Landlord Confessions: Interrupting a 3some [MMF]

The usual boring background bit first: I’m a landlord who owns multiple properties all rented out as student accommodation for the local university. And it’s the fucking best. I have to deal with a lot of shit but on the bright side I’m a 37 year old guy who gets to spend his days surrounded by young hot students who are often grateful when I help fix their problems…

As well as having to constantly fix the million things that somehow manage to go wrong in student houses everyday, one of the main landlord jobs is carrying out inspections to make sure that your properties aren’t being wrecked and to try to catch problems before they go wrong and literally bring the house down.

Despite what some commenters have said on my other posts – I’m actually not an asshole. I schedule my inspections well in advance so everyone knows when to expect me and I NEVER turn up for “surprise inspections” because who the hell wants that in their life?

But no matter how much warning I give or how many reminders I send students nearly always forget. Which is why I’ve walked in of quite a few interesting things over the years!

Zara was a hot ‘alternative’ girl – nose ring, lip ring, tongue piercing, a few tattoos and different brightly coloured hair literally everytime I saw her. She shared one of my houses with five other students.

When I called round for my regular inspection one of the guys answered the door with the usual FUCK WE FORGOT but they were usually a pretty good house so I told him there was no reason to worry. He then went to the kitchen to tidy up a little while I checked the downstairs rooms.

I’m not an asshole so I always knock on any closed door before I go in. I do have to check bedrooms but it’s usually just a pop my head round the door to make sure they haven’t put a hole in the wall or anything. So I made my way around the house checking the rooms and saying hello to everyone who was around. A couple were out but their rooms were fine and there was no issues.

Zara’s room was last and even as I was getting close I could hear there was some action going on inside. It’s not like I’d been quiet going around knocking on doors and saying hello so she must have been really busy not to hear me before now. I also thought it was funny that none of her friends and housemates had bothered to warn her!

At the door it was really obviously sex sounds. Its not like I had my ear to the door or anything – she just wasn’t being quiet. But what surprised me was that it wasn’t just one guy’s voice I could hear inside.

I know I could have left them to it but I’d checked everyone else’s rooms and I’m not allowed favourites. I’d knock and if she asked me to call back later that would be fine. But I did have to knock.

“Hi Zara. It’s *******. Inspection day again. Are you in?”

Stupid question since I’d already heard her but I thought it might make her less embarrassed.

From inside I hear “OH FUCK” and then some hurried whispering. I swear I heard one of the guys say something like ‘shit i was getting close too!’

After about a minute she shouts that I can come in.

I open the door to see her sat upright in her bed, lower half under the covers and upper half covered in what is clearly one of the guy’s tshirts. in bed beside her is a topless guy trying not to look like he’s out of breath. And sat on the end of her bed is another guy wearing a tshirt and what look like are probably HER joggers as they looked stupidly small on him and weren’t hiding that he had an obvious hard on. On a chair on the other side of the room was a pile of the guys clothes.

I tried not to laugh but Zara looked me right in the eye and just said “It’s exactly what it looks like.”

I laughed and told her don’t worry I’d seen much worse. Then I told her the room was fine and I’d see her in a month. I might have also said to have fun when I closed the door.

I hope she did still have fun. She didn’t seem the sort to let an interruption spoil her day!
