Finding Out I (F46) Am Jealous Of My Daughter (F19)

I am back to writing stories after a breakup with a toxic boyfriend! Feel free to DM me about custom requests if you enjoy and want your own fantasy written and brought to life!

Since my daughter had gone off to college last year, I had been mostly alone in our family house. My older son was already in college at the time and my husband spent a majority of his time working or on long “business trips”. I did not truly believe that his job as a marketing manager would need him traveling up to five times a month but nothing else seemed to point towards him lying or being unfaithful. This last year was a wake-up call that I needed to find myself, that I needed to get out of the house and enjoy my life now that my kids were raised. Slowly I had begun to start going out with my girl friends on little nights out or brunch dates more often. A few nights I even went out to a bar with the girls to feel what it was like to be young and carefree again. The newfound outlook on life was starting to feel like it was giving me a new lease on life.

All was going great in my life after I found out that I just needed to start enjoying it without the family for once. I had not felt this way since the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child. Then it was time for both of my grown children to come home from college for the summer. For my son, that unusually meant just having a bed to sleep in when there were no parties or girls to be around. My daughter on the other hand was coming back from her first year of college so I could not wait to see her again. The first home was my son, he arrived with a couple of duffle bags of his items early Friday morning. Trevor did not stay long when dropping off his belongings. He sat down to have a cup of coffee with me at the table after getting settled in. It was nice to catch up with him after so long apart. We told each other about the fun we had been having since last seeing each other. My son was doing well in school but seemed to be enjoying the other parts of college much more. After a little chat to get caught up with each other, Trevor told me he was going to meet with some friends from the old neighborhood since he just got back. I gave him a big warm hug and a quick kiss before telling him to have fun. Then he was out the door.

When Trevor left, I started to wonder where my daughter Amber was at. She told me yesterday she would be home by noon but it was already past three o’clock. I texted her just to make sure everything was okay since she was late. A few moments later I got a reply. Amber said she overslept and was on her way home now. I was a little surprised since she had always been a girl who was organized and on time in the past. I sat down watching tv while I waited for her to arrive. When I heard the front door squeak as it opened, I jumped up from my seat and ran over to my daughter. She looked like she had just rolled out of bed when wrapped my arms around her for a hug. I could not wait to hear about her time away at college. We were always very close and talked about everything together. Even at college, she would call me at least once a week. Unfortunately, her happiness and energy did not match mine. Amber seemed drained and tired as we took her bags to her bedroom. She plopped the bags on the floor then fell onto her bed like she was exhausted. Before I could ask if she was alright, Amber told me she was up late at a party for the end of the school year. I rubbed her back for a moment as she laid there resting. As I kissed her on the forehead to leave, she asked me for a favor. She said she forgot her phone charger at the dorm and wanted to use mine. I was going to go get it from my room but she said she was going to take a long nap, so she handed me the phone to put on the charger. I kissed her again before heading off to my room.

A couple of hours went by in my room while I was waiting for her to wake up. I still could not wait to catch up with her. She would be so happy to hear I have been going out more. Amber had been telling me for years to go out and have some fun. While I was waiting I heard her phone start buzzing. At first, I ignored it but it seemed to just keep going. I was too nosey of a parent and it may have been important, so I decided to give it a glance. There was a list of missed messages on the screen. I wondered who would be blowing up her phone like that before I realized it was a group conversation that she was in. They were all talking about the party last night and how they all were just waking up. By the sounds of the messages, I could tell it was a wild night. Then the conversation took a turn when they started talking about the sex that happened late last night. None of them were shy about their sexual encounters, not even the women. That was a big change from the girls in my generation. Men always talked about the sex they had but women used to be modest in my day. One guy shared a picture of him drinking beer from between a girl’s large breasts in only a bra. Then a girl sent back another image of him asleep on the couch while another guy had his balls out on his face. They all laughed at the image and no one seemed upset by it. Their conversation pulled me in quickly and before I knew it I was reliving the party through them. I had never been that wild of a woman in my lifetime so it excited me to see others living out the dream.

