(QUESTION) Does adding illustrations to erotic literature take away from the story?

Hello all, I was wondering about something.

I am primarily an artist, though I do enjoying writing. I want to spice up an erotic story with some illustrations (which would include the characters appearance) though I have read a lot about illustrations taking away from the reading. In your opinion, would/do drawings take away from your experience in reading erotic stories, or would/do you enjoy them?


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mu3nlp/question_does_adding_illustrations_to_erotic


  1. Pictures equal many words of explanation. I enjoy BDSM stories if they dont involve a lot of pain or rape. But many of the references to bondage devices and positions are beyond my understanding. A picture for reference would help a lot

  2. I really enjoy illustrated erotica but what does break the immersion is when the writer has taken a random piece of art that doesn’t capture the mood or content of the story.

    It also helps if feature rich drawings/paintings are early on, so that we the reader, are helped to see the characters before forming a mental image of them.

    But this of course is a personal preference/response.

  3. I only read erotic literature here so I have never seen illustrations. I also listen instead of reading but my imagination does enough so illustrations would not be needed

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