Clementina, Part XIV [extreme, erotic horror, body horror, monster, tentacle, transgender, anal, lactation, MFFFFFFF, incest (m/s)(m/d)(s/s)]


As with the previous installments, if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea, please do not read any further. I want readers to have fun – not be disturbed. Please heed all warnings!

This story assumes you have read all previous parts. If you haven’t you will probably find some of this bewildering.

I appreciate all your comments and feedback in the comments section and read every one of them.

This begins immediately after Part XIII ends.

Thank you!

Clementina, Part XIV

Chapter 3: Metamorphosis (continued)

As we stood around the newly-discovered switch – Ona and Alura fucking slowly in the background – Olympia spoke up.

“Ground rules,” she said. “If we are going to take this on as a project, there needs to be control. Nobody opens any chambers without consensus. We decide as a team the pace the exploration takes, all subterranean activities from here out are controlled by us as a committee. No more throwing switches without prior approval. Is that clear? In fact, we have the right to banish anyone from the underground if they are a threat to the research.”

Olympia turned to Ona, who was bent over taking Alura’s thick, green meat from behind.

“Hey, Alura,” she said. “Hold off on Ona for a sec, I need her to answer a question. Ona, I remember you saying you were a nurse. We could use a nurse in this project. Will you help us in the lab?”

Ona looked up and something flickered to life in her eyes. Ever since I had known her she had been sort of a hollow narcissistic shell, seemingly focused just on herself and her own pleasure. But suddenly I saw a light come back on in her eyes. I liked what I saw.

“Yes, ma’am. Just tell me what you need,” she said. Olympia nodded and mumbled something about talking later, then gestured to Alura, who picked up the pace again.

Olympia considered the light phallite that was still perched cheerfully on her shoulder.

“So tell me,” she said. “Is the transition painful? Does it hurt when you take on a phallite. Those body changes must be unpleasant.”

“Not at all,” my mother said. “There is something in the light phallite that works some kind of chemical magic on your body. It takes just a few minutes, and it feels incredible. There is a big slime flush at the end that’s a little disconcerting, but nothing to worry about.”

“We need to run some tests on you four,” she said, indicating Clementina, Ona, my mom, and me. “If you guys are normal – or normal enough – I am going to get one of these.” She picked the phallite off her shoulder and set it back in the slime.

“Also,” she said. “If we are going to take this project on, it probably would help if we were closer. Are you going to accept our offer on your house?”

We had gotten so wrapped up in the phallites my mom and I had forgotten the open offer for our old house from Olympia.

Before we could answer, Clementina spoke up.

“If you are going to join our horny little band of phallite wranglers, I can go one better. Ona and I live in the main part of the house, Russel and his mom occupy one of the wings, but there is still an unoccupied wing with three bedrooms, a kitchenette, a couple baths and a partially finished attic. If you are going to join us you can live there.”

“For free?”

“For free if you are joining us and taking on light phallites.”

“Deal,” Olympia said.

The next five days were a blur and there was little sex considered or mentioned. The twins and I wrapped up our semester at the university, then helped Olympia and Ona set up the lab. She had some equipment at her home lab she brought in and began taking samples. She borrowed mobile X-rays and ultrasound machines and put us all through our paces. She put in a request to the university hospital to borrow a mobile MRI, but that was a long shot and we had little hope of actually having it approved.

I also helped the three of them get moved and settled into the opposite wing. I liked Olympia, Athena and Demeter from our time at school, but getting to know them more I liked them even more.

Though there was little sex, there remained an unspoken sexual tension running through everyone. The weather was warm, and when we were moving boxes, furniture, and lab equipment we got hot easily. Shirts were tossed to the side, working in bras or bare chested was a thing for everyone. Evenings we would hang out at the pool, often skinny dipping, but keeping it low key.

