[MF] That time a gay guy got me laid by a girl whose name I didn’t know

I live near a ski town that I’ve frequented since I was little. Many of my friends have cabins there. As we got older, we began using these cabins for cheap escapes since most of us had just started working and had little to no money. Free accommodations always made the trip better.

When I was 23, one of my buddies invited me up to a mutual friend’s cabin for his birthday. The first day was just guys and it was pretty fun. The family had asked if we could chop a tree down and we obliged. What we didn’t know was that the fucking tree was like 100′ tall. Took us like 12 hours, 140 beers, lunch and dinner, and god knows how many cigs and ounces of weed. But by the days end we were hammered, sore, and tired.

The guy with the cabin, call him Marco, is a chef. We woke up to a wonderful breakfast, all this with his birthday being the following day. Apparently, we’d saved the family quite a bit of money by chopping the tree down. Then he announced that 8 girls would be joining us in the day and staying the night in the cabin with us. This was a sweet deal since most of the bedrooms were occupied by us already.

The insinuation that pairing up would be a must was clear. We were all pretty excited. However, he neglected to mention that the girls would be coming up with a gay guy. We knew him from high school, but none of us really knew him. But he was furthest from our minds when they arrived cause it turned out, the girls were girls we had met before and we knew they were pretty crazy. They loved to party and hook up.

After walking around the snowy forest drinking, we decided to head back up to the cabin and watch some movies and play games. The gay guy I mentioned before didn’t talk to any of us for the most part. He was just taking pictures of the girls who would pose as if they were models. At most he asked for beer or a light for his smokes.

I should add that gay men have always had an eye for me. I don’t know what it is or what I do, but I’ve always been hounded by gay men. Not a big problem for me. Most of the time it’s actually pretty flattering that random gay men come up to me to hit on me. I mean who wouldn’t get an ego bump from that. But I got no such feeling from this guy. Mostly, I was talking to/working a girl I knew that was in the group. We were rolling joints and smoking out of a weird glass pipe she had.

At the cabin we played games, drank and smoked. As we settled into the theater room to watch a movie, I decided it was time for me to hit the hay. Nothing had materialized with the girl I found most attractive so I just said good night.

Some time later, I awoke with someone in my bed kissing and licking my neck. Due to me being inebriated, I had no idea what the fuck was going on. When I touched the person, it was clear it wasn’t a girl. My first instinct was to swing thinking it was some sort of retarded prank my buddies were pulling on me. I busted the gay guy’s lip and he ran out of the room. It hit me, it wasn’t a prank. This mother fucker was going to try something with me while I was unconscious. I didn’t even fear the guy, but it was truly fucking frightening. I was in shock for a few minutes until I gathered myself.

I got up, and confronted the group. My room was inside the theater room. It was like a maid’s room but I claimed it because it had it’s own bathroom with a window. So these mother fucking friends of mine saw the gay guy go into my room after several minutes of me being asleep. They just let him go in. Marco looked embarrassed, but nobody stopped watching the movie. Nobody even turned the lights on.

I don’t talk to any of them anymore, but at that time, the situation I was in, I couldn’t leave. I was drunk with no way of getting a place to stay at that time of night.

The girls all had stunned looks on their faces. I was literally fuming and the girls felt terrible for me. The gay guy was nowhere to be found. Turned out he just went into a room, it was claimed, and passed out on the bed. I would say poor guy who had to sleep on the couch, but fuck him, too.

As I’m sitting there raging, I feel the girl next to me start to caress my hand in a way that felt like she had done it by accident. This went on until she grabbed my hand and start to caress and massage it.

We were all still watching the movie when I said “fuck it” and put my hand on her leg. Instantly, she opened her legs slightly, almost inviting me to go further up her leg. We were all in pijamas now and she was wearing tiny shorts.

Up to this point, I wasn’t even sure what she looked like since the theater room was dark. I was so angry when I sat down that I didn’t even notice who was where. Like a true gentleman, after putting my hand on her leg I turned slowly into her ear and whispered, “Are you nervous?”

Giving me an odd look she shook her head. This was probably the first time I’m noticing her face. Because even when they introduced all the girls to us earlier in the day, my eyes had focused on another girl.

After shaking her head, I moved my hand an inch up her thigh and said, “How about now?”

All I remember was that she giggled, grabbed my hand and then kissed me. Then, she took my hand the rest of the way and moaned. Right there in front of everyone after almost experiencing a gay rape because my friends are assholes. It was almost as if she wanted to help me forget the experience. Like I said, I was drunk and high and not super aware. But this woke me up.

We starting openly making out and groping each other that soon we found a few people leaving the room. Again, like I true gentleman, I stood up and very romantically (in my mind anyway) said, “Get up, let’s go,” and held out my hand on unsteady legs.

Once inside she says, “I knew you weren’t gay.” In my mind, I was like “the fuck?” Where had that come from?

