Naked waitress for my friends! [FM]

Late last year my husband and I were out with some friends at a bar and we all played a few rather drunk games of pool. I’ve never been great at pool, but on this occasion I managed to loose ever single game. It got to the point that a couple of the guys present suggested a forfeit if I lost the last game. They drunkenly joked that I should have to be the waitress at our next catch up and that I should do it naked. My husband found this hilarious and this only encouraged them. And of course, I did lose the game. I got a lot of boos and pouting when I told them that it was never going to happen, and eventually the joke died down and the night went on as usual. However from that point on, seemingly whenever we got together over drinks, the supposed forfeit would come up in conversation and a couple of them would have a shot at convincing me again.

I ended up having a conversation with my husband Mark about it on the way home one night. He told me that whilst he thought it would all be a bit of fun, the idea of it really intrigued him and the more he thought about it the more excited he became. This wasn’t too surprising as he’s always enjoyed showing me off, but usually just when we go on holiday somewhere far away from friends and family. I asked him if he’d seriously be ok with this happening and he emphatically insisted that he was. At the same time I’m coming to terms with how much the idea scared and excited me too.

So over the next few weeks whenever it would get brought up I would joking play along, teasing that I may be open to the idea without ever committing to it firmly. The opportunity came when we had them around to our house for drinks one weekend. It was myself, my husband Mark, another couple Beth and Elliot, and two of our single friends Mitch and James. Before even the second drinks it was once again brought up by James who seemed very excited by the idea that this might actually happen. I’d just smile and shake my head and change the subject.

I’d already had a few drinks with my husband before everyone arrived to help with my courage. We’d had a long chat about what we were both comfortable and if I was happy to do it. We ended up agreeing that I would decide in the heat of the moment. So about an hour after we had eaten and everyone was sitting around the table drinking, I excused myself to the bathroom. I went straight to our bedroom, stripped off and wrapped myself in a towel. I think that I only really made the decision somewhere between the table and our bedroom door, and once I had done so I was worried that I would change my mind if I didn’t act quickly.

I walked back into the living room wrapped in a towel, James and Mitch were facing me and immediately cheered, Beth and Elliot had to turn around in their chairs, both grinning at me waiting to see what would happen. Mark had a gigantic smile on his face and started clapping as I walked around to the end of the table. And just like that I took a deep breath and threw the towel off. I remember looking around the table at the mixed expressions. Beth laughed with shock and covered her mouth, Elliot looked like he felt he should turn away but didn’t and Mitch and James were cheering like drunks as they stood up to get a better look.

I gave them a second to quiet down, it was an incredibly nerve fraying experience standing there naked letting them all see me like that for the first time. Eventually they quieted down enough that I could take their drink orders. So for the next hour I was up and down from the table fetching drinks and topping up glasses while sitting next to Mark in between. He was having the time of his life but would keep checking in to make sure that I was ok. No one made any attempt to hide the fact that they were staring, and even Beth and Elliot got in on the fun to a degree, asking for shaken cocktails so I couldn’t help but make everything bounce while I was making it.

Throughout the night there were various attempts to get Beth to join in, but she stubbornly refused joking that it was my duty as host or giving whatever other deflection that came to mind. It would have been a lot of fun if she had, I don’t think Elliot would have enjoyed it though, and I was surprised even at how well they were both handling this.

Towards the end of the night we were all well and truly drunk and James and Mitch began to slowly get a bit handsy, testing the boundaries, getting braver. After bring back a drink, Mitch pulled his seat back and offered to have me on his lap. He looked over to Mark to gauge his reaction and got no objections whatsoever. So I sat myself down on his lap and stayed there for the next drink. He was joking around and would bounce his legs up and down beneath me, letting his arm wrap around my waist. If he was doing something and I tensed at all he would stop, but if I relaxed he would stay on that course. This ended with him sliding his hands under my breasts and giving them a little bounce then running his hands over my hard nipples. I gave a joking shriek and then went to fetch more drinks. When I came back James insisted it was his turn.

He was a bit braver than Mitch and went straight for my chest once I was seated. Sensing no resistance from me, he even gave them a little pinch. I ended up being sat on his lap for a while longer than Mitch’s. After a while when the conversation moved onto something between Beth and Mitch, James slid his hand down to my lap and just held it on my thigh. Our legs were more or less under the table at this angle and I parted mine slightly, just out of curiosity to see what he would do. Without hesitation he slides his hand down and rests it over my vagina lips. I know he could feel how wet I was, and I slightly closed my legs to hold his hand in place. He kept it there for a few minutes until I relaxed my thighs again. This time he waited a while before very slowly and gently sliding a finger between my lips and running it up the length.

I didn’t want to get too carried away so got up for another drink. After this point there were requests for a photo shoot which I refused. Mitch suggested that I bend and spread for a photo, and a part of me wishes that they would have insisted on it, I would probably have done it. But when I said no they respectfully accepted it and I spent the last few minutes of the night cleaning up as everyone said their goodbyes. I walked them to the door and nervously stood in the open doorway giving out hugs as everyone left, before being able to safely close the door and drag my husband to our bedroom



  1. I think you are using the wrong word when you said “drag my husband to the bed room”, i think guide or something more light would have been a better word because after that ,i think he wouldn’t have needed any more motivation?

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