There was an unspoken rule that sex was out until Olympia, Athena and Demeter took on their light phallites. We were all afraid of someone getting hurt if the phallite-carriers forgot that the normies had more limited sexual capabilities. But I think we all knew as soon as the three took on phallites, it was game on.

Our labwork came back relatively normal, though there were a couple of nutrient deficiencies, probably due to the outpouring of slime and milk from our bodies. Ona worked up some diet modifications and supplements to address them.

The x-rays and sonograms showed some interesting internal rearrangements. Large slime-generating organs were located in key parts of the body. Vaginas and uterus’s shifted in position and elongated. Intestines rerouted and split into multiple chambered zones lined with slime glands that flushed them clean after evacuation, leaving the phallite ass always fresh and ready for action. The rerouted plumbing seemed to have a lot of extra tissue and be crumpled together, allowing for some of the sheathing effect I had seen – Olympia guessed there was close to twice as much tissue than was really needed. Women’s breasts were loaded with unusual milk-bearing glands that were constantly producing chemically enhanced milk. And my cock was packed with not just erectile tissue but muscles – explaining how I didn’t lose consciousness due to lack of blood ever time I got an erection. It also raised the question of just how long my cock would ultimately be, since the muscle seemed to be still growing. I also got to wondering if I could learn to control the muscles.

Olympia seemed to be fascinated by the extra tissue and the sheathing. She even said she couldn’t wait to try it out herself and see just how far out she could stretch it.

But there was nothing in the test results that scared Olympia, Athena or Demeter away. Olympia just pointed out that phallites were probably less like parasites and more like symbiotes. We made plans for the three of them to get their own little passengers.

Thursday evening after dinner all of us we were lounging in the pool, skinny dipping as usual, the worst of the moving and classwork over, relaxing and talking about our next steps.

“What was the name of the guy who survived having the phallite inside him,” Olympia asked.

“I think it was something like Shirley Franklin, or something like that. He was born shortly after 1800 and died in the 1950s. He lived a long life.”

“Shirley,” I said. “That’s usually a female name.”

“There have been guys named that too,” Olympia corrected. “There was a well-known sports journalist named Shirley, there used to be a football coach with that name too. There have been some other famous male Shirleys as well. Do you have any pictures of him?”

“I do,” Clementina said, hopping out of the pool and disappearing into the house. She came back a few minutes later with a photo. We all dried off before approaching the old picture. The image was in black and white and a horse and buggy was in the background. It showed a delicately-featured clean-shaven man with a pony tail – unusual for the time – in an overcoat.

“Every picture I have ever seen of him he’s wearing that overcoat or some other baggy clothes. It’s hard to get a read on what he looks like except his face.”

I looked closely at the picture. Franklin had a finely featured face, smooth and petite. It was almost feminine, a feature accented by his pony tail. Looking at an old photograph and knowing he had a light phallite inside sent shivers up my spine. It also helped keep the fire of hope simmering inside.

“Do you have more old photos?” Olympia asked.

“There’s a ton of photos I haven’t gone through, as well as old journals and papers up in the unfinished part of the attic. Somebody needs to go through them.”

“Russel, can you, Athena and Demeter start going through the pictures and papers tomorrow or the day after, looking for anything you can find about this guy? We’re going to take on our light phallites tomorrow, after that you guys can get started.”

I nodded as a shot of sexual tension ran through all of us. I think we all knew the next night would be hot, wet, and intense.

That night I took a shower and as I dried off I looked myself over in the mirror. I hadn’t grown any more body hair, and I also seemed to have stopped growing facial hair. The only hair I still had was on top of my head – and that was thicker than ever. I figured I needed to get a haircut soon.

I looked at my face. Something looked off, but I couldn’t put a finger on it. I just felt like my features had softened a little, but I was hard pressed to name something that looked different.

I gave my cock a couple of strokes, teasing out a few streamers of slime, then turned around and looked at my ass in the mirror, pulling my ass cheeks apart and considering my asshole hovering above my balls and cock. It looked just like Clementina’s, Ona’s and my mom’s. Perfect, pink, puckered. I used my fingers to pull my sphincter open, revealing the same pink crumpled flesh like the ladies.

