her wife feast on my exposed cunt.

I neared the edge again, this time louder and much more in need. I rocked and shook on the stool as Fiona held me in place, spreading me so that she could reach every centimeter of my precious wet sex. She moaned and whined as she worked to please me, licking and sucking in earnest, driving me down the road to pleasure with reckless abandon. Once she’d tasted me the first time she knew her body would need another.

“Are you gonna cum dear?” Amy murmured to me, pulling me from her chest and turning my face up to hers. “Are you going to cum on Fiona’s tongue?”

I whimpered softly, gripping her hips.

“Yes..” I squealed, biting my lip.

Amy watched as I began to fall over the edge, Fiona sending me past the point of no return. I felt a finger tease my puckered ass as she latched onto my clit, sucking with fervor as her tongue swirled over my stuff nub over and over again. My legs shook and my thighs flexed, my mouth hanging open and unable to produce sound of any nature. My eyes opened and I looked up into Amy’s smiling face as my lungs took a deep breath and I cried out in pleasure.

“Happy Birthday Khloe.”


The rest of the day was spent in similar fashion. For lunch we went to the coffee shop, where a table had been fitted with streamers and balloons, and the staff sang Happy Birthday to me along with Fiona and Amy, the former singing in entirely the wrong key. We then spent the afternoon at the mall, trying on everything that caught my eye and purchasing most, if not all of what I wanted. My lovers joined in on the fun, stepping into the dressing room and flaunting their curves in various outfits. At one point it became entirely too much to handle, so Amy and I snuck Fiona into a stall and blew her together.

It was bliss. Fun, romantic, kinky bliss. I was where I belonged.

We spent the afternoon at the pool in our bikinis, laughing and drinking, taking long looks at one another. I watched Fiona and Amy swim together for a while, chuckling each time they laughed and danced in the water, holding each other close, staring into each other’s eyes like the world was in the palms of their hands. They looked at one another in this passionate, encompassing love, as if the world revolved around them and moved at the pace they dictated.

But I didn’t feel outside their bubble anymore. When I was with them I felt like I was part of their love, part of their world. Fiona had begun to look at me the same way she looked at Amy, sometimes with fire in her eyes and other times with a soft sense of affection. Amy had started bringing me coffee in the mornings, waking me up frequently in bed, cuddling on the couch with me on rainy days. I wasn’t in their nucleus, but I certainly didn’t feel like an outsider.

Fiona made a delicious dinner spread of baked chicken, mashed potatoes, asparagus, and brownies for dessert. Hardly a word was said as the three of us scarfed it down, famished from the day’s activities. The plates were cleaned and the kitchen was put back together before Amy lead me upstairs to shower. She watched through the glass as I bathed.

“Well, how was it?” She asked, tidying up the countertop before sitting at my small makeup table.

“My day?” I called out from under the warm water. “It was great. Really great, I mean, like I said. I’ve never really had a big birthday celebration or anything.”

I cut the water off and stepped out of the shower, right into the towel Amy was holding, she wrapped me in it and then put her arms around me. She nuzzled her nose into mine and sighed.

“We love you Khloe,” she murmured. “We both love you very, very much. I mean more than we could’ve ever imagined. You’ve brought such love and joy into our lives, and I hope we’ve done the same for you.”

I bit my lip and kissed her tenderly.

“I love you. I love you both. You really.. can’t know how wonderful this is..”

We both sighed softly into each other, basking in the embrace of a lover. She held me close and we swayed together in the foggy bathroom.

“Amy there’s something that I’ve been feeling for a little while. And I know you and Fiona both have said to just relax and be patient and not hasty but..”

Amy pulled away slowly to hold me at arms length.

“But what honey..?”

I bit my lip and smiled.

“I’m ready,” I whispered. “If you two are ready then I’m.. I want to carry your baby..”

