A [f]irst [college][teen][friends][masturbation]

At the corner of Valencia St. and 17th St., between the ice cream shop and the bookstore, a need to push a line, to experience more, seized me. A happy crowd of people shopping the windows filled the street, making their way here and there. And Amanda and I were moving with that crowd when a storefront called out, so I grabbed my best friend by the arm and pulled her into it. It was an adult store. In the corner the shop attendant, who must have been no older than twenty-five, laid down a box and glanced our way. Our eyes met. I froze. But Amanda smiled and politely nodded and soon the attendant responded in the same way. “Let me know if you need any help,” she said. She continued her task, and we ours. We had never been to a sex shop before, but before long curiosity with her well worn boots and sharp eyes knocked any discomfort aside.

Walking slowly around the store, I found plenty of new: it sat on displays of lingerie, it mingled with the familiar on shelves of birth control, and it knocked me on the head when we came upon the BDSM section. Eventually, Amanda and I found ourselves in *our* space in front of a display of vibrators, quietly laughing at the names and shapes and colors of some of them. This space between Amanda and I was not new. This space could form anywhere. Here, we talked about sex and love and boys. In this space we celebrated our triumphs, remembered hard lessons, and usually just laughed. We laughed at ourselves and with each other. Here, we had shared firsts before: Amanda had told me of her first orgasm (she found it playing with herself after the first time she had sex–after her boyfriend had fallen asleep), and I had told her how I had freaked out when I found mine because I squirted a little (it was… confusing). In this space we could be anything, say anything, ask anything without fear. Today, we shared another first.

“This looks like fun,” Amanda said holding what looked like purple lipstick.

Actually, it wasn’t that. Not lipstick, but a tiny, purple, bullet shaped something.

“Is that a… “ I started.

“…vibrator? Yes.” Amanda finished. “But is it a *fun* vibrator?”

I heard the laughter tumbling around in Amanda, but underneath that I detected a bit of well-concealed shyness too. I loved her for this. So I refocused my eyes on Amanda. Her secret smile greeting me–a hungry smile.

“I don’t know. I’ve never used one,” I admitted. “Have you?”

“Not yet,” Amanda answered casually, smiling. “Should we try it?”


Amanda shrugged. This year we could easily walk into each other’s dorms, so we had watched Netflix together, studied together, and slept together pretty regularly. But we hadn’t done this.

“Yes,” I heard myself saying before I had made up my mind.

On the road back we found curiosity accompanying us: she shortened paths and removed obstacles, her golden eyes never losing sight of their quarry. We arrived at the dorms, new vibrator in stow, and found excitement taking over.

New and familiar. Sharp and enthralling. This sense of excitement wasn’t a stranger here. You’d see it in the eyes of my dorm-mates at the start of the semester, you’d hear it messing about when beds became pleasantly full. To me, it had been a great help the day of my first date. Excitement helped me wait till Paul picked me up, giving everything a silver edge of danger, it helped move our conversation, making the ordinary magnificent, and finally, at the end of our date, it showed me a new horizon. I’m sure it wasn’t anything the room hadn’t seen before. And today, again, there was electricity in the air, everything trembled with it just like the day of that date: life was magnificent and a new horizon laid before me.

Excited, we found ourselves in Amanda’s room. Amanda sat at the top of the bed. The vibrator laid to her right, between us. I sat towards the middle, against the wall.

For a moment I wondered how I ended up on this bed. I might have pulled Amanda into the store but she had pulled me here. The blurry part to me was the fluidity of it. There was nothing mechanical in the actions that brought us here, one flowed into the other and we moved smoothly through them, freely but inevitably, like water.

The tide pulled me from my thoughts; I heard a silver laugh; I saw Amanda reach for the vibrator. Not a hint of nervousness, Amanda was twice as hot and, by the fire in her smile, she knew it. She quickly examined the toy. There wasn’t much to it. Just a bit of purple and one button. She pushed the button. The vibrator came alive on her hand and her smile grew. She pushed the button again and again feeling the shifts in vibration. She turned it off and laid the vibrator to her side.

She lowered herself to a more comfortable position. Her cute body wriggling to carve a space on her comforter. She closed her eyes and settled into herself. She breathed deeply, moving her hands across her body. Her smile relaxed, on the lips only.

“Here we go,” Amanda whispered, her voice soft and full of determination.

Amanda unbuttoned her shorts, and lowered them a bit. Her panties were a pastel purple. She spat a bit of saliva onto her right hand and gently applied it to her clit, massaging it in circular motions as she did. She closed her eyes and faced away from me. Her mouth opened a bit.

I could hear cars driving by and the faint sound of techno down the hall. I breathed deeply too; it smelled like her. Clean and flowery, and there was also sex in the scent. It was intoxicating.

I soaked in my friend, my eyes fixed on her. The red brown cinnamon of her skin. The blackness of her hair. The sharp and soft lines of her face. The constellation of freckles on that face. Her small frame and small breasts. The fullness of her lips.

Amanda’s head moved and faced toward me. Her eyes opened, touching mine. Her eyes held mine. For a moment. Trust. They closed again. She faced away from me again.

Amanda’s hand moved between her legs. Her face, not serious but determined, blushed a deeper red. With her other hand she cupped her right breast, gently pinching her nipple. Her breaths grew more labored. The tip of her tongue reached out to moisten her lips.

She paused.

Without opening her eyes, she reached for the vibrator. Amanda began by moving it gently along the folds of her pussy. I could not see it, but then it came on and I heard it.

“Does that feel good?”

“It does,” she answered, a moan escaping from her lips. “Now, a bit faster,” she whispered.

“It feels so nice”

Amanda moaned. Her hips began moving as much as her hand. The movements of her hips and her hands balancing and punctuating each other. With one hand she pulled the skin of pussy tight and with the other she pressed the vibrator against her clit.

“You love having your clit played with don’t you?” I asked.

“MmmHmmm…” she moaned.

“You could do this all day, no?”

“Pretty much,” she answered smiling.

I could too–I thought to myself.

“Oh, my god,” Amanda let out, smiling and laughing. “Fuck”

She continued to moan softly. Her hips moved faster. Her eyes closed. The press of the vibrator became a push. The rhythm of her breathing grew heavy, she breathed deeply trying to find air, but unable to. Her eyebrows raised at the middle end. “Oh yeah,” she moaned. And her hips continued moving back and forth, faster and faster.

I could not move my eyes from her.

A shiver ran through her. Her breathing grew more intense. Another moan escaped her lips, and another.

Her eyebrows lowered, then came together in pleasure. Her mouth opened but made no sound. Her body pushed against the bed. Just a little. Bracing itself.

And she let out a cry of pleasure. Her heart-shaped face wearing a mask of agony. Her body spasmed, curled. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her lids fluttering. And she was beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.

She grinded against the vibrator a few more times, each time more gently and slowly than the last. She breathed deeply, smiling.

Catching my breath, I noticed the golden afternoon light all around us.

Amanda laughed a little. “Your turn,” she said laughing. It was. And I knew exactly what to do.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mthk6r/a_first_collegeteenfriendsmasturbation