When 30 miles feels like forever… [F] One of my neighbor stories

When you live in the middle of nowhere, you drive A LOT. Trips to get necessities or whatever you need take hours instead of a couple of minutes round trip driving. Depending on what store I need, I must plan around the time it takes to drive into my shopping trip. Because of this, I often take people with me, like my neighbors or friends, when I need to make a trip. Then it saves them the gas and I have someone to talk to.

Someone I go with the most often is one of my guy neighbors. He likes to drive so I can

just do whatever as he drives. A few weeks ago, we got hung up way longer than we were supposed to be when we drove to a town two hours away. We had a lot of things to get, including some things for his mother, and we ended up coming back late at night. About an hour away from home, we started talking about our sexual experiences and what some of the best stories were. He told me about this girl that had given him the “best blowjob ever” in a movie theater once. I checked the mile marker to see how far we were from getting back, 30 miles out, so I decided to make the ride more interesting.

“Want a blowjob?” I asked him.

He looked at me in surprise, “What?”

“I’ll give you a blowjob, right now. If you don’t kill us, you need to make sure you can

focus on the road too.”

“What? Are you sure?” he asked, but he was already undoing his belt.

“Yeah, just… don’t crash. That will be really bad for both of us.”

“Alright, yeah cool I got this.”

I undid my seat belt and pulled up the hand rest in between us. I used my coat to pad the middle part. Unfortunately, the angle was going to require me to hold myself in place… so this would be a no-hands blowjob.

Holding myself over him, I took his already hard dick in my mouth and used my hands that were holding me in place to move my body up and down. At first, I was super focused on how smooth his driving was, then he began to make noises. When he started rubbing his hands over my back and trying to find a way to get his hands down my pants and blouse, I had to tell him to stop because the angle was not working. His driving has also become a little erratic.

“We are 15 miles away from home, just focus on making it.”

He agreed and continued, keeping his hands on the wheel.

At this point I felt myself become soaking wet and knew we couldn’t make it back to my house soon enough. He asked if I wanted to stop at the rest stop that is 10 miles away from home, I told him to keep going, that we could make it, and we were so close. That was a mistake.

About 3 miles out he was cursing, “we should have stopped.”

A minute from my house we realized at the same time, we had gotten some things for his mom and we had to drop them off. I took his phone and told his mom we would put her stuff on her porch and that we had to go. When we got there, he ran the things to the porch and was back in the car before his mom had turned the porch light on. My house is only a few blocks away, so we grabbed our things and rushed inside.

“Fuck it,”

I dropped my purse and keys on the floor and leaned over the side of my couch, next to the door. He was behind me in an instant, his pants discarded, and my panties followed them. He pushed into me hard and fast, and we rode it out. Hard. We didn’t last long before we both collapsed on the couch.

The lesson? Don’t start road-head unless you’re pretty close to somewhere that you can stop to finish things.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mwa51y/when_30_miles_feels_like_forever_f_one_of_my

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