Jamie’s Mexican Siesta – Part III (F-F)

III – Soaking In The Mexican Sun With A New Friend

The trip to the airport and the events leading up to boarding the plane were generally uneventful.  Jamie met up with her family, gave everyone hugs, and feigned excitement to be spending the next week with these people she, somewhat unfortunately, had to call her own family.  They weren’t all bad, she shrugged to herself, she just wished she wasn’t going to be stuck with them for the whole time.  “I’ll have to make my own fun, at least for a little bit.” She promised to herself.

Boarding the flight, Jamie had to sit beside her brother and he, being the smug asshole he was, insisted he had the window seat just to be a pain in her ass.  Now she was stuck sitting in the seat next to the aisle.  “Great start” she mumbled to herself.  She settled in the best she could, at least as best as you can sitting in coach on a crowded airplane near the centre aisle.  People constantly reached over her to shove their carry-ons into the luggage compartment above her.  One “gentleman” even went so far to lean his somehow already sweaty, pungent chest into her and she gagged a little in her mouth.  “I’m so sorry!” he said, but all she could do was smile at him to accept his apology, if she opened her mouth she might have vomited.  Her brother watched the whole affair and made a point to make fun of her for it.  She shot him a stern glare and hit him, hard, in the chest. 

“OW!” he complained, rubbing his chest. 

“Shut the fuck up, pussy” she teased back.

Her dad looked back at them and gave them his best, well used “dad look”.

“What’s the matter with you two?  How old are you guys?” he asked disapprovingly. “We haven’t even left yet and you’re already fighting.”

“It was HER” her brother complained mockingly.  Jamie just rolled her eyes.

“Just shut up and enjoy the flight you two, OK?” her dad scolded before turning around.

Jamie and her brother “glared” at one another for a brief moment, but then he turned to the window to watch the luggage being loaded onto the plane below them.  Jamie focused her attention to watch the people boarding the plane.  It was an eclectic mix:  Older baby boomers, some decked out in touristy Hawaiian shirts, shorts and sandals, the kind who would obnoxiously talk your ear off if you made the mistake of making eye contact with them; some obvious newlyweds who barely could keep their hands off each other even while they walked down the aisle – “I bet they will try to join the ‘Mile High Club’ she mused to herself, rolling her eyes, thinking she will be sure to not use the bathroom after they did; and finally some stereotypical “families on vacation”, complete with already screaming babies and a mom who didn’t know how to control her children without loudly berating them. Jamie prayed all of these types would sit a long, long ways away from her and thankfully she watched most of them sit many rows in front of her or walk right past her and sit near the back of the plane. Each one was a bullet dodged, and she thanked fate or god or whomever made each small victory possible.

Turning around, she suddenly was taken aback by something completely unexpected.  Coming up the aisle was a girl who had to be one of the hottest girls Jamie had ever seen.  She was about Jamie’s age, about 5’9” with blonde hair and striking blue eyes, the deep kind of blue that you swear must be due to tinted contacts they must be wearing.  She wore a spaghetti strap tank top which showed off her voluptuous chest, “her tits are as big or even bigger than mine” Jamie noted, and her long, sexy, toned legs were highlighted by the short cut-off jean shorts this girl wore.  The rest of the girl’s figure was also fit and toned, she clearly worked out regularly, and she had a beautiful deep tan, not too bronzed to be tacky but she clearly spent a long time at the beach sunbathing.  Jamie naughtily wondered if she had tan lines on her tits or ass or even not at all, but quickly dismissed the thoughts. 

When the girl accidentally bumped into another passenger, she smiled a beautiful smile, her perfectly straight, bright white teeth practically shone and contrasted nicely with her tanned, brown complexion.  Jamie could not help but stare at her because she was SO HOT, and eventually their gazes met.  Jamie sheepishly looked away, embarrassed that she had been caught eyeing up this girl.  Much to her embarrassed horror, the girl happened to sit directly across from her on the opposite side of the narrow aisle.  Jamie’s heart thumped hard in her chest, not exactly sure if she should be saying anything or not to the object of her attention. 

