Step Sister Corruption Part 110 – Day 71 The Wicked Witch Pt 5 : Snake (fiction, M/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Sabrina and I continued to talk while Gabe was cooking lunch.

We sat long enough for Kelly to return from the gym and looking completely worn out.

Sabrina had drank two more cups of peppermint tea feeling relaxed and I was happy that the tea had relaxed her enough to not be a raging bitch.

Though I’m kind of miffed that Lilith’s hadn’t effected Sabrina at all as she didn’t succumb to her carnal desires like Kelly or myself. Guess she is really really repressed.  Though Veritas was working nicely to where Sabrina had shared so much of her life and revealed why she hated men so much.

Maybe Lilith’s was working on her but she was so against the intimate act that was ignoring her baser instincts….or was she.

Maybe her willing to take off her top and sit for the longest time in her bra was the furthest she was willing to go.

Normally when I take as much Lilith’s as I had spiked Sabrina with I go from cool to foaming at the mouth needing release in short minutes.  Yet Sabrina hadn’t given so much as twitch in her normal appearance.

Granted I couldn’t get her news off my mind when she explained what Barry Underwood did to her.

Apparently Barry Underwood convinced Sabrina to open herself to him which she had done for a couple of weeks until she decided to surprise him by hiding in his closet and coming out in an outfit that surprised me.  She admitted to wearing nothing but a bow ribbon outfit as a surprise but didn’t know that him and his roommate were sitting in their shared dorm room and they happen to be talking.  The topic was girls.  Barry’s roommate named Edward something or another asked Barry why he was boning a girl who seemed uninteresting.  Barry laughed and said she seemed like an easy lay though he was actively looking for a different girl and was keeping onto her until he found an equal easy target.

Naturally when Sabrina heard this was devastated at hearing the news and sat in the closet crying as silently as possible until the room went dark and she heard them snoring.

Instead of doing something stupid like violently beating the crap out of the idiot like I would have she needlessly snuck out and went the three floors up to her shared room with her roommate and silently swore to herself to not open up to guys and promptly broke it off with Barry.  At least she kicked him in the nuts as a final farewell.

At least she pulled something that I would have done.  Still it pissed me off enough to storm into Gabe’s room and get him to call Dr. Braxter.  I needed a good punishment and needed Dr. Braxter’s help.  After my explanation she said she would look into it.  I in the mean time was still fuming and was silently thinking of multiple ways to get this Barry Underwood to pay.  

I went downstairs and found Gabe mildly talking to Sabrina and was shocked they were being cordial with each other.

They hadn’t noticed me….yet.

But I did notice that Sabrina was making a failed attempt at flirting with Gabe.

This is why I love Gabe…..he’s dense.  So dense that Sabrina was pumping out her chest and leaving her top unbuttoned to show off her cleavage.

Maybe Lilith’s was affecting her.

I smiled and thought to myself that maybe just maybe this girl was worth corrupting.

When the hell did I become Summer the Corruptor?

I mean before I started down this path I would have NEVER done half the shit I was doing now.

Not with my previous beau’s.  

And I sure as hell didn’t share a bed with a friend.

Sure I had wondered what it would be like to play with a girl.  And maybe I was intrigued to have multiple partners but was too afraid.

So why now?

Why with Gabe?

Was it because we started on a friends with benefits that awakened such a love of sharing?

Was it because I helped Kelly awaken her more womanly side that spurred my love?

When did it happen?

Still I found myself intrigued at Sabrina’s train wreck attempt to get Gabe to notice her.

I sat there beginning to think all this was because of Gabe.  But why him?  Why was he so special?

I mean sure he’s cute but he’s not drop dead gorgeous or supermodel gorgeous or anything.  Nor was he hit by a brick though sometimes his attention span was on the same level as a brick.  I knew he was smart but only about certain things.  And he had a bod that you wanted to bite but not so much you’d be willing to kiss the floor he walked on.  And he did have that nice thing between his legs that was always so pleasing….though it took a minute to get used to his *ahem* size.

And god the way he could push me so much outside my boundaries without really having to try was maddening….but in the good way.

I shook my head at thinking of Gabe, my tormentor that pushed me or I’d be listing all his flaws and shining spots all damn day trying to figure out what about him that has so many girls, including myself, gravitate towards him.  I ignored the fact of exactly how my emotions ran wild around this particular guy.

