That scent in the air was so attractive

I cant remember too many encounters sexually that have just happened and without much warning.  This one day I walked myself right into an encounter that I can and probably will always remember until I go to the grave.  It did happen when I was still married and I don’t regret that I went along with this encounter that I walked myself right into one Thursday afternoon.
I got done early from work this Thursday afternoon and started to walk home.  At this stage in my life I was using public transportation as I was saving to purchase another vehicle.  I headed out of work and began walking to the speed line station to use the local train to get home on this afternoon.  It was an April afternoon with a little chill in the air.  My normal route to the train took me through a heavily populated area.  I was walking down the street and a young good looking girl was walking pass me and I notice what a nice scent this girl was wearing as she passed me on the street.  Something inside of me directed me to go and tell her how good her scent was on her and I thought nothing but go tell this young lady.  Just by chance she was now walking behind me in the same direction as I was walking on the way to the station.  I thought to myself just slow down and she will end up walking by me and then I can just compliment her then as she passed me on the street.  As I planned it she was passing me on my right side and I took a deep breath as she neared me on my path. 
I started to pick up that lovely scent that I earlier noticed from this young lady.  I just blurted out to her as she was now side by side with me and said, “Hey hun whatever perfume your wearing today is so complimentary to you and you smell so good.”  I was trying to avoid coming on to her as a creep or a desperate soul trying to get a piece of ass.  Her reaction was very low key as she just gave me a cute smile and a low volume thanks and continued to walk ahead of me as I continued on my way to the train.  She was now walking in front of me and she was swaying her hips in the way that someone would do to get another person to notice her goods.
I continued on while being able to check her out without her even knowing that I was doing such behavior.  I took very good notice of her outfit as she was wearing a very mini skirt and a casual tshirt.  She was wearing a stiletto high heel shoes that nicely shaped her calves and she was working those hips so that everyone could see how attractive all of her goods were on that body.  I just started to think to myself how hot it would be if I could just run my hands up those well shaped calves and get to the center of her womanhood.  She was definitely distracting me from paying attention to my walking path.  Her skirt was skin tight and I took notice that it seemed to me that she had no panty lines so I thought to myself she may be going commando today. 
As I approached the station I realized I had lost sight of that fine looking young lady and just went about waiting for my train to arrive as scheduled.  My ticket was in hand and I had about another 10 mins or so for the train to arrive as I leaned myself against the wall and waited for the arrival.  I felt light pressure on my right shoulder and turned my head to see what was causing this feeling on my shoulder.  I was now looking right into the eyes of that young lady that smelled so good to me earlier on as I walked to the train.  She spoke to me in a direct matter and with no chance of beating around the bush.  She said to me, “do you like the scent of me close up and that was my perfume that you noticed I believe and how do I as a woman smell to you” as she lightly ran her finger over my top lip and leaving her finger under my nose as to tell me to specifically smell her finger.  She giggled as she pulled her finger away and I did notice that scent as the scent of a woman for sure and it was not from perfume I was sure NJ of that conclusion.  I asked her what train she was waiting on and she answered me with a surprisingly strange answer of she was not waiting for any train.  She continued,” I parked in the lot near here and after you gave me that nice compliment it got me a little excited” as she paused and leaned into me bringing her mouth up to my ear and quietly telling me, “ I got a little wet from your compliment and I had to come in to the station and use the bathroom so I could touch myself.  This reply was shocking to me and also started to arouse me as all this XXX thoughts flooded my mind.
We were now both standing there in silence and I put two and two together and made the XXX conclusion that she just ran the finger she was touching herself with across my upper lip.  I didn’t want to say anything in reference to her finger under my nose theory in case I was wrong how odd then would I feel I thought to myself.  Thankfully she continued her straight to the point dialogue and said, “well how do you like the scent of this woman???” and I replied to her, “ that I need more of your scent as it is somewhat intoxicating to me.”  I now wanted to reach behind her and grab her ass cheek so hard and pull her in to me and tell her that I want her womanhood right on my face now you dirty little slut.  I had to be very careful as we were out in public view and I still wasn’t to sure how far she wanted to take this situation.  Of course in my mind I wanted her naked and on all fours in my living room. 
She invited me to her car as she offered me a ride home and used the line of let me take you home so you don’t have to wait for the train.  Of course I took her right up on her offer and followed her like I was a lost puppy following his mother home.  I played the scenario out in my head and I accepted the fact that if I get into the car with this girl whom is still a stranger to me I am taking control of the situation.  She pointed me to the direction of her car and let me know that she was driving that black BMW over there parked against the building.  She handed me the keys as we were walking towards that direction and I was confused about her giving me her keys.  I just thought about what I said earlier to myself about if I got her in the car I was taking control and I had the idea in my head.  I walked with her towards the passenger side of the car and I moved in front of her and unlocked the door.  I opened the door for her and I quickly got behind her and reached my one arm around her waist as to stop her from getting into the car and I pulled her in to me as her back was now against my chest.  I put my mouth on the right side of her head and moved my mouth towards her ear.  I then whispered into her ear, “I want more of your womanhood and I know your not wearing any panties you slut and I want you to stand right here against your husband’s car and I want to touch you womanhood right now so I can feel just wet you are getting you dirty slut. 
I put my right hand around the back of her neck somewhat gripping it hard and pushing her against the car and she was now standing there door wide open and her pushed against the car.  She was now there for me to abuse and treat like the slut she was acting like and she was showing no sign of regret or fear of what was happening between us two. 
