The Price of a Naked Selfie – Part 2 [M/F]

Read part 1 [here]( –

‘Two can play at it,’ I thought to myself as I carefully drew the lipstick along my cupid’s bow. ‘Raunchy Red’ was the name of the shade, and I did feel like a raunchy red myself. I puckered and blew a kiss at my reflection before stepping back to admire the outfit I’d picked for today. ‘Wear something nice,’ he’d said, and I’d been sure to meet the brief. I was wearing a baby pink sleevless pink blouse with a deep V and a short light grey skirt with flared hems. To make it look like business wear, I’d added a light grey coat to it with cut sleeves. Beneath the coat and the silk blouse, my braless nipples stood out for everyone to see. I curled a clump of my burgundy hair with my fingers and placed it neatly over my left breast. Perfect. I was ready.

I walked with purpose towards the conference room where we were about to have our weekly staff meeting. As I walked in, I noticed that most of us were already in there. Teri, my boss, was standing at the far end, occupying the head of the table. He looked up as I walked in and his gaze lingered at me for a second too long before he went back to reading his file. I was hoping for some slip in his facial expression, even a tiny ‘oh’ but there was nothing. Well, we have a long day ahead of us, I thought.

He looked delicious nevertheless. He was wearing a powder grey shirt, with rolled up sleeves. The veins on his forearms popped out as he turned the pages on his file and I imagined them holding me, groping me, pinning me down on his desk… And those trousers, those trousers! They were doing complete justice to his ass.

As his secretary, I took up the chair closest to him. Crossing my leg, I made sure to let my skirt ride as high as possible without being questioned for indecency. I saw Teri’s eyes move up my legs, but then he closed his file and announced, “let’s start”.

The rest of the meeting went on without any further drama. As it came to an end, and the others started filing out, I lingered back and walked up to Teri. “Not now,” he said pulling up a finger. “I have some urgent calls lined up, and post that I’ll call you for an update,” he said and walked out.

Well that was a bummer. Was he really not going to acknowledge all that happened between us the previous night? I’d gone back home, bursting with what felt like a blossoming secret within me – my panty-less secret, still wet, still sensitive, reeling from Teri’s touch. As I reached home to my boyfriend, I’d made up my mind to hide the secret from him. Somehow, it made me feel more wild and hadn’t that been the whole point of this challenge? So after I showed him the video, we had one of the wildest sex we had had in a really long time. As I sat at my desk today, my pussy still felt a bit sore from the night before. It had been used by two guys in a gap of two hours after all. The thought made me smile to myself.

I sat there, staring blankly at the laptop, until Teri’s voice came slicing in through my naughty thoughts.

“Have you seen the files of Mr Henderson, Diane?”

I immediately stood up. “Yes sir,” I replied earnestly, but shakily. I could feel my toes curl.

“Good. Could you walk me through your notes on our last meeting with the client? No, We can do it here” he said promptly as soon I opened my mouth to suggest that we can do this in his office.

Bummer, I thought to myself and still standing, I was flipping through my files, when I felt Teri’s hand move up my ass. I jumped.

“Anything wrong?” Asked Teri, his face still blank, but eyes hungry.

“Um nothing” I said gathering my composure, as I felt Teri use his fingers to explore me down there. This morning I had thought skipping my panties today would be a befitting reply, considering that Teri had pocketed mine the night before and never returned it. But now I was starting to wish I had my panties on. Was he really going to finger fuck me in front of all my colleagues? Granted they were looking the other way, nose deep into their laptops, but still!

“Go on. Read to me,” he said.

I found the notes and began to read while his finger rubbed at my clit. I tried hard to keep my voice from trembling. I could feel his fingers move in circles, playing with the flesh outside, coming close to my vaginal opening, teasing me, only to pull back to grab my ass. But halfway through the notes, without warning, he pushed his finger up my pussy, and I let out an audible gasp of pleasure. Dave, my colleague and desk neighbour, immediately turned back to look at me. I thought Teri would take his hand off my pussy, but he let it stay. Dave noticed Teri’s hand up my skirt, while I bit my lip and looked apologetically over at him. I was hoping he would turn to face his laptop again, but instead he leaned back on his chair with a smirk, while Teri continued to finger fuck me.

“Go on Diane, I haven’t got all day,” said Teri slowly and I went back to reading from the file. It took every iota of strength in my body to keep making legible words come out of my mouth instead of the moans that were erupting deep from within me. I let the file fall onto my desk and held on to the desk edges as Teri’s finger movements got more forceful and purposeful. Between breaths I continued to read, but I was sure that to anyone within hearing range, this would sound way too odd. But apart from Dave, everyone else seemed too engrossed in their work. Knowing that Dave was watching me being mercilessly finger fucked in a room full of people by my boss, also added to my pleasure. I could feel an orgasm building up within me, and I stopped reading to look squarely over at Teri, my mouth wide open, as my left arm involuntarily moved to push him away.

Teri smiled and pulled his finger out of me.

“Thanks, I think I got what I needed from these notes,” said Teri and stood there watching me collapse onto the chair and take large gulps of air as silently as possible.

“But I have another task for you. My office. Now. And Dave,” he said nodding over to the desk where Dave clearly had his hand wrapped around his dick. “Make sure noone else comes into my office while Diane and I are in there. We’ve got some confidential things to discuss,” he said turning to look at me with eyes ablaze with lust.

“After you,” he said motioning to me. And I walked my wet ass pussy to his office, my heart pounding and my head spinning thinking about what I’d gotten myself into.



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