[FF] Had my first and only experience with another girl with my roommate during lockdown

This happened back in December. I live with a girl (I’ll call her Liz) who’s 5 years older than me and she is very much a lesbian, while I am very much straight

Because of the lockdown, we couldn’t go see our families like we normally do during the holidays, so we just mostly drank and watched bad movies. We ended up bonding a lot more than we probably would have due to having to be around each other all the time, so we started to get more personal with our conversation, especially when we’d been drinking. Mostly it was family stuff, people we hated, regrets, etc. But we’d also occasionally talk about sex, which was sort of nice…I’d never been comfortable talking about it with my other friends.

One night we were drinking, and we started talking about sex again, complaining about the impossibility of it during lockdown, etc. And I decided to make a stupid joke to Liz, saying it wasn’t bad for her since she just needed to try harder and turn me if she wanted to be licked so badly. I don’t remember the exact way I worded it, but I remember Liz was silent for a bit, and I stumbled and tried to explain my joke better…and then Liz got mad.

She told me she hated being teased by straight girls in that way, that she felt like her sexuality was always the butt of some joke. She told me she had to deal with tons of fake flirting and girls who had no real interest in her but just found it funny. And that she hated the feeling of being physically attracted to someone who laughed at the idea. Needless to say, I felt pretty shitty about it.

We ended up staying up late and talking for a long time, and I apologized a lot. We also talked more about our sexual frustrations (especially hers) And I don’t know if it was just how late it was, or what, but I…proposed that I could go down on her as a one time thing. I said I was interested in trying it out (I really wasn’t) and that we could just try it out if she was interested. I guess I thought it was a way to make it up to her? Liz told me we would talk about it the next day when we were sober and had some sleep.

The next day, Liz came to me in the living room, wearing a robe and having just taken a shower…and I knew what she wanted to ask, but we just kind stood there awkwardly and talked for a while until I said “We can still do it”. I remember her pausing, then dropping her robe all in one motion. I felt incredibly awkward at that moment, and I feel like Liz felt similarly…I wasn’t sure if we were supposed to kiss, since we had never discussed that. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to take off my clothes or what, and how we were going to…configure ourselves. I just decided to start taking off my clothes while Liz sat on the couch.

I walked over to Liz and I decided to just…get into it. I started to kneel in front of her while she opened her legs, and I was terrified. Even though I’m in full support of others liking whatever they like, I find vaginas kind of gross and scary (including my own). And my heart was racing considering I was closer than I’d ever been to one…I could smell her pussy’s scent, and I could see how wet it was. And I could also feel her eyes on me because I was just frozen there for a bit. I remember wanting to get out of there but also wanting to live up to what I’d said until I finally just…forced my head forward

I started licking her and quickly realized that I had no idea what I was doing. For some reason I thought it would be obvious? But I don’t even typically enjoy guys going down on me that much, so I don’t know why I thought it’d come naturally to me just because we have the same parts. I also did not enjoy the taste….I tried not to focus on it and just tried to focus on doing what I thought would feel good.

And it worked. Liz started to gasp and moan and pushed my head down. She basically started grinding up against my face as she got louder and louder…it felt like forever and I distinctly remember the feeling of her smearing her wet pussy across my face as she did this. She started to calm down, and I leaned back and wiped my mouth. She was breathing heavy and gestured to me to sit next to her on the couch, so I did.

As soon as I did she wrapped her arms around me and giggled and asked me if I wanted her to return the favor. I told her I wasn’t interested in receiving oral, as I was still feeling a little weird about the whole thing…she told me if I didn’t want oral, that she had some toys or she could just finger me. And so I agreed to the latter…

I don’t know what I expected, but…Liz definitely knew what she was doing. As soon as her fingers were inside me, it felt like she was in total control of my body. It felt amazing…her breath on my ear/neck…her body against mine…her other hand playing with my breast. It felt like she was pressing every button and driving me crazy. I came like crazy…it happened so fast and kept going.

We ended up cuddling on the couch for a while…we reaffirmed that it was a one-time thing. I think Liz was a little disappointed, but she understood…I definitely would not ever feel comfortable going down on her, and while I enjoyed her touch…I’m not about to force her into a one-way thing. We were both worried it’d be awkward after, and it was a bit, but for the most part we’ve moved on and are back to being just friends/roommates.

And even though I don’t want it to happen again, I love thinking about it and have used that memory to get off several times.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mvmc0a/ff_had_my_first_and_only_experience_with_another


  1. That sounds like a very real encounter and was fun to read. Kudos for you for being open to new experiences.

  2. Perhaps some Jill and Jill (mutual masturbation) time would help relieve you both. A chance to enjoy sexual company without sexual direct sexual contact. Could be a win win.

  3. She sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders. You’re lucky.

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