“I’d fuck that in a heartbeat,” I whispered. I thought of the oversized dildos Clementina and Ona had bought. I could imagine coating one with slime, leaning over and Clementina sliding it inside my asshole. I was sure I was just as deep as the ladies were, and that I could take my own cock inside. The thought sent a shiver of anticipation up my spine. I was sure Clementina would leap at the chance to slide a latex cock up my ass.

I coated a couple fingers with slime and reached around, sliding them inside as far as they would go. I moaned. It felt fucking awesome.

I turned back around to face the mirror and inspected my body. Again, like with my face, something struck me as slightly off but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I chalked it up to being over tired from all the work we have been doing and shrugged. I raised my hands in the air and turned completely around. As I came around and caught my body from the side I spotted something else that was off.

You couldn’t see it looking from the front, but if you looked at my chest from the side it looked like there might be a little bit of a man-boob forming. I didn’t have a lot of fat on my body, definitely not enough to have extra chest flesh.

Alura had cupped my chest and sucked my nipples like they were real. Something was happening to my body. I was now sure of it. My facial structure, my body, my ass, my chest, my hair. Everything.

I squeezed the little mound of flesh that now barely raised above my rib cage, pinching the nipple. Nothing came out, but the nipple hardened and stuck out, long and erect. I tried the other, same effect. I looked at myself in the mirror again. The stimulation had made the little mounds stand out more. It wasn’t my imagination.

What the fuck? Alura had said to cast aside my preconceived notions of boy and girl.

I shook my head. I was overthinking things. Olympia had changed our diet some, and I was probably just gaining a little weight. That’s all. Jeez, dude, relax.

I turned my thoughts to what was coming the next day. I sat down on the bed, leaning against the wall. Olympia, Athena, and Demeter would get light phallites. Nobody expected to get anything done tomorrow. The expectation was a day of sexual release and bonding.

Though she was downstairs from me, I could feel the energy emanating from my mother, my symbiote. She was just as energized as I was. I wanted to go to her, and I knew she wanted me to come to her, but I held back. We all held back. The house was silent but the energy was palpable, the walls practically throbbed with desire.

I reached down and pulled my now erect monster cock upwards, pulling it against my chest. I had done this before, but now it seemed to go higher up my chest, closer to my chin. I climbed out of bed and grabbed a ruler from my desk. Sixteen inches, I had added an inch.

I sat back down on my bed, pulling my cock against my body again. Up until now I had resisted the idea of reaching down and sucking myself off, considering I was rooming with a houseful of women who were just as sex-driven as I was. But now, for the first time, I leaned over and ran my tongue over the tip, teasing my own head. It felt incredible. I pulled the head and the first three or four inches into my mouth. Waves of pleasure coursed through my body and slime trickled from the tip and oozed from my ass.

I cleared my mind, trying to think of anything but sex. Finally I lay down and somehow fell asleep almost immediately. I slept well except for a few dreams of Olympia. In my dreams she stood before me, her body the typical phallite female body – pendulous milky breasts, big nipples, narrow waist, wide hips, fleshy labia. But instead of a clitoris, from the top of her slit a cock sprouted. It was over a foot long, just like mine, and in my dream I bent down on all fours, allowing her to slide her slick meat into my slimy pink asshole and fill it up with slime and jizz until it trickled out and ran down across my balls and hard cock. I looked down on myself in my dream and suddenly my body was replaced with a women’s phallite body, except instead of a vagina, labia, and clitoris, my cock and balls were still in tact. In the dream, Athena and Demeter sucked me off while their mother worked her cock in and out of my ass.

I awoke the next morning with my sheets soaked in slime and sweat.

Nobody said much that morning. The repressed sexual tension was painfully thick. We went out to the nexus and the three ladies brought back their bonded light phallites.