“Hey” the girl said to Jamie while she put her carry-on away, “Do I know you?”

Jamie turned shyly to the girl, and stammered “I…no, sorry I think I mistook you for someone else.  I’m sorry”

“That’s OK” the girl laughed and beamed her heavenly smile back at Jamie. “My name is Lisa, who are you?”

“Jamie…”  she replied sheepishly.

“Nice to meet you Jamie!” Lisa said, extending her hand.  Jamie shook it and noted how delicate and soft Lisa’s hands felt to her.

They made small talk and became fast friends. Along the way, Jamie explained she worked in sales and detailed how she was travelling with her family.  Lisa countered saying she worked as an event planner and was travelling to a wedding for a friend, thankfully she wasn’t being asked to do anything but get drunk and have a good time for this one though.  She explained she was staying at an all-inclusive hotel not that far from where Jamie and her family were going to be staying.

“Where are you going to be staying in Mexico?” Lisa inquired.  Jamie explained how her family had rented a house at the edge of town to save on costs and so they could all “enjoy” their time together.  She introduced Lisa to her dad, brother and the rest of the family.  Jamie noted how her brother just openly gawked at Lisa, much like how Jamie had, except he made it even more obvious by letting his jaw sag open.

“We should totally meet up if you get bored, I’d love to just sit on the beach and relax with you, sipping on a pina colada or two…or three” Lisa giggled.
Jamie smiled.  “That sounds like a good idea!”  She leaned in closer to whisper to Lisa for privacy, “these guys will be driving me NUTS if I don’t manage to get away for a bit.”

They quickly exchanged contact information, and sent a test message to each other to make sure.  As the plane taxied to the runway, Jamie sat back and smiled.  Maybe the trip won’t be so insufferable after all now that she had a somewhat familiar face to potentially blow off some steam with.  Naughty thoughts of possible drunken, “extracurricular activities” poked at the edges of her consciousness but she dismissed them offhand as the plane began to take off.  She gripped the hand rests of her seat, she still hated this part!  Once they were successfully in the air, Jamie took a deep breath to relax and started talking to Lisa again.

The rest of the flight was the typical ennui of flying made much more tolerable with Jamie’s conversations with Lisa.  Once they were off of the the plane, Lisa gave Jamie a quick embrace, and they went their separate ways.  Jamie couldn’t help but note how it felt nice to have Lisa’s tits pressed up against hers, and she admittedly might have squeezed her a bit tighter as a result, although she swore that Lisa did the same. 

They travelled to the house by taxi, unloaded everything and got settled in.  It was already mid afternoon; the sun was high in the sky and beat down mercilessly on them.  Jamie changed into her bikini top and shorts and plunked herself in the hammock on the covered deck.  She sipped at some cold water she poured for herself, she didn’t want to get drunk just yet, and took in her surroundings.  The sounds of the city echoed dimly around her, cars honking, people talking.  This was the trade-off one took by staying in the city, she surmised, but you still couldn’t beat the price.  And it was only a very short walk to the beach which was visible from the deck.  She spied what she thought must be dolphins jumping in the ocean.  Staring out there left her completely relaxed, watching the palm trees sway in the gentle ocean breeze.

Suddenly her phone vibrated.  “Who could that be?” she wondered aloud.  She checked and much to her surprise it was Lisa.   Jamie’s heart skipped a beat, “That was quick” she said, somewhat shocked, somewhat excited, and feeling very intrigued to read the message.

I’m all settled in my room now, the message read, but I really want to head down to the beach.  I just can’t wait to get my drink on!

Jamie replied Haha, I know the feeling.  I’m just chilling in my hammock, but I only have a water to show for myself now.  Not so fun to get immediately drunk in front of family, lol.

I understand! Lisa replied, Hey, do you want to join me down here?

Jamie paused.  It was kind of exciting that Lisa was already eager to spend time with her, and her family wasn’t going to be doing much of anything today anyways, just some shopping at the local market to stock the fridge for the rest of the week.  Very boring and she didn’t have any interest in going to haggle with the locals about the price of produce. All she was going to do otherwise was just sit in the hammock and possibly pass out in the heat.  She thought and thought about it before finally replying Sure!  I’m sure you could use the company and you know I could use time away from my family.  They are all so boring! Lol.