I don’t know if it was the rage, or the fact that people thought I was gay and I was very publicly showing I wasn’t, but we FUCKED EACH OTHER’S BRAINS OUT. For the rest of the night after the first mutual orgasm we shared, which is rare for me because I last a while when I’m drunk and high and fucking traumatized by an attempted rape, she would wake me up and say, “Let’s do it again.” And I would get up and pound that shit out of her for like 15 minutes until we both came again.

This went on until we both had four orgasms. I couldn’t tell what was more sore, my cock or my body from chopping that tree down. In the morning, once the booze and drugs wore off, I finally looked at her under some light. She was pretty damned hot. Dark skin, almond eyes, and a fucking solid body. She goes down as an 8 in my book. The girl I was working before her was a solid 10 though.

Just as I’m about to wake her up it dawns on me, her name, what’s her fucking name??? I, literally, had no fucking idea. I couldn’t tell you a letter that was in her name or if she had even shook my hand when we met for the first time. She must have felt something cause right then, she wakes up and says my fucking name. I settled on calling her baby for the time being.

The fucking looks and applause we got from everyone was so fucking embarrassing, but we quickly got over it. I still didn’t know her name as we served each other breakfast from master dickhead who is also a chef, Marco. I just said “Happy birthday, man.”

After eating, she excuses herself to the bathroom. I’m like, thank god, now I can ask one of her friends what her name is when gay boy walks in with a busted lip and blood on his chin like nothing happened. Just says hi, and I’m like, “Fuck this,” very audibly and walk out.

One of her friends went after me calling my last name, but before she could say anything, I turned and whispered, “Dude, what’s her fucking naaaaaammmme?” She almost fell on the floor laughing. She kept calling me an asshole and a fucker. But like in a good way, I’m sure. Worse yet, it’s the one I had been working and smoking with the day before.

This gorgeous girl ended up explaining to me that Marco had told the guy that I was gay. Which explained a lot, but still didn’t excuse this guy coming in when I was comatose trying to have sex with me. And to top it off, she adds that the girl who kept everyone up with her screams all through the night was being worked by the buddy I drove up with.

Well, fuck him too cause he didn’t stop the gay guy from coming into my room either.

After showering and getting my stuff together, I told everyone I was heading home. My buddy didn’t even flinch. Fucking idiot had the audacity to be mad at me for hooking up with that girl.

So after gathering her name, Jazmin, just perfect, that’s her real name, I went and found her, asked her if she wanted to spend the day with me. She thought about it, and said, “Ok, where are we going?”

I took her skiing for the day, barely had any dime, but I snuck booze onto the mountain and she had a lot of weed. We spent the first half of the day skiing.

Turned out she was a solid skier like me and kept up with me for the most part. I like to jump and cut through trees like an idiot, she opted for the sensical gliding down the slopes with grace. We got hungry and decided to stop for a bite to eat at the restaurant half way up the lifts.

As she saw I was finishing my sandwich, I felt her hand start to rub my thigh. She was almost looking to see if I was hard. I just said, “What are you doing?” Perching my eye brow.

“I don’t know,” and looked away then behind her. I realized she was trying to see if anyone was seeing what she was doing. Well, my mind was in the gutter in a second and I started getting hard. Fucking freezing outside and I’m getting a massive boner in ski pants. It’s not comfortable.

I told her to settle down and we kept skiing. Until I cut through the trees and found some sort of boarders hangout. Fuck settling down. There was little benches made of rocks sticking out of the snow in a circle surrounding what I assumed was a firepit. I told her about it when I finally cut through the trees and caught her.

When skiing with a lady, I like to sneak up from behind with my skis wide and encapsulate them. It’s like a skiing bear hug from the back. Jazmin looooved when I did this. So the next time I did it she just said, “Take me to that spot you saw.”

So fuck it, I did.

We had a half bottle of Cuervo and she had rolled four joints in the bathroom after we ate. It took some struggle, but finally I got her there and as I’m taking off my skis, I see she’s looking at me like she had the night before.

Making my way over to her, I grabbed her face in my hands and starting to kiss her. Sensual. We made out for a while standing. She still had her skis on. I moved around her without losing the embrace of our kiss to where I’m standing behind her between her skis.

Making out from behind is so fucking sensual and erotic.

My hands drifted down to her pants and slipped inside. She giggled hard because my hands were icicles. But then, surprising even me, she began unbuttoning her pants. So I did the same. My cock was like cold steel burning.

I swear to god the only warm thing in that spot was her gorgeously dark pussy. I moved in behind her and starting to slip inside until I bottomed out on her cervix.

“Ahhhhhhhhh,” she moaned loudly to which I reacted by covering her mouth. “Fuck me,” she said, “don’t stop even if I tell you too.”

So I started thrusting my hips. Funny thing is, it took me about 5 minutes to realize she was still on her skis so I just started to use my arms to slide her back and forth on my cock. I’ve never been sweating and freezing, horny with shriveled balls before, but it’s quite an experience.

Once she realized what I was doing she started to laugh, but also announced she was about to cum and to keep going. Her moans by now were almost becoming screams of “Yes!” and “Oh fuuuuuuck!”

