Enslaved at the Resort

This story was originally part of a dpp chat. I was so involved in setting up the story that I went way overboard. So, I thought I’d share it with you lovely people and hopefully you’ll enjoy it.

(Warning: cliffhanger ending!)


It’s a beautiful tropic day as we arrive at the resort. The valet opens my door and I gracefully exit, looking at the surroundings but necer making eye contact with the valet. Long, lean, and beautiful, I am as much a spectacle as the island is. I dressed for our arrival, wearing a low cut white sun dress, a floppy hat, and 4″ wedges.

I walk into the lobby and wait for my boyfriend to check in. This was a last minute trip. We hadn’t been together long, but who says no to a tropical vacation? Already bored, I start taking pictures for instagram.

As we finally get into the room, my boyfriend tells me he has a surprise for me later tonight. “Oooo! Thank you babe!” I say with a kiss. I can’t wait to get this vacation started!” I walk over to the balcony door and look outside. “It’s so beautiful here.”

Then he’s behind me, wrapping his arms around me and pressing himself into me. “I was thinking the same thing.” As I look over the water and the beaches, he pulls my hair to the side and kisses my neck. Then, as one hand slips under my dress and around my breast, the other pulls up my dress and gently caresses my ass, before both squeeze tightly. “Youre not wearing panties…” he says, hardening behind me. “I wanted to be ready for anything.” I say mischievously. “I was afraid you’d never notice.” He pulls down the top of my dress, exposing both my breasts, and pushes me up against the glass, exposing me to the world.”Baaabe!” I whine, unsure. Ignoring me, he reaches down and strokes my lips. “Don’t pretend you dont want me. I can feel how wet you are.” He dips his fingers into me, just to make the point. And he’s not wrong. I was completely exhilarated. Besides, we were on the top floor. Who could really see us up here?

Suddenly, the door flies open and the manager walks intently into the room, completely unfazed by our display. Following him is a large security guard. “OH MY GOD!” I quickly tug at my dress, absolutely mortified. “Excuse me, there seems to be a problem with your card.” he says curtly. “THAT’S what this is about!?! Have you never heard of knocking!?! This is DEFINITELY going to be in the re–!

“Sarah.” My boyfriend cuts me off, glaring at me. He turns to the manager and collects himself. “Is there somewhere we can speak privately?” “Of course.” He gestures towards the door and both men leave. Leaving me alone with the brute.

“Well I dont care what he says. That was the most invasive thing I’ve ever experienced in any hotel. Ever.” The guard rolls his eyes at me, looking away. “Listen, I know you’re just a peon, but could you imagine treating me that way in his position?” He chuckles, but doesn’t engage.

“Great! More A+ customer service.” He looks at me, but again says nothing. “I’m going to the pool. Tell him I’ll be there with a cocktail when he gets back.” I pick up my bag and head for the door, but the guard blocks my path, smirking. Literally taken aback, I say, “ExcUse you! You’re in my way!” He leans in, smirking. “You’re not going anywhere, Princess. If he can’t pay we might need you. And you’re definitely not using the amenities.”

“Well that’s ridiculous! What would he need me for? HE’S the one with the money!” I laugh. He raises his voice and steps towards me, “That’s the way it is. Now sit over there and wait.” “Ok, ok!” I shrink back, a little scared. “There’s no need for all of that.” I say, gesturing up and down.

I walk around the room, finally finding the champagne that was part of our package. I pour a glass while eyeing the security. He starts to protest and I interrupt, ” His card is fine and this is free anyway. Besides, do you really expect me just to sit here and do nothing?” I take a long sip, then lounge on the bed and look at the ocean.

His phone rings and he picks up on the first ring. “Oh really?” He looks at me, smiling for the first time. “I’d be happy to.” He hangs up and stands. “Bad news, Princess. Your boyfriend made a deal! You’re coming with me.”

I laugh, taking another drink. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” “Oh yes you are! You can’t pay for this room, so I need to escort you… elsewhere.” He softens. “…until we can make other arrangements for you, of course.” I stand proudly. “Well there must be some kind of mistake. I’m sure he’s straightening it out right now, and then you’ll be sorry for treating us this way.”

He leads me down the hall at a brisk pace. “This isnt the way we came in.” “It’s a short cut, we’re in a hurry.” He opens a door that leads outside. It’s blindingly bright, so I can’t see what’s in front of me as I pass through the threshold. An older, roughly painted building reveals itself to me down the path. “I dont think this is right. You’re a luxury resort. That’s got to be an employee building.” I say, turning around.

Shutting the heavy door, he stops me again. “We’re not going that way. We’re going there,” he says, pointing to the building. “And honestly, I dont care what you want!” Suddenly, he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder, and walks easily down the path.

“WHAT THE HELL! PUT ME DOWN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BARBARIAN!” I order, slamming my fists and kicking my legs. Then, I feel a breeze and remember I’m wearing a short dress and no panties. “Please, oh my god, you have to put me down. I’m exposed here.”

He laughs, opens the door, and throws me down in a chair. “Have fun wth this one.” he says with a chuckle as he leaves.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mvbvqg/enslaved_at_the_resort


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