I had enough of the train wreck mildly amused enough to forget my rage against Barry the heartbreaker.  Though I put my plans for Barry into the back of my mind to focus on the here and now.  And the here and now was Sabrina.

We talked for a bit while Gabe went back to cooking after he decided to tease me by simply playing with my obvious weak point…..the bastard.  So now my mind was distracted and wanted a kegel workout aka wild mind blowing orgasm inducing fun sex.  I silently hoped Sabrina would leave so I wouldn’t have to go to work with a certain part of my anatomy juicing though the way things were going that was a high possibility.

We talked long enough for Kelly to come home from the gyn and she instantly tensed up seeing a new girl at the house.  Guess she was wanting to come home and wrap her legs around Gabe just as much as I wanted to.

And Sabrina didn’t miss the obvious tension in the air as Kelly came home.

I explained to Sabrina that Kelly wasn’t expecting company and would eventually relax around her.  Which seemed enough for Sabrina to overlook Kelly’s obvious lust craving.

Then it was time for lunch as Kelly beat me for a seat next to Gabe….the bitch.

She knows full well that’s my damn seat.

She countered that seeing how Sabrina was *MY* guest that I should sit next to *MY* guest.  I growled at her but requisite as she was right….damn her.

I tried to make small talk with Sabrina as I kicked Kelly’s shin multiple times during our lunch when her hand mysteriously disappeared under the table and Gabe groaned from the obvious handy he was receiving.

It kind of went like this:

Me:  So Sabrina you never told us where you’re from?

Sabrina:  From the west coast?

Gabe:  West coast like California?

Gabe eyes get wide and groan lightly.

I look at Kelly who gives me a smirk.


Kelly gives me a look and she goes back to eating.

Sabrina misses the whole scene as she spoke, “More like Oregon.”

Gabe, “Why not just say Oregon?”

Sabrina sighs, “I don’t know.”

I nodded, “So where are you born in Oregon?”

Kelly’s hand disappears again.


Kelly flinches.


Kelly mouthed ‘FINE!’

Sabrina speaks through a mouth full of food, “No I was born in Washington.  And before you ask the state not D.C.”

Kelly chimes in, “So how long have you lived in Oregon?”

I watched as Kelly grabbed Gabe’s hand and led it under the table.

Was she doing what I think she was doing?

This time I do a double kick causing both Gabe and Kelly to flinch.  They look at me weird and I mouth ‘STOP!’.

Kelly mouths ‘BUT SUMMER!’ and gives me her puppy dog eyes.  Gabe mouths ‘WTF’.  

I roll my eyes and point towards Sabrina and Kelly mouths ‘FINE!’

Gabe just nods and goes back to being himself…..sort of.

He uses his foot to put pressure on the one place he knows that will make me melt.

I reached under and grabbed his foot and bent the toes back and watched his face turn into pain as I applied pressure.

Gabe gets the hint and gives up.

Sabrina brings up her fork and takes a bite of the food and for a glimpse I thought I saw something……something that could be important.

I needed to resee that to make sure my mind wasn’t going naughty.

I looked at Sabrina really paying attention to her next bite.

I watched Sabrina chew her food and from my angle I knew something about her…..her jaw was moving a really long distance.

Sabrina spoke through the mouth full of food, “Better part of my life until I moved here at the beginning of the school year.”

I had to be right.

I looked at Sabrina, “Say Sabrina can I ask something?”

Sabrina nodded as she chewed her food.

I had to know and damn the consequences, “Correct me if I’m wrong.  But did I notice something off about your mouth?”

Gabe started coughing as he heard something he wasn’t expecting.

Kelly stopped.

Sabrina froze chewing.

She looked at me and moved the food to the side of her cheek like a chipmunk, “What’s wrong with my mouth?”

Both of my loves were paying very close attention to what was going to happen.

I continued looking at her, “You just opened it more than you have the entire time you’ve been here right when you took that bite of food.”

Sabrina shrugged, “What’s wrong with me opening my mouth more than I should?”

I looked at her, “No really I mean you just snaked your mouth around that extra big bite.”

Sabrina looked at me quizzically, “Is this some fetish you have?”

I sighed, “No really.  You just opened your mouth really fucking big.  Am I going crazy?”

Sabrina clammed up.

Yep I wasn’t imagining it.

