Jamie’s Mexican Siesta Part I (F-F)

I – Preparation For Relaxation, With The Aid Of Some Helping Hands

Jamie impatiently tapped her pen on her desk.  This particular phone call was taking forever, and the asshole on the other end was just wasting her time.  She had quotas to meet, dammit, and this guy wouldn’t buy anything from her even if she offered to go down on him.  She involuntarily shuddered at the thought of going down on an old, gross man who likely was twice her weight.

It had been a generally frustrating day for her, unfortunately.  Lots of leads, but nothing real solid and, most disappointingly, nothing Jamie could bank on to meet the newly implemented sales targets from management.  It was also near the end of the day and she was more than ready to get the fuck out of dodge already. 

The blowhard on the phone finally stopped spewing meaningless niceties and Jamie hung up the phone.  She sighed heavily, a mixture of exhaustion and exasperation.  She hung her arms down by her sides and stretched out her legs.  She was feeling awful tense, which was the worst possible way to feel on the last day before vacation. 

“I’m going to have to try awfully fucking hard to leave work AT WORK during this vacation” she muttered ruefully to herself.

She cleared the negativity from her mind by reminding herself that she had promised that she wasn’t going to open any emails from the beach, she wasn’t going to check any voicemails from the hotel room, and there was no fucking way she was going to let any of this shit ruin her well earned time off.  Still, she WAS tense.

Jamie looked at the time.  There wasn’t any way she was going to get anything done for the rest of the day – she was frustrated, and her mind was solidly checked out into pre-vacation mode where she just didn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything work related anymore.  She considered that she didn’t have anything better to do, and she was mostly alone in the office so it’s not like she could offer to join anyone for a drink or anything.  She rubbed her tense shoulders absentmindedly, and suddenly a thought sprung into her head.

Jamie picked up the phone and dialed.  After a couple of rings, a friendly familiar voice picked up. 
“Hello, Francesca speaking.”
Hearing her voice made Jamie smile instantaneously.  “Hi Francesca! It’s me, Jamie!”
“Well hello Jamie! I thought you were going out of town this week?”
“Yes I am, but not until tomorrow. I don’t suppose you have any openings left today? I am feeling really tense and could use a massage to relax before I go.”
“Your timing is perfect, I just had a cancellation.  Can you make it here in about an hour?”
“I’m looking for excuses to leave anyways, so that will work out just fine, thanks!”

Jamie hung up the phone, a smile beaming from her face.  “This is the right way to start a vacation!” she happily thought to herself.

Jamie gave a bullshit excuse to her boss that she wasn’t feeling well – she had a headache, blah blah blah – and her boss, being the cool guy that he was, essentially just told her to fuck off and enjoy her time away from the office.

Jamie hurried to the massage parlour, she didn’t want to keep Francesca waiting.   Francesca was great with her hands, and Jamie loved coming back to her as often as she could.  She really knew how to work out the knots in her muscles, and to really loosen everything up.  Jamie was going to ask her to work on her shoulders and legs for the most part, as that was where she always seemed to store most of her work-related tension.  She had a brief, naughty thought that she could always ask Francesca to loosen up her chest too – doing that seemed to do things for both Jamie and Francesca.  Jamie reminisced about the first time Francesca offered, how hard her nipples went and how ragged Francesca’s breathing had become while she worked in and around Jamie’s exposed tits.

“Maybe…. but not necessarily this time” she told herself, “I am here mostly to relax”.

Jamie parked her car and noticed she was the only car in the parking lot aside from Francesca’s.  This was odd, Francesca had a good reputation and was regularly booked full.  It didn’t matter that much to Jamie though as she was there for herself and really didn’t care about what everyone else was or was not doing.  She locked up her car and strode confidently inside where Francesca greeted her immediately with a wide, enthusiastic smile.

“Good to see you!  It’s been a while Jamie!” 

“FAR TOO LONG, in fact” Jamie smiled back.

“Please, go get yourself ready in the usual room in the back” Francesca told her “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Jamie walked to the room and closed the door behind her.  She stripped off her shirt, bra and skirt but left on her thong.  She admired her mostly nude body in the mirror, running hands over her body gently before putting the towel over her waist and laying face down on the massage table.  She breathed deeply, the relaxing music and scents in the air already calming her nerves.

Francesca knocked and then entered.  “What can I help you with today my dear?” 

“I had a shitty day, and really need you to work out the tensions in my shoulders and legs please.” Jamie responded

Francesca confirmed the request, and set about putting the massage oil over her hands and onto Jamie’s back.  Francesca worked her hands all over Jamie’s body expertly, rubbing, squeezing and pressing into all the right spots, making general small talk the whole time.  Jamie kept up the conversation, but could feel the tensions of the day slip away with each rub of Francesca’s hands.  Jamie particularly loved the massage oils Francesca used, they left a tingling sensation on her skin as they dried. Especially when used in the right spots….
Jamie quickly dismissed the naughty thoughts forming in her mind again, but became acutely aware of Francesca’s perfume as she worked on Jamie’s shoulders.  It might have been due to Jamie’s now elevated libido, but it smelled intoxicating to her.

“I love the perfume you’re wearing today…” Jamie said softly.

“Do you?  Thank you!  My boyfriend also loves it.  He says whenever I wear it he wants to jump my bones right then and there!” Francesca giggled.

“I’d have to agree!” Jamie blurted out.

A long pause followed.  Francesca’s hands moved noticeably more slowly, deliberately.

“Ms. Jamie…do you have any other…tensions that need to be addressed?”  Francesca inquired, a heavy tone of seductiveness now evident in her voice.