Demeter and Athena went first. The process of changing took usually a half hour and was mostly pleasurable, though the final “slime purge” at the very end – where a ton of slime is flushed through and then from your body along with all your biological waste products – can be a little disconcerting. So the process usually ends with a long trip to the bathroom, followed by a shower. But when you come out, you are transformed – and usually pretty horny.

The twins had no issues. They emerged with typical phallite bodies – large bust, broad nipples, narrow waist, wide hips, thick labia, and a perfect pink asshole.

When it came to Olympia’s turn, things also went relatively well. When we finally heard the shower running in the bathroom everyone took a deep breath. We were all waiting for her – the last one to change – before the sexual tension was released. By this point, the rest of us were skinny dipping in the pool, taking turns to go inside every ten minutes or so to check on Olympia. None of us had gotten too close to anyone else in the pool – almost as if we were afraid if we got too close we might get too tempted.

Finally the door opened and Olympia came out. She was nude except for a bath towel wrapped around her waist. She looked gorgeous. She walked to the edge of the pool and looked down at all of us, but didn’t say anything.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She nodded, then slowly lowered the towel. Everyone gasped.

She had the typical phallite body – except for one thing. When I saw it, I remembered my dream from the previous night – the dream where I was getting fucked by Olympia.

Olympia stood in front of us with a cock instead of a clitoris. Everything else about her was typical phallite female, including her labia, except for that one point.

I looked up at Olympia’s face. She was smiling.

“I…take it you’re pleased?” Athena asked.

Olympia nodded and began stroking her cock, bringing it to attention, slime dribbling from the tip. I hopped up on the side of the pool and stood next to her. Her cock was a bit smaller than mine. Ona measured Olympia’s cock at 15 inches – the size mine had been just a couple days before. Was I still adding length? Ona measured mine. 18 inches. A full foot and a half. I had added two inches just from the previous night.

Everyone was looking at Olympia and I, and though I was happy for Olympia the thoughts of my dreams haunted me. I stared. In the dream, not only had Olympia had a cock, but I had a mostly female phallite body except for having a cock and balls in place of a clit and vagina. Was that dream a premonition?

My dismay must have shown on my face.

“Are you okay?” my mom asked, moving towards the side of the pool where I was standing.

“Yes…I guess…” I stammered. “It’s just…” Before I could answer, Ona interrupted.

“You’re jealous!” she laughed, but I shook my head.

“No, that’s not it at all,” I said. “It’s just…” I trailed off.

There was an uncomfortable moment of silence. I looked around at the six other people. We had all been waiting for this moment all week. There was so much tension built up for this moment when Olympia and her daughters all had phallites and we would have a wild orgy. Except I was ruining it.

“What’s wrong?” my mother asked.

I took a deep breath and told them about the dream.

“…And now that Olympia has turned up with a cock,” I said finishing, “I just am left wondering if I’m next. Am I about to turn into a girl with a cock too?”

There was more silence, before finally Ona spoke up.

“You have a problem with female bodies?” she asked, with the hint of a sneer. “You seem to like to shove that cock of yours into female bodies as much as you can.”

“That’s not how he meant it!” Clementina snapped. “Just think how you would feel if it started looking like you might suddenly wake up with a mostly male body? Not just having different sex organs, but different secondary characteristics. Think about it. Your titties would be gone, your curves would be gone, you would start growing whiskers on your face, you might start going bald. People who choose to become another sex do so because they already belong in that sex, whereas Russel – if that is really what is happening – would be having that forced upon him.”

My mother climbed out of the pool and gave me a hug. The fact that I was bringing everyone down at a time that should have been joyful made me feel even worse.

“In your dream, you still had that cock, right?” she asked. I nodded.

“And you still liked women, right?” Again, I nodded.

