You find someone’s anal diary in a room in your home that hasn’t been used in ages. [MF]

*I tried to write this from a neutral perspective so everyone can enjoy it*

You walk upto the dressing table, it was nothing unusual or something that you hadn’t seen before. Polished east asian rosewood with a centrally located mirror and intricate victorian era designs and a stool laced with white silk cloth. The table was decorated with a makeup mirror, a fountain pen, ink pot and some lovely flowers adding a splash of colour. There were two distinct drawers on either side with golden knobs. They were a bit dusty and smudged with use. You couldn’t handle the curiosity and pull out on drawer on the left hand side, and there were just some more makeup stuff and other essentials. A bit disappointed you move on over to the right drawer, it seemed jammed but with enough strength you pull it out, and it reveals a tanned leather cover notebook with some dust settling on the cover.

You slowly take the the journal out and some of the dust flies into the air as the room is illuminated by golden sunlight, some of the dust settling back on your wrists and some particles wandering into your olfactory triggering a sneezing reaction. You slowly open the page and yellowed pages reveal themselves, and on the first page in beautiful black calligraphy were the words written ‘My Anal Journey’ with perfect curves over the A and loop under the y. This just sent your curiosity over the edge and you begin to randomly flip through the pages and you find an entry dated, **October 24th** peculiarly no year was mentioned. As your eyes ran through the page you notice it was a rather short entry with about 6 lines logged in. The diary read,

“If I knew anal would feel so good then I would’ve started way earlier all of my sexual encounters last month have been anal only, no natural (vagina) penetration. I fell my partners are happy with an anal only girl as well. It is the beginning of a new journey”

You looked at the page you were on it was about halfway through what seemed like a 300 page diary. And you were now excited to read what was ahead and decided to read one page a day and experience the journey just like the author had originally experienced a day at a time.

As you are about to keep the diary you notice a cookie box, it was metal with a lock on it and had colourful design elements on it. It was definitely modified by someone. You walk out of the room and walk back to your room, laying in bed, staring at the white ceiling you think hard about who could’ve been the original author of the diary. As far as you knew the room hadn’t been used in ages and from what your parents told you they used to rent it out. The room was full of Victorian era design and artifacts. While the rest of the house was modern and well furnished. You never had an interest in anal, giving or receiving but you do love yourself a good mystery and so you log onto and start logging and compiling information. Internet-folk seem interested in the mystery too.

*Thank you for reading, if you have any feedback, ideas, suggestion please leave a comment or DM me, no chats please!*



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