One challenge down, time [F]or the second

From the messages I got after my [last post](, it sounds like some of you liked the idea of my challenges im setting myself at college this week. First i should explain how the first challenge went tho…

If you read my last post youll know i went to college with a (basic) remote controlled egg wrapped in a condom deep in my pussy – going on the bus i realised even when its off just knowing that its there was so hot, knowing my tight blue jeans meant i couldnt even sneakily get it out quickly if i needed to, id have to go and take time to take it out somewhere private… all that thinking got me so turned on before the bus had even left my town. I turned on the egg with the remote in my pocket and realised that while it was silent, hiding it was going to be harder than i had expected especially when i was sitting down… it was bliss vibrating away on the bus but then had to realise that by itself it was never going to make me cum… i was just being pushed to get more and more horny all day…

After my first class i had some free time, and then something else happened – if youve read some of my earlier posts, youll know that some people know a bit about my admissions on here. i dont know who does and who doesnt at this point but a few people definitely know – some treat me the same but give a weird look now and then but some have been really different. I was sitting at one of the benches talking to my friend over on the other one (we still have to stay apart or they shout at us for not “socialy distancing”) when a guy from my class id never talked to very much before sat down really obviously at a bench across from us and just sat on his phone, but kept looking up and staring at me. I kept talking to my friend when I looked back at him his phone was on the desk, he was definately browsing what looked like… reddit. When he saw me look he gave me this weird look and smiled and I knew what he was doing – he was showing me he knew and was reading my posts.

So I know he reads reddit, so ill write this next bit to you: you know you could have just told me “hey i like your posts” but I get it if you were too shy. I liked the look on your face when I grinned at you, and I liked it even more when I kept talking to Lia and just started playing with my keys and playing with a remote control on my keyring. What i liked the most though was seeing how your eyes got really wide when i clicked the button and stared at you and kept talking while i let you know my egg was vibrating really hard in my pussy, how you couldnt stop staring until i clicked it off again and winked at you, and how you sat really silently staring at your phone.

Lia knows what ive been doing, she’s a judgemental bitch (sorry babe!) but loves hearing the details. I talked to her later at lunch and she asked me if i really did that to you. We laughed and said we should call it “secret exhibitionism”. I like that idea. As i said above though the egg was definitely not enough to get me to cum at all and there was no opportunity to find a place at college to do it so by the time i got home i was so fucking horny i was really angry and snippy with my dad and cut him off just so i could get to my room. When i got there i didnt even get my jeans past my knees before sliding the egg out and fucking myself like crazy. Holy shit was it good.

So, yesterday was fun, but today means a new day and that means a new challenge, and its is inspired by yesterdays challenge, so here we go. I’m going to wear a pair of my softest, nicest, “little girl” knickers to school today under my skirt. Im going to take four other pairs with me in my handbag. And heres the challenge ive set myself – anyone who asks me for it, will get the pair of knickers im wearing, and ill put on the next pair. if i run out, i just have to go without for the rest of the day. And if nobody asks or is too shy again, ill just have to find people to just give them to.

So, if youre reading this, and you know who you are… today is your day…



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