Rebound [F] Part One: [Texting] [BDSM] [Intro]

Okay this is a part of a series of posts! My first big one for writing, so please let me know what you think, and do you want more?

I sat on the armrest of the couch, sliding backwards to sink deep, lying on my back. Raised one arm across my eyes, hiding from the world. “Okay, so still in stage one of grieving over being dumped?” my bestie/roommate, Ann asked. I groaned in agreement and frustration. “Not so much as in stage one, but considering returning to it,” I mumbled. I hear the ruffle of the magazine once held by Ann’s hands now smacked down onto the coffee table. “Bad date, huh?” she asked. “Bad rebound. How the hell did I think fucking Tinder will fix my needs!” I rubbed my temples in frustration. The date was awful. Not only did the woman think she knew it all, she reminded me of my Ex. Kat and my relationship ended the awful reasons we would not click intimately. Fudge-fuckery, I cursed inwards. Ann took pity on me and offered to make some coffee to tide over the miserable mood I was in. I sat up in time to listen to Ann in the kitchen fixing the drinks. I browsed through my phone, checking any notifications. Between the last time I checked and now, one message caught my interest. Heat rising from what I thought was an area to never awaken so soon after being dumped.

Hey, Gorgeous Girl. Are you okay? X

I swallowed and quickly typed back my hello with small talk pleasantries. Besides Tinder, I used a more sophisticated wicked dating app, Darkest Dreams. It was full of BDSM and amazing people. One of them, I actually gave my number over since canceling the subscription of the dating app. Too many unsolicited dick pics. I hate wannabe Tops saying they could change my sexuality away from dating women. One however never gave their details, or dick pics. Their profile displayed their pronouns as They/Them. Besides, I swoon at the cheesy pun reference to their username: Don’tBiteYourLipThatsAnOrder. We were never playful in any session or asked for our list of kinks exchanged. Instead, we exchanged other topics of interest. From cheesy jokes to then daily life anecdotes to our interests like food and music. They were the first person I have relaxed around enough since the breakup. And became carefree enough to exchange numbers so we could text occasionally. So carefree enough to mention my hometown. I gave a small prayer to the BDSM Gods that they lived close enough to meet in person. They did not. After a few exchanges of text, and now coffee in hand, Ann spotted the difference in my mood. “Name, please?” She asked as she sipped her own drink in the chair she originally sat when I came back home.

I shook my head, denying acknowledgement of her request. My phone chimed again at their text, causing an idiot smile on my face. Work is dull today, entertain me.

A command true, but not to the scale of kink instruction. I teased about someone trying to ask questions about them and my smile I have when messaging. Oh? I am disappointed to never see this smile — they texted back. Shrugging nonchalantly, I gave them my first ever photo, relieving my face. I hit send before I recoil at the idea. Ann questioned me why I did it. Looking at my photo, I saw a woman look directly at the camera. She’s shy in her soft smile with hazel big owl eyes framed around my glasses. Geek is the new sexy, I remind myself to feel confident. But what if I am not what they are looking for? What if they don’t want someone like me? A round big ass and short five foot one chick. Whose’s boobs stopped defraying gravity at sixteen because of their enormous size. I awaited from what seemed like a lifetime response.

Beautiful, they sent back.

A small puff of air left my lips, surprise coursing through my body. I sent back a thank you. Then hid my phone. It has been over a week since their schedule got busy and I haven’t heard from them till today. What if they asked for more?
Okay this is a part of a series of posts! My first big one for writing, so please let me know what you think, and do you want more?

To be continued…


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