Great!  Let’s meet there in about an hour?

Sounds good! Jamie replied. 

Jamie rose out of the hammock, several thoughts swirling through her mind, some innocent, and some of the dark, naughty thoughts from the plane returned as well.  It combined to make her feel slightly anxious about this encounter, but she quickly regained her composure.  She explained to her dad about her plans which he was fine with “so long as you’re back here by supper, we won’t wait up for you to eat, you know.”

She smiled and gave him a reassuring hug.  They all left for the market and she was alone in the house.  She suddenly remembered the risqué bikini she had stashed in her suitcase. She eventually decided that she would wear it to the beach instead of the more conservative one she was wearing right now.  She rationalized this by thinking she wanted to show off her body not only to any hot boys there, but more importantly to Lisa, just in case that extra squeeze at the airport meant something a little bit more.  She changed quickly, putting on her shorts over top of the revealing bottoms, grabbed a towel and some sunscreen and set out for the beach.


After a short walk, Jamie arrived at the designated meeting spot, a scuba equipment rental shack that was about halfway between Jamie’s vacation house and the hotel.  She waited a few minutes, scanning the beach for her friend.  After a short time, Jamie spotted her and waved excitedly to let her know where she was.  Lisa approached with a broad smile, and was decked out only in sunglasses and a slightly modest yet still incredibly sexy baby blue bikini which hugged her athletic hips.  Jamie also took note that Lisa had some nice, sexy abs that had not been visible to her before on the plane.  Lisa’s tits bounced with each step, and her legs looked magnificent as she strode towards Jamie.  Jamie could already feel herself getting more than slightly turned on just looking at her.

“Thanks for meeting up with me so soon!” Lisa beamed, giving Jamie another embrace, this one even a little bit tighter and a little bit longer than the one at the airport.

“No problem!  Where should we go to get drinks?” Jamie smiled back.

“I passed a little bar on the beach over that way,” Lisa pointed, “that seems like a good enough spot for me.”

Jamie walked across the beach with Lisa towards the bar, again making small talk about nothing.  Jamie loved talking to Lisa already, she was very laid back and had a positive, infectious energy about her.  Combined with her smoking hot appearance, Lisa was a real 10 to Jamie, and Jamie more than once stole a glance at Lisa’s ass while they walked, her sunglasses helping to hide it from Lisa.  It was tight and firm like the rest of Lisa’s body, and Jamie had an urge to playfully slap her on it but refrained.
They finally reached the bar and ordered their first pina colada’s.  They both commented to each other on how cute the latin bartender was, and continued to talk energetically to one another.  Soon enough they were on their 2nd, and then their 3rd drink.  Jamie, a lightweight when it came to alcohol, began to feel the effects take over her.  The talking became noticeably more flirtatious, at least to Jamie, and more than once Lisa reached out to touch Jamie’s hands, arms and flick her hair away from her face.  Halfway through a heated, clearly alcohol driven conversation about, what else, their sexual pasts, Lisa raised her sunglasses to look directly at Jamie.

“You know, I find you very attractive Jamie…” she almost purred, somewhat slurring her words, “and I totally caught you checking me out on the airplane.”

Taken aback, Jamie said defensively “Uh…thanks.  But I was totally…”

“Undressing me with your eyes?”  Lisa looked seductively at Jamie now, staring intently.  “Why don’t you take off your sunglasses and look me in the eyes to tell me differently…”

Jamie swallowed hard and took her sunglasses off her face slowly.  She stared at Lisa and was completely lost in her sexy stare.  Eventually, she mumbled “…and what if I was?”

Lisa smiled and laughed.  “I’ll take it as a compliment!”

Jamie laughed too.  “I’m good at compliments.  And other things.”

Lisa suddenly leaned in closer to Jamie, putting her soft, delicate hands on Jamie’s thighs.  “You know what?  I think we should go suntan for a bit.  I’ve had enough to drink for now…. I’m feeling pretty good.”

