New Beginnings [M]

I find myself sat with you in a pub window seat. A cold cider in one hand, my other hovering over my phone. Trying my best to get the attention of a waitress that has zero interest in me. I look over to you sat there in a red lace dress and think to myself “no matter how well I do in life I will never have her” I realise the only person I’m making jealous is myself. I watch as you bring the dark green Becks bottle to your lips and take a slow sip, looking at me as you do. In that one short moment I imagine everything about life with you. The hit of the bottle back on the table brings me out of my daze and back to one of the best fake dates ever.

We stay there for another hour or two, laughing, having another drink and swiping endlessly through terrible Tinder profiles, stumbling across a few potential matches for you but nothing that grabs you. We get up to leave and step outside into the summer evening. Your dress gently caresses your thighs as you walk, shivers spin through my body as you take every step. Your heels clacking from your boots against the cobble street. And then it dawns on me, the night is almost done. We get back into my car and I start her up, she purrs just waiting to be smashed down a country road. I take the short trip back to yours, every second thinking about just taking the wrong turn and running away with you. Dropping you off I get a hug that lasts just a second too short.

And then you were gone.

Fast forward two relationships a new job and a bit of pain. And there you are again, dancing in front of me, surrounded by friends. A beer in my right hand I take to the dancefloor. Hands in the air twirling round in front of me, I make my way closer and closer to you. I’m there holding you on the dancefloor. A place I never thought I’d be, I can feel my heart going wild in my chest as I pull you closer to me. Your arms wrap around my neck and you look up into my eyes. I lean into you and my lips just graze on yours, a gentle tease to entice you into me. I take a deep breath and you rise up to meet me, burying your lips against mine. The sweet taste of your tongue darting into my mouth melts me in seconds, I feel a passion coming over me, a desire for you. A burning need. You pull away and look up at me, whispering “you know this changes everything”.

I kiss you all night, just craving your taste, dying to know every curve and dimple of your tender skin. We go to bed, you insisting you aren’t going to sleep with me. I agree to your terms and just hold you. Feeling my cock pressed into your back as I keep you in my arms. Safe, warm, and all mine.

The morning comes too soon and I feel an overwhelming worry, what if all it was, was just a single night. Hours drift by, no kisses, not even a hug. Breakfast comes and goes, I crave being close to you, sitting next to you amongst our friends. I’d die for attention, just for you to hold my hand would be enough. We leave breakfast and all take a walk back to yours, getting ready to watch a film lined up on your bed. I almost miss my chance to sit next to you, but luckily I slide into place and have a small cuddle. It’s enough to set me racing, I cant wait to be alone but nobody shows any sign of leaving just yet. It’s not long before I realise that I need to head home for dinner. I get up to leave and say goodbye to people. Everyone says bye but you jump up off your bed and walk over to me, we walk down the stairs to your front door. You hang around before I leave, I hesitate about going. Knowing that if I want to kiss you again then this is my only chance.

We hear a voice coming from the kitchen and spot somebody on the phone, suddenly my heart is exploding, trying to jump out of my chest every chance it gets. I want you, I crave you and I want to kiss you more than anything. I can’t take it any longer, it’s now or never. I lean in and grab you, placing my lips against yours. I step back and smile whilst looking onto your eyes, and I feel my heart just melt and I know from that moment, I need you in my life.

A night out with our friends after a long day of work, I arrive to the bar late and you’re already sat down. I order drinks and climb over the table to get to you. Sitting next to you I place a quick small kiss on your lips and turn to everyone else after saying hello. We all chat and laugh about what happened during our days, I’m just there holding you under the table, waiting to be alone with you. We move on from the bar and head to the local club. I walk behind you half concentrating on a conversation whilst watching you walk off. You shoot a look over your shoulder, your hair waving in the warm air and your eyes piercing through me. You stand there in your black lace dress and platform heels beckoning me to hurry up. We climb the stairs and I head straight for the bar, I need a drink before I lose control and just drag you away for myself. A cocktail in one hand, beer in my other I find you on the dance floor, I smell your sweet perfume and something inside me lets out a big rush. I can’t help but want you, your dress grips every curve of your smooth beautiful body. I place my drink on a side somewhere and think, “no, I’m gonna dance and make this girl mine” I place my hands on your hips and you wrap your arms around my neck. You can feel my heart going wild in my chest, beating a thousand times a minute, wanting to be close to you.