I couldn’t believe what was happening as my 5th load in less than 24 hours boiled up into my shriveled nutsack and I exploded into her. I pulled out and she asked me to unclip her boots. I grabbed a pole I had stuck in the ground near her and unclipped her.

This goddess then gets down on her knees and proceeds to clean every inch of my cock with her mouth. Which wouldn’t settle down by the way.

As I’m enjoying the glorious feeling of coming inside a girls pussy and then having her clean it without asking, I feel it happening again. I’m going to cum again. I announced it and everything and it only seemed to make her suck harder and double her efforts. I exploded and she never took her mouth off my cock until I’m almost fell over onto the rock benches.

Ski boots are not for walking, much less fucking.

Getting dressed proved to be a chore since we were so tired and sore. A chore….all we had to do was pull our pants up and zip up, but damn, it was a chore. An inventory of what we were still wearing: ski boots, ski jacket, backpack with beer and Cuervo, ski pants, thermal bottoms and tops, gaiter, googles, and my fucking orange helmet.

We sat and finished the bottle of Cuervo, smoked about 5 cigarettes and 2 joints between the two of us, then made our way down.

When we went to return the ski equipment, that was the first time I saw her last name. She knew mine already. It wasn’t the first time I got with a complete stranger, but it was certainly one of the most interesting times. Turned out she lived in my city, not a huge coincidence. The group we had left were all from there.

We drove back and this girl managed to coax lucky load number 7 of the day while on the road. She gave me head first, but I told her the angle wasn’t good and that it was unlikely to happen given we were still drinking and getting high. My cock had been put through the ringer.

Leave it to Jazmin to get fucking ideas in her head. She pulled her pants off and began straddling me. Not after I almost ran 3 cars off the road, though. But eventually she was able to position herself to where I could still see the road.

Then, she licked her hand in the sluttiest, sultriest way possible, and grabbed hold of my cock. Slowly she sank down on it. By now it slipped in with little resistance. It felt amazing knowing I’d planted 5 other loads there.

The noises my cock elicited from Jazmin were almost enough to bring me off. She wasn’t started yet as she started to bounce on me. I swear I could feel the truck bounce like when a heavy wind gust hits you.

Again, I told her I was going to cum and that seemed to spark her own orgasm and we had another mutual. We drove the rest of the way listening to music and her telling me about what happened last night.

Apparently, gay boy had told his girlfriends that I had made a pass at him. Which she admitted was met with huge doubt from the group because a few of them knew of my reputation back home. I’m no saint, especially with women. I tell myself that’s why the 10 was resisting my advances. But it didn’t help that Marco had said, “I think he swings both ways.”

To this day, he says he doesn’t know why he said that. He knew me 10 years at that point and had never ever seen me be gay. If anything, I was one of the guys known to be extremely comfortable with his sexuality. My family is that way. We’re very affectionate, even with people of the same sex.

It was sort of funny because she told me she was furious that I had made a pass at the gay guy. And even more when I said I was going to bed and he went into my room a half hour later as if I had told him to.

So when I came out furious after the attempted rape, she became ecstatic with joy. Too fucking funny. She got messages from the girls that the gay guy kept bitching about his lip and said he couldn’t remember anything from the night before. Yeah, fucking, right. Piece of shit if you ask me. They did tell him what he did and he never apologized. He blamed the drugs he was on.

Once we got back into to town she asked me for my number, and we went out but dating never really panned out for us. Other than amazing lovers, we had little in common.

She’s a punk rocker and I was university student with big aspirations. I still remember inviting her to a Gala at my school. I had to dress her cause she didn’t know what to wear. She hadn’t worn an evening gown or cocktail dress since she went to quinceaƱeras as a teen. Had to tell her to do her hair and makeup.

Once at the event, she continually tried taking me to the bathroom for a quickie until I succumbed. Several people found out, and even though I didn’t get in trouble, it didn’t improve my standing with anyone at the Gala.

I still remember her inviting me to a rave and being astonished at what she was wearing. Neon thigh highs, green neon shoes, a pink cupless bra with glittery butterfly stickers on her nipples, tiny pink booty shorts, and a pink that screamed sex slave. It also said, “SLAVE” in diamonds, so maybe that, too. It seemed everyone had dressed in some way like this. Gorgeous bare skin everywhere.

I fucking showed up in khakis. And given the environment, it felt like I was wearing a suit.

To this day, whenever I see her, she gives me those looks and those smiles. She’s in a local band that I see at a lot of restaurants and events. We’ll chat occasionally, but it makes our SO’s extremely uncomfortable so we avoid it. I never thanked gay boy for that experience and I never will to his stupid face, but thank you, you PoS. It was quite a weekend.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mx4wn3/mf_that_time_a_gay_guy_got_me_laid_by_a_girl

1 comment

  1. Wow. Loved this. Makes me so jealous tho because I barely get into penetrative sex. Let alone orgasm from it. I’m a girl for reference. It sux. It’s like I’m numb in there but not on my clit.

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