“Me…me too.” Jamie agreed.

“You should really lose these shorts though…” Lisa said, pulling teasingly at them, “You don’t want to have ugly tan lines…”

“I…agree.  I’ll take them off when we find a spot to lay down.”

They got up from the bar and made their way down the beach.  They found a relatively secluded spot and dropped off their stuff, laying their towels out on the hot sand.

Lisa stretched out on her towel and looked seductively up at Jamie.  “You better lose those shorts now…”

Jamie bit her lip.  She was getting quite turned on thanks to the alcohol and the sexy stares Lisa was giving her.  Still, she proceeded to tentatively slip off the shorts, pulling them down tantalizingly slowly.  She bent over while doing it, showing off her cleavage to Lisa.  She noticed Lisa’s mouth go agape.

“That’s… a fucking hot bikini Jamie.”

“You should see my ass in it.” Jamie boasted, doing a slow turn.  She resisted the urge to bend over to reinforce the point.

“I…. wow” Lisa stammered, “You have a FANTASTIC ass!”

“I may or may not have admired yours too…” Jamie teased, sitting down on her knees next to Lisa.

“Did you?” Lisa said, a broad smile on her face.

“It’s hard not to notice it.  And your abs.  And your tits…” Jamie continued, leaning in closer to Lisa.

“I… thank you…” Lisa softly said, “you’re just full of…compliments…”

“Indeed…I am.  Say I think we should probably put on some sunscreen before we fucking burn” Jamie laughed softly.

“Good idea…” Lisa agreed, “I think we should maybe…help each other with that?”

“Oh yes…don’t want to miss any spots…”  Jamie said, squeezing some suntan lotion onto her hands, “But first let me get what I can get.”

Jamie rubbed the lotion into her arms first.  Then she worked on her legs, slowly rubbing the lotion in, teasing Lisa by really focusing on rubbing her upper thighs.  Jamie could feel her nipples harden and her pussy become moist at all of the innuendo she was putting on, and was happy to see that Lisa’s own nipples were protruding through her bikini.  It turned her on even more as she now focused on rubbing the lotion into her stomach and finally her chest.

She handled the bottle to Lisa, “Care to do my back…and my ass? I’d hate to get a burn there…”

Lisa’s mouth was fully agape, and she mouthed “…yes.  Please.”

Jamie laid down on her stomach and waited to feel Lisa’s touch.  Her hands gently rubbed over her upper back, tentatively.  She moved down to her lower back before finally rubbing the lotion on Jamie’s ass.  Jamie bit her lip and moaned softly, unsure if Lisa heard it.  Lisa gently, lovingly rubbed the lotion all over her ass, definitely more than she needed to but Jamie wasn’t complaining.

“All…all done” Lisa breathed, “Now I have to do myself…” 

Jamie now watched Lisa rub the suntan lotion all over her body.  She noticed she spent extra time on her chest, and even went so far to rub the lotion underneath her bathing suit top.  Lisa was biting her lip hard, Jamie noticed.  Jamie’s clit began to throb and her pussy was aching to be touched.

“Please….do my back now…” Lisa said breathlessly before spreading out on her stomach.

Jamie rubbed the lotion into Lisa’s back, and noticed how tense Lisa was getting the closer she got to her ass.  Feeling emboldened by the alcohol and her own hormones, Jamie tugged on the fabric of Lisa’s bathing suit, giving her a wedgie and exposing her tight ass.  Lisa groaned with pleasure.  “Sorry, I had to see it for myself….” Jamie whispered into Lisa’s ear, “it looks fucking fantastic…” and Jamie proceeded to grab and grope at Lisa’s ass.  Jamie used her free hand to grope at her own tits and hardened nipples.  Lisa squirmed with pleasure and turned over to look at Jamie, lust filling her eyes.

“Now… let’s see how well you kiss” Jamie said, hormones and alcohol taking over any remaining sense of modesty she may have had, and she kissed Lisa gently on the lips.  She backed away to look at Lisa in the eyes to gauge her reaction, and Lisa pulled her in again to kiss her back hard. 