She moved back and made a sweeping gesture to the pool behind her. “You have six hot women who all want a piece of that cock of yours, including one hot woman with a cock like you. I don’t think your having tits or not is going to change the fact that they want that meat of yours inside them. So no matter where your journey takes you, you always have a place – and eighteen holes – to call home.” She smiled and hugged me again.

When my mom disengaged, Olympia put her arm around my shoulder.

“No matter how big my cock gets, you’ll always be alpha,” she said, and kissed me on the cheek. “I’ve been waiting all week to be able to take that meat of yours inside me. Cock or no cock, I want to be first in line.” She knelt down on a lounge beside the pool and pointed her ass in my direction.

Demeter and Athena had climbed out of the pool and moved to stand on either side of me, their arms around my waist, their milk-filled breasts pressed against my side. They each kissed me on the cheek and gave me words of encouragement. They then reached out and began stroking my cock, which had lost some of its tone during the discussion. Slipping their hands between their thighs, they worked some of their own slime in, mixing it with mine as they stroked.

“Fuck my mom,” said Athena. She moved in front of Olympia and lay down on the lounge, spreading her legs in front of her mother’s face.

“Athena, I don’t…” Olympia started, but Athena put a finger to her lips.

“You’ve known about Demeter and I and our secret “twin thing” our entire lives, and you’ve never said anything to us,” Athena said. “You’ve let us be who we are. But it’s time to be who you are. We know you’ve secretly watched us and masturbated. We know you’ve always wanted to join us. Now is the time for all of us to put our secrets aside.”

She pushed her mother’s head down between her legs. Olympia stopped hesitating.

I moved behind Olympia.

“Ass or pussy?” I asked.

“Ass,” Olympia replied without any hesitation as she surrendered to her daughters. She sucked on Athena’s meaty lobes and slid three finger’s into her daughter’s pink puckered gaping ass.

Demeter moved beside Olympia and slipped two fingers from each hand into her mother’s slimy, gaping asshole and two others into her slit. She pulled them both open wider, stretching them and revealing the deep, wet caverns inside. Slime gushed from both and a small dome of pink crumpled flesh slipped out of Olympia’s ass. Demeter bent down and licked her mother’s asshole and fleshy mound, sucking slime from the hole in the center and pulling the tissue and sheath out even further, then ran her tongue down the open slit beneath. I shot another load of slime across Olympia’s ass and slipped inside, feeling her fresh, sweet, new asshole stretch and gape as I pushed my way deeper and deeper. Her muscles tightened as I slipped inside, forcing me to push harder and heightening the sensation.

I was in six inches, then nine, then approaching a foot.

“Oh my fucking god,” Olympia moaned, trying to keep her tongue engaged in her daughter’s pussy but continuously getting distracted by every millimeter I pushed deeper inside. At fifteen inches, she gasped and her back arched. Finally my entire foot-and-a-half was inside her ass. Slime sluiced around my cock and out her asshole.

Demeter pressed her lips against mine as I slowly, methodically fucked her mother, our tongues intertwined. I disengaged, then slipped down to suck on her breasts, teasing the long hard nipples with my tongue. I squeezed her milk-laden mounds, forcing out the sweet, intoxicating phallite milk and sucking greedily. Demeter leaned her head back as I worked, closing her eyes and moaning with each squeeze and suck. She coughed and a glob of slime slipped from her lips down her chin. With one hand she squeezed her breast, with the other, she stroked her labia and growing clitoris between her legs. More milk poured from her dark, wide brown nipples.

After a moment, she pulled back and knelt down beside her mother, reaching down and beginning to slowly stroke Olympia’s engorged cock that was beating against the lounge with every stroke I made into her asshole. Olympia moaned again as Demeter spit a load of slime on her cock and picked up her pace.

“Fuck me, don’t stop until I say to,” Olympia murmured.

Athena slid herself down the lounge until she was completely under her mother’s body, her mother’s cock sliding slickly across her stomach and between her tits, coated with the slime that gushed from the hole in the gaping head of Olympia’s cock. Her slime mixed with the milk flowing from their pendulous milk-engorged breasts, coating Athena’s stomach with a thick, slick, sticky layer of goo.