Amy smiled and nodded, tears filling her eyes before we slammed into each other, holding each other tightly as we let tears flow unhindered. My soul leapt for the women I was holding, a woman who’s heart ached to be a mother but who’s body wouldn’t let her. And I felt her energy flow through me; the incredible gratitude and fortune she felt to meet a woman who not only agreed to carry her child, but whom she loved and truly cared for. We sobbed together before breaking apart and chuckling ruefully, wiping our tears and giggling softly as we examined one another.

“I’m sorry honey, I know you told Fiona I just, hearing you say it..”

I took Amy’s hand in mine.

“It’s okay. Don’t apologize. I love you..”

Amy smiled and kissed me.

“I love you too, sweetie. Come here, I’ve got something for you.”

“For movie night?” I giggled excitedly. My favorite pastime had become watching movies in the evening while cuddled up with Amy and Fiona. It typically ended in romantic glances, soft kisses, and gentle lovemaking, but some nights I just wanted to be held. Both of them were usually quick to help out in that regard.

Amy led me down the hall, stark naked, into she and Fiona’s empty bedroom. I’d been in here before, in this bed before, but the energy in this moment felt different. Amy took me into the closet and began rifling through a dresser drawer of unmentionables.

“Oh come on, I swear it’s in here somewhere. I wouldn’t have moved it since.. aha!”

She emerged triumphantly with a small red satin bag tied by a drawstring. At the end of the string was a pearl necklace. Amy smiled at me and removed it, bidding me to turn around, relieving me of my towel and hanging the pearls around my neck.

“Amy what are-“

“Shhhh,” she cut me off, opening the bag. “You’ll see.”

From the tiny sack she pulled a scalloped lace set of lingerie, top and bottom, with matching garters. As she laid it out on top of the dresser it was easy to see in my mind’s eye how little it would cover of the female anatomy, and just how beautiful and expensive it was. Amy took my hand.

“I bought this when we got married. And I would always wear it for her on the nights we were trying to get pregnant. She loves this set..”

I looked from her to the lingerie and back again.

“Oh Amy it’s beautiful, but it’s yours. I don’t think I could wear it.”

She turned to me with glassy eyes again.

“Khloe I *want* you to wear it. It’ll be special to her, and special to me,” she paused and squeezed my hand. “I can’t get pregnant. We know that. But we bought this for a special moment, together we bought it. Fiona deserves to have that moment, even if I’m not wearing it.”

She kissed my cheek as I looked at her with awe. The sheer mountain of a woman who stood before me rocking me to my core.

“Besides,” she smiled. “I’ll still be there. And *fuck* you’re going to look hot.”

She kissed my cheek.

“Put it on and hop on the bed. Let me go get Fiona for her little surprise.”

Amy exited and I did as I was told, stepping into the garters and panties and slipping the top over my shoulders. Once everything was situated I looked at myself in the floor length mirror, spinning this way and that to look at myself from all the angles. She was right. I did look hot.

I made the four-poster canopy bed, straightening the sheets and decorative pillows out before plopping myself down at the head of the bed, crossing my long legs and spreading my arms out to either side. It felt like an hour before I heard a knock at the door, the knob turning as it opened to show the two women I’d come to love and live with.

“Surprise babe,” Amy whispered, pulling her hands out from over Fiona’s eyes.

Fiona gasped before clutching her wife’s hand as she took in the view. I watched her face go from surprise to love to hunger in the span of sixty seconds. There was no explaining the situation; she was well aware of what was taking place here. She knew the lingerie, she knew my intentions, she knew Amy wanted this just as badly as she did. They walked toward the bed slowly, Fiona peeling off her t-shirt.

My heart raced as I watched a long, thick bulge begin to form in her yoga pants. Her eyes stayed on me as Amy pulled them to her ankles and slipped them off her feet, Fiona’s massive cock springing free, hard as steel. Naked and powerful she climbed over the footboard and crawled across the bed towards me until she and I were nose to nose. I kissed her soulfully, reaching my hand down to take her pulsing hot shaft in my hand. She moaned softly, her eyes opening to meet mine.

“I’m ready,” I whispered softly, stroking her thick cock slowly. “I’m ready to carry your child.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mxqbd3/heartwood_academy_a_connubial_celebration_ffutaf