I put my hand on her and I felt her tense up.  I spoke softly, “Come on Sabrina.  I’ve been up front with you this entire time and I haven’t judged you once.”

She looked at me skeptically, “Sure you have.”

I sighed, “Ok but I haven’t been mean to you?”

That was a lie I did drug her but it was for selfish and spiteful reasons.  But I wanted her to be super relaxed so she wouldn’t be a bitch.

Sabrina’s tension relaxed, “Yeah that’s true.”

I looked at her, “So am I crazy?”

Sabrina swallowed and sighed as she turned to face me.  She opened her mouth to show her mouth almost kept going until it finally stopped.

I heard Gabe’s fork drop.  Kelly just watched in fascination.

By the time she finished opening her mouth it was nearly three times bigger than I can open mine.  Ok it was more like two and a half times more than I can.  And I can open my mouth…..and open my throat.  Though not as good as Kelly but I need to breathe….sort of.

Especially when I have a certain guy’s big thick cock in my mouth. Breathing is for sucker’s when that glorious meat is in your mouth.

Stupid reflexes for needing to breathe.

I looked at her, “Is that all your mouth can do?”

Sabrina blushed as she closed her mouth because when she opened her mouth at me I was staring at something that I knew would turn on every single person sitting at this table.

I had to refrain from imagining what I imagined.

Sabrina shook her head.

I gave her a smirk, “So what else are you hiding?”

Sabrina mumbled, “I’d rather not say.”

I took my hand off Sabrina’s shoulder and put it on her lap as I spoke, “Come on Sabrina we’re all friends here.  None of us would think less of you.”

She looked at me, “But this trait is unflattering.”

I scoffed with a smile, “Not where I’m sitting.”

Gabe spoke, “What?  What does she have?”

Kelly spoke, “It’s something bad isn’t it?”

I looked at them, “Hush.”

Sabrina frowned, “Kelly’s right it’s bad.”

I pet her lap, “Trust me.  It’s amazing.”

Sabrina looked at me, “It is?”

I smiled at her and nodded, “It is.”

Sabrina frowned, “But it’s so slutty.”

I smiled at her, “No it’s awesome.” I winked at her with a sly smile, “And hot.”

Sabrina blushed, “I don’t know.”

I looked at her, “Come on some famous people have what you have.”

Sabrina started to tear up her defiance coming back, “Oh yeah! Who?”

I was racking my brain vaguely remembering there was some famous person who had what Sabrina hid in her mouth…..but I couldn’t remember the person’s name.  I’m sure I had seen it but I was blanking.

I snapped my fingers with my free hand, “There’s that girl on the internet who has been going around.”

I pointed to Gabe and Kelly, “You know which one I’m talking about right?”

Gabe, like usual, gave me his confused look.

Kelly wasn’t any better, “You’re gonna have to narrow it down there Summer.  There’s plenty of girl’s who are trending on the internet about all sorts of things.”

I sighed, “Useless.”

I looked at Sabrina, “Come on just show that I’m right.  I promise you what you’re ashamed of is fucking amazing.”

Sabrina teared up, “You promise?”

I nodded.

She looked over at Gabe and Kelly, “Do you two promise?”

Gabe shrugged, “Sure even though I’m really confused as to what we’re talking about here.”

Kelly just nodded but looked at Gabe, “It doesn’t take much to confuse you Gabe.”

Gabe looked at Kelly, “Hey I resent that.” He mused as he looked up, “Though at this moment I’m really confused.”

I kicked Gabe to get him back on track as he flinched, “Ow! Stop kicking me damn it.”

Sabrina laughed.

I squeezed Sabrina’s leg to get her attention back on me, “See you’re with friend’s you’re safe.”

Sabrina sighed as she looked me in the eyes, “Ok I’m trusting you all.”

I nodded.

Sabrina opened her mouth to reveal a huge hole opening that could possibly cover a glory hole with great ease to where I could easily see her tonsils and the back of her throat. She breathed deeply and exhaled as she rolled out an impossibly long nearly narrow muscular tongue to where she could easily lick her own collar bone.

I smiled in confirmation as Gabe muttered “**HOLY SHIT!!!**”

Kelly in her great infinite wisdom, “*Oh my!*”




  1. Another fantastic chapter with a twist. This seems like it could be fun for all!

  2. I know this is gonna lead somewhere epic but dame really want the next chapter now.

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