Athena lifted up her legs and pulled her thick, meaty labia apart, exposing her pink, deep pussy. Demeter stroked her mother’s cock and guided it into Athena’s snatch. Athena and Olympia embraced, and each stroke I made into Olympia’s ass drove her cock deeper into Athena’s waiting, slimy slit. Athena tightened her muscles, and as mother slipped from her pussy with each of my strokes, several inches of Athena’s vaginal sheath gripped her cock like a second skin.

Demeter positioned her ass directly in front of her mother, reaching around and stretching her own thick cheeks apart. Olympia pressed her lips against her daughter’s spread, pink anus and sucked, pulling out mouthful after mouthful of thick slime. She opened her mouth and trickled the clear goop into Athena’s open mouth as I continued to drive my meat in and out of Olympia’s ass. I leaned across Olympia’s body and used my thumbs to stretch Demeter’s asshole even wider. Pink flesh slipped out in a dome that Olympia licked and devoured lustily, sending even more slime down across Athena’s face as my strokes into Olympia’s ass drove her cock into her daughter’s snatch. Demeter moaned as her mother sucked everything she could out of her seemingly bottomless ass.

Olympia kept sucking Demeter’s ass and slowly a thin sheath began to slip outwards an inch or two. Olympia sucked the flesh into her mouth and slowly pulled her head back, stretching the pink tissue outwards from Demeter’s ass. Demeter moaned and slime gushed from her ass and her vagina as her mother pulled her flesh outwards.

I had been so focused on the twins and Olympia I had lost track of what Clementina, Ona, and my mom were doing. I looked around. All three had sat on lounges and were watching the show, rubbing themselves slowly and massaging their breasts, sending squirts of milk across their bodies. My mom had slipped her long tongue out and had the tip wrapped around her clit as she massaged her tits. She smiled and winked at me.

As I watched my mother and the sisters pleasure themselves, I glanced down at my own cock I was pistoning in and out of Olympia’s ass. With each pull backwards, her thick sheath of pink flesh slipped from her ass, gripping my cock. I pressed my hand around the sheath and began stroking my cock with her ass flesh. She moaned a loud “Oh God” and arched her back as I masturbated with her flesh while watching my mother pleasure herself. I pulled my cock out even further, stretching her flesh even longer so I could stroke more of my meat, extending her sheath nearly a foot outwards from her body. My mother watched this display and her motions increased to an almost frantic pace.

“Further,” Olympia moaned. “Stretch it until I tell you to stop.”

Still gripping the pink flesh I pulled my entire foot-and-a-half cock free from the sphincter. Her pink asshole still gaped open around the flesh of the sheath as I continued to pull backwards, stretching her out almost two feet. The sheath was translucent, and I could see my cock head, and her slime and my slime mingling inside the tunnel. I slipped my cock free and pulled the end of the sheath up to my mouth, sucking the slime from her ass through the long pink fleshy tunnel.

I moved the flesh back down to the end of my cock and began stroking my meat with it again, sending still more slime gushing down it.

“Oh, God,” Olympia moaned. “Just fuck me. Make me come.”

I let go of the sheath and drove my meat and her flesh all the way back into Olympia’s body. That was the last straw for her, and Olympia’s asshole tightened as she came, a pulsating, rhythmic throb pouring great gobs of slime and semen into her daughter’s stretched, gaping vagina.

I felt her body slacken as she came. I leaned forward and put my chin on her shoulder.

“Sorry baby,” I whispered into Olympia’s ear. “If you’re going to have a phallite cock, once isn’t enough.”