We dance all through the night, like nobody is there, just you and me. We barely notice that everyone has left before we start to head back to yours. We walk down the alleyway to your house and I pull you back to me, I turn and push you against the wall. Before you can protest at what I’m doing, you feel my tongue dive between your lips and you lose yourself. Lifting your leg up to pull me closer, I run my hand up your thigh, gently sliding it underneath your dress. You let out a soft groan of pleasure as you feel my warm hands explore under your dress. You push your hand into my chest and look into my eyes as our lips part. A smile creeps over your face and you drag me off into the night.

You unlock the door and we stumble through, my hands trying to hold you close to me. I plant a few small kisses on your neck and I can feel your heart racing. You drag me to your room and close the door behind me, I turn and kiss you with such passion that you almost fall to the ground then and there. You grab at the bottom of my t-shirt and pull it up over my head, your cold hands settle on my chest as we kiss. I crouch down and slide my hands up under your dress and grab onto your thong. I pull it down and it pings off of you, sliding down to your ankles. I place a kiss on your thigh, I feel how warm you are and how much you want me back. I stand up as you slip off your thong over your heels. Before I know it, you’re pushing me back down. I place a kiss on your thigh and move my tongue up to you. Gently swirling and kissing as I go, you groan and run your hand through my hair. I feel you tug and want me to get on with it. But I hold back, I want to savour it. I use my tongue to tease you, gently flicking over your clit as I swap to your other thigh, I feel you take in a sharp breath. I run my hand up the back of your leg, from your calf to your ass. Grabbing your ass hard with one hand, my tongue dives into your pussy, tasting you and flicking over your clit. You shiver and push your pussy to me, begging for more without even speaking. I give you what you ask for and bring my tongue to your clit, swirling it in all sorts of directions, flicking it side to side. Making you writhe with pleasure. I keep using my tongue to dance on your clit and bring you close to the edge infinite pleasure, I slide my finger into you and you let out another groan. I pull my finger around inside of you, I can taste your sweet cum on it’s way so I need to be quick. I find your G-spot with my finger and quickly start massaging it. I feel your hand in my hair tighten and loosen, tighten and loosen, in rhythm with waves and waves of pleasure rushing over you. Before you know it, you stiffen and feel an intense but incredible orgasm wash over you, I don’t stop until I know you’re done.

You pull me up and kiss me, the sweet taste of your cum fills your mouth and I feel your hands grip my back. You push me back onto the bed and continue to kiss me. Your hand fumbling with my belt and zipper. Soon my jeans are off and my boxers follow suit. You kiss your way down my chest and I feel your cold hand wrap around my cock. I take in a sharp breath of surprise and as I do your mouth envelopes me and I moan. It feels incredible. You move your tongue around my cock and my head starts spinning with pleasure. I don’t know to focus on the warmth of your mouth or your tongue piercing sliding around the tip of my hard cock. You move your head up and down on me and I lose myself, not wanting you to stop one bit.

You stop sucking my cock and slide your dress off over your head. Your bra drops to the floor as you unclasp it. I sit up on the bed and wrap my arm around your waist. I pull you back and push you into the bed. I can taste my cum on your lips as I kiss you hard. My tongue exploring into your mouth. I feel your hand move down to meet my cock again, you place me gently on your pussy and I push my hips forward. We both let out a moan as my cock slides deep inside of you. I kiss your neck and move round to your lips. I start sliding in and out of your warm pussy. You look at me and ask me for more. I wrap an arm under your leg and bring it up to your side. I feel your heels digging into my back as I push myself into you harder and harder. Your nails claw at my back as I feel myself getting closer. You want me harder and harder. My legs smash against yours as I drive myself deeper and deeper into you. I feel myself on the edge, I lean in to kiss you. One hand grabbing onto your boobs and another running it’s way up your leg. I feel myself begin to release. I grip onto your leg as I do and you let out a satisfied groan. You feel my warm cum fill up inside of you, my cock twitching as I continue.

We lie on your bed, you slip of your heels and drop them beside your bed. We just lie there. Not wanting to lose the moment. Not wanting to wake up from our beautiful dreamworld. We fall asleep with you wrapped in my arms. not wanting to move and not wanting to waste a second of time with one another.


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