It did not take long for me to notice how wrong what I was doing could be. I felt guilty for reading her messages when the conversation switched to Amber. The group said they were not surprised she was still asleep. They talked about how drunk she got and how she just recently started drinking for the first time. I had hoped she was not drinking but knew it was what people in college do. No part of me was angry about her living college life. Then one guy told the group that Amber was the only girl who won at beer pong last night. He said he was lucky to have her on his team. As the group antics went on, I started to wonder how wild the parties were nowadays. It did not take long for me to find out though. One girl shared a picture of her rubbing her butt on a drunk guy while only wearing her bra and panties. After sending it she told them that she did not plan on getting that drunk but did enjoy her afterparty with Kevin from the football team. All the guys were praising her for being a slut last night while the other girls seemed to be doing a less aggressive version of the compliments. One of the other girls even said she hooked up with Kevin a few weeks ago and loved his six-pack abs. None of them cared about sharing sexual partners it seemed.

My snooping was starting to feel invasive as they talked about all the sex at the party last night. A part of me wondered if Amber had done anything but the other part of me did not want to know. That made me realize how wrong reading the messages were. Just as I was deciding to put down the phone, a girl told the chat a big secret. Her name was Jade and she made them promise to keep it in the group before letting them all in on it though. After they all quickly agreed, the girl said she had her first threesome last night. All of the others were shocked or proud, but one guy seemed overly proud of her. It did not take the group long to find out that man was in the threesome also. That left them all wondering who the third member of the sexual act was. The young girl said she would give them a hint but not tell them directly. They were all waiting impatiently for the hint until another image was sent. This time it was an explicit photo. My eyes immediately darted to the hard cock that was penetrating a woman from the back. The college boy was having sex doggy style with the third member of their party while Jade was making out with him. The hint was only a view of the third girl’s butt and lower back so not many seemed to know the answer. Then one guy sent a message saying he would know that ass anywhere. A few other men asked who and one girl said she knew also. Then the guy who identified the butt in the photo replied. This time he gave more information. He told the group he had hooked up with the girl a couple of weeks ago after a party. Half the group knew who she was but the other half was demanding answers. Then I got the only answer I did not want to hear. Jade gave up the name. She told everyone it was Amber and that she was the one who invited her in to join her and the man. I could not believe it at first. My daughter was always a sweet and innocent girl before college. It took a few minutes for me to take in all the information I was given.

As I stared at the floor the phone continued buzzing as the group was chatting about the night. I was in shock after seeing my little 19-year-old daughter be penetrated by a man from behind. It was made even worse by the fact it was a threesome. My mind tried to wrap itself around the idea of this being normal but it was not easy to accept. I knew it was not the worst thing that could happen at college but it certainly was not the best either. I was feeling weird about the whole situation and knew I could never bring it up since I was spying on her phone. When I saw another image pop up on the screen out of the corner of my eye, I had no self-control. My eyes flicked to the screen to see the new photo shared. This one was too far. It made me wish that I restart the day to never snoop on her phone but it was too late for that. The new photo was the grand finale of the threesome it seemed. Both girls on their knees as the man’s veiny dick leaked out the cum onto their faces. Amber and Jade seemed to enjoy getting a facial from the man in the photo. My eyes analyzed my daughter on her knees as it was burned into my memory forever. After being locked on the image for a couple of minutes, I finally got the willpower to put the phone back on the charger. I sat on the edge of my bed as my mind was moving a million miles an hour. The images of my daughter having sex popped into my mind constantly as I tried to get over it. Soon I realized that I was not only concerned about the sex and my daughter but also that I was feeling odd about myself. I was feeling jealous of seeing my young daughter live life in a way I never had before. She was less than half my age and already being more adventurous than me. As the jealousy built up inside of me, I could not stop thinking about her young, tight body. Amber was in great shape and still young enough for her body to hold up nicely. It made me realize that no matter how good of shape I have stayed in over the years, my body still had begun to sag and wrinkle. I no longer had the perky little breasts like my daughter or the flawless young skin. When she finally woke up that afternoon, she took her phone and we chatted as if nothing had changed between us, but I would always be a little jealous of her after that day. The one afternoon of snooping led me down a path of wanting to feel young and sexy again, but maybe I can tell you about how I made myself feel sexy in the future.


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