I leaned back and pulling her upwards against my body. Her still ejaculating cock popped out of her daughter’s snatch with an audible sucking sound, leaving Athena’s pussy gaping and dribbling come and slime, several inches of pink sheath hanging out. Athena’s slime and her semen covered her thick meat. I reached around, stroking her cock with one hand and squeezing her breasts with the other. Semen and milk arced forward across Demeter and Athena. As I stroked and more juice flowed from her thick meaty head, her daughters knelt forward and began sucking and licking her cock, drinking up her jizz and bringing her cock back to attention.

Demeter opened her mouth and began sliding her lips down her mother’s cock. Slowly she slipped her mouth down inch after inch as Olympia’s slimy meat slid down her slick throat. I had my hand around the base of Olympia’s cock, feeling her surging back from the orgasm, her cock coming back to life as her daughter swallowed it deeper and deeper down her throat.

Olympia moaned.

My mother stood up and moved behind me. She put her lips on my ass and began sucking slime from me. She slid four fingers from each hand into my anus and stretched. I felt my flesh bow outwards and my mother’s lips tease the pink dome, her long tongue probing deeply into my ass.

After probing with her tongue, she pulled back and I felt her slip three, four, five fingers into my ass, finally pushing her entire fist past my pink phallite asshole. I moaned. She pushed deeper, letting her wrist and her forearm slid into my slimy orifice. When she was several inches past her wrist, she began pulling out, expanding her fingers as she did so. Against my will, I felt my muscles tighten, and my flesh sheathed her arm as it slipped out of my ass. My mother licked my pink anal sheath as I slid outwards, wrapped tight around her forearm and stretched fingers like a webbing. As she slipped her hand and arm out of the sheath, she sucked it into her mouth, sucking on the soft flesh and pulling it deep into her throat, slipping her tongue inside. It was unlike any sensation I had ever felt.

Meanwhile, Athena’s and Demeter’s work on Olympia’s cock was bringing her to another orgasm. Again, her ass tightened around my cock as she came. Her anal pulsations corresponded with my mother teasing my extended pink sheath with her tongue. I groaned. I felt my own balls tighten and knew I was getting close to coming.

I tried to edge, but then looked down at my cock that was half out of Olympia’s ass with her pink flesh sheathed around it. My own ass flesh was slipping deep into my mother’s throat and I couldn’t hold back any more. I drove my cock hard into Olympia’s ass – stretching my own sheath even further and sending a thick load of slime and jizz from my cock into her waiting ass as a fresh round of seed ripped from her cock all over her daughter’s faces.

I felt like my entire world was pouring out of my cock. There had been so much build up to this moment all week that the release was earth-shattering.

Suddenly a tingle shot up my spine, giving me a shiver. I recognized that sensation – it was the same tingle I had felt when I had initially taken on the light phallite and my body had began to change. I had also felt a tingle like that briefly when Alura and I had our cock-on-cock fuck.

I leaned back. My cock slowly slid free of Olympia’s asshole, her ass flesh clinging to it and sliding out of her asshole against my meat a few inches until it finally came loose and slipped back inside. My cock head popped free, sluicing slime and come across her asshole.

I felt woozy. Something was happening.

“Russel…” I heard my mother’s voice as if from far away. I sank into a nearby chair, my head in my hands, tingles shooting up and down my spine – and across my body. I shivered.

I felt my mother’s hands on my shoulder. I looked up at her.

“It’s okay,” I heard her say. “It’s all okay.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant. Of course it was okay. I tried to stand up but my weight felt off, like I had suddenly gained weight, or the weight I had had somehow shifted.

I rubbed my eyes. What the fuck was going on.

I looked down. My eyes grew wide. I stumbled inside to the bathroom mirror, my mother at my side. The person who looked back out at me had the features of a phallite female except for the large cock and balls hanging between their flared hips, coated with slime and come. Her face was just like mine except more finely featured and feminine, her breasts were large and milky, her waist narrow, her hips wide.

I looked down at my body. That person was me.

It was just like I had dreamed. It was exactly like I had fucking dreamed.



1 comment

  1. maybe don’t describe it as a horror story by throwing transgender in with like monsters

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