Jamie swallowed hard.  “I…. I suppose you could work out the knots in…my glutes…”

“I’ll have to… remove the towel, is that OK?”  Francesca pressed hard with her hands suddenly as she spoke.

“That’s…fine….” Jamie breathed.  She could feel her nipples becoming hard already, and a familiar, pleasant moistness forming between her thighs.
Francesca slowly pulled the towel down, exposing Jamie’s ass, only barely concealed by the thong she was wearing.

“It would be easier if I pull this down too…” Francesca suggested.

Jamie’s heart pounded in her chest.  “Sure…,” she agreed, “Go ahead.  Take it all the way off if you need to….”

Francesca worked her hands down Jamie’s back and slowly, ever so tantalizingly slowly, began to peel off Jamie’s thong.  Jamie lifted her hips so Francesca could slide it down more easily, and soon she felt it slip off the end of her feet.  Her now bare ass shone in the dim lighting, and the sensation of a cool breeze on her ass sent waves of electricity through Jamie’s body.

Francesca silently dispensed more massage oil all over Jamie’s ass.  Far too much in fact, but Jamie didn’t care.  She was extremely turned on at this point, and gripped the massage table with her hands in anticipation of Francesca’s touch.  Jamie absolutely LOVED how Francesca massaged her ass, and the anticipation made her already moist pussy quickly become drenched.

Francesca began by lightly gripping, rubbing, groping Jamie’s ass.  This quickly turned into hard, pressing massages though and the pressure made Jamie moan uncontrollably.

“Did I find a spot that needs…more attention?” Francesca asked, a definite note of lust hanging heavy in her voice.  Jamie could do nothing but mumble incoherently. 

Francesca worked her hands down to the back of Jamie’s thighs, and suddenly to her upper inner thighs which were now soaked even without the help of massage oils.  Jamie squirmed and moaned long and sexily into the massage table as one of Francesca’s fingers accidentally but on-purpose grazed over her soaked pussy.

“I’m… going to have to ask you to turn over Jamie,” breathed Francesca, “…to finish the massage.”

Jamie obeyed, turning over and exposing her perky, aching tits with her rock hard nipples, along with her glistening pussy.  Jamie said nothing but made sure to grip the sides of the massage table as Francesca poured even more massage oil all over Jamie’s tits and stomach.  Jamie watched Francesca start on her stomach, gently working in the oils.  She rapidly moved up to Jamie’s chest though, and Jamie arched her back and closed her eyes as Francesca expertly rubbed the oils into her tits.  Jamie gasped audibly when Francesca grazed her fingers seductively over her erect nipples.  The sexual energy flowing through Jamie’s body was building, and she knew she was getting close.

Jamie opened her eyes to look at Francesca, giving her an intense, sexy glare.  “Francesca…I know we’ve talked in the past about me not being able to touch you…but…”

Francesca stopped abruptly and put a finger to Jamie’s mouth.  “Shhh.  This is not about me, and besides I would feel guilty if I did allow you to touch me.  I don’t know how my boyfriend would react…”

Jamie bit her lip hard.  “I….OK.  I’m sorry”

“That’s fine.  I assure you that you are not the only one who gets turned on rubbing your gorgeous tits, ass and….”

Francesca took her hand and slid one finger directly into Jamie’s aching pussy.

“…this hot…. wet…. soaking wet…. pussy here.”  Francesca breathed, staring at Jamie intently.  Jamie let out a loud moan involuntarily, and covered her own mouth to muffle it.

“Don’t worry, we’re the only ones here.  Everyone else fucked off for the day,” Francesca explained, “Speaking of fucking…”

Francesca slid another finger into Jamie’s dripping pussy.  Jamie moaned again, louder this time, inhibitions giving way to pure unadulterated pleasure.  It turned out that Francesca was as good, if not better, with her hands plunging in and out of Jamie’s pussy and circling over her throbbing clit than she was at working out various knots in Jamie’s muscles. 

Jamie arched her back and thrust her hips to meet with every thrust of Francesca’s fingers.  Jamie thought she could see Francesca with her free hand under the waistband of her own pants, rubbing furiously, but suddenly Jamie was overcome with the waves of pure ecstasy that announced she was going to be cumming, and cumming very fucking hard.

Jamie managed to scream a brief but loud “FUCK!” before she came violently all over Francesca’s hand and the massage table.  Wave after wave of pure sexual bliss cascaded through her body, and her body convulsed with each shock of sexual electricity.
Francesca stood up straight and tossed Jamie a towel. “I’m going to have to assume you will need this right now…” she stated, grinning devilishly.
Jamie slowly composed herself, and in the afterglow of the orgasm could only smile back at Francesca.
“Once you are changed, I’ll take your payment at the front as usual.” With that, Francesca left the room.
Jamie, still breathing raggedly, changed back into her work attire.  She didn’t bother putting the thong back on, it was already soaked and useless. 

She made her way to the front desk to pay, and made some more small talk with Francesca.

“Thank you for that, I REALLY needed it today…” Jamie said, looking downward, feeling slightly awkward about just how LOUD she had moaned today.

“It’s no problem at all dear.  Make sure you…. come again soon…”

Jamie’s face flushed, so she thanked Francesca again and quickly left the massage parlour.  Getting into her car, still basking in the relaxing glow, she suddenly realized she still needed to pack! 

“SHIT, how could I forget” she mumbled to herself, and she raced home to begin packing.   At least she was going somewhere warm and wouldn’t need to pack a whole lot…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mx1unq/jamies_mexican_siesta_part_i_ff

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