They sloppily made out in a drunken passion, tongues entangled and darting in and out of each other’s mouths, the taste of the pina colada’s burning on each other’s lips.  Jamie groped Lisa’s tits first above her bathing suit before reaching underneath to feel her hardened nipples.  Lisa’s nipples felt enormously long, thick, and hard enough to cut glass which made Jamie’s clit throb deeply – they felt like a porn star’s nipples.  Lisa was busy clutching and grabbing at Jamie’s hair with one hand and her other hand squeezed Jamie’s ass tightly.  Jamie moaned into Lisa’s mouth and continued to attack her with her tongue before breaking it off so she could suck and bite at Lisa’s neck.  Lisa threw her head back in passion, moaning softly.  She now used both of her hands to grab firmly at Jamie’s ass which drove Jamie wild.

Jamie’s pussy was fucking soaked and needed attention, so she took her own hand, put it under her bikini, and started rubbing her clit vigorously.  Lisa broke from their embrace abruptly and pulled Jamie’s hand away.  “No…” she breathed, taking Jamie’s hand and clearly leading it to her own pussy, pushing Jamie’s hand under Lisa’s bikini.  “Me first…”

Jamie smiled and began to finger Lisa, sliding one finger down her slit.  If it was possible, Lisa’s pussy felt even more wet than Jamie’s and Lisa’s clit pulsated when Jamie pressed firmly against it.  This drove Jamie crazy and made Lisa moan much louder than one should moan in public. Jamie pushed harder on her clit, encircling it while she again made out sloppily with Lisa.  Eventually Jamie plunged a finger abruptly into Lisa’s sopping wet pussy.  Lisa moaned into Jamie’s open mouth before grabbing at her with her hands, squeezing Jamie’s tits and ass with her hands.  Lisa quickly moved one hand down Jamie’s abdomen and practically shoved her fingers under her bikini and up into Jamie’s aching pussy in rapid succession.  Now Jamie moaned as they simultaneously fingered each other rapidly.  Jamie was so turned on she could barely breathe, and could feel her orgasm building as Lisa pressed her fingers hard down her slit, over her mercilessly throbbing clit, into her pussy, and against Jamie’s G spot.  She suddenly felt Lisa tense up though, and Lisa’s pussy contracted hard on Jamie’s fingers as Lisa came.  The sensation sent Jamie over the edge shortly afterward, and her pussy convulsed and exploded all over Lisa’s delicate hands. 

Both of them collapsed onto the sand, eyes closed and breathing heavily, not saying anything to each other while they each basked in the post-orgasmic glow.  Their silence was immediately interrupted by a group of College guys hooting and hollering – they clearly had been watching the events unfold before their eyes.  Lisa looked at Jamie, mortified, but Jamie smiled at her reassuringly, “they just like what they saw and are showing their appreciation…” and leaned in to kiss Lisa softly.  She could feel Lisa melt to her touch and felt the tension leave Lisa’s body as Lisa once again embraced Jamie.

Breaking from the embrace, Lisa whispered “We…. must do this again.  Soon.”

“I’m here all week…” whispered Jamie, staring seductively at Lisa.  She took Lisa’s fingers and licked her pussy juices off of them.  “I must say I taste pretty good…hope you can have a taste next time.”

Lisa laughed nervously, “that sounds like a great plan”.  She then took Jamie’s fingers and returned Jamie’s gesture, rolling her tongue seductively up and down Jamie’s index finger.  “Haven’t tasted myself before…I must say I taste pretty good too.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.  Shall we plan a……dinner date then?” Jamie smiled and laughed at the ridiculousness of the statement.

Lisa laughed along with Jamie.  “Tacos by the beach is something I can definitely sink my tongue…I mean teeth, into!”

Laughing heartily now, they both embraced and cuddled for a short time before Jamie had to make her way back to the villa.  She really didn’t want to piss off her dad on the first day by being late to dinner, after all.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mx28k0/jamies_mexican_siesta_part_iii_ff