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New neighbors expressed concern… [FM]

Most of my stories are from before I entered into a monogamous relationship with my boyfriend, however this story is a recent event!

This week I got some new neighbors right next door. I live in a townhouse condo, so we share a wall.

Well last night, by boyfriend came over, and when it came time to get down and dirty, we didn’t make it to my bedroom. I’m normally loud, and we tend to be rough…but in my bedroom, the headboard is bolted to the wall to keep it from slamming against the wall.

The living room couch, though, is not….and I was riding my bf and we were making the couch slam against the wall over and over….so much so that the neighbors came over and knocked on the door to make sure I was ok! I answered with a throw blanket wrapped around my body, and they quickly understood was was going on. We moved to the bedroom after that to finish.

Just a funny moment I wanted to share!



  1. One of the first times I stayed at my bf’s apartment we had a marathon fuck session in the living room, about 30 minutes in there’s a loud bang on the door, and it’s the cops checking to see if the woman is alright. We had to sit and talk to them for like 20 minutes while I was literally just holding a dish towel over my naked sweaty body and my bf had an oven glove in his lap. They lectured us on being nice neighbors, eye fucked me for the whole time, then left.

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