The Precum Milking Factory (part 2)

As the ropes lowered, I saw the wires woven into them. Like muscles running though limbs. The ropes were not straight. They snaked down as if they were alive, obviously controlled and manipulated by the wires embedded in them. I looked across from where I was stood. The guy attached was larger than most and had additional ropes weaving across his body to support his weight. I could see the ropes moving and yet none pressed into his body as he writhed around in ecstacy and drool stringing from his vacant face . It was as if he was floating and the ropes were adapting, applying equal pressure at every point to maintain a weightless sensation.

I was drawn away by Milly. She was now sat in front of me with a hand on each of my feet. There were 2 ropes moving towards them and as they inched closer she slowly began to caress my feet and calves. It was as if the ropes were alive and watching every movement as they traced the movements milly had made. By the time she was at my knee I felt the first touch of the ropes. They gently pressed the inside of my foot and began to trace millys route. The only difference was the way they circled around each leg, spiralling up and encompassing me. The sensation was amazing. I felt a twinge in cock and saw it bounce. Inches away from millys face. She saw this too and looked up at me with a knowing look in her eye. She looked over at Rose who was still busy calibrating the machine. As the ropes reached further up my lags she lent forwards and flicked her tongue over the end of my dick before quickly retreating. This obviously wasn’t supposed to be part of the process as she again quickly checked Rose to make sure she didn’t get caught. She didn’t.

Rose finished tapping away on the screen and and slowly walked behind me. She ran her hands up my arms. As with my legs, 2 ropes began to snake and circle around them, starting from my hands, up to my shoulders, then down my back and around my waist and finally resting near my nipples. I was so drawn in by watching them snake around me that it came as a shock when I felt a separate cable running down my butt crack. This one felt different and for good reason as Rose had applied a warm gel to the soft ball on the end. As the ball reached my butthole I felt my cock twitch again. I looked down at my dick hoping for another lick by Milly however she was no longer sitting at my feet and was instead guiding a VR headset down to cover my eyes.

As the room fell dark, the final parts of the machine were moving into place. The vr headset fit perfectly over my eyes creating complete darkness. I felt the floor dissappear beneath my feet as the wires and ropes lifted my off the floor. I felt fully encapsulated and yet completely gree at the same time. I felt the ball flex and more into a shape that easily slid inside my ass and rest on my prostate. Finally, I felt my cock plunge into soft, wet heaven! I guessed it must have been the same contraptions I saw on all the other guy’s thobbing cocks. It felt just like a mouth though and I couldn’t help to think that it could be Milly’s. It took everything in me not to blow my load there and then. The whole experience had mad me so horny!

Then silence.

Completely still as if I was floating in dark space. All the sounds of the room had disappeared and I felt completely alone.

Until the light flickered on within the headset. Before me stood 2 girls, this time both completely naked. Wait?? It was Rose and Milly! They were holding hands and walking towards me. As they reached me, Rose twisted and locked Milly’s neck. Milly looked me straight in the eye as she reached down and grabbed my cock.

“Time for us to have some fun now big boy”

I felt the machine start thrusting at my dick as the image of Milly started jerking me off. I knew it was all a simulation but the longer she pumped, the more I didn’t care…or know anymore. I was in heaven

To be continued….
